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Secret Societies Then & Now Part 3: Characters &


The future is strange and exciting at the same time. A new decade is upon us in 2010. Regardless
of the shift in times or era, the prevailing truth about the Universe remains. The key arsenals of
peace, equality, justice, and the promotion of human dignity among all mankind are crucial precepts
that should be embraced. Time and time after again, we experience a range of emotions. Yet, let
not our emotions lead into bitterness and doubt. Let those emotions spring forth perseverance and
mutual concern for the rights of all people. Constant temptations transpire, but through rational
behavior and inherit common sense in how I conduct myself, I can radical improve the journey in my
life. In our life, we can new history to live out the creed of orderly
righteousness without the scapegoating of humanity. Secret Societies have
linked to the Golden Dawn. Secret Societies have connections with each other spanning
thousands of years. The Rosy Cross is worn by Golden Dawn Imperator David Griffin. The
Golden Dawn is a Masonic organization that was created by Masons in the late 1800's. They
believed that using the Kabbalah, rituals, and other occultism could give them power. Unlike
Masonry, the Golden Dawn accepts women in their order as equals. Some of the Golden
Dawn members praise Horus. The Rosy Cross is apart of the Rosicrucian Order as a logo.
The Rosicrucians are a predecessor to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn had offshoots according to Fritz Springmeier like Stella
Matutina (or the Morning Star. The Morning Star is Lucifer). One of the most famous
member of the Golden Dawn was of course Aleister Crowley (who lived from 1875-
1947). He had many titles like the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Patriarch
Grand Administrator General, 96th degree, Order of Ov Tov, according to Crowley
he was apart of the Scottish Rite, etc. Famous occultists who were high level
Freemasons include Papus or Dr. Gerald Encausse, C. W. Leadbeater, Theodore
Reuss, Friedrich Franz or Anton Mesmer (he was the modern founder of hynotism
or mesmerism)William Wynn Westcott, and others. Interestigng enough the Rites of
Mizraim and Memphis are more occultic and Gnostic than the Scottish Rite. The
Rite of Memphis has over 90 degrees. Griffin said that much of the symbols, titles, and
grades of the Golden Dawn originated from the Rosicrucians. Some researchers believed
that the Rosicrucians battled against the Bavarian Illuminati for converts. The reasons were
that the Illuminati worshipped reason plus loved rationalism (while the Rosicrucians were
more into occultism from alchemy, sorcery, kabalistic magic, astrology, etc.), and the
Rosicurcians joined with the Jesuits. Many Rosicrucians like Igantius Franciscus Franck
[Ignaz Franck] bragged about banishing the Illuminati. This doesn't mean that the Illuminati
were saints. They were wicked people that wanted to use violence if necessary to get rid of
Monarchs and organized religions in order to form their one world state Utopia. The
Rosicrucians in the 1700's had bases in Vienna, Prague, Frankfurt-am-Main, Marburg,
Kassel, Hamburg, Sulzbach, Munich, Regensburg, Augsburg, etc. Some believe that the
Sabbatean/Frankist influence is one the Golden Dawn (via the Kabbalah and the Asiatic
Brethren). Scholem had specifically mentioned the Frankists and Rosicrucians as getting
along well; and though Jews at the time weren’t exactly welcomed into regular Freemasonry,
the Rosicrucians can be expected to have actively sought Jewish initiates, Kabbalistic
Rabbis, Baal Shem and the like. The Frankists followed sexual rituals, hatred of Torah
Judaism, and they allied with the Vatican for protection. Jacob Frank was a known convert
to the Roman Catholic Church. Therefore, there is a Vatican/Frankist link. So, the history of
Secret Societies is much more complex than one realizes.

Al Gore believes in pantheism or that God exists in all life and all things. President Barack Obama
claims to be a Christian, but believes that other religions are in the same path into the same God.
The United Religions worship service include praising Krishna and Buddha. The UR was created by
an Anglican bishop. Dan Brown's book called "The Lost Symbol" promotes human godhood as well.
These people are others try to confuse society to accept compromise and a globalist religious
system. Some want to promote evil as good and vice versa. This is apart of global spirituality. There
is the Mikhail Gorbachev State of the World Conference that came in September 17, 1995. It was a
global event with 500 senior states people, political leaders, spiritual leaders, scientists, intellectuals,
business executives, artists, and youth from 50 nations to try to question values. He promotes
global citizens and a Brain Trust that's global to handle the future of civilization. The elite speakers
and partners in this venture included the elder president George Bush, Carnegie Chairman David
Hamburg, Ted Turner, Maurice Strong ( the New Age head of the UN's 1992 environmental
conference in Rio de Janeiro), and Zbigniew Brzezinski, founder of the Trilateral Commission with
David Rockefeller. Thirteen years later he became a foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama. There
was a Baha'i singer talking about the source of all being, which is the New Age tenet of Hinduism,
Buddhism, Christianity, and other religions believe in the same god. Gorbachev believed in the new
form of democracy where capitalism and socialism are synthesized into new values. This synthesis
ends Biblical absolutes. Notice that Gorbachev was a Communist leader, so his global brain trust is
to fight against Judeo-Christian values and that worldview. Like many other speakers, New Age
author Dr. Deepak Chopra repeated the call for synthesis in his evening plenary speech (in forming
a new paradigm and the new world). Dan Brown promoting Freemasonry and the occult sciences is
one example of this new paradigm being expressed. Some New Agers go to the extreme in desiring
to kill populations as an excuse to promote environmental extremism.

New Agers obsess with experiences and mysticism when we shouldn't. The Lost Symbol, Dan
Brown's latest book includes a dialogue between Robert Langdon (the friendly protagonist) and
Peter Solomon (his older friend and mentor, a respected professor, a 33rd degree Mason and the
Supreme Worshipful Master). The two men are exploring the Masonic signs, symbols, and secrets
hidden in the Washington Monument, an Egyptian obelisk. Notice how God's Word is twisted into
a mystical icon of all religions. The Book lies and says that the Bible and the ancient Mysteries are
the same thing according to Peter. Solomon says in the book that the Bible and the Mysteries are
opposites in that the Mysteries teach that man is God and the Bible teach that God is above man.
Freemasonry teach that the Word was lost and various religious texts talk about it from the Bible to
the Bhagavad-Gita. The book pretty much promotes the idea that man is God. This is similar to
Satan's lie form Genesis 3 saying to Eve that ye shall be as gods after eating the fruit from the tree.
One of the first public celebrities to proclaim this arrogant lie was New Age movie star Shirley
MacLaine. "I am God," she shouted to the world back in the 1980s. Shirley believes that her deeds
are raising consciousness. The Lost Symbol book omitted the swastikas from the House of the
Temple building in Washington, D.C. Why did the book mention Masonic philosopher
Manly P. Hall who wrote that: “the seething energies of Lucifer are in his [the
Mason’s] hands.” Hall’s books can be found in Masonic libraries around the
world, as can Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike who revised the Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry. Pike in this book also praised Lucifer, as he likewise did in his Indo-Aryan Deities
and Worship (remember there’s a connection between the Aryans and swastikas). In addition,
Freemasons often say they seek “more light,” and Pike said Lucifer is the “Light-Bearer.” Most
Masons are unaware of its true intentions or meanings of its terms, as Pike in Morals and Dogma
revealed that those in the blue (lower) degrees are “intentionally misled.”]. Some of these New
Agers are hypocrites. Shirley claims to love the poor, yet some of the speakers in the meeting (back
years ago) eat gourmet meats and elegant desserts (while denying the Third World these items by
the elite). With collectivism, communism, and socialism, it builds up entitlements that forced by the
government (in exchanged for centralized control by the elite). The extremists one side promote the
state as the supreme authority to control individual liberties or in the other end of the spectrum reject
any safety net to assist people in society. Entitlements should be given in society legally by the
government not exploited by the elite. We should help others without forgetting that we should thank
God for our life and his undeserved grace he sent unto his children.

The new world order is a real agenda that has been talked about by world and other political
leaders for many decades. Even John Kerry talked about wanting a new world order after
the Persian Gulf War including ex-NATO commander Admiral Michael Mullen. Tony
Blair, Steny Hoyer, Paul Wolfowitz, and others desire a new world order in the world. H.G.
wrote about a world state and he wrote a book entitled the New World Order. HG Wells
rejected individual nationalism and wanted sovereign states to end. Wells wrote that: “…In
the great struggle to evoke a Westernized world socialism, contemporary governments may
vanish…” Wells admitted that: “…Countless people from maharjas to millionaires
and from pukkha sahibs to pretty ladies, will hate the new world order, be rendered
unhappy by frustration of their passions and ambitions through its advent and will
die protesting against it. When we attempt to estimate its promise we have to bear in
mind the distress of a generation of so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and
graceful-looking people…” H. G. Wells in his book called “A Modern Utopia” from
pg. 67 says that the air dictatorship’s Utopia will be “Bacon’s visionary House of
Saloman.” In other words, Sir Francis Bacon’s vision of the New Atlantis and a world
Utopia has been embrace by H. G. Wells and his ilk spanning centuries.
Secret Societies are real in their existence. The plan of Sir Francis Bacon inspired many
Founding Fathers to create the Masonic location of Washington D.C. Even many U.S.
cities, buildings, monuments, etc. are based on occult/Masonic symbolism. Sir Francis
Bacon was conceiving of the "New World" or North America as being the New Atlantis.
Atlantis is an old myth that Plato recorded in his literature. This story says that the priests
of Isis from ancient Egypt told Solon that Atlantis was destroyed thousands of years ago
(along with the view that ancient Atlantis was highly advanced). Bacon was apart of the
British House of Commons. Ben Jonson was one of Bacon's friends. Jonson was a poet.
Francis Bacon used the mythological icons of Pallas Athena as motivating factors in writing
his literature. Bacon wrote sonnets and was linked to the Rosicrucian Press. The
Invisible College was a group that was inspired by Sir Francis Bacon to promote
science and discovery. Even the Royal Society took influenced from Bacon and was
made up originally of many scientists plus Rosicrucians like Robert Boyle, Robert
Fludd, Ashmore, Wren, etc. The New Atlantis book of Bacon was titled "The Land of the
Rosicrucians." The Mysteries talked about the new Atlantis for years before Bacon was
born. Sir Francis Bacon took a leading role in organizing colonies in Virginia,
Newfoundland, and North Carolina. Numerous British Freemasons and others in the British
Empire agreed with the New Atlantis Utopian plan. In 1635, Bacon's descendants lived in
Virginia. One descendant was named Henry Blount who took then name of Nathaniel
Bacon. Even Bacon's Rebellion in America prefigured the American Revolution. Masons
worked in both sides of the American Revolution in the late 1700's. In Bernard Fay’s
Revolution and Freemasonry—1680-1800, one finds that the Boston Tea Party was
initiated from a tavern known as the “Arms of Freemasonry” or the “Green
Dragon.” The “Green Dragon” was also the name of the esoteric Buddhist society
through which the colony of Tibetan lamas settled in Berlin (1000 corpses of whom
were later found in Nazi uniforms). Hall wrote in The Secret Destiny of America
(1944) that The Order of the Quest symbol is on the cover of Sir Francis Bacon’s The
New Atlantis and that Masonic Grand Master Ben Franklin was a member of that
secret Order. Hall explained that Bacon’s secret society was set up in America
before the middle of the 17th century, and that it was most powerful in Germany,
France, and the Netherlands. Hall praised Lucifer in his The Lost Keys of
Freemasonry back in 1923.


Freemason David Ovason have written literature via his 1999 book entitled, “The Secret
Architecture of our Nation’s Capital” that prove the arcane or occult origin of the design of
Washington, D.C. being influenced by Freemasonry. Pagan icons and other imagery is
found in the Library of Congress, Congress, the Capitol Dome, and other places. Even the
Star from the flag of America looks similar to the Pentagram (the Pentagram with one side
missing is found in the street design of Washington, D.C. This design even has a Satanic
meaning according to 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall). Even numerous
Freemasons undertook the Boston Tea Party of 1773. Ovason write that central
Washington, D.C. has twenty public zodiacs, with Virgo prominent in each one. The
founding of Federal City, as it was previously known, they laying the cornerstones of the
President’s House, in the wing of the Capitol and the foundation stone of the Washington
Monument, all were timed to coincide with the appearance of this astrological figure.
Ovason shows that the White House, Capitol building and Washington Monument form a
strangely imperfect “Federal Triangle” that only makes sense when we realize it identically
resembles a configuration made by the stars – Arcurtus, Spica and Regulus – that bracket
Virgo. What’s strange was that Mason Benjamin Franklin was apart of the Hellfire Club,
which was based in England. The motto of "The Hellfire Group" was, in Latin, "fay ce que
voudrais," or, in English, "Do what you will." They had sex in orgies and made public
sacrifices to Venus and Bacchus. In 1762, the British people were surprised to learn that
their Prime Minister, The Marquis of Bute, along with The Chancellor of the Exchequer,
were members of this same Satanic organization. In 1770, Franklin, Francis Dashwood (or
the founder of the Hellfire Club), and others tried to to make a reconciliation plan with
Great Britain over the rebellious colonies. This didn’t work as the Revolutionary War came
about. This New England or New Atlantis of America overtly broke ties with the UK,
but covertly united with the United Kingdom in promoting globalism and that what
Manly P. Hall wrote the global commonwealth for all of these centuries. It’s easy to
prove this UK-US link more when the Merovingians and the Windsors are related to many
U.S. Presidents even Barack Obama. The ordinate influence of select bloodlines controlling
most of the geopolitics of the world has been expressed by Benjamin Disraeli:

“…Many people are utterly enthralled by the concept of Bloodline

families...although the enthusiasts tend to be divided between those who
think the "Bloodliners" are our hidden saviors and those who regard
them as the secret Satanic rulers of the world. The world is governed by
very different personages from what is imagined…”

-The Sion Revleation p. 291; Benjamin Disraeli, First Prime Minister of England

Washington D.C. (as composed of Masonic, Druid, Greco-Roman, and ancient

Egyptian influences) is the capitol of this so-called New Atlantis. It’s surprising to me
sometimes that for centuries and possibly thousands of years before 1776, America as
it is today in 2010 have been mapped out. Nothing being new under sun is definitely
true as the Scriptures proclaim. HG writes in his “The Shape of Things to Come“
wrote about air power used in Iraq. This is ironic since the elite have used military
scud missiles and helicopters to attack near Iraq in 1991 (during the Persian Gulf
War) and 2003-2010 (in the Iraq War inside of Iraq). Since the early 1900’s, Utopians
desired Iraq to be a new world order base in the Middle East for its resources and its
home to the ancient land of Mesopotamia (and the city of Babylon). The Iraq War of
2003 has been executed by many Jesuit-trained Generals and other political leaders
from Jesuit Georgetown University. Unfortunately, Iraq is under sariah law with
Pentagon support. Anytime, you have a religious theocratic state or an atheistic
dictatorial state, you‘re going to have feudalism, oppression, religious liberty
suppression ironically, and other evils. That‘s apart of human history. Since the so-
called “New Atlantis” was created, the Anglo-American Masonic network has been
involved in wars, destruction, terrorism, and other means of evil to try to control
global systems for centuries. President George H. W. Bush blatantly advanced the agenda
of the new world order in his State of the Union Address. In that speech, Bush Sr. wanted
Europe to be whole and “free.” The European Union came up after he made that speech.
People in the 1990’s debated on the composition of the new world order whether this order
will be univocal world or not. The one world philosophy is still promoted heavily in
globalist circles to this very day. Of course, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and the
Bilderberg Group promote globalization. The Freemason Cecil Rhodes worked in Round
Table groups (or British elite groups that can penetrate governments, media, and education,
etc. in order to promote internationalism) that inspired the creation of the CFR (whose
head is Richard Haas. The CFR isn’t that powerful anymore, but learning
about the CFR is important to learn about how geo-politics are worked in
the world. The CFR issue policy papers in advising governments including
the USA. Some of these policies are enacted in USA society) and like minded
groups. Rhodes desired a British world government system by his own words. Members of
these groups dominate the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller Foundations. The failed League
of Nations was the prototype of the United Nations that existed in 1945. Woodrow Wilson
supported the League of Nations, but the Senate didn’t ratify it (since it was Utopian). The
U.N. was created on Rockefeller land in order to handle world disputes. The catch was that
the G-8 nations not the Group of 77 or Third World countries don’t control the major
decision making processes of the United Nations. The global governance plan has been
advanced by world leaders as well. It isn’t just a political conspiracy for globalism, but this
conspiracy is influenced by the occult world too. In his book `Terrorism & The Illuminati`,
Canadian author, David Livingstone's own investigations revealed that the Lucis Trust is
run through an international board of trustees, whose membership is said to have included:
John D. Rockefeller, Norman Cousins, Robert S. McNamara, Thomas Watson, Jr. of
IBM, and former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow, Henry Clauson, a Grand Commander
of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite, and Henry
Kissinger, thus tying Bailey's organization into the various Round Table groups,
including the CFR, the Bilderberger group, and the Trilateral Commission. Today,
some of these people have passed away like McNamara, but the Lucis Trust still have
corporate ties to big business & the United Nations to this very day. The Lucis Trust
promote the New Age movement that is so embraced by industrialists, celebrities,
politicians, anti-religious activists, and a wide spectrum of individuals. In Secret Societies
and the global elite, they act as a pyramid. A pyramid is a 3 dimensional triangular solid.
The top of the pyramid are the real rulers with total knowledge of the plans for globalism
while the lower levels in this pyramid system are ignorant of all of the plans of the new
world order.

Abortion is an important issue to expose too. The film "Blood Money" is an

important pro-life film. It is informative and a gripping documentary. The film
featured many pro-life leaders. They include Dr. Alveda King (who is the niece of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I don‘t agree with her allying with Glen Beck), former
abortion facility owner Carol Everett, Joe Schneidler, Norma McCorvey, etc. It gives
testimonies from post-abortive women. Their stories are serious. One woman said
that she experienced a late term abortion from the late George Tiller. Another
woman said that she recounts having to tell her young daughter that she had an
older sister. She was in tears. She was told by her mother about the abortion, her
daughter's face took an expression of fear according to her mother. There are little
graphic abortion photos. There is a brief scene showing a Face the Truth Tour.
Yet, the graphic images are blurred by the camera. The filmmaker didn't want to
make these images shown in the documentary, because that is their choice. The
film doesn’t sanitize abortion. It shows verbal descriptions of what goes on inside
of an abortion facility. "Blood Money" exposes the link between some
contraception and abortion (and Planned Parenthood's extreme sex education plus
racist agenda. There is nothing wrong with legitimate sexual education though).
The film exposes the truth that science outlines the beauty and uniqueness of
human life in its earliest stages. It shows how abortion on demand became the law
of the land. David K. Kyle is the film's producer, writer, and director. He was
present for the screening. "Blood Money" should be promoted in the pro-life
community just like Life Dynamics' "Maafa 21."

Also, as a man, I don’t disrespect another human being based on any characteristic
publicly or privately. I respect any human being as an equal, but I will expose evil
whenever it shows its head. That’s one essence of being honorable and trustworthy.
This honor existed among our forebears and ancestors through the ages among
numerous backgrounds. Some of them died wherefore, we can experience the fruit of
their labor. They didn’t die in vain, because their sacrifice for freedom existed as an
awe inspiring motivation that can propel us to reject stereotypes, bigotry, and lies (in
order for us to embrace the truth as inhabitants of this Earth). In life, you have every
right to fight against evil.

Charlemagne is the representation of a globalist leader from the past. He was a

Merovingian King of the Franks. His father was Pepin the short. Charlemagne had the
intention to have peace and prosperity. He wanted to convert the pagans in
Europe to Catholicism. The Catholic Church has a monopoly of economic &
religion power in the continent of Europe. Charlemagne formed the First Holy
Roman Empire. So, the theocrat Charlemagne authorized his agents to permit
his goal to come into fruition. He wanted the Pope to rule the European continent.
He was the grandson of Charles Martel. He fought against the Islamic Saracens of
Spain. Charlemagne was crowned by Pope Leo III in 800 A.D. His sarcophagus has the
pagan image of Persephone. The Goddess imagery is found in the Masonic city of
Washington, D.C. Ironically, Adolf Hitler wanted an unified Europe. Charlemagne
allowed more power given in the Vatican. He allowed a Catholic Church to be built in
Reims being a Gothic cathedral. This cathedral popularized the usage of the flying
buttress. Charlemagne wanted literacy to increase in Europe since during the Dark
Ages, a low percentage of Europeans were literate. Most of the literate Europeans were
monks and clergymen. Charlemagne ordered all cathedrals to allow children to write
and learn. The University of Paris soon was formed. The monks back in those days
mainly translated works in Greek and Latin. They create the miniscule or lowercase
lettering to organize the classical works of the ancient Romans and the Greeks. Still,
the Vatican suppressed the reading of books, especially the Bible, in the native tongue
of the Europeans and made edicts that limited what books could or could not be read.
Fundamentally, these evil acts are a clear violation of the freedom of press and the
freedom of speech.

The Masonic Orange Lodge

The Masonic Orange Lodge is a slick group. They are a Hegelian Dialectic in trying to
infiltrate Protestant/Baptist people while using rhetoric that makes it difficult for people to
peacefully send Catholic people the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Orange Order
claims to be Protestant, but they aren't. They are Masonic since real Protestantism oppose
secret oaths and secret proceedings as these things aren't even Biblical. They have
thousands of members in America, the UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.
The Orange Order came in September 21, 1795. This was after the Battle of the Diamond
(where outside the village of Loughgall, Northern Ireland, three men formed the Orange
institution). These men were Freemasons named James Wilson, Dan Winter, and James
Sloan. Also, they were local pub owners. The Battle of the Diamond only lasted 15 minutes
on Dan Winter's public house, which was found in Diamond crossroads. The house was a
gathering house of the local Protestant militia called the "Peep O Day Boys." James Wilson
was an ardent Freemason. Respected Orange historian R.M. Sibbett records, "Wilson was a
member of the Society of Freemasons, which fully qualified him for establishing a new
Order of a secret character." Its members were from all classes in Protestant society. They
swore to support the Reformed Faith and supported the Monarchy of England. They are
Unionist or want the Union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Many Christians
resigned form the order since it has ties to Freemasonry. The Orange Order adopted
ecumenicalism in recent years among its leading clergy. Some of the Orange Order's
senior ministers like Rev. Martin Smyth (former Grand Master) and Rev. Robert
Coulter (a Grand Chaplain) having recently attended ecumenical prayer breakfasts
with the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church. The institution has markedly
moderated its attitude to the Roman Catholic Church. Evangelicals have oppposed
the ritual acts of the Royal Arch Purple and the Royal Black groups in Orange. In the
Loyal Orange institution, there are 2 degrees. Former Orangermen Jackson Blakely
(who said that the Orange group claims to have the light and call people Worshipful
Master), Andrew Evans, and other have spoken out against the Orange group. Many
ex-Orangemen say that the heresy of Anglo-Israelism is common in the Orange group. A
secretive organization like the Orange Lodge is a distraction from presenting the Gospel to
all creation. They criticize Catholicism for addressing their priests as "Father", and not
condemn their own Order's use of the religious titles of 'Worshipful Master', 'Grand Master'
and 'Most Worshipful Sovereign Grand Master?' Jesus said in Matthew 23:9-10 "And call no
man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye
called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ." Some use legitimate disagreements
about Masonry to be bigots and blame Jewish people collectively for evils in the world. One
person is named Knight of Malta Sean-David Morton. He is a personal friend of Coast to
Coast radio talk show host George Norry. The Bible believer Edmond Ronayne was an ex-
Mason (from the Keystone Lodge No. 639 in Chicago as a former Grand Master), who
exposed Masonry and Romanism as Baal worship.
Specialized Mind Control

The secretive Central Intelligence Agency wants documents from an investigative

journalist, even though the writer had earlier obtained them from the CIA itself under
the Freedom of Information Act. This is bizarre indeed since the FOIA allowed the
journalist to get the documents and the CIA want the documents from the journalist.
The author is named H.P. Albarelli Jr. His recently published book is entitled, "A
Terrible Mistkae: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War
Experiments." The book exposes a myriad of CIA drug experiments and exposes a
large number of previously anonymous physicians and business officials who
contracted with the agency. These experiments ended in the deaths of a number of
people including sending people in the hundreds seeking medical help. The book lasts
for about 900 pages. “The caller, an agency official, who identified himself by a name I
was quite familiar with from past requests,” explained Albarelli, “asked if I would be
so kind as to send by fax two documents my book referenced in its narrative and
footnotes. I suppose I should have been bowled over by the request, but I wasn’t. It
happened once before.” “The crazy thing,” added Albarelli, “is that all of the
requested documents came from my FOI requests to the agency in the early 1990s.”
The documents being requested from Albarelli deal with 2 subjects. One is about
the top CIA document describing a meeting between an official of the Sandoz
Chemical Company and an undercover CIA operator. The documents proves a close
relationship among the firm and the agency. It proves with stunning evidence that
there was a mysterious 1951 outbreak of insanity in a small French town called Pont
St. Espirit. In a covert experiment, the village was waging war without killing people
or destroying property. A related document appears to reveal that famed LSD
inventor, Albert Hoffmann, maintained a close relationship with the CIA. The strange
request by the CIA was made last week to author H.P. Albarelli Jr. The 2nd document
requested reveals intelligence links between one of the criminals who murdered Frank
Olson and the assassination of JFK including a possible working relationship with the
suspected assassins Lee Harvey Oswald. About 7 years ago, there was an Internet
article created by Albaraelli, which is an agency official requested that Albarelli send
the CIA a copy of a top secret report from the CIA's Robert Lashbrook to Dr. Sidney
Gottlieb, who is the director of its Chemical Division. The document concerned a
Pentagon and CIA cover up of the 1963 death of a patient at the New York Psychiatric
Institute. The patient was named Harold Blauer. He was killed by an injected of drugs
administrated under a covert CIA contract. A Terribel Mistake book is published by
TrineDay. TrineDay is an Oregon based company that publish controversial books
that are shunned by mainstream publishers. H.P. Albarelli Jr. written many
groundbreaking newspaper, magazine, and Internet articles. He wrote on the Olson
case, anthrax, Cuba, child abuse, and intelligence matters. His novel the Heap was
published in 2005. More information on A Terrible Mistake can be found at: the site of
www.aterriblemistake.com. We should be careful to reject mind control and any form
of dubious propaganda. One person said that:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the
masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen
mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of
our country... It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old
social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world…” (1928)
Edward Bernays (Called by some the “Father of Public Opinion”).

David Gergen

David Gergen is an elitist person. He was a Bohemian Grover, a CFR member, a

Trilateralist, and allied with the Bilderberg Group. David Gergen have been a
Presidential advisor for numerous Presidents. Gergen has supported the social
change agenda and "shared sacrifice." He now lectures on public service in Harvard
and directs its Center for Public Leadership at the John F. Kennedy School of
Government. Before the 2008 election, he wanted to expand Americorps (from
75,000 to more than 250,000 volunteers). This increased was approved quickly. This
was done under the passage of Barack Obama's National Service Act in the opening
weeks of the Obama administration. In 2007, Gergen also helped push some 70
other groups through the ‘America Forward’ coalition along with a ‘venture
philanthropy fund’ called New Profit, Inc. One of its groups was even founded by
Gen. Colin Powell. Gergen wrote about the City Year in his first visit being
electrifying. He is one of the most vocal proponents of the new wave of social
entrepreneurs. This means that businesses are molded after partnerships between
public and private sectors (not necessary a profit basis motive. Taking a public and
private unity too far in businesses can lead into fascism). So, Gergen wants
privately conceived organization to benefit from government funds. He feels that
the government has all of the money to do this partnership with private
organizations. Gergen wants common sacrifice and New Deal like programs to
begin. City Year claims to want to help communities. The catch is that people are
required to have PT or physical training and other activities that reminiscent of a
paramilitary organization. Even White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in 2006
wants compulsory service to be enacted among the American people (which can
include "jumping jacks"). Groups like City Year and Americorps are ruled by the
DHS even the CNCS (or the Corporation for National and Community Service).
Frank Morales accuses the CNCS of supporting police departments and being
integrated into Homeland Defense efforts (thereby violating Posse Comitatus since
it's illegal to merge the military and the police in handling citizens during
peacetime). City Year supports a global citizen service being one world in outlook.
Gergen wanted the Vietnam generation to come together in a common cause or a
collective sacrifice. In a write-up about City Year, USA Today, recently noted the
rise in service among the largely pro-Obama ‘millennial’ generation. They may
have been inspired by disasters such as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, along with the
added motivation of mandatory programs. Both McCain and Obama spoke in favor
of greater service. Obama reiterated the need for a ‘civilian defense force’, restated
his national service plan and prepared people for an era of sacrifice– including
requirements on fuel emissions, energy efficiency and other "green" measures.
Obama further emphasized the need to get youth involved in service from an early
age. The lesson is that there is nothing wrong with helping others in legitimate
programs. There is a serious problems if this help is done mandatorily violating
individual liberty.

David Gergen is famous for his confrontation with Alex Jones in the 2004 Republican
convention. Alex Jones asked Gergen simple questions about the convention in the beginning
of his interview with Gergen. Later, Alex Jones asked him about the Bohemian and Gergen
became defensive. He was angry at Jones for “crashing” the Bohemian Grove and trespassing.
Alex Jones said that people have the right to know about the Cremation of Care ritual. Gergen
said that it was none of his business if he was at the Cremation of Care ritual. The Cremation
of Care deals with the mock human sacrifice of an human effigy near a 40 feet tall owl
(representing wisdom or the Goddess). This interview proves that the Grove has occultism.
Alex Jones has exposed the Bohemian Grove like many have done before him like Fritz
Springmeier. On the other hand, Alex Jones won’t cover the Jesuits, the Knights of
Malta, the Constantinian Order, the heresies of Romanism & Mormonism, the John
Birch Society (with its links to high level Freemasonry, the CNP, and even the CFR.
According to some people, John Welch was a 32nd Degree Freemason), and especially
the Council on National Policy in a serious way. One founder of the Council on
National Policy is Tim LaHaye who promotes the Left Behind Series (that promotes the
Jesuit-invented pre-trib Rapture doctrine. Even the early church for the 1st 4 centuries
[as Fritz Springmeier, Lisa Ruby, and others have written] the and Bible mentions that
Jesus Christ will come after the Tribulation). Some of these groups accept fascist
ideologies and have ties to real fascists in the past. The real John Birch was a Baptist
missionary to China. Birch was betrayed by Donovan to be murdered by Mao-Tse
Tsung. Alex Jones falsely said that the idol in the Cremation of Care is Molech, but it is
about the Goddess. A high level of Knights of Malta & Pilgrim Society members are in
the inner core of the Bohemian Grove called Mandalay. So, Alex Jones is Alex Jones.
Let‘s leave it at that since the truth is bigger & more potent than Alex Jones‘ ego. Ha ha
ha!!!!!!!!! You know I had to take it there That‘s my M.O. New evidence shows that the
Grove has a Mass or Catholic religious services, people have orgies with prostitutes, and major
political strategies in America are mapped out in some of the meetings residing in the Bohemian

Extra Information on the Vatican/Jesuit connection

Exposing elite groups is a great thing to do. It can educate human beings on their inordinate
influence in the world, so we can't be ignorant of the devices of evil. The Jesuits have a huge role in
world history. The good news is that Patriots and liberty lovers (as represented in the image
above. There is nothing wrong with self defense, strength, protecting the meek, and being
brave in many circumstances of life) opposed the agenda of Romanism for centuries. The
Jesuits came about in the date of August 15, 1534. It's the largest male order of the Catholic
Church. The Jesuits since its inception wanted to crush the Protestant Reformation. Its history has
been filled with wars, corruption, assassinations, infiltration, and other intrigue. Even in the 21st
century, the Jesuits has a big influence in politics, religions, corporations, and universities including
other schools. Some even in the so-called alternative media refuse to delve in this subject matter.
They control some of the most powerful colleges in the world like Georgetown, Boston
College, Fordham, Loyola, John Carroll, Marquette, Creighton, and Regis. The new
film of "A Lamp in the Dark" exposes how the Jesuits tried to have world domination
on behalf of Rome since the late 1500's. As folks realize Pope Benedict XVI published
his economic encyclical in 2009 calling for the creation of a new world economic order.
He visited President Barack Obama as well to be on the same page economically.
Barack is an Ecumenical, so he certainly agrees with the agenda of the Papacy in terms of
economic issues. The Jesuits wanted world domination in their covert meeting in Cheiri,
Italy back in 1825. One Jesuit superior in the meeting said that:

"… we alone possess the art of consolidating governments, since it is our

mission to correct whatever remained imperfect and unfinished in the Middle
Ages …” (Source: “The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order” by Abbate Leone,
pp. 90-91, published in 1848)

That is why is common to see the Vatican ally with Sunni Islamic leaders, Wall Street, and
governments of the world to promote a globalized society. There is more information on the
Ecumenical Movement. After they concluded their private discussions, the Archbishop of England
presented his entourage to the pope, including the Rt. Rev. Christopher Hill, Bishop of Guildford.
Walter Cardinal Kasper joined them too, together with Msgr. Mark Langham, who is the Vatican’s
desk officer for relations with the Anglican Communion. Then, in what many interpreted as a
significant and highly symbolic gesture, Pope Benedict gave the Archbishop of Canterbury a gold
pectoral cross. Afterward, Archbishop Williams had a private lunch with the Father
General of the Jesuits, Adolfo Nicolas, before returning to London. The Archbishop is
the Archbishop of Cantebury, who is known for uniting with the Vatican on a myriad of endeavors.
Rowan revealed, moreover, that Pope Benedict was “extremely enthusiastic” about Phase III of the
Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC). That dialogue began in 1967 with the
establishment of ARCIC. The first phase ended in 1981, while Phase II lasted from 1983 to 2004.
The archbishop said that “informal talks” between Anglican and Roman Catholic representatives
would “set the agenda” for the commission’s long-term work. This is about the unification of the
Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church. That's a disgrace of course.

For over 1,000 years, the Papacy wanted to rule the world. They certainly murdered people
in the process like William Tyndale, the Waldensians, and others. Many of them
contributed to the preservation of the Scriptures that allow people like us to read the Bible
anytime we want to. Erasmus learned the Greek language from the Byzantine
scholars after the Fall of Constantinople via Muslim Turkish people in
1453. Later, Erasmus was invited to teach Greek at Cambridge University. Erasmus
allowed the Receptus Textus to create the basis for the Tyndale Bible, the Coverdale Bible,
and ultimately the King James Bible. Martin Luther used the Erasmus Greek for his
German Bible. It was Venice that gave haven to Ben Chayyim (who was later
born-again in Christ while in that city). Ben Chayyim, who fled to Venice after
Ferdinand and Isabella expelled the Jews from Spain in 1492. There, in
Venice, Ben Chayyim assembled the Hebrew text of the OT that would be the
text for every Reformation Bible in Europe. It would be the text for the Geneva
Bible and later the AV1611. It would be the Old Testament text for Luther's
German Bible. The Jesuits tried to promote modern versions of the Bible to advance
their goals of Ecumenicalism. Unfortunately, some communities like China, Saudi Arabia,
Pakistan, India, etc. violate religious liberty rights by preventing the common people to
read the Scriptures or celebrate their faith as their conscience see fit. The good news is that
tons of real believers in God have expressed their faith in God even in dictatorial countries
(Some of these individuals have died for spreading the Gospel and expressing themselves
against the conventions of oppressive governments. Their deaths are of course evil and
wrong). The freedom of conscience is hated by a lot of Jesuits indeed. I support the God-
given freedom of conscience.

Jesuit info is constantly coming in. It's easy to prove that Freemason Theodore Roosevelt
was pro-Rome. He was an ally of James Cardinal Gibbons. Theodore supported imperialism
and was expanded the agenda of the American Empire. Robert L. Parkinson Jr. is the CEO of
Baxter Labs. He is on the Board of Trustees of the Jesuit Loyola University in Chicago. That
university is owned by the Jesuits. The Jesuits are obviously promote the H1N1 wine flu
paranoia with its dangerous vaccines. The Vatican supports dangerous GMOs as well. Even
the headquarters of the International Fund for Agricultural Development or the IFAD is based
in Rome. The Jesuits know all about the occult as well. One example is how Athanasius
Kircher wrote about the occult centuries ago and he's a Jesuit. He lived in the 1600's and
learned about oriental studies, geology, and medicine. Kircher is compared to fellow Jesuit
Roger Booscovich plus Leonardo da Vinci. Kircher deciphered the Egyptian hieroglyphics
connecting the link between the ancient Egyptian language and the Coptic language (This
was before the European Champollion did translation work on the Egyptian hieroglyphics in
the 19th century). He believed that microorganisms caused plagues. Kircher was banned in
Venice for trying to incite riots for the Jesuits. Kircher is famous for drawing the Kabbalic
tree of life. That is another occult link to the Jesuit Order. There is the CFR link to the
Vatican/Jesuit Empire. CFR Director Charlene Barshefsky was trained at the Catholic
University of America. She was nominated by Jesuit-trained Bill Clinton to serve as a
Deputy US Trade Representative, along with Richard W. Fisher, the head of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas. Fisher joined a bank run by the Harriman Brothers (Both
Skull & Bones Papal Knights of Eulogia) and worked under Robert Roosa, who had links
to the Jesuit cohorts Rockefeller family and worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York. CFR Bosworth is an adviser of the Jesuit-trained President of the Philippines (Gloria
Arroyo) and is a member of the board of International Textile Group, which is run by
Wilbur Ross, who was Jesuit-trained at Xavier High School, had ties to the Rothschild
Family (or the Guardians of the Papal Treasury). There are other CFR Directors and other
leaders with links to the Jesuits and the Vatican too.

One famous Jesuit agent was David Ferrie. He was educated at St. Mary's Seminary. He was
preparing for the priesthood and was educated by the Jesuits. He was trained by Jesuits at St.
Ignatius High School and was the Bishop of the Old Orthodox Catholic Church. He had connections
to Loyola University. He is pictured with military intelligence agent Lee Harvey Oswald. He has been
connected to the New Orleans Mafia don Carlos Marcello. Some researchers accuse him of having
a role in the Kennedy assassination, because Ferrie thought that JFK was too lax on Communism.
Ferrie didn't realize that Communism is a front of the corporate bankers utilized in order to control
much of the Third World (and centralize wealth more since communism isn't about helping the
people. It's about deprive individual liberty while centralizing wealth into a collective, government run
institution). International Communism was funded by the Ford Foundation, the
Rockefeller Foundation, JP Morgan, etc. Ferrie was an anti-Castro militant.
He was a member of the CIA-backed Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front.
Ferrie was an ally of W. Guy Bannister, who was a JBS member, a
Minuteman, and a Scottish Rite Freemason according to some people.
Bannister was apart of the Chicago FBI and was a former agent of the
ONI or the Office of Naval Intelligence. H. L. Hunt was apart of the CNP
and was a Knight of Malta according to Josh Reeves. Ferrie was in the Civil Air
Patrol (Ferrie was involved in the Bay of Pigs operation and was involved in Bannister's anti-Castro
training of people with the CIA), which he used to acquaint himself with young boys and recruit
them. Oswald was in his Civil Air Patrol unit. The Civil Air Patrol was founded by D.H. Byrd, who
also, coincidence I'm sure, owned the Texas School Book Depository at the time of the
assassination. Richard Bartholomew suggested that Byrd knew Ferrie. Hence, Ferrie's Jesuit links
are easy to prove. JFK opposed the Vatican/Jesuit crusade in Vietnam and wanted canon law to not
superior to the U.S. Constitution in America. A "former" Jesuit Ottmar Edenhofer is involved in
promoting the climate change hysteria movement.

It's easy to prove that the Bush family is allied in the Knight of Malta. George H. W. Bush is a
honorary Knight of Malta and Jeb Bush is a high level Knight of Columbus. George W. Bush bow
before the Pope and went into the funeral of John Paul II with his wife. Supreme Court Justice
Samuel Alito is a Knight of Columbus. Bush is also pictured with the high level THE EQUESTRIAN
Secret Societies are real and have been linked to the issue of Solomon's Temple. Sheikh
Raad Salah is the leader of the Northern Wing of the Islamic Movement in Israel. He believes
that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will try to rebuild Solomon's Temple. Salah
stated these views in a conference held by website Islam Online in Doha, Qatar. He believes
that this Temple is a false temple. The Temple could be built in the ruins of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Salah believes that the this is a danger to the Al-Aqsa. He wants the Muslim world to prevent
this from happen. The Jewish Temple was first built by King Solomon in about 3,000 years
ago. It served as the spiritual center of the Hebrew nation and as a place of national
pilgrimage and sacrifice. Serviced by the priestly class (Kohanim) and Levites,
the Temple contained the Seven-Branched Menorah and housed the
golden Holy Ark within a room known as the Holy of Holies. The First
Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians and then it was rebuilt by the
Jewish people. The 2nd Temple was rebuilt under the Persians, and then it was destroyed
by the Romans. Freemasons have supported building a Third Temple as well in Israel. The
Vatican owns a lot of Land in the Holy Land as well especially since 1993. In Biblical
prophecy, the true new Temple will come during the Millennium after the 2nd coming of the
Messiah Yeshua ben Joseph (Jesus Christ).

The Rothschild's coat of arms is very similar to the Coat of Arms of the British SIS or the Secret
Intelligence Service. The SIS is a very powerful European intelligence agency. The Rothschilds are
a very powerful bloodline, but they aren't more powerful than the Pilgrims and the Vatican/Jesuit
network though. The Rothschilds didn't want the Aliyahs in Israel at first and
changed their minds because of financial/political reasons. The 2nd Baron
Rothschild or Walter Rothschilds funded much of the apostate Zionist
movement (which is definitely from sincere Zionists that just wanted to go into Israel
peacefully). The Rothschild family fund the construction of the
Masonic/Illuminist symbol filled Israeli Supreme Court. Now, the MI5's logo
has the All Seeing Eye (in a Capstone) with the crown as logos. Natalie Portman's
great grandmother was a spy for MI5. Another logo of MI5 has a brain under a
crown with the Latin phrase of "Semper Occultus" or Always Secret outlining that
intelligence agencies keep creates like Secret societies. The Rothschilds have
links to the Western intelligence community. For example, Victor Rothschild
working for MI5 in World War 2. The MI6/SIS building has symbolism like it looks
similar to the Tower of Babel (it has a structure looking like a ziggurat as well). It
has a mirror pattern with a symmetrical design as well. Sir Terry Farrell is the
designer of the MI6's ziggurat design. There is a 8 stone pillars in a circle as well.
The Thames House where the MI5 base is located has the archway design looking
similar to the arch pattern in Masonry. It has a keystone too with a caduceus on
the left. There are crests with the figures of Britannia and St. George (its
cross and England's flag looks similar to the Templars). There are twin
pillars and other symbols. In the arch, there is a grid pattern with sun images
on squares. These sun images can represent flowers like roses. The
keystone is famous in Masonic images spanning centuries. Recently, Queen
Elizabeth Knight Shimon Peres. Peres is an Israeli citizen who was Jesuit-trained
and supports the agenda of the Vatican. The Queen is a known Ecumenical also.
Israeli President Shimon Peres was a Knight of the Order of St. Michael and St.
George in November of 2008. Jeanne Dixon admitted that a Jesuit priest named
“Father” Henry taught her Chaldean astrology. So, the Jesuits have been involved
high level occultism for a long time.

I don't agree with Eric Jon Phelps on every issue, but he's right to expose the Jesuit link to
the history of Japan. It's easy to see that the leadership of the Jesuit order had
links with the Communist USSR and the Japanese government in the WWII
era. Even the Soviets and Japan signed the Soviet Japanese Neutrality Agreement in April
1941. This was between the Emperor of Japan Hirohito and Joseph Stalin. The Japanese and
the Soviet Union military suppressed the religious liberty rights of people living in those
areas, especially Christians. Once the mostly Buddhist Japan would ban the Jesuits from
living in their nation and then the Hiroshima bombings came about in 1945. The U.S. built
up the USSR via the Jesuit Georgetown University (and by FDR. He had the Lend-
Lease program. FDR was right before he died in 1944 to oppose imperialism and
make some legitimate economic reforms though). Bretton Woods was used by FDR to
oppose imperialism and promoting nationalism. Keynes was a banker and supported
eugenics. I'm not supporting an eugenicist like Keynes or a extremist like von Hayek
either. Keynes supported just spending money (arbitrarily even if its just sent to low wage
jobs instead of making higher wage jobs more available to the citizenry) without having
concern with creativity and building the standard of living in society. There is nothing
wrong with spending money in a recession, but that's not the only thing you do to escape a
recession out of a trough (along with controlling demand pull inflation). The Yalta
Agreement dealt with the Soviet Union. The more imperialist Cold War policies were
supported by CFR agents Harry Hopkins and W. Averell Harriman. Hitler and Stalin
made a similar Pact in 1939. The Japanese people expelled the Jesuits in 1614. The
person who did it was the Shogun Tokugawa Hidetada (he lived from 1605 to 1623)
under the Christian Expulsion Act of 1614. The English Protestant sea captain William
Adams was in service of the Protestant Dutch. He was a samurai and served as the retired
shogun's confident from 1605-1616. William Adams and the Japanese people stopped an
rebelled there to. After Pierce visit to Japan in 1854, Japan grew into an Imperial Empire.
Emperor Komei resisted attempts to allow Western foreigners into Japan. Eric Jon Phelps
writes that: "...In 1863 Komei issued his “Order to Expel All Barbarians” but was never
enforced by the shogun—as the shogun (the de facto ruler of Japan) was secretly in the
hands of Jesuit Superior General Peter Johannes Beckx (1853-1887). In 1865 the
shogun permits the Jesuits to formally re-enter Japan: for this cooperation, Shogun
Tokugawa Yoshinabo will not be killed by the Order but permitted to resign, never to
advise the emperor again. Two years later, Emperor Komei is given “the poison cup,”
dying at the age of 35...." The Jesuit have big influence in Japan after WWII. After Japan
was destroyed in many locations, the West had an occupation of Japan overtly and now
covertly from 1945 to 2010.

On December 28, 2005 (with some minor word-changes here), Darryl Ebehart wrote about
the Jesuits and Papal Rome in this fashion:

“…Papal Rome (and especially the Jesuit Order from the mid 1500s) tried to bring
England back under papal authority by force and subversion. A number of popes and
European monarchs conspired to assassinate British monarchs, to foment revolutions in the
British Isles, and to actually land foreign troops on British soil. These attempts to bring
England back under the pope’s authority by force reached their zenith in 1588 when the
130-ship Spanish Armada, carrying 20,000 troops, sailed for the British Isles. Pope Sixtus
V had promised Spanish King Phillip II 200,000 crowns the moment the armada sailed,
and another 100,000 crowns when troops were placed on shore in England. Researchers
have examined British, French, and Spanish ‘State papers’ – and Vatican documents, for
this era. These State papers and Vatican documents clearly show Papal Rome’s
involvement not only in the planned invasion of England by the Spanish Armada, but
also in numerous attempts to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I! Sadly, Roman Catholic
writers, editors, and apologists have made, and continue to make, tremendous efforts to
rewrite and revise history and, in the process, whitewash Papal Rome’s and the Jesuit
Order’s frequent involvement in court intrigues, assassinations and attempted
assassinations of heads of State, fomenting of revolutions and wars, infiltration of
governments, orchestration of religious genocide, etc. Fortunately, a number of researchers
and authors, such as Albert Close, have examined various nations’ State papers and/or
actual Vatican documents, which substantiate totally the [sinister and] nefarious activities
of Papal Rome and the Jesuit Order in Britain throughout the past four centuries!…”

*Angus Daniel McDonald (April 14, 1878 – November 15, 1941) was president of the
Southern Pacific Company, the parent company of the Southern Pacific Railroad.
McDonald was apart of the Bohemian Grove and he was a Trustee of Notre Dame. He was
the first baseman of Notre Dame’s baseball team and was the quarterback of the football
there in 1899. He became a Knight of Malta by Pope Pius Xi in 1931. In WWII, the United
States Liberty ship SS Angus McDonald was named in his honor. William Edward Simon
is a famous Knight of Malta (another SMOM is Joseph Brennan. He was the executive
committee of the Emigrant Savings Bank of New York) and leader in the Vatican network.
He was the Assistant United State Attorney. He co-founded William E. Simon & Sons, a
global merchant bank. Simon co-chaired the William E. Simon Foundation. Like
many Knights of Malta, he’s an ally of the Republican party. What’s interesting was
the Simon earned a B.A. from Williams College in 1973. He was admitted to Zeta Psi
fraternity, so the Fraternal network is a big conduit to the elite. William’s
conservative Catholicism influenced his career. Simon tried to be the Republican
candidate for the Governor of California back in 2002. He even makes a pilgrimage to
the cathedral in Lourdes, France every year since he believes in superstitious
mythology. Spiritual head of the Knights of Malta Cardinal Spelmman attempted to
get federal funding for parochial (or Roman Catholic) schools. Eleanor Roosevelt and
even JFK resisted him.

Some folks want to see how the Vatican control much of professional sports. This is
easily proven when you look at their owners. The Baltimore Ravens’ owner is Roman
Catholic Steve Biscotti (He’s on the board of “Catholic Charities”). Jesuit-trained and
Roman Catholic Bill Bidwill owns the Arizona Cardinals. Jesuit trained and Roman
Catholic John Mara owns the NY giants. Roman Catholic John York owns the San
Francisco 49ers. Roman Catholic George Steinbrenner owned the New York Yankees.
Jesuit-trained and Roman Catholic Larry owned Dolan Cleveland Indians. James
Dolan is a Roman Catholic and Jesuit trained who owns the New York Knicks &
Chicago Cubs. Roman Catholic Ed Stefanski is the manager of the Philadelphia 76ers.
Roman Catholic Vince McMahon owns the fictional World Wrestling Entertainment.
Yes, arguably the biggest sheeple distraction is run by a Roman Catholic family, the
McMahons. It's interesting to note that The Undertaker is Roman Catholic as well. The
corporate elite funds the bread and circus atmosphere (in the mainstream sports world, the
music industry, & Hollywood). In the 21st century, some of these highly paid athletes show
hand signs. Aaron Rodgers show the horned hand sign in the air. Some show the Roc-a-
wear hand sign (like Larry Johnson, Jason Kidd, Kobe Bryant, etc. Some of these people
don‘t know what these signs means and others do). You what this leads to right. For ages,
the mocking of real values and God in society is becoming more apparent. Now, it’s
certainly time to be aware of these times, help people, and to fight for the truth. Even the
late Vince Lombardi, James Connolly, Babe Ruth were Knights of Columbus. There is
nothing wrong with doing sports or athletics legitimately. People have a right to express
their physical, spiritual, & mental gifts from God, but sports should not be utilized as a
distraction in our lives.
Other High Level Papal Knighthoods

Jesuits are being exposed greatly. Another group that is more powerful than the
Knights of Malta is called the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.
On June 27, 2007, Archbishop Foley was named by Pope Benedict XVI Pro-Grand
Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Foley was born
in Darby, PA in Fitzgerald-Mercy Hospital. Darby is a suburb of Philadelphia. He
was ordained a priest on May 19, 1962, by Archbishop (later Cardinal) John J. Krol
in the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia. He received his licentiate
degree in Philosophy in 1964 and his doctorate cum laude in 1965 from the University
of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) with a dissertation on "Natural Law, Natural
Right and the Warren Court". In 1966, he received the degree of Master of Science in
Journalism magna cum laude from Columbia University in New York, where he was
president of the student body of the Journalism School and representative on the
University Council. He hold numerous honorary degrees from Catholic Universities
as well, so he's of the elite. He was trained by Jesuits at Saint Joseph's Preparatory
School and Saint Joseph's University. Pierbattista Pizzaballa is a Catholic Custodian of
the Holy Land for the Vatican. So, the EOHSJ is a very powerful group having its flag
being similar to the Jerusalem/Crusaders cross plus being a Georgian flag. Bush's
pastor is a member of the Holy Sepulchre. Boris found out that this order was
influential in Germany as Hitler's Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen (who is a SMOM)
had a role the EOHSJ. Boris wrote that:

"...Having so many knights of the order in German banking is

an important factor in controlling Europe. We all know how
the FED is structured. Now remember that the German Federal
Central Bank boasts of being based on the FED and the
relatively new European Central Bank is proud of being based
on the German system. Franz von Papen was military attaché in
Washington before and during WWI. I wonder if he had
Georgetown and SMOM contact..."

Of course, they claim to be just about charity. the current Grand Prior of the Order
of the Holy Sepulchre is Michel Sabbah, who was the Latin Patriarch & Archbishop of
Jerusalem from 1987-2008 & that the current Latin Patriarch/Archbishop of
Jerusalem, the Jordanian Fouad Twal was quoted as saying eight days before his
accession: “we don’t want to be beggars with a license. I don’t like this. We need a
political horizon…”.It's obvious that Papal agents are in the Israeli and Arabic elite.
Like the Knights of Malta, the Equestrian Order has "permanent status" in the United
Nations. These are the groups in the capstone of the pyramid fulfilling Biblical
prophecy about the Beast. A picture of the a picture of the "Aediculae" of the Holy
Sepulchre in Jerusalem shows the Masonic black and white floor pattern with other
symbolism there. There are JHS letters there as well. The model of the Sepulchre
of the XVII century. In that image of the model we can see the IHS Seal of the
Jesuits and the Five Crosses of the EOHSJ. This proves that the Jesuit order has
influence on the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem organization. A number of Cardinals
who are either members of the Grand Magisterium or of the Lieutenancy of the
OESSH does lend weight to its being of greater bearing then the SMOM within the
world of the Roman Catholic Church, as on the Order of Malta's website's list of the
members of its Government, indeed only the Grand Master Matthew Festing is
accorded the "honour" of being considered one of the Pope's princes, which is usually
accorded to the Pope's Cardinals - in fact the SMOM Grand Master IS considered to be
a Cardinal. In order words, a Grand master is considered a Cardinal in the Vatican.
There has been Constantian Order as well with more power than the Knights of Malta
as well. That is why since 1878, every Prince and Grand Master of the Order of Malta
have been a senior member of the Constantian Order. Many senior officers of the
Order of Malta across the world are members of the Constantinian Order and some
hold official positions within the Grand Magistry of the Constantinian Order“. The
Holy Sepluchre has a very low profile representing its high power. Troy and real
Vatican researchers found out that the Jesuit Order (who are called covertly the
Superior Inconnu or the Unknown Superiors had a role in creating high level
Masonic rites, etc). For example, the Jesuit Kircher discovered the Egyptian
hieroglyphics before Champillion and Cagliostro influenced the development of
the high level Rite of Memphis Mizraim. King Frederick of Germany housed the
Jesuits after their expulsion in the late 1700's. 31 Cardinals at least who are
Constantinians, contrasted with the Order of the Holy Sepulchre's 17 Cardinals. The
Constantinian Order is very powerful like the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. The Holy
Sepulchre has a far more low profile entity & no doubt preferring to remain as such (than
the Knights of Malta). The membership of the Golden Fleece, Order of St Januarius or
Constantinians, which are either exclusively royal & aristocratic or are primarily so. Not to
mention that Papal elite Otto von Habsburg have links to the International Paneuropean
movement and the Mt. Pelerin Society (which have ties to the discredited Austrian
economic philosophy). Also, in the top of the Pyramid of the global elite, you will find high
level occultists. They are in groups like the the Martinists (& the Ordo Templi Orientis).
Memphis-Misraim Rite & Marinists are both senior to the Rosicrucians (including
AMORC & the Societas Rosicruciania). There are many heads of these Knighthoods:

-Grand Master and Papal Prince John Cardinal Foley is the leader of the Order of
the Holy Sepulchre.

-The head of the Spanish branch of the Order of the Golden Fleece is Grand Master
Juan Carlos I King of Spain (He is the head of House of the Bourbon).

-The head of the Austrian branch of the Order of the Golden Fleece is Grand
Master Karl Habsburg-Lothringen. He is the Archduke and Prince of Austria and
the Prince of Hungary. Karl is the head of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine.

-Queen Elizabeth II is the leader of the Order of the Garter and the Chancellor of
Peter Carington.

-The Order of St. Januarius has 2 branch. The Hispano-Neapolitan branch has its
Grand Master named Don Infante Carlos or the Duke of Calabria. The Franco-
Neapolitan branch of the Order of St. Januarius is the Grand Master Prince Carlo,
or the Duke of Castro. Note: The Dukes of Calabria & Castro are the disputing
Heads of the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies).

-The Knights of Malta is ruled by Papal Prince Matthew Cardinal Festing.

-The Order of St. John has 4 major branches in Eureope. The leadership of the
English branch include: "Sovereign" Head: Elizabeth II, Queen of the United
Kingdom [Head of the House of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha a.k.a. Windsor];
Grand Prior, Prince Richard, the Duke of Gloucester [also House of Saxe-Coburg &
Gotha a.k.a. Windsor]. The Dutch branch is ruled by the following: Honorary
Commander: Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands [Head of the House of Orange-
Nassau]. The Swedish branch is headed by: High Protector: Carl XVI Gustav, King
of Sweden [Head of the House of Bernadotte]. The ruler of the German branch is:
Master: Oskar, Prince of Prussia [House of Hohenzollern - although not the Head
of that House, which is Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia].

*The Vatican is still the most powerful religious organization in the world today.
Please also consider these two quotes by Avro Manhattan, taken from his book
Murder in the Vatican (1985):

“The Vatican is a superpower – on a par with the USA and Soviet Russia.
Indeed, since at times it can act as a formulator of the policies of both, it can be
reckoned as the paramount superpower of our times…”
Its adherents, a massive portion of mankind, nearing a billion [Ed. Note: it’s now
over a billion], can be made to operate in every corner of the world. [There are]
sixty million [Roman Catholics] within the USA herself. …Therefore the Vatican is
a superpower in its own right. Indeed, because of its duality as a political and as
a religious center, it can outbid the other two [superpowers].” (Murder in the
Vatican; 1985; Page 5)
Brent Morris and Masonic propagandists

In the 21st century, the new generation of Masonic propagandists are still here. In recent
months, there has been more Masons and their supporters trying to debate me on
Freemasonry. I refute all of the time with sources and logic like usual. One of the most
famous Masonic supporters is named Brent Morris. Morris is a 33rd Degree Honorary
Scottish Rite Freemason. He used many tactics like omitting Masonic quotations,
taking concepts out of context, and distorting historical events in order to
desperately assume that Freemasonry is a wholesome, even holy organization. The
truth is coming out about what Masonry is really is. What Morris and other shills don't
realize is that Freemasonry is not a quaint, holy group or clique. It's a group as admitted
by 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall that has an outward body with an inner, secret
body in it too. This denotes deception and a manipulative outward appearance masking
the truth. All of these years of moral arrogance that Masonry promotes is a problem. When
you remove the phony moral facade of Freemasonry, what you see is the trailblazing
reality of Masonry fruits which include: deception, violent Revolutions, murders, lies, and
an anti-Christian agenda. That's right, Masonry is in opposition to Christian as a Masonic
source proves. In a book, Digest of Masonic Law, on pages 207 through 209 we find a

Masonry teaches in calling a man Worshipful Master, yet the New Testament says call no
man Master and we worship God alone. Masonry have death oaths with assault inflicted on
new members. The Bible says do no violence unto no man and don't swear at all.
Freemasonry believes in Universialism, but there is one absolute truth without compromise.
Freemasonry like Wiccan circles have members saying so mote it be, yet a real person
would just follow God's path without pageantries or ineffective tactics. Now, the Blue
Lodge Masonry is a deliberate hoax especially designed to deceive Masonry's ignorant
masses into believing that they know something about the secrets of Masonry, when in
reality they know nothing whatsoever. Albert Pike expresses this in his book Morals and
Dogma on page 819:

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols
are displayed there to the Initiate, BUT HE IS INTENTIONALLY MISLED BY
ROUND IT BY THE AGES." H. P. Blavatsky wrote in "Isis Unveiled" - Vol. 2 the

"That bastard foundling of Freemasonry, the 'Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,' which is
unrecognized by the Blue Lodges was the enunciation, primarily, of the brain of the Jesuit
Chevalier Ramsay. It was brought by him to England in 1736-38, to aid the cause of the
Catholic Stuarts.”

Freemasonry has been tied to occultism too. As occultist Benjamin Creme states,
"in Freemasonry is embedded the core or the secret heart of the occult
mysteries, wrapped up on number, metaphor, and symbol…” According to
Jim Shaw and Tom McKinney’s “The Deadly Deception: Freemasonry
Exposed by One of Its Top Leaders,” high level Masons do a Maundy
Thursday ceremony where in the Scottish Rite before Easter where Dressed
in long black, hooded robes during this Thursday ceremony, Masons chant:
"We meet this day to commemorate the death of our 'Most Wise and Perfect
Master,' not as inspired or divine, for this is not for us to decide, but as at
least the greatest of the apostles of mankind." This person they are talking about is
Jesus Christ, which is blaspheme since the Bible says that Jesus Christ was God in the
Flesh as found in John 1:1 plainly. Some Masonic propagandist deny this communion
ritual, but high level Masons do have a wine ceremony where they drink wine out of a
human skull. Another deception in Masonic is Religious Universalism or that all
monotheist religions are equivalent to each other (and all valid pathways to Almighty God).
Carl wrote about Masonry that:

“In his private petitions a man may petition God or Jehovah, Allah or
Buddha, Mohammed or Jesus; he may call upon the God of Israel or
the First Great Cause. In the Masonic Lodge he hears petition to the
Great Architect of the Universe, finding his own deity under that name.
A hundred paths may wind upward around a mountain; at the top they
meet”. (Carl H. Claudy, “Introduction to Freemasonry”, p.38).

Ex 33 degree Mason Jim Shaw says in his book, "The Deadly

Deception" page 149: "…The Mason swears to keep the secrets of
another Mason, protecting him even if it requires withholding evidence of
a crime. In some degrees treason and murder are excepted; in other,
higher degrees, there are no exceptions to this promise to cover up the
truth. The obligations, if the Masonic teachings are believed, may
require a Mason to give false testimony, perjure himself or (in the
case of a judge) render a false verdict in order to protect another
Mason. Again, the Bible is quite clear in teaching that we must never lie or
bear false witness, and states that liars will have their part in the Lake of
Fire (Ex. 20:16; Prov. 19:5; Eph. 4:15; Rev. 21:8; et al)…”

The truth is that a real Christian would reject false gods. Bowing before some man calling
himself the Worshipful Master is an affront to the principal of bowing before no man and
believing in no death oaths to swear. A Real Christian can’t be a Mason for these reasons
and more. Masonry in most cases don’t allow members to pray in the name of Jesus Christ,
even by themselves. Albert Pike and Mackey admit to rejecting the name of Jesus in prayer.
Paul warns that believers in Jesus Christ "....be not unequally yoked together with
unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and
what communion has light with darkness?" (II Corinthians 6:14). Deception is in
Masonry and that's the truth. Now, Christopher Hodapp is a bigger liar and deceiver
than Morris in my opinion. The reason is that Hodapp wrote a book filled with half truths
and lies in trying to discredit anyone exposing legitimate conspiracies in human history.
The book's title is "Freemasons for Dummies." I've seen parts of the book before. One of
the major lies of the book is that it denies that any CFR member calls for the new world
order. The fact is that days after 9/11, CFR member Gary Hart called for the new world
order. The CFR was created as a American version of the RIIA. The RIIA existed from the
Roundtable clubs, whose goal was to promote a globalized, pro-Anglo-American system of
goverance in the world. This isn't me writing these words down. Freemason Cecil Rhodes
have called for the British world empire ruling the Earth in a global government system
(Cecil was in the British elite). The book claimed that King Charles I had been
executed in 1641, which anyone could have checked easily and found that it had actually
been in 1649. Even some Freemasons on the Internet have criticized the book as being
limited in its outline of Masonry as a whole. The order of Freemasonry became public in
1717 in London, England. Many authors believe that Masonry has a relationship with the
Druids and it is true that there are similarities between Witchcraft and Masonry (as videos,
books, and other sources prove). "Conspiracy Theories and Secret Societies For Dummies"
is another propaganda book he wrote mocking people who expose the new world order and
real conspiracies in the world. Hodapp fails to see that conspiracies are apart of human
existence form drug running, assassinations, coups, and other events transpiring in
the globe. It isn't extremist nor far reaching in pointing out real conspiracies. Not to
mention that Hodapp, Morris, and other omit how high level Masonic leaders wanted to
control by their own words. Albert Pike was a 33rd Degree Freemason who is praised in
official Masonic publications. Now, in page, 817 of his Morals and Dogma book, Pike
admitted that:

“…the World will soon come to us for its Sovereigns and Pontiffs. We shall constitute the
equilibrium of the Universe, and be rulers over the Masters of the World…” This quote
means that esoteric groups for a very long time wanted to become the world leaders even
some high level Freemasons. Freemasonry is a big instrument that esoterics use to promote
their own Power, yet true Power doesn’t remain in Masonry. Some Masonic like 33rd
Degree French Freemason Domenico Margiotta (in his book called “La Culte de law Nature
dans la Franc-Maconnerie universelle) admitted that Lucifer is praised by some Mason.
True Power comes from Almighty God and not from any one else. Freemasons regularly
colloborate with the Eastern Star. The Eastern Stars even date Masons.

Freemasonry teach the lie that man by himself can achieve salvation via rituals. Mason J.
D. Buck believed in this lie by his own words “…salvation by faith and the vicarious atonement
were not taught as now interpreted, by Jesus, nor are these doctrines taught in the esoteric
scriptures. They are later and ignorant perversions of the original doctrines.” (J. D. Buck, “Mystic
Masonry,” p.57). Mackey believed in the works salvation alone lie too in the following quotation:
"Acacian: a term signifying a Mason who by living in strict obedience to obligations and precepts of
the fraternity is free from sin." (A. Mackey, "Lexicon of Freemasonry, page 16). The Bible is clear

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life." (John

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of
God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Ignaz Trebitsch-Lincoln & WWII

Ignace Trebitsch Lincoln is one of the most mysterious and controversial people in human
history. He lived during the time WWII. He once saved the life of Adolf Hitler despite
being Jewish. Eckart, Roehm, and Hitler talked about Lincoln on being eccentric and Hitler
said that he would offer him sanctuary for saving his life (nothing more). He was born in
Hungary in April 4, 1879. He had so many jobs in the course of his life. He acted as a
Protestant missionary, an Anglican priest, a British member of Parliament for Darlington,
Garmny, a spy, and a Buddhist abbot in China. His real name was Abraham Schwarz or
Moses Pinkeles. He was a petty criminal and fled to London in 1897. He converted to
Protestantism in 1899 on Christmas day. Lincoln acted as a spy for England and Germany
as well. He contacted Fran von Papen in 1915. When, Lincoln went into Germany, he
became an acquaintance of Wolfgang and Erich Ludendorff. Later, in the late 1920's,
Lincoln converted to Buddhism. and became a monk. He worse to the rank of abbot and
established his own monastery in Shanghai. All initiates were required to hand over their
possessions to Abbot Chao Kung,(Ch. 照空 Zhao Kong) as he now called himself, who
also spent his time seducing nuns. During WWII, Lincoln wanted to work with the Nazis to
form a Buddhist network to fight against the remaining influence in the area. SS Colonel
Mesinger (from the Far East), Heinrich Himmler, and Rudolf Hess desired this plan. After
Hess died from the plane crash in May 1941 of Scotland, Hitler stopped the idea. Trebitsch
continued his work for the German and Japanese security services in Shanghai until his
death in 1943. His story proves that international intelligence agencies have worked
together across continents spanning a very long time. He died in October 4, 1943.
Erik Jan Hanussen

In World War Two, controversial subjects were abundant in that time. Erik Hanussen was
an occultist and astrology during the era of Adolf Hitler. Erik Jan Hanussen was a famous
figure in Nazi history. He lived from June 2, 1889 to March 25, 1933. He was a credit
figure in helping Hitler gain power in Germany. He taught Hitler a number of exaggerated
gestures to use in public speaking. These gestures were a tactic in engaging the audience
in more readily accept the false premises that Hitler promoted. He met Hitler back in
1926. He did an astrological chart for Hitler. Erik told Hitler that he must end the evil
hex by someone to go to a butcher’s backyard located in Hitler’s hometown -- at midnight,
on a full moon -- and pull a mandrake out of the ground. A mandrake is a man shaped root
with supposed medicinal properties according to European folklore. This will emit an ear
shattering scream upon being uprooted. Sometime a dog would be sent on a suicide mission
to pull the root while the magician plugged his own ears. Hanussen performed the ritual
himself, and on January 1st of 1933 came to Hitler predicting that he would return to power
on the 30th of that month, "a date roughly equivalent to the pagan sabbat of Oimelc." Of
course, as is known to history, that is exactly what happened. A few weeks later, during a
séance held on February 26, Hanussen predicted that the Communists would make another
attempt at revolution in Germany, one that would begin by setting an important government
building on fire. The next day according to Levenda was the Reichstag building being
burned up. Now, it's been found that the Reichstag was either caused by the Nazis in an
inside job or exploited by the Nazis (using the mentally ill man named Marinus van der
Lubbe, who was convicted and executed by the Nazis) to promote the evil Holocaust. Hitler
went from Chancellor of Germany to the Fuhrer of the Third Reich. Six weeks later,
Hanussen was mysteriously murdered in March 25, 1933. The SA probably killed him in
the outskirts of Berlin since he knew too much information (and was owed too much
money. It's might of occurred since the Nazis discovered his Jewish origin). Erik could of
been competition to Hermann Goring and Joseph Goebbels. He has been accused of being a
charlatan. He was a Czech Jewish person whose original name was Hermann
Steinschneider. Erik was suspected of supported the Nazis in spite of his Jewish ancestry.
He is known as a clairvoyant and proves that the Nazi empire was influenced by the occult
world. The truth is that there is no Master race as the Nazis believed. There is no
scientific proof of a man's ethnicity being correlated with native ability and
character. All people have the same range of geniuses, architects, etc. All humans
are born equal. We judge each person as an individual not by the color of his or her
skin or any physical characteristic whatsoever. This doesn’t mean that we ignore
racism or we deny the right of any people to not be ashamed of their ethnicity,
heritage, or race (as the extremists want. Each of us should promote our own cultural
identity in a legitimate, tolerant fashion). We should never be ashamed of what we
are at all. Being what we are is gift from Almighty God as a representation of
the great diversity of humanity, yet the unity that fully transpires among the
human race. You don’t fight hate with hate against anybody. You fight hate by
understanding, love, and honest communication along with dialogue in order to
develop resolutions in life.
Edward VII

King Edward VII is apart of the Saxe-Coburg Gotha bloodline. He is famous for stirring the
agenda among the Anglo-American elite. He was a Freemason and a famous King of the
United Kingdom. He was one of the most controversial figures in world history. He lived from
November 9 1841 to May 6, 1910. King Edward VII went into Niagara Falls in 1860. he
meet with Henry Wadsworht Longfellow, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Oliver Wendell
Holmes. Edward visited George Washington's bomb in Mount Vernon being
accompanied by President James Buchanan. He stayed in the Buchanan White House
for 3 days. He modernized the British Home Fleet. He made good political relations with
France. Yet, people realized that he had a contentious relationship with his nephew Wilhelm II
of Germany. Edward accused Wilhelm of trying promote a war, but Wilhelm II was just
building his own developmental projects in Germany. I don't agree with the errors of Wilhelm II
though. Wilhelm II did the right thing in opposing the British terrorism against the Boers in the
Boer War. The British placed some of the Boers (even children) in concentration camps during
the conflict. This war was organized by many British Masons & other elites like Cecil Rhodes,
Alfred Milner, and King Edward VII. In that 1866 war, Edward's mother, Queen Victoria,
sympathized with Prussia. But Edward supported Austria, even when Austria was crushed by
Prussia at Königgrätz. In 1866, Edward favored what he called an Anglo-French Entente to
contain Prussia. King Edward VII was a known adulterer who had relations with many women
that weren't his wife. His mistresses include Lillie Langtry, Daisy Countess of Warwick, Lady
Brooke, Mrs. George Keppel, and others too numerous to mention. Edward VII's wife was
Prince Alexandra of the Danish Royal House. According to Flourens, Edward VII used the
1890s Panama scandal to wreck the Gambetta political machine, and then unleashed
the Dreyfus affair in order to break the resistance of the French Army to Clemenceau.
Historians and scholars accuse King Edward VII of agitating WWI with the creation of the
Triple Entente. The Triple Entente was heavily influenced by King Edward. Edward VII worked
with the imperialist Theodore Roosevelt to develop a close US-UK relationship. ``of the two
great branches of the Anglo-Saxon race.'' Teddy wrote back about the need for
``understanding between the English-speaking peoples,'' and discussing his race theories
about ``our stock.'' Teddy wrote to Edward his view that ``the real interests of the English-
speaking peoples are one, alike in the Atlantic and the Pacific.'' Behind, Theodore's back, King
Edward VII called Theodore Roosevelt a semi-savage who gave primitive lunches at Oyster
Bay. King Edward VII wrote racist letters to Theodore Roosevelt in 1904 that both of them
were placed in command of the essence of real culture (which is false). Henry Cabot Lodge
believed in Anglo-Saxon superemacism. Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson
(especially) embraced racist lies. Henry Adams, Henry James, the president of Harvard, and
other cultural heavyweights did the same. These views inspired nativist thought. Nativist is
the bigoted view that nearly no race of people ought to immigrant into America except a
limited few in hatred of even legal immigration.

He had created the war alliance of Britain, France, Russia, and Japan, with support from the
United States, that would take the field in August 1914. Theodore Roosevelt promoted the
USA attack against the people of the Philippines. King Edward VII wanted to isolate Germany,
because Edward VII had paranoia that Germany wanted to strike England to cause a war. In
1907 Greindl added:

``The king of England's visit to the king of Spain is one of the moves in the
campaign to isolate Germany that is being personally directed with as much
perseverance as success by his Majesty King Edward VII.'' (Middlemas, pp.|173-

Wilhelm was falsely viewed by Edward and his allies as just a warmonger. WWI annihilated
people in Germany, France, and other people or nations throughout Europe. This caused the
momentum to create the Russian Revolution that made the Elite-sponsored Communist USSR
a reality for decades. Winston Churchill was King Edward VII's protégé. Winston was a Druid
and a Freemason. He tried his best to promote the British Empire at the end of World War
Two. He promoted the Cold War hysteria too with his Iron Curtain speech.
John Locke & Adam Smith

John Locke is a figure of economic history. He is one of the godfathers of Austrian

Economics. He lived from August 29, 1632 until October 28, 1704. He died when he
was 72 years old. He was born in Wrington, Somsertet England and died in Essex,
England. Locke was a famous philosopher and British empiricist too. Both of his parents
were Puritans. He was right on many issues and wrong on others. Some point to Locke as
inspiring the American Revolution with his ideals, but others view that the Revolution as a
revolutionary shift from political and social issues between British and American values.
Locke was of the establishment in England of course. He was a founding investor in the
Bank of England. This bank was created back in 1694 that funded imperialism. However,
until its 1714 defeat, with the death of Queen Anne, a powerful ``national party''
opposed to imperialism still existed in England. This party rallied around the
political figures of Jonathan Swift and English patriot Robert Harley. Harley's
parliamentary faction launched a series of bold economic and political initiatives,
which directly counter to the imperialist design. They wanted to limited interest rates
to 4%, they wanted to form a Public Accounts Commission of the House of Commons to
investigate corrupt practices of the City of London financial district and its agents in
government, and some want the bank to be under public authority. Some desired these
solutions to give low cost credit to improve farming, construct homes plus factories, and
end the money monopoly of the Bank of England. John Locke disagreed with capping
interest rates as found his 1691 booklet, which was in favor of usury. Locke believed
that no government interference in the economy was a necessity in order for true
economic development to be a reality. In history, this hasn't occurred. He believed that
buying and selling is a source of wealth instead of production. Locke wanted savings to be
cut by 25% of more after the economic crisis of 1695 in England. Locke wasn't a real
representation of American values. Locke's preamble stated: ``that we may avoid
erecting a numerous democracy;'' Locke's ``constitution'' established the eight
lords proprietors as a hereditary nobility, with absolute control over their serfs,
called ``leet-men.'' Also, Locke believed in slavery and British imperialism that
tons of Americans even back in he 1700's strongly opposed both slavery &
imperialism. From 1672-74, Locke served as secretary of King Charles II's Council of
Trade and Foreign Plantations (at the same time profiting from personal investments in
trade with the Bahamas). Locke was heavily opposed by the British National Party. This
National Party opposed imperialism in England. It was again organized around the political
figures of Jonathan Swift and English patriot Robert Harley. Harley's parliamentary faction
launched a series of bold economic and political initiatives directly counter to the
imperialist design. John Locke believed that the government's major purpose was to
maintain personal property, yet government should be bigger than that.

The government should be created by the people not by a select oligarchy. Its role is
multifaceted in contributing to the arts (as promoted to his credit by Benjamin
Franklin. I don't agree with him joining the Hell Fire Club though), science,
economic development, and other realms pertaining to the general welfare of the
people not just the preservation of property. All humans have inalienable rights. These
rights can't be taken away since they derive not from the state, but from the
hand of God. The inalienable rights which the Declaration asserted were the Leibnizian
"right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Locke was so much an oligarch that he
believed in crushing help to the poor, he supported child labor (called the working school
in his mind), and didn't want real education to the young. Locke believe in Aristotle’s
tabula rasa falsehood or the concept that the human mind is just like paper being without
any ideas (and only by experience or by the human senses can human develop their mind).
In other words, Locke argued that man is motivated by the pursuit of pleasure and the
avoidance of pain. Leibniz disagreed with this view since morality among man doesn't
make a man a robot, but a thinking creature with a lot of intrinsic value. Leibniz wrote that
the human soul isn't empty, but can be awaken on numerous occasions. He believed that
the human mind has innate creative power being more skilled than the beasts or animals.
He wrote that since: "...men become more skilled by finding a thousand new
dexterities, whereas deer and hares of the present day do not become more
cunning than those of past time.'' He adds ironically: ``This is why it is so easy for
men to entrap brutes and so easy for simple empirics to make mistakes.'' The
Founding Fathers used Leibniz's views and others to form the Declaration of
Independence. It originally had an indictment of King George III for his promotion of
slavery against black people (that part of the Constitution was eliminated).

Bernard Mandeville promoted laissez faire policies and that vice (plus others evils) were
necessary foundations of a prosperous state, which I don't subscribe to at all. Bernard was
a Dutch doctor who was a suspected member of the Hell Fire Club. Sir Francis Dashwood
once headed the organization. The Hell Fire Club's membership engaged in gluttony,
drunkenness, and orgies and practiced the "Do As Thou Wilt" satanic philosophy that later
inspired Aleister Crowley. Mandeville became a champion of this influential underground
network of upper class hedonists through his poem The Grumbling Hive which was
published in 1705 and it was released again as part of his book The Fable of the Bees in
1714 . Mandeville believed that: "private vice makes public virtue." This is contrary to the
moral principle that you don't mix good and evil to promote virtue. The group Adam
Smith's 1776 "Wealth of Nations" promoted laissez faire economics as well. Smith believed
in a strong national defense, but the work believed that private entrepreneurs can do
almost any commercial transaction that they desired without government interference
whatsoever. Smith's promotion of self interest ignores the commandment of Jesus
Christ of having concern for God first and your fellow human beings second.
The Constitution says that Congress promotes economic growth by regulating
currency, having post offices, having legitimate taxes, and other parts of internal
infrastructure in a country.. So, John Locke & Adam Smith were a slick
deception in not only promoting a faulty economic system, but their doctrines
contradict the American creed of liberty, justice, and true equality for all people.

People already know about the opium wars. This was about the British pushing
recreational drug usage of opium onto the Chinese people. The drugs were used as a means
to promote British imperialism. In midnight of July 1, 1997, Hong Kong was restored
to China from Britain. The remember the event and date very well. I saw the
transfer on ABC News television when I was about to go into the 8th grade of
middle school (after I've finished the 7th grade). The British seizure or Hong Kong
was a big crime of the British Empire. The British Empire took over India, and used India
to flood China with Opium. The British used the Royal Navy to flood China with opium in
order to loot China's resources. Even Ted Koppel once in Nightline admitted that before
1921 that the British Empire was the world's leading drug trafficker in the 19th century.
Abusers with opium can damage their immune system and their body. Ironically, some in
the Royal family used opium from the royal apothecary at Balmoral. It caused higher infant
mortality rates. That is why the Emperor of China in 1729 banned the import of China,
except in small amounts as licensed for medicine. By 1700, a stronger Imperial decree was
issued prohibited both the smoking of opium and it importation. Even Confucianism
condemned strongly the use of drugs like opium. The British Empire have its roots from
the British East India Company (which some believed have influence from the Venetian
bloodlines). The BEIC grew in 1600 and was a spin off of the Levant Company. The
Company traded in India and by 1815 it governed most of India directly or indirectly. It
imposed land taxes in India. Lord Palmerston justified the evil opium wars by promoting
the British demand for "free trade." Bengal was apart of the BEIC's opium monopoly
system. Lord Palmerston and Queen Victoria ruled India in imperialism in the 1800's. The
British Empire adopted Adam Smith's "globalization" extreme laissez faire economy
philosophy. This is contrary to the American System wherefore Henry Carey fought for
projects to build Asia up via railroads. Some feel if Carey's designs were meet, then all of
Asia would develop as dramatically as Japan did. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that
breakthroughs in science and technology can improve human survival and stabilize
population growth. There is not only value in human labor, but human creativity in
order to benefit the whole world economically, morally, politically, and spiritually.
Adam Smith, in his Wealth of Nations, followed this belief, that human behavior was best
ordered by each man following his hedonistic desires to their lawful conclusion. He argued
that opium was a legitimate product, the same as any other commodity, that the objective
laws of the ``invisible hand'' must be allowed to determine all economic activity, and
anything which stood in the way, such as national governments, were an obstacle which
must be removed. Adam Smith of course supported British colonialism. In the other side
of the Left/Right paradigm, Karl Marx supported British colonialism. Man is more than a
political animal as taught by Aristotle. He or she is a functioning being with high
intellectual and great value. Marx called Carey a Russophile for not wanting an alliance with
British Empire. This is shocking stuff, but it proves that Karl Marx was a puppet of
the elite. Marx's supporters claimed that later on in the 1800's, Karl Marx opposed
colonialism and imperialism though. The British Empire supported an extreme form of
globalization that isn't true capitalism, but a promotion of an old oligarchy (or centralizing
wealth and industry into a few hands). Karl Marx wasn't an independent freedom fighter
since his ideology has been promoted for thousands of years by Illuminists. Marx
supported the Opium war and as a racist wrote that the Chinese people had a disposition
for opium. He was racist against his own people (via his book entitled the Jewish N____)
being very satanic. Carey found that the British Empire prevented industrial development
among India, banning exports of machinery from England to India, and refusing to
develop India's rich iron and coal deposits. Along with oppressive taxation, India
suffered economically. Carey describes how in 1813, British ``free trade'' removed
tariffs on cloth imported into India, ``but with the restriction on the export of
machinery and artisans maintained in full force.'' Within twenty years, Indian cloth
manufacturing was completely wiped out. The British invaded China in violation of
China's sovereignty of rejecting the legalization of opium. The first Opium looted
and destroyed the Emperor's Summer Palace from 1856-1860. Later, China had
chaos and warring Taiping and Triad gangs. Sun Yat-sen tried to create a Republic
in the early 1900's, but China wasn't strongly united. So, the lesson here is that
national sovereignty, nationalism, and true economic policies are superior to the
evil policies of Empire & imperialism.

The Volker Fund is named after the libertarian William Volker. He was an German
immigrant who give $10 million to worthy causes. Much of his fortune was given
anonymously to avoid public scrutiny. Many Austrian School and Chicago School leaders
were initially sponsored by the William Volker Fund (they include Friedrich von Hayek,
Ludwig von Mises, Milton Friedman, Murray Rothbard, Aaron Director – and even the
founder of Christian Reconstructionism, Rousas J. Rushdoony). This William Volker Fund
was active from 1932 to 1965. They promoted free market economics. They were key in
developing the modern libertarian movement in the United States. William Volker made
funds to give unto the first Mont Pelerin Society meeting in 1947. Aaron Director was the
famous professor in the University of Chicago Law School that played a central role in
forming the Chicago school of economics. So, this fund promoted the Hegelian dialectic of
conflict between laissez capitalism and socialism and the synthesis is a merging of the 2
extremes. Another level of thinking is that these economics systems have been ruled by
European elites not by Americans. Dominionists (like Howard Phillips, who was apart of
the TCC or the Conservative Caucus. The TCC have tied to the USCWF or the Council
for World Freedom) and other people ironically support the agenda of the William Volker
Fund. The Council for World Freedom is of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL),
a worldwide Fascist network comprised of former Nazis and Nazi collaborators. The U.S.
branch of the World Anti-Communist League was funded by Texas oil billionaires Nelson
Bunker Hunt and Herbert William Hunt. The WACL have ties to the Council on
National Policy as well.

Using solely gold as a currency is wrong on many levels. There is nothing with
using gold for financial purposes, but not as a sole currency in American society. I
definitely opposed the gold currency greatly since late 2009 and now in early 2010.
William Jenning Bryan is famous for saying that: "...You shall not press down upon
the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross
of gold..." Many means of exchange have been successful in the past like salt, tally
sticks, shells, paper, etc. The question is who controls the supply and what he is
doing with it. Inflation and deflation can be radically extreme even if gold was the
currency in a nation. We do know that hyperinflation and too much deflation can be
harmful for the economy since these things can either print too much money with
high interest rates or constrict money so much that poverty is surely to occur. Gold
money have been tied with deflation. The controller of the system or the elite keep
gold scare. Therefore, global gold output is insufficient to keep up with
economic growth, and this can decline the amount of money in circulation
compared to total output of production. The elite control most of the gold of the
money anyway and can receive profits from it in high value if it was the sole
currency in a nation. The Rockefellers even aided Ludwig von Mises when he
came into the U.S. in 1940 with a grant ironically. Some people promote gold as a
means to tie it to the 9/11 truth movement. There is one reality in history that you
can have interest free money plus this have built up the great resources of America
for centuries. Franklin's Colonial Scrip, Washington's Continental (even though
this was inflated into oblivion, if we take the money supply out of the hands of the
bankers, please don't give it to some career politicians) and of course Abe Lincoln's
Greenbacks are examples of this. Lincoln threw 30% interest gold out of the
window plus using interest free Greenback to fund the Union side of the war. Gold
can be a store of value, but it has been exploited by manipulation and it can't be
used to compensate the growth of the whole population. That is why some
independent monetary reform groups want to invest in interest free money now.
Using interest free money on production and other solutions can be done to built
up the economy too.

The exposure of Austrian Economics is bigger than a economic disagreement, but it's a
political disagreement as well. As for the government, Austrians believe that government is
going bad because the essence of government is that it can make no beneficial
improvement in society especially from the federal level. I don't agree with that.
Government has been corrupted by many reasons. One is that private corporate interests
have infiltrated and taken over the government to enact bad policies spanning many years
and decades like the derivatives, etc. Privatization (or allowing select corporations run
completely the resources of a nation) is just as much of a threat in U.S. society as
is totalitarian government. It isn't a coincidence that some in the Austrian
Economic crowd want most if not all welfare plus health care to get cut since some
of them believe in the Malthusian lie that society should not care about those
disadvantaged unless charity or religious organizations alone help them out. The
problem with this argument is that not everyone is religious who is poor and that charity
has a finite reach toward ending poverty. A comprehensive, constructive approach in
alleviating poverty is a much better solution than advancing a limited prescription.
If you want something done, you should reform government not end it. This isn't
socialism since socialism is the government seizing or stealing markets arbitrarily for
control. Ironically, Fabian Socialism was funded by the British global elite back in the early
1900's not to benefit the common man, but to give crumbs to people while giving out
covert authoritarianism at the same time. This is really about allowing the government to
promote the General Welfare of the people. Government was meant to be formed by the
people to enrich the common standard of living among society. Regulation is not
Socialism!! Socialism deals with the government stealing or seizing markets in an
illegitimate fashion that cripples all forms of private enterprise (or the government
controlling all forms of the means of production). I don't agree with that. Derivatives
where banned and made illegal until President Ronald Reagan (maybe forced or pressured)
wrote them into existence again since the early 1980s, which was the first seeds for the
problems we're having now. To make a long story short, economic growth came in the
1940's to the early 1970's that was consistent and upward (in that time the poverty
rate was cut dramatically). The monetarist policy of ending the Bretton Woods System
came about in 1971 via President Richard Nixon. There was the oil embargo that caused
high inflation in the early 1970's, in the late 1970's, and early 1980's. Paul Volker raised the
FED prime rate to 23%. This caused much of the destruction of the industrial base of the
United States. Ronald Reagan was elected, because people were disgusted with Jimmy
Carter's policies. Reagan came in and deregulated services and expanded the deficit. His
supporters like Sean Hannity and Joe Scarborough claimed that he expanded the GDP, but
the poverty rate didn't radically decline in the time span of Reagan's administration. Bill
Clinton had a surplus in the economy (although Clinton made the mistake of passing
NAFTA that contributed to the exporting of jobs overseas without legitimate
compensation to the workers who had their jobs depleted) and George W. Bush expanded
the debt as well. George W. Bush turned Clinton’s surplus into a deficit, he greatly
expanded the military budget, and he first passed the banker bailouts (with little real
assistance to the citizens suffering form economic turmoil). President Barack Obama is
now having his legacy written with bailout law and other laws. According to Webster
Tarpley, the U.S. standard of living declined by 2/3 in the past 4 decades. Wall Street, the
Federal Reserve, and their political puppets are responsible for these economic tribulations
not the poor or most Americans for that matter. The ironic thing is that the Fabian
Socialists and the cartel capitalists have been funded by the same people via the
Rockefeller Foundation. Friedrich von Hayek spoke out against nationalism.
Now, I believe in nationalism and I'm sure Ron Paul agrees with it. So, why are
Austrian economists allying with a man that don't agree with nationalism.
Hayek is a big proponent of Austrian Economics who lives a live long time from 1899 to
1992. He tutored David Rockefeller in the 1930's. Isn't it interesting that the Rockefellers
have influence in the University of Chicago, which is a depository of radical unbridled,
unregulated capitalism. The big picture is that government have been infiltrated by big
corporate interests in order to try to control societies globally.

The Federal Reserve contributed to the financial problems in America. The international
bankers own the 6 major gigantic media companies that dominate the U.S. mainstream
media. The FED hold a huge amount of our debt. Now U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman
Ben Bernanke is warning that the U.S. national debt could balloon to more than 100% of
GDP by the year 2020. U.S. owes money from foreign countries too. The Federal Reserve
is a private entity that can manipulate interest rates in America. Economic abuse caused the
Great Depression too. The Federal Reserve went into more control over the economy
being unelected. There has been high inflation in the 1970's and recently now. Even
Milton Friedman (who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in economics) admitted
in his book "Free to Choose on pg. 254) that: "...Inflation occurs when the quantity
of money rises appreciably more rapidly than [economic] output, and the more
rapid the rise in the quantity of money per unit of output, the greater the rate of
inflation. There is probably no other proposition in economics that is as well
established as this one." So, this means that unlike Austrian School followers, inflation
doesn't equate printing new money. Inflation is when the increase in the money supply
exceeds the increase in economic output. This is an established economic law that even I
knew about. It seems like the economic populist movement is gaining ground. Some
extremists want to call us socialists, but we are not. I and others just moved beyond the
paradigm of Mises and Keynes (who was a eugenicist). John Maynard Keynes
believed in deficit spending into banks at interest. Even FDR disagreed with
Keynes at Bretton Woods (from 1942 to 1944) since Keynes demanded an world
currency called the “Bancor.” Roosevelt wanted a credit system where money is
issued into productive infrastructure. Not to mention that means of production among
the government and private enterprise has been stagnated for over 30 years. That is why
many people want to make free enterprise fair instead of just laissez-faire. Many monetary
reformers want a debt free Greenback style money system. Their names include
Ellen Brown, Richard C. Cook, Byron Dale, Stephen Zarlenga, and the makers of
“The Money Masters” documentary (and the recently-released sequel, “The Secret
of Oz”). There is no god like entity of the free market alone helping the economy out
since the economy is a very complex situation needed a multifaceted approach to create the
necessary reforms (that can increase Real & Potential GDP, lower unemployment,
increase the aggregate demand, increase the aggregate supply, and improve our
standard of living).

Sometimes government intervention (like the Glass-Steagall Act being repealed

1999 that once prevented Wall Street bankers to act as casino gamblers with
their derivatives) and some regulations are needed to build up the country. This
doesn't mean that every regulation is good. The common disinformation mantra is that
Barack Obama is a socialist, Marxist, or a Muslim. He isn't a socialist, a Muslim, or a
Marxist. He is a corporatist or he's allowing money to come into the corporations and just
wish that the corporations & big banks would trickle down the wealth into the hands of
the people. This isn't occurring massively at all. SOCIALISM is WHEN THE
exposed too. Soros is a CFR member and a Bilderberger. He is the founder of the Soros
Fund Management. In 1970 he co-founded the Quantum Fund with Jim Rogers, which
created the bulk of the Soros fortune. " Jim Rogers is in the alternative media circuit.
George Soros is known to speculate against the dollar. Soros promotes China without
calling China to reform its religious liberty and political freedom problems. Schiff
proposes the market should dictate our money supply and interest rates; he
enthusiastically declares "lets crucify humanity on a cross of gold." So, we
shouldn't allow everything in the economy to collapse and follow a false cross of gold like
some fascists do. That's why most of the truth/ patriot radio is not telling many of those
things, because they are into the Austrian School of economics.

Economic information is certainly coming in. I've had a revolutionary change in thinking in
terms of domestic economic affairs indeed. Some people want no control over the
monetary system. Historically, we know that policy have caused recessions, high inflation,
and depressions for centuries in the Earth. Too much governmental control and too little
governmental regulation have been a detriment in any endeavor to improve the economic
situation in the USA. Therefore, a better solution would be economic reforms like auditing
the FED, making Congress regulate our money supply, and resist the urge of the
privatization of all of our economic systems. We shouldn't have select, private bankers
control the FED. Webster Tarpley is right to point out that: "...We must end a
system where unelected, unaccountable cliques of bankers and financiers loyal to
names like Morgan, Rockefeller, and Mellon set interest rates and money supply
behind closed doors, leading to de-industrialization, mass impoverishment, and a
world economic and financial depression of incalculable severity. The Fed helped
cause the crash of 1929, did nothing to stop the banking panic of 1932-33, and is the
main cause of the $1.5 QUADRILLION derivatives crisis which is devastating the
world...." People should get rid of the criminals in government as well. Notice how the
neo cons wanted limited government, except for the military and the prison system. They
feel that the government can't run a post office efficiently, the war machine and the
criminal system run by the government can be run greatly. The truth is that reforming
government and getting rid of corrupt government is better than the anarchist view of
eliminating all forms of government (which will cause chaos and poverty, that some
globalists want to develop a feudal society). I believe that the government existing ought to
do more than just protect property rights or protect liberties of citizens. It has a role to
promote the general welfare of people wherefore the standard of living of humanity is
improved upon. This sense of compassion and expanding the improvement of society in
dealing with housing, education, our health, our education, and our other means of survival
are crucial goals that we should all share.

Now, extremists like GOP agent Senator Gregg of New Hampshire falsely blame poor
people of taking out sub prime mortgages and then defaulting to bring down the banking
system (causing the bailouts). The truth is that derivatives (and synthetic CDOs or
collateralized debt obligations) have a major cause of the financial panic in September of
2008. This brought down Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and AIG, after felling Bear
Stearns in March of the same year. That is why the $1.5 trillion in sub prime mortgages
were dwarfed by the $15 trillion US residential real estate market, to say nothing of the
$1.5 thousand trillion world derivatives bubble. The Republicans act like they are doing a
service by opposing the current financial reform bill, but many of them seem to be opposed
to any meaningful regulation. Likewise, the Democrats refuse to ban synthetic CDOs or
handle the derivatives problem.

We know other controversies with Ron Paul. One of Ron Paul’s Midland County
coordinator for the Ron Paul campaign called Randy Gray. He’s 29 year old resident
of Midland, Michigan. Gray is apart of the KKK, so he’s a racist and shown bigotry
toward other groups of people too like immigrants, etc. He is pictured with Ron Paul.
To be fair, Ron Paul probably doesn’t know that Gray is a racist. Beyond that, the goal
in improving our nation should be to have re-industrialization, economic
modernization, full employment, and rising standards of living for all people. Wealth
is influenced by many factors like the efficiency of producing goods dedicated to
many aims like infrastructure, transportation, and other components. These actions
were a preeminent part and parcel of dedicated leaders like Governor Winthrop of the
Massachusetts Bay Colony that instituted a sovereign currency & advanced industry,
Benjamin Franklin that founded the modern post office system in America, or even
George Washington organizing his infrastructure projects. These are the historical
facts that the extremists (whether they are radical Austrian or Keynesian economists)
don't want you to know. This economic system is apart of the American System that
trail blazed the function of the capabilities residing in our country. In my heart, I
know that much of things in this country are wicked. Sorry, for being politically
incorrect, but it‘s the truth. You get tired of the mundane, repetitive, evil, and
hypocritical culture. Yet, you certainly should fight against the evil in the USA by
doing constructive means.
*P.S. Ron Paul is an unique man. He is right on many issues like being opposed to a draft,
wanting individual liberties, disagreeing with the Patriot Act, and desiring Second
Amendment rights. Yet, I disagree with Ron Paul the most on economic issues.
Paul seems to reject the economic populism that made this American nation
once of the most potent economically viable countries in human history. Of
course, Paul accepts the flawed economic system called Austrian Economics. This
philosophy teaches that most if not all government intervention in the economy is wrong
and that we should have the free markets have supreme authority on economic policies.
It's a distorted and simplistic view since legitimate regulation and real reforms that
sometimes involve government intervention aren't evil. It's purely necessary to build up
the standard of living, our housing, and other components of our domestic atmosphere.
What we have in the economy is the heavy influence of a Wall Street oligarchy. An
oligarchy is a power base that makes a select group of people to control the
majority of power (pertaining to money, wealth, political power, etc.). They allow the
Federal Reserve to be privately run banking system (of a fractional reserve system) that
inflates money and can deflate earning to allow folks to be kicked out of their own homes,
etc. These banking elite are unelected people that isn't even representative of a elected, free
republic. So, the bankers issue public debt to control the government and businesses (in a
monopoly system). Now, the Austrian School doesn't work totally since free markets
alone can't prevent a privately ruled police and armies from oppressing, harming,
and enslaving people. Also, even the privatized Federal Reserve has enacted
corrupt financial policies that Paul ironically oppose. A real policy isn't giving the
corporations the power to run government, but it's giving the people the power to
run the government. Private banking cartels shouldn't run our society at all. Ron
Paul is against mostly the government having the right to promote the general
welfare of the people. Ron Paul is against parts of the 14th Amendment because it
doesn't punish a child for other people's actions. He doesn't want any federal government
policy to help the poor, to help victims of natural disasters, senior citizens, and health care.
Ron Paul wanted all public education banned back in 1988. Ron Paul justifies this view by
saying that the Constitution doesn't allow for this. This is false on many levels. The real
reason that this approach is false is that the Constitution always have provisions in it to
allow Congress to pass laws to make the nation a more perfect union. In other parts of the
Constitution, new laws being created via a forthright process to help people is perfectly
legal and has existed centuries ago. Even Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution
gives the government the right to levy taxes, build roads, have commerce
among the states (plus foreign lands), promote sciences & the arts, etc. So, Ron
Paul doesn't mention that the government has a constitutional right to promote progress,
science, and infrastructure in many arenas. Ron Paul is against meaningful policies to even
regulate environmental corruption. Even if you disagree with man-made global warming,
you should be for environmental protection. He wants to end welfare to stop illegal
immigration, but people will surely be in the streets if that occurs. A better solution is to
offer compassion toward illegal immigrants and offer a real pathway where immigrants are
given citizenship in a flexible, real way (and to allow illegal immigrants to be punished via
fines, etc. before they get an opportunity for citizenship. Our borders should be
protected though. Hence, I want to make that perfectly clear as well). There is a
word for a child born in America (whether their parents are illegal immigrants or not). It’s
called citizen. I don’t believe in splitting families and birthright citizenship is legal and fine
with me.

Paul has a civil rights issue. Ron Paul opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Ron Paul opposes
the Voting Rights Act, he is accused of calling Dr. King slurs, and authored racist
newsletters before. LBJ had sent Sargent Shriver to the South to set up legal clinics which
addressed discrepancies in voting rights, This angered numerous racists down South, and
it had a positive effect in getting black voters registered. Don Black is the founder of
Stormfront, which is a racist site. Don Black is a neo-Nazi that is a major supporter and
campaign contributor of Ron Paul's 2008 Presidential campaign. Ron Paul's views are
similar to Ronald Reagan's opinions. He voted against a resolution to call for the criticism
of genocide of Darfur and he was against the Armenian Genocide Resolution Bill. He
claims to be against foreign interventionism, but he supports business interventionism in
the affairs of Third World nations. He also believes in foreign military intervention in the
war of Afghanistan. Is any form of interventionism evil? The answer to that critical
question is no. Interventionism to coerce a country in evil ends, to force values
immorally unto another people, and to enact unjustified wars is an interventionism that
is wrong. Interventionism to establish peace in the world, to assist nations or people
hurt by war, natural disasters, or any heinous event, trade, and other legitimate aims are
never evil. They are a necessary prescription to make into fruition a more tranquil
Planet that insures some rational stability. So, it's best for me to be independent and not
adhere to the Democrats or the Republicans.
Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger is a controversial figure in world history. Kissinger was an Establishment

agent in the 20th to 21st centuries. He was born in Feurth, Germany on May 27, 1923.
He was Jewish and came into America in 1938 as a refugee from the Nazis. He served in
U.S. Army ironically from 1943 to 1946. This allowed him to gain U.S. citizenship. His
native tongue was German. So, he was placed in a counterintelligence unit. Kissinger is
a darling of Rockefeller, Exxon, and Standard Oil (whose finances aided the Third
Reich). Kissinger has been pictured with Anwar Sadat in Egypt.. After, WWII ended when
he was only 22 years old, he was made the military administrator or the ruler of the
German town of Bernsheim. He was 24 in 1947. In that year, he entered Harvard
University. There, his personal tutor was Professor William Yandell Elliott of the
Government Department. Elliott was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford in the 1920's. He (via
his lecturers and published writings) admired H.G. Wells' Illuminist blueprint for an
Anglo-American world government. Elliot was a racist neo-Confederate who viewed the
U.S. Constitution along with the concept of democracy with veiled contempt. He worked
with the Rockefeller and Harriman families during his decades as a Harvard professor. Elliot
recruited influential figurers like Vietnam hawk McGeorge Bundy, Samuel Huntington (who
was a "Clash of Civilizations" advocate), and "Arc of Crisis" mastermind Zbigniew
Brzezinski. Kissinger graduated from Harvard, summa cum laude, in 1950 and received his
Ph.D. in 1954. In 1951 he was put on the Harvard payroll as the executive director of
Professor Elliot's new Harvard International Seminars. These seminars were founded by the
Rockefellers, the CIA, and the Ford Foundation. They carried members who were young
foreign and domestic diplomats, politicians, and journalists. A year later, Kissinger found
the publication called "Conference." This was done to promote his seminars. $26,000 from
the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation and continued assistance from the Ford Foundation
aided Conference. He worked in Harvard and joined the Council on Foreign Relations in
1955. It was headed by John J. McCloy back then. Kissinger wrote about nuclear affairs in
his book entitled, "Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy." He wrote that he wanted a limited
nuclear war if necessary. Nelson Rockefeller groomed Henry Kissinger to work in politics as
well. He was a Rockefeller puppet for the rest of his life. When President John F. Kennedy
was in office, Kennedy found out that Kissinger was advocating the use of limited nuclear
weapons, (perhaps attempting to test the thesis of his CFR book). This was during the Berlin
crisis and JFK fired Kissinger. Kissinger was a consultant to McGeorge Bundy (the special
assistant for National Security Affairs). Richard Nixon made clear their intention to hire
Kissinger as the National Security Advisor in their new administrations, which is just another
example of how foreign policy of the United States remained outside of the democratic
process and under Establishment control. In his book The Trial of Henry Kissinger,
Christopher Hitchens goes into great detail to reveal the fact that Henry Kissinger was
almost single-handedly responsible for the breakdown of the peace talks in Paris between
North and South Vietnam in 1968. Kissinger wanted a Republican administration since the
Democrats under Hubert Humphrey wanted a peace plank. Kissinger made the South to
back away from peace talks. Every time the North made a concession the Nixon team
urged the South to demand even further concessions, and promised them that a
Nixon administration could achieve more favorable terms for the South if they
would but stall and wait until after the election. When Kissinger was in the Nixon
White House in 1969, he wanted to allow Western domination in the Third World
(even if by military/CIA back coups, eugenics, population control, etc.) and play
China & Russia against each other (so the corporate elite via the Rockefeller Chase
Manhattan Bank can reap monetary benefit from both nations via trade, technology
transfers, etc.). There is more to the history of Richard Nixon too. He worked with
Navy Intelligence at the end of WWII. He allowed the importation of Nazii criminals
into North America via the Gould family estate on Long Island. Among them was
Nicolae Malaxa, whose collaboration with Hermann Goering was apparently no
problem for Nixon, who defended Malaxa's U.S. citizenship. There was a special bill
that was introduced in Congress to secure the citizenship by Senator Pat McCarren of
Nevada. McCarren and Senator Joe McCarthy later introduced legislation to set up
“detention and internment camps” in the U.S. during times of war or national
emergency for “internal security.” Anna Chenault was a Nixon confidant. She headed
the old “China Lobby” that caused the U.S. involved in Korea and Vietname. Her was
husband was named General Claire Chennault. He formed the Flying Tigers in World
War II. He later flew heroin for the CIA from Vietnam as "Air America." Anna once was
on the board of 20th Century FOX back in the early 1980’s.

Some in the Nazi intelligence network, the Anglo-American elite, and others have
collaborated years before, during, and after WWII. The same ideology of the Nazis
and some of them have infiltrated our government in the 1940’s and even today in
2010. The battle against fascism didn’t end in 1945. We fight fascism today.

Kissinger is famous for the support of the illegal attacks in Cambodia. The United States
illegally bombed Cambodia as early as March of 1969 according to Blum's book entitled,
"Killing Hope." The Vietnam War according to Blum described about how China sold several
thousand tons of steel to the US military in South Vietnam to help in the building of Air
Force and Army bases.. What this proved is that China and America had connections for a
long time even in the early 1970's that was military in orientation. The United States
supported General Lon Nol and Sirik Matak of Cambodia when Prince Sihanouk was removed
from power in March 18, 1970 (as he was in a trip in the Soviet Union). On April 30, 1970,
only weeks after the coup, American troops invaded Cambodia to assist General Lon Nol,
and to fight against the Communists that seemed to come from all sides. As Blum records,
the invasion was met with a huge protest from the peace movement in the United States,
and four members of Kissinger's NSC, including the above-mentioned Roger Morris, resigned
in protest. The civil war in Cambodia lead to the dictator Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge.
These actions prolonged the Vietnam War and destroyed Sihanouk's regime in Cambodia.
Ironically, it would be the Vietnamese Communists that would strop Pol Pot's genocide.
Kissinger and others supported the CIA backed coup of Chile in 1971. In 2010, Kissinger is
still alive promoting the new world order overtly as he has done decades ago. Henry
Kissinger is a known friend of CFR Director Maurice Greenberg. Maurice Greenberg is
a notorious international bankers and he served on the Jesuit Georgetown University’s
Center for Strategic and International Studies. Greenberg’s son, Jeffrey, was Jesuit-
trained at Georgetown University. Greenberg was also a crony of Ronald Reagan, the
Knight of Malta and happy member of the Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club. For one
year, Greenberg was an adviser of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, who is a Jesuit-
trained Roman Catholic named Donald Tsang (educated at an all-male Jesuit school
called Wah Yan College). Greenberg is an associate of the Rockefeller family (Jesuit
cohorts) and he was a past Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and Director of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York.

Henry Kissinger gave the go ahead for terrorist attack on U.S. soil in 1976. There are
declassified documents released by the National Security Archive today, former secretary of
State and longtime Bilderberger Henry Kissinger rescinded instructions that would have
prevented one of the worst terrorist attacks on U.S. soil before September 11, 2001 (from
occurring). Kissinger meet with General Augusto Pinochet in June 8, 1976. On September
21, 1976, a car bomb exploded in downtown Washington, D.C. It killed a former minister in
the Chilean Allende government and his assistant and signifying a major terrorist attack the
likes of which had not been experienced on U.S. soil before. The perpetrators were
quickly identified as agents of the Pinochet regime. They were out to assassinate the
figureheads of rival regimes all over the world. As it turns out, the string of attacks
known as the Condor Murders, was apart of a longtime covert operation by several
South American intelligence agencies. It consists of international assassinations of
dissidents and other enemies of fascist dictators. Although, initially instructions were
sent to US ambassadors in South America to warn military leaders of a "series of
international murders" likely to occur word came down from the State Department only 5
days before the incident in Washington. It states that the Secretary Kissinger has instructed
"that no further action be taken on this matter." In other words, Kissinger overruled the first
instruction namely to order the ambassadors to warn the South American heads of state of
likely attacks on their persons, replacing it with the instruction to effectively keep silent
about them and by extension allowing the attack in Washington to move forward
unhindered. The TPR or the Public Record online publication mentions that: "the
instructions effectively ended efforts by senior State Department officials to deliver a
diplomatic demarche, approved by Kissinger only 3 weeks earlier, to express "our deep
concern" over "plans for the assassination of subversives, politicians, and prominent figures
both within the national borders of certain Southern Cone countries and abroad." Aimed at
the heads of state of Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay, the demarche was never delivered
according to the TPR.

According to Peter Kornbluh, author of The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier

on Atrocity and accountability, this latest revelation is “the missing piece of the
historical puzzle on Kissinger’s role in the action, and inaction, of the U.S. government
after learning of Condor assassination plots.” Only 2 years after the assassination of
former Chilean minister Orlando Letelier in Washington, a cable was sent from Robert
White (the U.S. ambassador to Paraguay) to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. This showed a
conversation White had with the chief of Staff of Paraguay's armed forced. During the
interchange, the General had told White that the South American intelligence chiefs were
involved in n Operation Condor. The cable mentioned how: "...“(kept) in touch with one
another through a U.S. Communications installation in the Panama Canal Zone which
cover(ed) all of Latin America..." The Professor of political science at Long Island
University and chief expert on Operation Condor, J. Patrice McSherry sums up the U.S.
involvement in the series of assassinations as follows: "...U.S. military and intelligence
officials supported and collaborated with Condor as a secret partner or sponsor.” That
indeed seems to be the case. Not only does the Anglo-American establishment sponsor
terrorist attacks abroad, it apparently does not shy away from allowing them to proceed
within the U.S. It has been widely suspected that Operation Condor (as the killing spree
has been called) was supervised by the U.S. intelligence services. This is the latest
declassified instruction issued by Kissinger provided definitive proof. Ironically, on
September 11, 2002, Chilean human rights lawyers filed a criminal case against both
Kissinger and Pinochet for their involvement in Operation Condor. The very same day that
the worst terrorist attacks in the history of the United States occurred (it was created in
likewise suspicious circumstances). The attacks were accommodated by the U.S.
intelligence community, and it points to an international conspiracy of geopolitical
strategists, aiming to subdue sovereign nations before absorbing them into an
international syndicate of robber-barons, commonly known as the new world order.

The Baphomet is one of the most occult images in world history. It stirs up emotions,
debates, and criticisms. Some individuals use the image of the Baphomet in
Witchcraft, satanic, and occult groups or rituals to this day. I reject the 2 extreme
views of the Baphomet as it being totally benign or the Baphomet only existed in the
1800's. So, now it's time to give a thorough, accurate view of what the Baphomet really
is all about. Baphomet has a long history. It first appeared in a late 1100's Provencal
poem, which is assumed as corruption of Muhammad. People accused the Knights
Templar of worshipping a Baphomet like idol especially when the Inquisition existed
in Europe. The poem talking about the defeat of the 7th Crusade called Austorc
d'Aorlhac refers to Bafomet. The Knights Templars was suppressed by the order of
Knight Philip IV of France on October 13, 1307. Many French Templars were tortured
into making confessions. The name of Baphomet existed in many of these confessions,
which some believe was the title of an idol of some type that the Templars were
alleged to have worshipped. The description of the object changed from confession to
confession. Some Templars denied any knowledge of it. Others, under torture,
described it as being either a severed head, a cat, or a head with three faces. Joseph
von Hammer-Purgstall (1774-1856) associated a series of carved or engraved figures
found on a number of supposed 13th century Templar artifacts (such as cups, bowls
and coffers) with the Baphometic idol. Many charges were made against the Templars
and many of them were proven false by historians. Some like scholars of Peter
Partner and Malcolm Barber believe that the name of Baphomet was an Old French
corruption of the name of Muhammad. Eliphas Levi popularize the occult
interpretation of the Baphomet image. Levi was a Freemason, an occultist, and he
inspired the literature of Albert Pike. So, Levi was an expert on subjects pertaining to
esoteric matters. Eliphas Levi called himself Zahed. It isn’t a secret that Levi was a
student of magic & the Kabbalah. He wrote books called “The History of Magic” and
“Transcendental Magic.“ In 1854, Levi depicted the Baphomet as a goated head
winged being. He had a torch and has breasts. This image looked similar to the Devil
in early tarot cards. Levi wanted his Baphomet depiction to outline various occult
traditions. He called the image the Goat of Mendes (which is related to the god of
Mendes or the Greek name for Djedet, Egypt). Yet, the Egyptian Mendes was
accurately a ram deity called Banebdjed (literally Ba of the lord of djed, and titled "the
Lord of Mendes"), who was the soul of Osiris. Levi combined the images of the Tarot
of Marseilles Devil card and refigured the ram Banebdjed as a he-goat, further
imagined by him as "copulator in Anep and inseminator in the district of Mendes."
Aleister Crowely depicted the Baphomet as a androgyne being and the hieroglyph of
arcane perfection. The mysterious history of Baphomet is strange, but the Baphomet is
still found in satanic and witchcraft circles to this day. ' These hands of Levi’s
rendition of the Baphomet represent the Hermetic concept. The image represents an
androgynous person as Lucifer/Satan according to some people. Others disagree with
this view. The praise of the occult concept of the hermaphrodite, doubled sexed
being is apart of the occult for thousands of years. The statues of Baal, Mithras,
Aphrodite, and the Hindu’s Siva are pictured as doubled sexed in some of their
statues according to Fritz Springmeier. It also relates to the Jewish Midrash. Rabbi
Samuel-bar-Nachman (third century) says, "Adam when God created him was a man-
woman androgune." Maimonides, a later Jewish scholar also believed this. Many
Freemasons and occultists like 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall use blasphemy
and consider God to be an androgynous being. One hand of the Baphomet figure is
pointing to the moon of Chesed above and one hand is pointing to the Geburah below.
Levi's image has the Baphomet having a Pentagram on its forehead (along with a
lighted torch present). The Pentagram of course has many meaning from the Perfected
Man or the microcosm, Nature, Satanic influence, the travels of Venus within the 8
year cycle, etc. The torch according to Eliphas Levi was the flame of intelligence
between the horns representing the magic light of Lucifer. The abdomen of the
Baphomet has the caduceus symbol (which is a stylized phallic emblem). This refers to
fertility and generation (as Secret Societies worship Nature and have sexual rituals).
Some researchers theorize that the Baphomet is a code for the merging of the Goddess
(aka Diana, Sophia, etc.) with the false god of Lucifer to produce the magical child (or
the Antichrist). The Baphomet is a strange image indeed. The old classical images of
Satan from Pan to Cernunnos have similar attribute to the Baphomet archetype. The
Witchcraft historian Montague Summers suggested that Baphomet was a combination of
the Greek Baphe and Metis, meaning "absorption of knowledge."
I found this out a while ago. One of the secrets of the occult is the promotion of
Jehovah as a god when the word of Jehovah was a Middle Age invention and a pagan
title. It’s been used in black magic and Freemasonry. For example, Albert G. Mackey
of the 33rd Degree (who is a highly respected Masonic authority) wrote in his
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Vol. 1, 1871 that:

“…JEHOVAH is, of all significant words of Masonry, by far the most important. Reghellni
very properly calls it ‘the basis of our dogma and of our mysteries.’…The history of the
introduction of this word into the ritualism of Freemasonry would be highly interesting,
were it not so obscure. Being in almost all respects an esoteric symbol…That this name, in
its mystical use, was not unknown to the Medieval Freemasons there can be no doubt…It is
now conceded, form indisputable evidence, that the holy name was, in the earlier years, and
indeed, up to the middle of the last century, attached to the Third Degree, and then called
the Master’s Word…Third Degree refers to ‘the mystic word, the Tetragrammaton…” E.M.
(an expert of Magic in his book called “Ritual Magic” wrote that Jehovah is a word used in
black magic. This is why C.T. Russell didn’t like the name of Christ so much that he wrote
the word Christmas as X-Mass in his personal letters. Jehovah is invoked in Kabbalah too.

Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich is the quintessential gatekeeper of the conservative movement. He just

like FOX or MSNBC promotes the insidious Left/Right Paradigm. Underneath his
mentions about God, country, and apple pie, lies the same discredited neo-
conservative principles that have been exposed fully throughout history. I’ve written
about him before. Although, in this new generation among Generation Y and
Generation Z, it’s time to write a modernized reality based historical account of
Newt’s past and his present. Nothing is new under the sun, so the same percepts
that Newt embraced have been succinctly followed by human beings thousands of
years ago. Now, Gingrich was born in June 17, 1943 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He
was child of a military family, so they moved into various places. He attended schools
in various military installations. He graduated from Baker High School in Columbus,
Georgia in 1961. He had a B.A. in Emory University in Atlanta during 1961. He
received the M.A. in 1968 in the same University. He had a Ph.D. in modern
European History from Tulane University in New Orleans during 1971. His
dissertation topic in the Ph.D. was titled, "Belgian Education Policy in the Congo:
1945-1960." Back in the 1960’s and early 1970’s, he was a Rockefeller Republican. He
had a Congressional seat by 1978. Newt Gingrich used some Republican money to
win that election. Newt defeated the women candidate and claimed that the female
candidate would leave her family to go to Washington if she won. This was sexist.
Gingrich won the 1978 election also by talking about cutting welfare, talking about the
minimum wage, and talking about big government. Newt had numerous divorces and
committed adultery against his wife during the time he was promoting “family
values” in the 1990’s. He pushed NAFTA, and GATT to be passed. NAFTA destroyed
jobs, shipped American jobs overseas, and harmed the middle class & the poor. NAFTA
was CFR-cultivated and promoted. Newt Gingrich had a paranoia about welfare so
much that he was instrumental in forming the Contract with America and he
supported welfare reform (that sent numerous people out of welfare into lower level
employment jobs. This action didn‘t percolate into real reform, but it showed
real hatred of the constitutional principle of the promoting the general
welfare of the people. The government is created by and for the people after
all). This law caused thousands of people destitute of many backgrounds. Even
Robert Scheer was prompted to write in the San Francisco Chronicle, "…To his
everlasting shame as president, Clinton supported and signed welfare legislation that
shredded the federal safety net for the poor from which he personally had
benefited…" The Contract with America held on to the ideas from the Mont
Pelerin Society and Friedrich von Hayek. In that same decade, he participated in the
impeachment hearings of William Jefferson Clinton, who is a DeMolay Freemason. These
hearings dealt with Clinton’s adultery and lying under oath. Clinton was impeached, but
never booted out of office. It’s ironic also since Gingrich would in fact resign in October
1999 by his adulterous affair with a subordinate Congressional employee. Newt Gingrich
even joined the Georgia Conservancy, which is a well-known Mother Earth Group.
Gingrich became a member of the Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future, a small
claque of futurists headed in 1980, at any rate, by a member of the U.S. Association for the
Club of Rome.
Newt Gingrich abhors civil liberties more after 9/11. He called anyone believing in
9/11 Truth as insane and agree with some form of racial profiling in dealing with
airport security. Racial profiling is wrong and evil of course at any circumstance.
Even, recently in 2010, Joe Lieberman wants citizenships stripped of people who are
accused of terrorist actions. Newt Gingrich is a member of the occult Bohemian Grove
and the Council on Foreign Relations. Newt Gingrich said in April of 2010 that the
Tea Party will become the militant faction of the Republican Party. Actually, the
neo con faction of the Republican is much more militant than the Tea Party people
(even though I don’t agree with the Tea Party on every issue). The reason is that
the neo cons have caused wars, economic betrayals, civil liberty violations, and
other evils. That’s much worse than what the Tea Party Movement will ever do.
Suffice to say, I do believe that some in the Tea party Movement has
been exploited by corporate interests (which influence from Freedom
Works, the CNP, and other groups). I think anybody can see that.

Newt Gingrich called President Barack Obama the most radical President in American
history. That’s hypocritical since Newt is apart of radical neocon groups like the
American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institute. The AEI was a group that
promoted the Iraq War. He sat on the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board with Richard
Perle. Recently, Newt Gingrich was a Baptist and converted to Roman Catholicism.
That should tell people something. Also, Gingrich is a follower of the New Age
principles of Alvin Toffler. This is what the establishment doesn’t want people to
know about. He’s also aligned with the World Future Society (another globalist group)
whose logo has a 6-6-6 circular image [a while ago] that you’re seeing from above. Newt
supports the New Age “Third Wave” philosophy. A simple way to convey this is his
endorsement of Alvin and Heidi Toffler’s Marxist book “Creating A New Civilization”
from 1995 which embraces this philosophy. Few Republicans, Democrats, or the rest of the
American people know un-American and pro-One World Order Gingrich’s views are.

Tofflers’ book calls for the Third Wave of acknowledging many religions as legitimate,
U.S. Constitution must be altered, and a new civilization must form. That’s anti-Christian,
actually anti-U.S., and expresses anti-Constitution ideas. The writing asserts that
fundamentalist, biblical Christianity is dangerous and repressive. In other words, Toffler
believed that there must be a Third Wave in society. This new Wave is ending the First and
Second Wave (or ending the industrial revolution, etc.) to develop a technocratic order of a
global village where information alone can substitute most of the material resources. The
Third Wave is the synthesis of the First Wave (or the Thesis) and the Second Wave (or the
The New Age Movement follow the tents of human godhood, spiritual enlightenment, and
the acceptance of the concepts of paganism. Some New Agers believe in Sacred Geometry,
and its views are very similar to Gnostic beliefs. One person of the modern New Age
Movement was H. P. Blavatsky. The New Age Movement once again isn’t new since there
is nothing new under the sun. She was born Helena von Hahn in Russia in 1831. She was
the daughter of Col. Peter von Hahn of the ancient von Hahn family in Germany. Her
married name would be Blavatsky. She was a co-Mason and lived in the time of high level
Freemason Albert Pike. Back in October 10, 1875, she founded the Theosophical Society in
America. She authored Isis Unveiled in 1877 that New Ager Jordan Maxwell. Blavatsky’s
disciple was Anne Besant, who was a socialist. Besant was asked by William Stead to write
for his Pall Mall Gazette to create a review of Blavatsky’s “The Secret Doctrine” (which
was formed in 1888). It is said that Hitler kept the Secret Doctrine by his bed side. The
Jesuit Theilhard de Chardin has been called the father of the modern New Age Movement
as well. Occult tradition was readily common in Germany during the late 19th century:

“…Toward the end of the nineteenth century a sinister Order of New

Templars was estabished in Germany and Austria, employing the
Swastika as one of the emblems. Figures like H.P. Blavatsky, founder of
Theosophy, and Rudolf Steiner, founder of Anthroposophy spoke of an
esoteric "wisdom tradition" running back through the Rosicrucians to the
Cathars and Templars who were purportedly repositories of more
ancient secrets still..."

-Secrets of the Code p. 181-182

Stead was a friend of Freemason Cecil Rhodes (the imperialist and inventor the Rhodes
Scholar, which he said was based on the order of the Jesuits). This Society of Rhodes
wanted to take over the Earth in an Anglo-American Empire. Rhodes’ mentor at Oxford
was John Ruskin. Ruskin had a swastika at the top of his gravestone. Even Rhodes Trust
member Rudyard Kipling had swastika on many of his early books. Annie Besant was
succeeded by Alice Bailey and her husband was 32nd Degree Freemason Foster Bailey.
Alice’s works were published by Lucifer Publishing (it was changed into Lucis Trust and
managed the UN Mediation Room for many years). Bailey wanted a new world order and
the points of light connected to “service.” Alice Bailey authored The Seventh Ray:
Revealer of the New Age indicating that there would be a “future scientific religion of
Light.” In this plan, she wanted a federation of Nations to occur by 2025 A.D. (in a
synthesis of business, religion, and politics) , which is the year that some desire major plans
of the new world order to be implemented. She called this Aquarian Age after our Piscean
Age to be headed by the Seventh Ray of Order and Organization (in trying to end
fundamental Christianity and mainstream religion in general). The New Age Movement
isn’t new as its methodology is as old as the Mystery Schools of Egypt & Babylon,
Dionysius, and Aristotle.

To both Tofflers, nationalism, patriotism, and belief in an exclusive God leads to violence
and repression. They want to end the Second Wave (our present order) with the Third Wave
(aka. The New World Order). Gingrich admitted to love Tofflers’ work. Toffler went as far
as writing that: “…Birth and death seem absolute; in truth, they are utterly relative. What is
actually born and dies, which takes on individual form and relinquishes it, is not the
individual being, but Life overall. Birth, like death, animation and extinction are phases of
that actuality; the particular form is only a transition. What exists in reality is the life of the
species: the individual is only a wave…” Toffler’s agenda is the old Malthusian plans to
get rid of major infrastructure that can allow the poor to suffer in the world. Newt Gingrich
can speak articulately, but he doesn’t deal with infrastructure problems in America,
the necessary nature of a safety net to be a bulwark in assisting human beings in
America, and the value of our civil liberties in society (that forbids torture, racial
profiling, and renditions). It’s fine to have technological advancement in a society, but
this isn’t an excuse to break down all of the infrastructure systems that we have in a
nation-state. The truth is that birth and death aren’t relative. Truth isn’t relative and the
individual can be harness as a dynamic force for truth & righteousness in the Earth. Newt
Gingrich is on the television circuit (usually on FOX News) being a mouthpiece for his
radical agenda. When you heard words like welfare reform, coercive interrogation,
prison labor, free trade, etc. the neo cons use these words as an convenient tactic
to cover up their true agenda (that is the cut services and entitlements from the
people, while financially enriching the international banking elite. It‘s as simple as
that). Newt Gingrich obviously supports the Patriot Act, and the war on terror. We don’t
need an Empire. We just need a functional government that abhors war, that calls for
renewal of a grave, tolerant culture, and justly strives to enact profound solutions to
grow the true essence of American society.

Appendix A: Niccolò Machiavelli

Machiavelli lived a controversial life. Numerous people agree with his ideologies today
and other human beings reject Machiavelli’s fundamental viewpoints. I’ve mentioned
him here, because his life and views are a representation of how many Secret societies
think about life in general. Machiavelli as many realize lead a complex life, but much of
his views are inconsistent with real moral principles. Machiavelli was a diplomat, a
philosopher, and an author. In the 1500’s, Niccolò Machiavelli wrote a treatise called “The
Prince.” This book studied the tactics of Kings in building Empires. He was a political
realist and advises the prince that since people are so bad, that if the King tried to be so
good then he would harm himself. So, he wrote that: “…A prudent ruler ought not to
keep faith when doing so would not be in his best interest…” This means that a King
should do what is necessary to stay in power even using manipulation, intrigue, murder,
violence, cruelty deception, etc. to stay in power. He dedicated he book to the ruler of
Florence or Lorenzo de Medici. Catherine de Medici (who was Lorenzo’s daughter who
was the Queen of France via marriage) along with the Pope organized the Bartholomew’s
Day Massacre to kill innocent Protestant Huguenots in 1572. This fulfilled Machiavelli’s
teachings among Catherine de Medici (She wanted to protect her power base). Niccolò
Machiavelli’s Art of War book described the nature of military warfare as a science. “A
Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants” which has been attributed to Philippe Duplessis-
Mornay (1549-1623) exposed the reality that when a prince infringes the law of God,
people have a right to lawfully resist a tyrant. The book mentions that the people are above
the King in terms of power. So, this contradicted Machiavelli’s view that the King can use
even immoral means to maintain control in society. Machiavelli impacted tons of people
today from musicians to the neo-conservatives. Many neocons now in positions of
influence in Washington can trace their status back to Professor Leo Strauss of the
University of Chicago. One of Strauss’ books was Thoughts on Machiavelli. This book was
not a condemnation of Machiavelli’s philosophy. Paul Wolfowitz actually got his PhD
under Strauss. Yet, not even Machiavelli would ally with all of the views of neo
conservatives, especially about imperialism in far away nations that don’t threaten us
(causing a huge economic and political costs to the USA). You don’t need conformity in
order to establish truth or cultivate a viable life. You just need wisdom and a relentless
hunger for liberty in order to establish the keen understanding of good and evil (and use the
human mind to not only think about what you‘re going to do to help humankind, but do it
with a firm sense of direction).

A Defense of Liberty Against Tyrants influenced the development of American law. Is it

better to be fake in using manipulation, deceit, etc. in order to get benefits in life or it is
much better to be an outstanding example for people and possess real qualities of
honesty, respect for all men, and have love with understanding in order to develop our
society? I choose the latter. I will never ally myself with a tyrant.
Ultimately, Almighty God is the true King of the Universe not a
mere human being living in this Earth at all.
Appendix B: The Bank of International Settlements
There is a former Nazi Bank that want to rule the global economy. This bank was called Bank
for International Settlements. This BIS bank financed Hitler's war machine and have been a
financial arm of the new world order after WWII. There is the European Central Bank chief
Jean-Claude Trichet. Trichet announced that the BIS is to become the primary engine
for global governance is a shocking admission given the fact that this ultra-secretive
menagerie of international bankers was once controlled by the top Nazis. These Nazis
worked with global central banks, funneled money via the institution, which directly financed
Hitler's war machine. During a speech to the elitist CFR organization earlier this week. ECB
head Trichet said that the Global Economy Meeting (GEM), which regularly meets at the BIS
headquarters in Basel and has: "...Has become the prime group for global
governance among central banks..." The GEM works under the BIS as a policy
steering committee. The BIS today isn't accountable to any national government. It's made up
of banking chiefs from global central banks. Most of these banks are private and have no
responsibility to their nation states or their citizens. The board of directors have links to the
Pilgrims (they include Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke and Bank of England head
Mervyn King, as well as Trichet himself). The Bank for International Settlement was created in
1940 by Montague Norman (the Governor of the Bank of England) and his German colleague
Hjalmar Schact (He was once Adolf Hitler's finance minister. He was a Freemason). The bank
at first want to facilitate money transfer related to German reparations that existed out of the
Treaty of Versailles. Nazis then controlled the leadership of the BIS by top Nazi officials like
Walter Funk (who was appointed Nazi propaganda minister in 1933 before going on to
become Hitler’s Minister for Economic Affairs). Another BIS director during this period was
Emil Puhl, who as director and vice-president of Germany’s Reichsbank was responsible for
moving Nazi gold. Both Funk and Puhl were convicted at the Nuremberg trials as war
criminals. The Director of IG Farben Herman Schmitz was a BIS director (Herman's subsidiary
company created Zyklon B or the pesticide used in Nazi concentration camps. This devices
murdered in gas chambers Jewish people and political dissidents during the Holocaust). John
D. Rockefeller's United States based Standard Oil Co. worked with IG Farben during the 2nd
world war. Higham wrote that Hitler controlled the BIS in the outbreak of World War II.
Higham wrote that: "...Among the directors under Thomas H. McKittrick were Hermann
Shmitz, head of the colossal Nazi industrial trust I.G. Farben, Baron Kurt von Schroder,
head of the J.H. Stein Bank of Cologne and a leading officer and financier of the
Gestapo; Dr. Walther Funk of the Reichsbank, and, of course, Emil Puhl. These last two
figures were Hitler’s personal appointees to the board.” Higham described that gold was
looted from countries invaded by the Nazis was packed into vaults controlled by the BIS and
how the Nazis controlled the bank and forbade any discussion of the theft. “The BIS was an
instrument of Hitler, but its continuing existence was approved by Great Britain even after that
country went to war with Germany, and the British director Sir Otto Niemeyer, and chairman
Montagu Norman, remained in office throughout the war,” writes Higham, explaining how
Washington State Congressman John M. Coffee objected to American money being invested
with the bank in 1944. Coffee said that the Nazi government has 85 million Swiss
gold francs on deposit in the BIS. The majority of the board is made up of Nazi
officials. In 1948, the BIS was finally compelled to hand over a mere £4 million in
looted Nazi gold to the allies, and thanks to people like Harry Truman and the
Rockefeller family, the bank was not dissolved. One of its most influential
directors, Nazi banker Emil Puhl was later invited to the United States as a guest
of honor in 1950. Today, the BIS is a crucial bank of the global elite. The BIS controlled
about 7% of the world's available foreign exchange funds. They own 712 tons of gold bullion.
This is the size that was presumably stolen from occupied countries by the Nazis who
controlled the bank during the war. Controlling foreign exchange currency and gold can
determine the economic conditions of a nation. The BIS board can influence an interest rate
hike according to Doug Casey. The BIS is a slush fund for the agenda of global government
where money is handed to the IMF. Casey wrote that: "...U.S. taxpayer monies can be
passed through BIS to the IMF and from there anywhere. In essence, the BIS launders
the money, since there is no specific accounting of where particular deposits came from
and where they went..." We don't need a global central banking organization that top Nazis
were involved in. This BIS is a powerhouse group that have international economic influence.
We see moves to global government existing rapidly. Historically, numerous Nazis were key in
establishment some of the same groups that seek to manage the imposition of global
government. Even Nazi fingerprints existed in the pre-European Union like organizations. The
Nazis were influenced by the Vatican, the international bankers, and funded even by some
high level Freemasons as well.
The Nazis were the agents of the elite. Their influence didn't die when WWII ended. Their
influence and evil philosophies still exist today. In a higher level of thinking, much of the
royal elite, Solidarists, and the Vatican worked together to promote fascism and
authoritarianism then and now. One example is how the Knights of Malta aided Hitler's
early reign to power via SMOM Franz von Papen. Even Franco in Spain, Hitler in
Germany, and Mussolini in Italy were baptized Roman Catholics. They were never
excommunicated for their deeds. There is the Opus Dei group that was formed in Spain
that used self-flagellation as prayer. Some of these low level extremists believe they are
heralding the capture of Russia for the Papacy or the creation of WWII. High level groups
realized that the goal of these groups were globalism and creating the new world order
system. Some of the Nazis escaped justice and fled in Europe, South America, and America
(in groups like Kameradenwerk, Die Spinne and Odessa). White Russians and Nazis
worked in Byelorussia during WWII as the Belarus Brigade. They tried to fight Russia
during WWII. Nearly 300 of them were sent into America and were given government plus
intelligence jobs via the CIA & OSS. Even U.S. General Lucius Clay worked in Germany.
He stopped the prosecution of the Nazi Otto Skorzeny and worked with Nazis generals
at Oberammergau. He did this deed to train Eastern European revanchists, Nazis and
American GIs into the 5,000-strong "Special Forces" against communism. Some call
these people as our Green Berets. After WWII in 1945, "ex-Nazi" General Reinhard Gehlen
worked with the OSS to handle intelligence for the USA Government. The Gehlen
organization combined forced with the Nazis and the OSS to form the modern CIA that was
signed by President Harry Truman in 1947. At the Pentagon, there were secretive meetings
arranged among the Nazi Gehlen, Allen Dulles, J. Edgar Hoover, and others. Even Harry
Truman later regretted the corrupt aspects of the Central Intelligence Agency before he
died. Communism is a controlled paradigm that was created by many people like
Thomas More, the Jesuits, etc. It was used as a means to counter true nationalism in the
Third World, to keep monopolists aiding Communist leaders, and prevent true liberty
from spreading worldwide (just like the failed system of laissez-faire capitalism does).
Then, the elite would monopolize world resources (like drugs, chemicals, minerals, gas,
food, water, coal, etc. The elitists are monopoly people) at the same time during the
Cold War and today in 2010.
The global elite (as found in the Vatican/Jesuit network, the Pilgrims, high level Masonry,
etc.) used their bankers to aid Germany after the Versailles Treaty was passed (causing
Germany to pay oppressive reparations. The Germany print too much money causing
hyperinflation and bankruptcy). This same elite opposed President John F. Kennedy,
because Kennedy didn't want to have war with the Soviets as early as 1961, he believed
in cooperation with the Soviets to go into the Moon, he believed in Third World
nationalism from Congo to Indonesia, and he believed in civil rights. JFK refused to
orchestrate a massive U.S. ground military invasion of Vietnam and Laos. President John
F. Kennedy believed in the importance of the Second Amendment and the rights of all
immigrants residing in American soil. JFK worked with Attorney General Robert Kennedy
to try to break up organized crime, he attempted to end the depletion rip-offs to
get tax money from oil companies, and he signed the nuclear test ban treaty (that
some in the Pentagon hated). JFK supported the independence of Brazil and its populist
leader. Publicly stated, JFK wanted "to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and
scatter it to the winds." By November 22, 1963, the military industrial complex promoted
the Vietnam War heavily. George H. W. Bush was the was former head of the CIA and he
employed people like U.S. Army officer Capt. William Rhine of the Bay of Pigs operation.
Rhine is really top SS spy Helmut Streicher, who worked directly with Hitler, Gehlen, Otto
Skorzeny, and then U.S. Army Intelligence from October, 1945 on. Thousands of such
fascists infiltrated our government. The late Mae Brussell have expose similar connections
too. It isn't just about the Nazis, but learning about these evil Nazis is one way to see the
bigger picture. The bigger picture is that Almighty God is in control, but we as humans
have a right to promote real freedom and oppose evil whenever it rears its head.

*The BIS is wrong since its policies consists not of a humanitarian, progressive, or benevolent
clique. The BIS deals with centralizing power into the hands of the few. This is definitely and
inheritably anti-freedom ,elitists, and a detriment to the people. The Nazis gave life into a
framework of another level of global authoritarianism. This is apart of a long goal that elites
promote that includes globalization (via ancient banking dynasties), and a world government
system either in one way or another.
Appendix C: Jesse Ventura

This isn’t an attack on Jesse Ventura, but the following words show my views on him. It
will show what I agree and disagree with him on. I will mention information about him,
because a recent thought entered my mind to write about him recently in early May 2010.
Ventura has been famous for his books on Secret Societies and politics. He is currently
heading a show about Secret Societies that was popular. I’ve seen some of its episodes
and they certainly present more fair information about conspiracies than what is typically
shown on television. This show was present on TruTV channel. The “Conspiracy Theory”
show present information about HAARP, Global Warming, mind control, Secret Societies,
Bilderbergers, and other subjects. The truth is that issues and more ought to be made
known to the public in accurate, real terms. The truth about secret orders or mind control
ought to transpire without sugarcoating the essence of the compositions of these entities.
Conspiracies are real and have existed for thousands of years indeed. Examples include
the Operation Paperclip, the Iran Contra incident, and the Operation Ajax (that the CIA
and MI5 collaborated to overthrow the democratically elected Iranian government of
Muhammad Mossadegh). It’s differently true that Secret societies are a threat and they
are trying to infiltrate the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. The examples include the high
level Freemasons in the Southern Baptist Church or the Jesuits involved with infiltrated
other religious bodies as well. Yet, there is something missing from the show and people
like Jesse in the lime light. I guess you see where I’m going with this. Ventura won’t
venture in exposing the Jesuits or the Vatican. This is common among many individuals
like CNP member Stanley Monteith, and others. Jesse Ventura mentions a lot of turth in
his books and interviews. Yet, like many others, he won't delve into the Vatican/Jesuit
connection to the world elite. Jesse talks about the Bilderbergers as being one of the top
groups in the pyramid of control. Yet, the Bilderberger was created by Papal agents Prince
Bernhard and pro-Jesuit Joseph Rettinger. The Pilgrim Society, and the Knights of Malta
have more power than the Bilderberg Group. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and even
Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain are both Dames of Malta. They are subordinate under
the King and the Pope of the Vatican. He talks about English RIIA member David Meyer
de Rothschild and George Soros, but refuse to talk about Prince Philip, the British Royals,
or the Constantanian Order. Jesse Ventura's real name is James George Janos. So, he was
raised as a Roman Catholic Slovakian. He was born to American parents in Minneapolis in
1951. He was in the Navy and once was in the Mongols outlaw motorcycle gang. Ventura
was their Sergeant at Arms and was nicknamed "Superman." He is famous for being in
the professional wrestling business as a contrarian to Hulk Hogan (and other wrestlers of
similar fame).

Ventura was once Governor of Minnesota in Minnesota. He calls himself an Independent

with some Libertarian leanings. He supported abortion, and other controversial policies.
He spoke out against organized religion, which is true to a certain extent. Organized
Religion (as oppose to independent religious believers) have been infiltrated by the
corporate elite, Masonry, the Jesuits, etc. Jesse is wrong to say that religious people
typically are weak minded and need something to latch unto for the sake of exhibiting
comfort in their lives. TruTV's is owned by Time Warner. Time Warner is on the list of
corporate sponsors for the Council on Foreign Relations. CFR member Jeffrey L. Bewkes
heads up Time Warner as its CEO and Chairman. Ventura is a friend of Jesuit-trained
Catholic-raised dictator of Cuba Fidel Castro. Ventura recently went into the WWE to talk
about conspiracies, but he wears a jacket with a double headed eagle on it (This is the
symbol of Pike's Morals and Dogma or the 33rd Degree emblem). This jacket shows an
emblem. Ventura claims to be an Independent (not being a Democrat or Republican) in
seeking Revolution in the country (and something new). We know the history of
Revolutions. Why he is on a WWE show when Vince McMahon is all about money and
worldly acceptance? His new book about conspiracies are mostly accurate since Abraham
Lincoln's assassination was a conspiracy, there are questions in that refute the official
story of 9/11, etc. The truth is that Jesse is right on many things, but we shouldn't adhere
to him as some deity. He is just a man.

The series didn’t delve in the highly occult nature of Freemasonry. For example, 33rd
Degree Freemason C. W. Leadbeater identified the 33rd Degree as the "highest and last of
the great sacramental powers of the Mysteries" (Freemasonry and Its Ancient Mystic
Rites, p. 42). Thirty-third degree Masons, according to Leadbeater, channel the "Hidden
Light from the White Lodge behind" (Leadbeater, 43). Leadbeater, besides being a high-
level Mason, was involved with Theosophy. Theosophy is an occult philosophy that views
nature and man that can be one, etc. Even Albert Pike was influenced by the occult
magician Eliphas Levi (that tried to conjure up demons in rituals). Jesse Ventura is right to
mention that: “A war is justified if you're willing to send your son. If you're not
willing to send your son, then how do you send someone else's.”
*Other so-called conspiracy authors have caught up in the realm of allowing their
minds to be clouded by propaganda. Nesta Webster legitimately exposed the Illuminati,
but was influenced by Druid Winston Churchill’s thoughts on the French Revolution.
Webster was apart of the British Union of Fascists and the fascist Link group. She
collectively blamed Jewish people for Communism and how it’s related to the 18th
century Illuminati plot when the Bavarian Illuminati ended in the late 1700’s. Ezra
Pound was an Italian fascist who didn’t like the U.S. allying with Great Britain to fight
fascist nations. Pound was the mentor to Eustace Mullins. Mullins wrote some accurate
information about the Federal Reserve and the new world order in his books. Yet, he
equated the New Deal with communism and had a narrow minded isolationist view.
The New Deal of course isn’t about promoting communism. The New Deal wasn’t
perfect, but it has legitimate parts in it. The legitimate portions of the New Deal include
its infrastructure projects, abolishing child labor, the crippling of stock speculation,
having a minimum wage, and programs supporting the homeless & the elderly (from
starving to death literally). The fascist American Liberty League of course hated the
New Deal. Other fascist groups during the Great Depression and the early 1940’s
wanted to break labor strikes in order to promote their reactionary agenda. This
constant anti-communist paranoia apart of Hegelian Dialetic by reactionaries having a
morbid obsession with communism (though communism is evil), while they will not
expose fascism & cartel-capitalism. These cartel-capitalism include the Pilgrims by the
names of John D. Rockefeller Jr, Winthrop Aldrich, and Andrew Mellon. Big Business
funded the John Birch Society when it came about in 1958 (This continued the Cold
War hoax including the Jesuit-trained Senator McCarthy’s anti-communist crusade).
JBS member Archibald Roosevelt was a hater of black people and was apart of
controversial Vertias Foundation. Willis Cato is a fascist and he made his Liberty Lobby
group in 1955. Carto inspired the creation of the Holocaust revisionist Institute for
Historical Review, the Spotlight, and the American Free Press. Carto is pro-Papal, and
anti-Jewish people (as many shills are. The anti-Semitic, pro-Catholic William
Guy Carr created his book called “Pawns in the Game“ back in 1955). So, the pattern
is many people talked about communism all of the time without exposing the
reactionary fascists that are just as much a threat to our American way of life. Even
Edith Kermit Roosevelt advanced this paranoia about “Communist aggression.” She
organized pro-Vietnam rallies in Washington during the late 1960’s and the early
1970’s (along side Rev. Carl McIntyre). The Vietnam War was an unjustified and
Crusade against mostly Buddhist people. It caused more than 56,000 American G.I.s
and over 2 million Vietnamese people to die in it. It could have been prevented even in
1945 when the West could of supported Ho Chi Minh when he was Nationalist (not
Communist) to help him overthrew the French imperialists out Vietnam. Many of these
shills are isolationists (with ties to the CIA and the 1001 Club). Sometimes, a
person should not follow unjust laws to make a just society. Some of the neo cons don’t
wish to help the sick, the homeless, etc.
Appendix D: James Jesus Angleton

James Jesus Angleton is one of the most famous & controversial men in Western
intelligence history. He has been called a Knight of Malta, which is accurate. The
Knights of Malta promoted sending members of the SS to escape to North America
via the Ratlines. These Nazi war criminals escaped justice. He was definitely the CIA
Chief of Counterintelligence and the head of the Vatican Desk plus the Israeli Desk (James
Jesus Angleton would in 1951 work with the Israeli Mossad and Shin Bet. He directed the
CIA to work with Israel's nuclear program. JFK opposed Israel having a nuclear program).
He was born in Boise, Idaho back in December of 1917. His father was the OSS Colonel
James Hugh Angleton. James Hugh Angleton was called a sympathizer of fascists
according to top OSS officer in Italy Max Corvo. James Jesus Angleton’s mother was the
Mexican born woman Carmen Mercedes Moreno. James graduated from Yale in 1941.
He went into Harvard Law School. In that place, he met his wife named Cicely
d'Autremont of Duluth, Minnesota. Inducted into the Army on March 19, 1943,
Angleton was recruited into the OSS in August through the efforts of Angleton's father
and Norman Pearson, his old English professor from Yale (who was, at that time, head
of the OSS Counter Intelligence division in London). Angleton performed OSS X-2
operations during WWII. He used disinformation and propaganda to fight his enemies. He
gotten over 1,000 enemy agents during WWII. James Jesus Angleton received the Crown of
Italy, the Order of Malta Cross of Malta, and the Italian War cross of Merit. He worked for
the CIA and had ties to the Mossad. He promoted the Cold War hoax as well. Angleton
used a spy network to allow the CIA to sent reports to the Vatican about the Cold War, etc.
According to previously classified State Department memoranda, Angleton recommended
that the CIA fund Catholic Action, an Italian lay organization headed by Luigi Gedda.
Gedda was honored by the Knights. Gedda was a key operative in an effort undertaken by
the CIA and the Vatican to "barricade the Reds" in the 1948 Italian elections. Only weeks
before the election, it appeared the Italian Communist party would prevail. The CIA and the
Vatican both feared the Communists might win unless drastic measures were taken. So,
Angleton gave aide to Vatican agent Mons Giovanni Montini. Montini would later be Pope
Paul VI in 1963. He worked in the Kennedy years as well. Angleton headed the CIA's
counterintelligence unit for 25 years. Angleton had a file on Lee Harvey Oswald according
to history professor & former intelligence analyst John Newman. Angleton according to
Gordon Novel had blackmail photos of J. Edgar Hoover and Tolson shown to him in 1967.
Novel said that the CIA had enough power to make J. Edgar Hoover be fearful of them.
David Wise said that James bugged people's rooms, etc. (Angelton and Dulles talked to
each other on the tapes and bugs). So, James Jesus Angleton was one of the most powerful
American intelligence agents in that time. He worked alone. Richard Helms was an ally of
Angleton and his nemesis was Knight of Malta William Colby. Now, James Jesus
Angleton's counterintelligence staff held a file on Oswald that predated the assassination.
Oswald worked with the White Russia & CIA-connected George DeMorenschildt. James'
closest associate was Ray Rocca. Rocca acted as a gateway between the Warren
Commission and the CIA. So, Angleon's agents controlled the Warren Commission's
relationship with the CIA. Some speculate that Oswald was directly involved with
Angleton’s counterintelligence unit in the CIA. Angleton headed via his staff to do
Operation Choas to infiltrate colleges (to see if foreign influence were in the anti-war
movement. It was supported by LBJ in 1967. This was completely illegal of course since
the CIA is banned from acting domestically). Golitsyn was a trusted source of Angleton
though he wanted to defect instead of being a double agent. The collusion between the two
is frighteningly detailed by Anthony Cave Brown in his “Treason in the Blood“ book.
Golitsyn falsely claimed that the British Prime Minister Harold Wilson was a KGB agent.
Gotlisyn was an agent that tried to continue the Cold War agitation. According to Eric Jon
Phelps (I don‘t agree with Eric on every issue though):

"...Knights Golitsyn and Angleton worked together to betray America's CIA

agents in Russia, thus strengthening the KGB and weakening the CIA at its
lower levels...These moves comprised a mere change of posts within the
Order's International Intelligence Community as the Cold War was indeed a
Hoax. Angleton, Golitsyn and Philby arranged for Oswald to return from the
USSR with his wife, this being an absolute impossiblity apart from
CIA/KGB/SIS collusion....BND Chief Reinhard Gehlen's right hand man was
Hans Felfe---later conviced of being a double agent for the SSD and KGB.
Thus the Order's post war stay behind operation was merely to further unite
the Black Pope's International Intelligence Community. GRU ajax SMOM
Prince Anton Turkel was also a part of this as he worked directly with the
two Dulles Brothers---both also being SMOMs..."

The collusion of intelligence agencies on supposed opposite ends of the spectrum is nothing
new. Some former Nazi SS and SD men worked with the CIA to create the Western
German BND. Some of the former SD men went into the East German Stasi or the SSD.
Golitzyn defects to America in 1961 and Philby "defects" to the USSR in early 1963. This
proves so much how contrived the Cold war really was. Angleton was so paranoid
about the Soviets that he accused foreign leaders of being Soviet spies even if they
weren't. He died in 1987. Angleton omitted that the West (in the Vatican/Jesuit network,
the Pilgrims, high level Masonry, the Bilderbergers, etc.) aided the plans of the
Socialist/Communist governments in the world (including the Eastern bloc Nations in the
then Warsaw Pact). The West grew the cartel capitalism system as well. Of course,
Angleton would promote the establishment view of the JFK assassination when credible
witnesses rebut his claims.

By Timothy

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