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Roseli Serra ELT Trainer and Consultant Activity


Lesson Planning: This activity was developed for an Intermediate group. It relates to a lesson which focuses on STEREOTYPES. The Simpsons in Brazil. http: www.youtu!e.com watch"v#!hoop$%h&'w Part : 'rainstorm the word !STEREOTYPES(

Part": Be#ore $atching the video ) dictionary wor*: +amiliari,ation- introduction .or review/ of the .new/voca!ulary Pronunciation practice 0hec*ing meaning and understanding of words Part %: &hile $atching the video ) Students read the 1uestions in advance. Teacher chec*s understanding of instructions. SS watch the video and write TR2E or +34SE according to the statements. Part': A#ter $atching the video- +or the 5rd part6 pairs of SS write a!out what is true and what isn(t true a!out 'ra,il6 considering the stereotypes they have seen on The Simpsons7 episode. )BS: This activity was 8ust part of a whole lesson plan a!out stereotypes. It wor*ed well6 SS grasped the voca!ulary6 had the chance to discuss the theme using the target language .T4/ and the four s*ills were practised integratively.

Roseli Serra ELT Trainer and Consultant Activity


9ideo 3ctivity: The Sympsons in 'ra,il Student: ______________________ Group: _____ Teacher __________
PART1:1. Match the word to the correct definition. 1 kid show (n.) 2 loot ( .) " a phone call (n.) $ kidnappers (#.) % soccer (n.) ' an orphan (n.) 7 disappearing (#.) ( ) people who take away a person against the person's will, and negotiate this persons freedom for a huge amount of money. ( ) you make this when you need to talk on the phone with some!ody. ( ) a child that doesnt ha#e any parents. ( ) to steal money. to take money from someone with no permition . ( ) & programs for children to watch. ( 7 ) not !eing seen. ( ) an (merican word for foot!all association.


PART2: 1. *atch the #ideo and afterwards write & (&rue) or + (+alse) for the statements !elow. a) &he ,impsons decide to go to So Paulo on the episode -.lame it on /isa. 0000 !) .art had thought that .ra1ilians speak ,panish !efore he arri#ed. 0000 c) &he hotel staff was a!le to play foot!all during the work. 00000 d) (ll the family en2oyed the !ar!ecue at a restaurant. 0000 e) &he .ra1ilian & 3id show was appropriate for children. 0000 f) /isa was a!le to find 4onaldo at 5arni#al. 0000 g) .art and 6omer fly a hang glider at 5opaca!ana !each. 0000 h) 6omer had enough money to pay his rescue. 0000 i) 6omer got on well with the kidnappers. 000 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) PART3: 2. 7ow, in pairs, write a!out what is true and what isnt true a!out .ra1il, considering the stereotypes that you ha#e seen on &he ,impsons episode.



Roseli Serra ELT Trainer and Consultant Activity


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