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AIDS: The Great Con Trick by David Icke AIDS: The Great Con Trick HIV does NOT

cause Aids. HIV does not cause anything. A staggering state ent given the hy!e and acce!tance by the scienti"ic estab#ish ent and$ through the $ the !ub#ic that the HIV virus is the on#y cause o" Aids. HIV is a %eak virus and does not dis ant#e the i une syste . Nor is Aids !assed on se&ua##y. There are t%o ain ty!es o" virus. 'sing the air!#ane ana#ogy$ you cou#d ca## one o" these virus strains a (!i#ot( virus. It can change the nature o" a ce## and steer it into disease. This usua##y ha!!ens very )uick#y a"ter the virus takes ho#d. Then there is the (!assenger( virus %hich #ives o"" the ce##$ goes a#ong "or the ride$ but never a""ects the ce## to the e&tent that it causes disease. HIV is a !assenger virus* So ho% on earth did it beco e the big boogy an virus o" the %or#d+ The !erson %ho announced that HIV caused Aids %as an A erican$ Doctor ,obert Ga##o. He has since been accused o" !ro"essiona# isconduct$ his test has been e&!osed as "raudu#ent$ and t%o o" his #aboratory e&ecutives have been convicted o" cri ina# o""enses. Tens o" i##ions o" !eo!#e are tested "or HIV antibodies every year and Dr Ga##o$ %ho !atented his (test($ gets a roya#ty "or every one. -uc .ontagnier$ Ga##o/s !artner in the HIV0causes0Aids theory$ has since ad itted in 1232: (HIV is not ca!ab#e o" causing the destruction o" the i une syste %hich is seen in !eo!#e %ith Aids(. Near#y 455 scientists across the %or#d agree %ith hi . So does Dr ,obert 6 7i#ner$ author o" the book /The Dead#y Dece!tion. The 8roo" That Se& And HIV Abso#ute#y Do Not Cause Aids/. Dr 7i#ner even in9ected hi se#" %ith the HIV virus on a te#evision chat sho% in S!ain to su!!ort his c#ai s. Other doctors and authors co e to the sa e conc#usions$ a ong the 8eter Duesberg 8hD and :ohn ;ia ouyiannis 8hD$ in their book$ /Aids: The Good Ne%s Is That HIV Doesn/t Cause It. The <ad Ne%s Is (,ecreationa# Drugs( And .edica# Treat ents -ike A=T Do/. That/s a #ong tit#e$ but it su s u! the situation. 8eo!#e are dying o" Aids because o" the treat ents used to (treat( Aids* It %orks #ike this. No% it is acce!ted by the estab#ish ent and the !eo!#e that HIV causes Aids$ the syste has bui#t this yth into its %ho#e diagnosis and (treat ent(. ;ou go to the doctor and you are to#d your HIV test %as !ositive>!ositive on#y "or the HIV antibodies$ by the %ay$ they don/t actua##y test "or the virus itse#"?. <ecause o" the !ro!aganda$ any !eo!#e a#ready begin to die e otiona##y and enta##y %hen they are to#d they are HIV !ositive. They have been conditioned to be#ieve that death is inevitab#e. The "ear o" death #eads the to acce!t$ o"ten de and$ the hy!ed0u! (treat ents( %hich are su!!osed to sto! Aids occurring. >They don/t.? The ost "a ous is A=T$ !roduced by the 7e##co e organisation$ o%ned$ %ait "or it$ by the ,ocke"e##ers$ one o" the key ani!u#ating "a i#ies in the Ne% 7or#d Order. A=T %as deve#o!ed as an anti0cancer drug to be used in che othera!y$ but it %as "ound to be too to&ic even "or that* A=T/s e""ect in the (treat ent( o" cancer %as to ki## ce##s 0 si !#e as that

0 not 9ust to ki## cancer ce##s $ but to ki## ce##s$ cancerous and hea#thy. The )uestion$ and this is acce!ted even by the edica# estab#ish ent$ %as: %ou#d A=T ki## the cancer ce##s be"ore it had ki##ed so any hea#thy ce##s that it ki##ed the body+ This is the drug used to (treat( HIV. 7hat is its e""ect+ It destroys the i une syste $ so CA'SING Aids. 8eo!#e are dying "ro the treat ent$ not the HIV. Aids is si !#y the breakdo%n o" the i une syste $ "or %hich there are end#ess causes$ none o" the !assed on through se&. That/s another con %hich has ade a "ortune "or condo anu"acturers and created enor ous "ear around the e&!ression o" our se&ua#ity and the re#ease and e&!ansion o" our creative "orce. 7hat has ha!!ened since the Great Aids Con is that no% anyone %ho dies "ro a di inished i une syste is said to have died o" the a## enco !assing ter $ Aids. It is even bui#t into the diagnosis. I" you are HIV !ositive and you die o" tubercu#osis$ !neu onia$ or @4 other unre#ated diseases no% connected by the con en to (Aids($ you are diagnosed as dying o" Aids. I" you are not HIV !ositive and you die o" one o" those diseases you are diagnosed as dying o" that disease$ not Aids. This ani!u#ates the "igures every day to indicate that on#y HIV !ositives die o" Aids. This is a #ie. .any !eo!#e %ho die "ro Aids are not HIV !ositive and the reason that the "igures "or Aids deaths have not soared as !redicted is that the over%he# ing a9ority o" !eo!#e diagnosed HIV !ositive have never deve#o!ed Aids. 7hy+ <ecause HIV has nothing %hatsoever to do %ith Aids. Anything that breaks do%n the i une syste causes Aids and that inc#udes so0ca##ed recreationa# drugs. The vast a9ority o" Aids deaths in the 'nited States invo#ve ho ose&ua#s and this !er!etuates the yth that it has so ething to do %ith se&. <ut ho ose&ua#s in the 'S are a ong the biggest users o" drugs %hich genuine doctors have #inked to Aids. 8rostitutes %ho take drugs o"ten get Aids$ !rostitutes %ho do not take drugs invariab#y do not get Aids. The rise in the Aids "igures in the 'nited States corres!onds !er"ect#y %ith the increase in the use o" drugs 0 ost o" %hich are ade avai#ab#e to !eo!#e on the streets by e#e ents %ithin the 'S Govern ent$ inc#uding <i## C#inton and George <ush. In A"rica$ the breakdo%n o" the i une syste $ no% kno%n as Aids$ is caused by i## hea#th 0 #ack o" good "ood$ c#ean %ater and the genera# e""ects o" !overty. Hae o!hi#iacs do not die "ro HIV0in"ected b#ood$ they die$ as they did be"ore the Aids sca $ "ro a )uirk in their o%n i une syste . Their i une syste #ocks into "oreign !roteins in the in"used b#ood and on rare occasions it can beco e con"used during this !rocess and attack itse#". Their i une syste $ in e""ect$ co its suicide. HIV is irre#evant to that. ;et ho% any !eo!#e today %ho have been diagnosed HIV !ositive are having their #ives b#ighted by the "ear that the sy !to s o" Aids %i## start any o ent+ A=T is the ki##er. There is not a sing#e case o" A=T reversing the sy !to s o" Aids. Ho% can it+ It/s causing the $ "or goodness sake. The Aids industry is no% %orth bi##ions o" !ounds a year and akes an uni aginab#e "ortune "or the drug industry contro##ed by the ,ocke"e##ers and the rest o" the G#oba# 6#ite.

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