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NEWSLETTER ALSFAL #3 March 2010 Cronograma de Congresos de inters

1. 23 al 26 de junio de 2010. Congreso Internacional de Lengua y Literatura. Tema del Congreso: Voces y Letras de Amrica Latina y el Caribe en el Ao del Bicentenario. Facultad de Lenguas. Universidad Nacional de Crdoba. Argentina- Consultas e-mail: bicentenario@fl.unc.edu.ar 2. 18 - 23 July 2010 37 International Systemic Functional Congress Congress Theme:Language Evolving. Language is constantly evolving, whether we consider it from the perspective of its use in practical contexts or as a system. This congress presents an opportunity to learn about, reflect on, and extend SFL's various ways of thinking about language evolving. The focus includes work on text - context relations in a variety of fields, including early language evolution, language development, language education, language revitalization, multimodal relations, multiliteracies, discourse analysis, translation studies, language policy studies and more. We will be joined by researchers, teachers and students working on these topics from around the globe. For information go to url: http://www.worldenglishesvancouver2010.com/index.htm. The Pre-congress Institute will provide the following three courses from Monday, July 12 - Friday, July 16, 2010: 1-An Introductory Course in SFL- taught by Dr. Annabelle Lukin, Macquarie University. 2- Appliable Discourse Analysis. taught jointly by Professor Christian Matthiessen and Dr. Kazu Teruya, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 3- Intonation in the Grammar of English taught by Emeritus Professor Bill Greaves, Glendon College. 3. 9-11 September 2010 FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODALITY IN ENGLISH-ModE4 - Universidad Complutense de Madrid.Departamento de Filologa Inglesa I THEME SESSIONS: There will be four theme sessions at the Conference: (i) The Modality of Intersubjectivity. (ii) Modality in English and Spanish: functional and corpus-based perspectives. (iii) Evidentiality and Modality: Cross-linguistic perspectives. (iv) Modality in the lexical semantics of verbs: opaque complements. Informes en http://www.ucm.es/centros/webs/se5065/

4. 5 - 9 October, 2010. VI ALSFAL Conference will be hosted by the UECE Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics (Center of Humanities - Universidade Estadual do Cear) and held at Ponta Mar Hotel in the capital city of the State of Cear, Fortaleza, in northeastern Brazil. The conference theme is Systemic-functional linguistics and its potential for semiotic-discursive empowerment.

Enlaces de inters
1. Blog Discurso Noticias sobre los estudios del lenguaje en uso, mantenido por Federico Navarro. El objetivo de este blog es condensar la informacin dispersa sobre el Anlisis del Discurso entendido, en sentido amplio, como lenguaje en uso. En particular, est dirigido a la comunidad de lingistas residentes en Latinoamrica y la Pennsula Ibrica que busquen un canal acotado y actualizado diariamente de noticias, enlaces y recursos relevantes. Mediante la subscripcin, se puede recibir un correoe diario con las noticias del da. Invita a los colegas a enviar comentarios y avisos para su divulgacin, publicar reseas de novedades editoriales, crnicas de congresos, traducciones, u opiniones en general. Este blog no responde a ninguna institucin en particular ni cuenta con subvenciones o ayudas para su realizacin. En la url http://discurso.wordpress.com/2009/11/09/valsfal/ pueden encontrarse algunos comentarios sobre la realizacin del V ALSFAL, 2009 , en Mar del Plata. En los Temas y Subdisciplinas tiene un apartado especial sobre Lingstica Sistmico Funcional. (http://discurso.wordpress.com/tag/linguistica-sistemicofuncional/ ). 2. Centre for Multimodal Research. Director.Professor Gunther Kress-The Centre for Multimodal Research (CMR) is a network of scholars at the Institute of Education, coming together to augment and undertake research in multimodality across the IOE. The CMR mission is to generate synergy through collaboration and in this way to contribute to the development of the multimodal research community locally at the IOE, nationally and internationally. Centre Membership

http://www.ioe.ac.uk/staff/FFCP/FFCP_26.html - Email to Sara Gelcich (S.Gelcich@ioe.ac.uk) to request membership for receiving updates on events and activities, become a member of a SIG (special interest group) and propose ideas to the strategic planning group.

-Elsa Ghio Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias - UNL elsaghio@gmail.com


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