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Introibo ad altare Dei. R: Ad Deum qui ltificat juventutem meam. (Beginning of the Traditional Latin Mass) I Will go in to the altar of God! R: To God, Who give joy to my youth!

The Good Youth Secret

From left to right and the top line to bottom: Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati; S. Tarcisium; the American Catholic pro-life Jssica Council and her family; Sta. Maria Goretti; S. Josemaria Escriv in his youth; the little Big Sta. Tereza deTherese of Lisieux; Sta. Bernadete; S. Maximiliano Kolbe; Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano; Fr. Demtrio Gomes celebrating in Carmelo de Montes Claros/MG; Servant of God Carlo Acutis; bottom, Bto. Izidoro Bakanja - o Martyr of the scapular; the brilliant Catholic Writer G. K. Chesterton, still skinny on 1898; the beatiful Bta. Elisabeth da Trindade; S. Domingos Svio; Sta. Gemma Galgani; Lcia, Francisco e Jacinta (shepherds of Fatima); The little Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI); Bta. Alexandrina de Balazar; Fechando, Joseph Sarto (Pope Saint Pio X) in his childhood (very rare photo).

he Blessed Virgin Mary, by the Angels Annunciation (Luke 1, 26-38), received the highest task for a creature, when She still was a teenager. Our Lord taught the teachers in the temple (Luke 2,46) when He was a Child! The religious or marriage vocation is usually perceived very early. The Holy Church, in its history, is full of Young martyrs, saints, virgins, confessors... And we also see several examples of Young people on the Sacred Scripture. You that are reading this catholic booklet is also young, or at least has a young soul. So, has already concluded something? Yes, thats right! God makes to us the call to follow Him, love Him and serve Him from an early age, already in the youth! Well, it is fashionable, year of WYD 2013 in Rio de Janeiro. Weve heard it so much...

There is need to tell something more? Yes, there is still a need to tell the essential: among the various challenges faced by Catholic youth, all of them can be summarized in one: to be sanctified!

Just be sanctified? What do you mean?

Much talk about the evangelization of young people and for the young, but the true evangelization will only be effective with the preaching of Sanctity. A glass can only spill what is full; we can only transmit what we have. The efficacy of the apostolate depends on the inner life with Christ. That is, a life of prayer, love, worship and knowledge of Him. Mortification and self-denial for Him in the pursuit of perfection together with His Mystical Body, the Church of two thousand years!


Without Divine Grace, the Sacraments (Confession and Holy Mass), the virtues (Faith, Hope, and Charity above) and no tune with the Holy Scriptures, the Tradition and Magisterium of the Church, it is infeasible true sanctification and evangelization. You need to be in a deep union with Christ to produce good fruits, otherwise, we can even handstand and ride the circus, but will be an announcement empty of the Truth of the Gospel. An advice to many youth groups: the hype of this groups cant worth without the Catholic doctrine and spirituality.

II To a secularized and anticlerical society:

But, arent you being too radical?

Oh... IF that is what you understand, I say: is that what really converts, the rest doesnt works. The pursuit of a holy life is always seen as radical. But, what about the Crucified? Know, what have conquered so many youth saints in the course of the Church without counting the radicalism of Christ and those who followed Him! What is beautiful and pleasant attracts... Many are attracted by one fashion or another, but only what is a true conquest! We can do a thousand things to attract or distract the Young in the churches, but what will conquer they, in fact, for God, is the Truth of Christ and His Church, of course, of course with the testimony of this, without abandoning the Cross. Looking at the photos of the beginning of this Pugna, ask: What is common among young people that are so different, who lived in different places and times? If we check their lives, we will see the radical love to Christ, in order to dedicate and sacrifice for Him and for the others; worship (zeal) the Blessed Sacrament and the filial devotion to the Virgin Mother of God. Thats the beautiful of Catholicism, thats the secret to the sanctification of youth! III For the Peter Pan syndrome, which makes many teens make things like a little child, even in faith:

Three answers that young catholics will give:

I To a world that trivializes more and more affective relationships:


www.sociedadeapostolado.blogspot.com www.escritoscatolicos.blogspot.com
Editorial director: Joo S. de Oliveira Jnior Orthographic review: Lucas Silva Colaborate with us: Banco do Brasil Agncia: 3209-3 Conta Poupana 10025537-X Nmero de variao: 51 Titular: Joo Soares Oliveira Jnior

Mother of Good Counsel, pray for us.

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