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BIKE 2012


This is the year. It has been worthwhile waiting for it; two seasons after the Zero suspension system came out and the Stealth structure got introduced, our two most important technological advances are now coming to the Cross Country category to show off their full potential. This is without doubt our XCeptional year. It is the year when all members of the Mondraker family are thinking of getting fitter than ever and eating up the miles for as long as their legs can take it... and doing that isnt easy. A quick look at our new Lithium and Podium Carbon will tell you why. Are you coming with us?

Cest lanne. Lattente a valu la peine, deux saisons aprs lexplosion du systme de suspension Zero et de la structure Stealth, nos deux russites technologiques les plus importantes, celles-ci arrivent sur la catgorie Cross Country en arborant tout leur potentiel. Sans doute il sagit de notre XCeptional year. Cest lanne o toute la famille Mondraker pense se mettre plus en forme que jamais et dvorer les kilomtres jusqu ce que les jambes ne suivent plus... pas si simple, elles sont dj bien entraines. Un seul coup dil sur les Lithium et les Podium Carbon et tu sauras pourquoi. Tu viens?

Es ist so weit! Das Warten hat sich gelohnt. Ganze zwei Jahre nach der Vorstellung des Hinterbausystems Zero und des Rahmenkonzepts Stealth erreichen unsere zwei wichtigsten technologischen Entwicklungen mit ihrem ganzen Potential den Bereich Cross Country. Es ist zweifellos unser XCeptional year. Es ist das Jahr, in dem sich alle Baureihen von Mondraker mehr denn je weiter entwickeln und Kilometer verschlingen wollen, bis Euch die Beine versagen. Dies zu erreichen, ist nicht leicht. Ein Blick auf die neuen Lithium und Podium Carbon und Du erkennst sofort warum. Komm mit uns?


Photo: Chris Gallo - Location: Cabo Verde - Rider: Fabien Barel


8 12 13


50 53 56 58 59 60 61


84 86 87 88 89


16 19

DUEL PRO TEAM 540 360 / 180

92 94 95


22 25

XC 29er

64 65 66 67


98 99


28 30 31


70 71 72 73 74 75




34 36 37




40 42 43 44 47


78 80 81



Photo: Hoshi Yoshida - Location: Mont Saint Anne. Canada - Rider: Fabien Barel

BIKE 2012



_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 205mm _Fox F40 RC2 FIT Kashima 200mm fork _Fox DHX RC4 Kashima rear shock _Formula The One speedlock polish 203mm brakes _Easton Havoc wheelset *Frame available *Adjustable Geometry Kit & mudguard included

Summum is still Mondrakers flagship and a leading bike on the DH international circuit. This year its two models are premiering aesthetic changes that make them even more attractive and have been fitted with some top-end components to achieve a record weight for a bike of this kind. The price of the new Summum bikes will ensure they remain the one most seen in DH races.

Le Summum est toujours le fleuron de Mondraker. Une rfrence sur le circuit de DH international. Cette anne les deux modles trennent des changements esthtiques qui les rendent encore plus attrayants et reoivent des composants luxueux pour obtenir un poids record sur des vlos de ces caractristiques. Le nouveau niveau de prix du Summum le rend plus accessible.

Das Summum bleibt der Stern von Mondraker. Das Referenz-Bike auf den internationalen DH-Rennstrecken. Bei beiden Modellen wurden dieses Jahr optische Vernderungen vorgenommen, die sie noch attraktiver machen. Sie erhalten sehr hochwertige Komponenten, um ein Rekordgewicht in dieser Kategorie zu erreichen. Das neue Preisniveau des Summum wird sicherlich dazu fhren, dass sie auf Downhill-Rennen strker vertreten sind.


The purpose of this kit is to adapt the geometry to your preferences according to your riding style or the type of circuit you use. This way you can make adjustments from an extreme geometry that riders would use during the world cup DH, to a geometry more adequate for Freeride. The kit contains 3 headset reducers made of CNC for 0, +/- 1 - +/-2 and 4 different drop-outs to adjust the length of the chainstay into 435mm, 440mm, 445mm or 450mm together with adjustable brake adaptors in accordance to the different lengths of the chainstay.

Zero is the name of Mondrakers proprietary suspension system and is used on all of its full suspension bikes. In 2012 the system is being extended to the Cross Country Racing category with 100 mm travel and new optimization for XC racing. That means you can enjoy all the advantages of Zero from XC to Downhill covering all the mountain bike categories in between. The Zero System belongs to the category called Virtual Pivot suspension systems. The most significant difference of the Zero system in relation to the other alternatives within this category is that the rear shock is floating between two links and is compressed from both ends. Depending on the optimization of the system and based on its usage, the lower plate compresses the rear shock an average of about 35% of its total length and the upper plate approximately 65%. The positioning of the rear shock together with the compression that the shock receives from both sides makes this system unique. There are four key points that make the Zero Suspension system so incredibly effective: Zero power loss. The system prevents any unwanted movements produced whilst pedalling resulting in maximum efficiency without extra compression or extension of the rear suspension. Zero pedal kickback. Chain length growth throughout the suspension travel is insignificant avoiding any backward movement of the crank set that could lead to poor pedalling efficiency or cadence. Zero brake jack. Rear brake forces do not alter the suspension system. The rear shock will absorb impacts without changing its function whilst using the rear brake. Zero bumps. The main characteristic of the system is its excellent absorption capacity at the same time as it provides high pedalling efficiency. The optimized trajectory of the rear axle and the linear nature of the rear shock assure very effective impact absorption.

Zero est le nom du systme de suspension brevet par Mondraker qui donne vie au cur de la gamme des tout suspendus. Cette saison 2012 marque lexpansion dfinitive du systme jusqu la catgorie Cross Country Racing avec 100mm de dbattement et une nouvelle optimisation du systme exclusivement oriente vers le XC de comptition. De cette manire il est possible de profiter des avantages du systme Zero du XC la DH en passant par les diffrentes catgories du VTT actuel. Le systme Zero appartient la catgorie de systmes appels systmes pivot virtuel cause de sa configuration mcanique. Dans ce groupe, la diffrence primordiale de Zero rside dans le fait que lamortisseur est flottant entre les deux biellettes qui articulent le systme, dautre part, ces biellettes compriment lamortisseur de manire vidente par ses deux extrmits. Dpendant de la mise au point du systme base sur chaque pratique, la biellette infrieure comprime en moyenne 35% de la course totale de lamortisseur alors que la biellette suprieur le comprime de 65%. La position de lamortisseur et sa compression des deux cts sont les points qui rendent le systme unique sur le march. Le systme Zero se caractrise par son grand rendement bas sur quatre points principaux : Zero perte dnergie. Le systme neutralise tous les possibles va-et-vient induis par le pdalage, la force applique sur les pdales se traduit en pousse immdiate sans crer de mouvements non ncessaires de compression ou dextension de lamortisseur. Zero interfrence avec le pdalage. Llongation de la chaine est imperceptible sur tout le dbattement, aucun tirement ou dcroissance naffecte lobtention dun pdalage rond. Zero interaction avec le freinage. La configuration du systme ntend ni ne comprime la suspension lorsque le frein arrire est actionn. La suspension continue dabsorber sans changer de comportement face aux forces produites par ltrier quel que soit le freinage. Zero trou. La principale caractristique du systme est son excellente capacit dabsorption unie chaque instant son efficacit de pdalage. La trajectoire de laxe de roue arrire et son caractre linaire font disparaitre tous types dimpacts.

Zero ist der Name des von Mondraker patentierten Hinterbausystems fr alle vollgefederten Modelle. Das Jahr 2012 reprsentiert die definitive Ausweitung des Systems bis zur Kategorie Cross-Country-Racing mit 100 mm Federweg und einer auf XC-Rennen ausgerichteten komplett neuen Optimierung des Systems. Damit knnen wir alle Vorteile des Zero-Systems von XC bis DH in allen verschiedenen Kategorien des gegenwrtigen Mountainbikens geniessen. Das Zero-System gehrt wegen seiner mechanischen Konstruktion zu der Kategorie virtueller Drehpunkt. Der Hauptunterschied zu bestehenden Systemen liegt beim ZERO in dem schwimmend gelagerten Dmpfer. Das System wurde so optimiert, dass der Dmpfer an der unteren Anlenkung um durchschnittlich 35 % und an der oberen Anlenkung um 65 % komprimiert wird. Die Anordnung des Dmpfers und seine beidseitige Komprimierung machen unser System einzigartig auf dem Markt. Das Hochleistungs-System Zero basiert auf vier Hauptmerkmalen: Null Energieverlust. Das System neutralisiert alle beim Pedalieren verursachten Bewegungen und die Kraft wird direkt in Vorschub umgewandelt, ohne unntige Dmpferbewegungen zu erzeugen. Null Interferenzen beim Pedalieren. Die Verlngerung der Kette ist minimal, so dass Pedal-Vor- oder Rckschlag nicht sprbar ist. Null Bremsbeeintrchtigung. Die Auslegung des Hinterbausystems bleibt beim Bettigen der Hinterradbremse vllig neutral und aktiv. Null Schlaglcher. Die herausragendste Charakteristik des Systems ist seine ausgezeichnete Absorption. Sein analysierter Verlauf der Hinterachse und der lineare Charakter lassen alle Einschlge verschwinden.

The Stealth Technology is the most advanced industrial design and structure optimization technology used in the Mondraker range. Stealth encompasses all processes in the creation of the frame, from the inspiration and creation of the industrial design to the calculation of the most precise details that optimize each part for a specific function. Stealth offers and innovative design, characterized by flat faces and sharp edges as opposed to the traditional curved or rounded shapes. Each tube and part is carefully designed to carry out a specific function striving to achieve the lowest possible weight of every specific part of the frame. Due to the optimization of the production process, selecting the best materials, using butted tubing technology and applying an alloy of different aluminums, Mondrakers ultra light Stealth frames are extremely resistant with great stiffness, especially in the high stress areas of the frames where it suffers most. The Summum Pro Team downhill bike at 15.6 kg is the Stealth technology flagship. Its a DH World Cup winning bike with outstanding stiffness and strength and a record braking ultra-light weight. Stealth technology is used in the Factor, Foxy, Dune, Zenith, Durham and Summum series.

La technologie Stealth reprsente le dessin industriel le plus novateur et loptimisation des structures la plus pousse dans la gamme Mondraker. Stealth regroupe tous les processus de cration de cadre, depuis linspiration et la conception du dessin industriel jusquau calcul des lments finis qui assurent et optimisent chacune des parties pour une fonction spcifique. Le dessin industriel Stealth promeut une conception innovante, loigne des formes courbes et arrondies, o les faces plates et les arrtes marques sassemblent pour former un tout. Chaque tube et chaque partie sont conus pour jouer un rle bien dtermin avec le poids le plus lger possible en travaillant sur le processus, les matriaux et les paisseurs, ainsi que sur lutilisation de diffrents alliages qui apportent rsistance et rigidit aux endroits essentiels. Le vlo de descente Summum Pro Team avec son poids de 15,6 Kg est ltendard de la technologie Stealth. Un vlo capable de gagner des courses de Coupe du Monde de DH avec une rigidit et une rsistance hors normes allies un poids record. La technologie Stealth est prsente sur les sries Factor, Foxy, Dune, Zenith, Durham et Summum.

Stealth bedeutet fortschrittlichste Technologie in den Bereichen Industriedesign und Strukturoptimierung bei Mondraker. Stealth umfasst alle Stufen der Rahmenentwicklung von der Idee ber die Konzeption des Industriedesigns bis zur Berechnung aller Feinheiten, die jedes einzelne Teil fr seine ganz spezifische Funktion absichern und optimieren. Stealth frdert ein innovatives Design, weit entfernt von den gekrmmten oder abgerundeten Formen; vorherrschend sind die flachen Flchen und lebendigen Kanten, die zusammen ein Ganzes bilden. Jedes Rohr und jedes Teil wurden fr eine konkrete Funktion mit einem mglichst geringen Gewicht entworfen; die verschiedenen Legierungen tragen zur Widerstandsfhigkeit und notwendigen Steifigkeit bei. Das Bike Summum Pro Team mit einem Gewicht von 15,6 kg ist der ausgesprochene Standard der StealthTechnologie. Ein Bike mit einer ausgezeichneten Steifigkeit, einer Widerstandsfhigkeit und einem authentischen Rekordgewicht, mit dem man WeltcupRennen gewinnen kann. Die Serien Factor, Foxy, Dune, Zenith, Durham und Summum haben die Stealth-Technologie.


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 205mm _Rock Shox Boxxer RC 200mm fork _Fox DHX RC2 rear shock _Formula RX speedlock 203mm brakes _DT F630 Rims *Adjustable Geometry Kit & mudguard as optional


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Monocoque Signature 6061T6 frame _Marzocchi 888 RV 200mm fork _Fox Van R rear shock, 215mm _Avid Elixir 1 200mm brakes _Onoff Bula Wheelset _Onoff components

The Kaiser will be kept in Mondrakers portfolio of models for 2011 for those who pretend to enjoy DH for a reasonable price. The specs and characteristics of this model are of a very high level which makes the Kaiser both competitive and reliable. If you are not the first one to cross the finish, then dont blame the Kaiser but find another excuse.

Le modle Kaiser que lon ne prsente plus est destin ceux qui veulent pratiquer la descente sans raliser une grosse dpense. Idal pour les amateurs de cette discipline, le Kaiser offre assurment un quipement de haut niveau. Si avec lui tu narrives pas le premier tout en bas cherche une autre excuse que ton vlo

Das Kaiser wird auch dieses Jahr fr diejenigen in der Produktlinie belassen, die Downhill zu einem gnstigen Preis betreiben mchten. Die Spezifikationen und Eigenschaften dieses Models sind hochwertig und damit ist das Modell Kaiser sehr zuverlssig und eine absolute Garantie, um Abfahrtsspass zu haben. Solltest Du nicht als Erster unten ankommen, suche nicht nach Ausreden. Es liegt nicht am Bike


Photo: Ian Hylands - Location: Whistler. Canada - Rider: David Acedo


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 190mm _Marzocchi 888 RCV 200mm fork _Fox Van R rear shock _Formula RX speedlock 203mm brakes _Onoff Bula Wheelset *Frame available *Adjustable Geometry Kit & mudguard as optional

The Durham is even more radical as it features a Mazocchi 888 fork with 200mm travel which makes it even more versatile ranging from the most extreme use in a bikepark to any DH circuit.

Le modle Durham est encore plus radical en recevant la Marzocchi 888 de 200mm de dbattement. Il est plus polyvalent en sadaptant tous les usages en Bikepark et permet dtre laise sur tous les circuits de DH.

Das Modell Durham ist mit der Marzocchi 888 und 200mm Federweg noch radikaler. Damit wird es noch vielseitiger und deckt die extremsten Anforderungen eines Bikeparks und jeder DH-Rennstrecke ab.


El propsito de este kit es que puedas tener la geometra que mejor se adapte a tu modo de conduccin o al circuito por el que vayas a The purpose of this kit is to adapt the geometry to comopreferences accordingmundo de descenso or the un uso ms freeride neutral way transitar. Desde una geometra de lo ms extremo your la usada en copa del to your riding style hasta type of circuit you use. This como you can make adjustments from an kit comprende 3 cazoletas de direccin during the world de DH, to a y +/-2 y 4 more adequate for puede ser cualquier ruta freeride. Elextreme geometry that riders would usefabricados en CNCcup 0, +/- 1 geometry punteras diferentes Freeride. The kit 400mm, headset reducers made of CNC for 0, +/- 1 y tambin different drop-outs to adjust the length of para cada uno para dar 435mm,contains 3445 y 450mm de longitud de vaina se adjuntan+/-2 and 4los adaptadores de freno correspondientes the chainstay into 435mm, 440mm, 445mm de las longitudes de vainas. or 450mm together with adjustable brake adaptors in accordance to the different lengths of the chainstay.

Photo: Ian Hylands - Location: Whistler. Canada - Rider: David Acedo


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker 6061 Custom Hydroformed FT Tech frame _Marzocchi 66 RCV fork 180mm fork _Fox Van R rear shock, 180mm _Avid Elixir 1 200/180mm brakes _E.13 LS1 chainguide _Onoff Bula Wheelset

Fun is guaranteed with the Prayer, as this year one chainring + chainguide mean youll be able to do any of the circuits at your favourite bikepark.

Le plaisir est assur avec le Prayer, en mono plateau et anti draillement il est parfait pour parcourir en long et en large toutes les pistes de ton Bikepark habituel.

Mit dem Prayer hast Du Spassgarantie, denn dieses Jahr wirst Du mit nur einem Kettenblatt und einer Kettenfhrung keiner Strecke in Deinem Lieblings-Bikepark widerstehen knnen.


Photo: Sebas Romero - Location: Tona. Spain - Rider: David Acedo


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 170mm _Fox 36 Float RC2 Fit Kashima 170mm fork _Fox DHX Air 5.0 Kashima rear shock _Onoff Eject Wheelset _Rock Shox Reverb seatpost *Frame available *Adjustable Geometry Kit included

Its focused on the most aggressive form of Enduro and is represented by our models Zentih. Bikes with 170mm travel, air suspension, and adjustable geometry kit. Conclusion: Like its name indicates, a bike to touch the sky. You can do downhills without being taken up by car.

Le ct le plus agressif de lEnduro est reprsent par les modles Zenith. Des vlos en 170mm de dbattement, suspensions air, kit de rglage de gomtrie Crs, comme leur nom lindique, pour toucher le ciel et faire de la descente sans devoir monter en voiture.

Die agressivste Form des Enduro-Fahrens wird reprsentiert durch die Zenith-Modelle. 170mm Federweg, Luftdmpfer, Geometrie-Kit.... Das Ergebnis, wie der Name schon sagt, ein Bike, um den Himmel zu berhren. Abfahrtsgenuss pur ohne Shuttle-Service.


The purpose of this kit is to adapt the geometry to your preferences according to your riding style or the type of circuit you use. This way you can make adjustments from an extreme geometry to be used for Freeride, to a more adequate geometry for Enduro. The kit contains 3 headset reducers made of CNC for 0, +/- 1 y +/-2.

Photo: Greg Germain - Location: Cabo Verde - Rider: Fabien Barel


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 170mm _Rock Shox Lyric R SA 170mm fork _Fox DHX Air 5.0 rear shock _Onoff Eject Wheelset _X-Fusion Hilo seatpost



Photo: Sebas Romero - Location: Tona. Spain - Rider: David Acedo


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 160mm _Fox 36 Float RLC Fit Kashima tapered 160mm fork _Fox Float RP23 XV Boost Valve Kashima rear shock _Easton Haven 12x135 wheelset _Rock Shox Reverb seatpost

There are four models in the Enduro 160mm travel category this year, ranging from the exclusive Dune RR LTD to the new Dune at a spectacular price that will persuade many sceptics to try out the fun offered by this category.

Quatre modles dfendent la catgorie Enduro en 160mm de dbattement cette anne. Ils vont du plus exclusif, le Dune RR LTD, au Dune, un prix spectaculaire pour motiver les sceptiques gouter aux joies de cette catgorie.

Vier Modelle treten dieses Jahr an, die 160mm -EnduroKategorie zu verteidigen. Vom exklusiven Dune RR LTD bis hin zum neuen Dune zu einem spektakulren Preis, das viele Skeptiker ermutigen wird, sich fr dieses SpassBike zu entscheiden.


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 160mm _Fox 36 Float R tapered 160mm fork _Fox Float RP2 XV Boost Valve rear shock _Easton Vice 12x135 wheelset _X-Fusion Hilo seatpost


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 160mm _Fox 36 Float R 160mm fork _Fox Float R XV rear shock _Onoff Draw wheelset _Sram S1000 2x10 Cranckset


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 160mm _Rock Shox Lyric R Coil 160mm fork _X-Fusion E1R rear shock _Avid Elixir 1 180mm brakes _Onoff Rail wheelset



Photo: Sebas Romero - Location: Montseny. Spain - Rider: Javier Echeverra


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 140mm _Fox Float RLC Fit Kashima QR15mm tapered 140mm fork _Fox Float RP23 XV Boost Valve Kashima rear shock _Crank Brothers Cobalt 2 12x135mm wheelset _Rock Shox Reverb seatpost *Frame available *Mudguard included

The most multifunctional bike of the range, with 140mm travel and its system Zero offers a range of advantages going downhill and does not suffer any bobbing effects whilst pedaling. The new triple butted rear triangle that reduces frame weight 180g and the Stealth (Side Alloy Structure) structure convert this bike in one of the lightest alternatives of its league.

Le vlo le plus polyvalent de la gamme, avec ses 140mm de dbattement il offre tous les avantages du systme Zero en descente et en cte, le pdalage na aucune influence sur le systme qui est optimis pour le programme. Le nouveau bras oscillant triple butted allg de 180g et la structure Stealth (Side Alloy Structure) font de ce vlo un des plus lgers de sa catgorie.

Das Bike mit dem grssten Einsatzbereich unseres Sortiments mit 140mm Federweg und allen Vorteilen des Zero-Suspension-Systems beim Downhill bei null Pedalrckschlag. Mit dem neuen dreifach konifizierten Hinterbau, der das Gewicht um 180 Gramm vermindert und dem Stealth-Rahmen (side alloy structur) prsentieren wir eines der leichtesten Bikes in der All-Mountain-Klasse.


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 140mm _Fox Float FIT RL tapered 140mm fork _Fox Float RP2 XV Boost Valve rear shock _Formula RX 180mm brakes _DT X1900 wheelset *Mudguard as optional


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 140mm _Fox Float RL 140mm fork _Fox Float RL XV rear shock _Avid Elixir 1 180mm brakes _Sram S1000 2x10 Cranckset *Mudguard as optional



Photo: Sebas Romero - Location: Montseny. Spain - Rider: Javier Echeverra


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 120mm _Fox Float RLC Fit Kashima tapered 120mm fork _Fox Float RP23 Boost Valve Kashima rear shock _Easton EA70 XCT tubeless wheelset _Shimano XT drivetrain *Frame available

The Trail category is ramped up this year through improvements in the performance of the Factor. They have been fitted with Fox suspension from the Factor RR model with the highest range of Kashima-coated Fox suspensions up to the Factor with lock out on fork and rear shock.

La catgorie Trail est encore plus performante cette anne grce aux amliorations fonctionnelles des modles Factor. Ces derniers sont tous quips de suspensions Fox, la version RR lest avec les modles au traitement Kashima, et le modle Factor est quip de blocages sur la fourche et sur lamortisseur.

Im Trail-Bereich sind unsere Factor-Modelle dieses Jahr dank der Verbesserungen strker vertreten. Alle Modelle erhalten Fox-Fahrwerke, vom Factor RR mit Kashima-Beschichtung bis zum Factor mit Gabel- und Dmpferblockierung.


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 120mm _Fox Float RL Fit tapered 120mm fork _Fox Float RP2 rear shock _Avid Elixir 3 180/160mm brakes _Mavic Crossride wheelset


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 120mm _Fox Float RL 120mm fork _Fox Float RL rear shock _Avid Elixir 1 180/160mm brakes _Sram S1000 3x10 Cranckset


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker SAT Square Alloy Technology frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 120mm _Fox Float RL 120mm fork _Fox Float RL rear shock _Avid Elixir 1 180/160mm brakes _Sram S1000 3x10 Cranckset

New models in the Mondraker range. The Tracker are designed to deliver optimum performance thanks to their ZERO suspension system at an affordable price. With 120mm of travel in all models, theres no doubt that getting a first full suspension bike will be a whole lot easier now.

Des nouveaux modles dans la gamme Mondraker. Les Tracker sont penss pour garantir un fonctionnement optimal grce au systme de suspension ZERO tout en conservant un prix bas. Avec un dbattement de 120mm sur toutes les versions ils sont la porte dentre au monde des tout suspendus.

Neue Modelle bei Mondraker. Die Tracker punkten mit dem ZERO-System und einem gnstigen Preis. Mit 120mm -Fahrwerken bei allen Modellen ist der Zugang in die Welt der voll gefederten Bikes jetzt leichter.

Photo: Sebas Romero - Location: Montseny. Spain - Rider: Javier Echeverra


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker SAT Square Alloy Technology frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 120mm _Rock Shox Recon Gold TK Coil 120mm fork _Rock Shox Ario RL rear shock _Avid Elixir 1 180/160mm brakes


_Mondraker SAT Square Alloy Technology frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 120mm _Rock Shox XC28 TK Coil 120mm fork _X-Fusion E1RL Lock out rear shock _Avid Elixir 1 180/160mm brakes


Photo: Sebas Romero - Location: Alicante. Spain - Rider: Miguel ngel Sez


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth 2.0 Twist Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 100mm _DT Swiss XRC Carbon Remote 100mm fork _DT Swiss XR Carbon rear shock _DT Swiss XR 1450 wheelset _Sram XX drivetrain

New family in the Mondraker range which is a step forward in engineering as it optimizes the Zero suspension system for 100mm travel and also features new Stealth tubes in unique shapes. Stealth 2.0 is here and brings with it Mondrakers new model Lithium with a frame weighing less than 2 kg. The ideal bikes for long marathon races or complicated XC circuits.

Une nouvelle famille voit le jour dans la gamme Mondraker, elle met en avant une grande capacit dingnierie, non seulement pour optimiser le systme de suspension Zero en 100mm de dbattement, mais aussi en faisant voluer les tubes en aluminium Stealth avec une forme unique. Stealth 2.0 apparat pour la premire fois avec les modles Lithium dont le cadre pse moins de 2 Kg. Des machines parfaites pour les marathons longue distance ou les circuits XC.

Weiterer Zuwachs in der Mondraker-Familie. Ein nchster Schritt der Weiterentwicklung. Nicht nur wegen der Optimierung des 100mm -Zero-Fahrwerks, sondern auch wegen der Entwicklung des Stealth-Alu-Rahmens mit seinen einzigartigen Formen. Stealth 2.0 ist da und damit die Modelle Lithium mit einem Rahmen, der keine 2 kg wiegt. Perfekte Maschinen fr lange Marathons oder schwierige XC-Rennstrecken.

Every great idea is followed by a better one. Stealth 2.0 is the evolution of the Stealth technology to a new level of features and finishes. The industrial design has been made even more dynamic to provide more fluidity and speed to each of the tubes, achieving a lighter visual weight and a more attractive look. The characteristic flat and rectangular faces and sharp edges of the original Stealth are combined with a 90 degrees tube twist increasing so the torsional rigidity of the entire frame. This evolution uses all the knowledge gained from the Stealth tubing to streamline manufacturing processes and reduce weight without sacrificing strength. Stealth 2.0 uses an exclusive aluminium alloy in the 6000 series to reduce internal thicknesses and is butted to achieve a final weight thats a real record. During this 2012 the new full suspension Lithium with 100 mm travel on both wheels and Zero technology is also designed with Stealth 2.0 tubing to get a final frame weight of just 1980g. Everything you need for your races and long-distance rides with the performance of full suspension and the efficiency of a hardtail.

Chaque grande ide est suivie dune meilleure. Stealth 2.0 est lvolution de la technologie Stealth avec un nouveau niveau de prestations et de finitions. Le dessin industriel se dynamise en apportant plus de fluidit et de vitesse chacun des tubes pour obtenir un poids visuellement plus lger et un attrait esthtique plus important. Les facettes plates et les arrtes marques, caractristiques de la conception Stealth originale, se vrillent sur elles mme en tournant 90 afin daugmenter la rigidit en torsion de toute la structure. Cette volution utilise le savoir faire obtenu avec les tubes Stealth pour optimiser les processus de construction et abaisser le poids sans sacrifier la rsistance. Stealth 2.0 utilise un alliage daluminium exclusif de la srie 6000 afin de rduire au maximum les paisseurs variables et datteindre un poids record. Le nouveau modle tout suspendu Lithium quip du systme Zero en 100mm de dbattement avant et arrire trenne pour cette saison 2012 les tubes Stealth 2.0 en obtenant un poids de cadre final de 1,980g. Tout ce dont tu as besoin pour faire face aux courses et aux longues distances avec le rendement dun tout suspendu et lefficacit dun semi rigide.

Auf jede groe Idee folgt eine noch bessere. Steath 2.0 stellt die Entwicklung der Stealth-Technologie auf ein neues Leistungs- und Endverarbeitungsniveau. Das Industriedesign gestaltet jedes einzelne der Rohre fliessender und schneller, das Gewicht ist geringer bei attraktiverer sthetik. Die charakteristischen glatten Flchen und lebendigen Kanten des Originaldesigns Stealth drehen sich um 90 und verstrken die Torsionssteifigkeit der gesamten Struktur. Diese Entwicklung nutzt alle Erkenntnisse des Stealth-Rahmens, um die Konstruktionsverfahren zu optimieren und das Gewicht zu reduzieren, ohne dabei die Steifigkeit zu vernachlssigen. Stealth 2.0 verwendet eine exklusive Aluminiumlegierung der Serie 6000, um die Wandstrken maximal zu reduzieren und damit ein authentisches Rekordgewicht zu erreichen. Das neue vollgefederte Modell Lithium mit 100-mm-Fahrwerk und ZERO-Hinterbausystem prsentiert sich erstmals 2012 mit Stealth-2.0-Rahmen und einem Gewicht von 1980 Gramm. Kurzum, alles was Du fr Deine Rennen und Langstreckentouren brauchst, mit dem Komfort der Vollfederung und der Effizienz des Starrrahmens.


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Stealth 2.0 Twist Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 100mm _Rock Shox SID RL Remote tapered 100mm fork _Rock Shox Monarch RT3 rear shock _Formula RX 160mm brakes _Easton EA70 XCT tubeless wheelset *Frame available


_Mondraker Stealth 2.0 Twist Side Alloy Structure frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 100mm _Rock Shox Reba RL Remote tapered 100mm fork _Rock Shox Monarch RT3 rear shock _Avid Elixir 3 160mm brakes _Shimano MT65 tubeless wheelset

Ultimate XC Racing geometry Higher steering precisin Stem with eccentric insert for +/- 10mm Internal IST stopper system

Mondraker presents a new concept in integration that takes cross country bikes to a new level. The new Podium with an IST stem offers the latest in XC Racing geometry with a lower control post and a pedal position unique in its segment. Its integrated stem design combined with the frame structure makes the whole of the front of the bike more compact, thus achieving greater stiffness and steering precision superior to any other existing steering system. The position of the stem, made entirely of Stealth Carbon, can be adjusted using an eccentric aluminium insert in the handlebar with a margin of 1 cm on both the X and Y axes. Different stem sizes are available offering lengths ranging from 80 mm to 120 mm. The IST stem (patent pending) is designed with a replaceable internal stopper system to prevent damage to the frame from the bars swinging round in a crash and ensure the longevity of the steering system. Welcome to the new standard.

Mondraker prsente un nouveau concept dintgration qui lve les vlos de Cross Country un autre niveau. Le nouveau Podium avec sa potence intgre IST offre la gomtrie XC Racing la plus avance du moment avec un poste de pilotage abaiss et une position dattaque unique dans son segment. La conception de la potence intgre et la structure du cadre rendent la partie avant plus compacte, elles apportent plus de rigidit et une prcision de conduite suprieure tous les systmes de direction connus. La potence, ralise 100% Stealth Carbon, dispose dun systme dexcentrique sur la prise du cintre pour ajuster sa position avec 1cm de marge sur tous les axes, autant en vertical quen horizontal. Il existe aussi plusieurs longueurs de potences disponibles qui offrent des longueurs de 80mm 120mm. La potence IST (Patent pending) est conue avec un systme interne de bute interchangeable qui vite les possibles dommages de la structure provoqus par une chute et assure la longvit du systme de direction. Bienvenue au nouveau standard.

Mondraker stellt ein neues Integrationskonzept vor, das die XC-Bikes auf ein neues Niveau hebt. Das neue Podium mit IST-Vorbau bietet die neueste XC-Racing-Geometrie mit einer niedrigeren Lenkzentrale und einer einzigartigen Sitzposition. Sein integrierter Vorbau zusammen mit der Struktur des Rahmens machen die gesamte Front des Bikes kompakter, steifer und lenkprziser im Vergleich zu bisher bekannten Systemen. Der Vorbau aus 100-%-Stealth-Carbon verfgt ber ein Exzentersystem am Lenker, so dass seine Position 1 cm vertikal oder horizontal eingestellt werden kann. Ferner sind Vorbaulngen von 80 bis 120 mm verfgbar. Der Vorbau IST (Patent pending) hat ein internes austauschbares Anschlagsystem, das eventuelle Schden der Struktur, verursacht durch einen Sturz, vermeidet und die Lebensdauer des Lenksystems gewhrleistet. Willkommen beim neuen Standard.

Sub Kilo frame weight Greater stiffness structure BB30 Press Fit Post Mount brake tabs Internal cable routing Streamline integration looking

Stealth Carbon is the most advanced carbon fibre development and optimization technology in the Mondraker range. This new technology brings all the experience gained in making aluminium frames to top of the range carbon fibre frames meeting the same innovation, quality, weight and strength requirements. The technology encompasses all processes of making the frame, from the inspiration and creation of the industrial design to the optimization of each of the high modulus carbon fibres that shape all its parts. The industrial design of Stealth is innovative, characterised by flat faces and sharp edges as opposed to the traditional curved or rounded shapes. Each part of the frame is designed to carry out a specific function with the lowest possible weight. This has involved working on the fibre types, features, number and arrangement of each one combined with a painstaking compaction process using different epoxy resins which ensure the strength and durability of Stealth Carbon frames with Mondrakers limited lifetime warranty. The new Podium Carbon Pro SL Ltd weighing 8.6 kg is Mondrakers flagship model when it comes to Stealth technology. It is a fast and direct bike where pedalling is turned into pure forward motion with the stiffness and precision needed to win an XC World Cup race.

Stealth Carbon est la technologie la plus avance en terme de dveloppement et doptimisation des fibres dans la gamme Mondraker. Cette nouvelle technologie transfre toute lexprience accumule dans la ralisation de structures en aluminium vers la fibre de carbone haut de gamme en respectant les mmes impratifs dinnovation, de qualit, de poids et de rsistance. Cette technologie runit tous les processus de cration du cadre, de linspiration la ralisation du dessin industriel jusqu loptimisation de chacune des fibres haut module qui donne forme lensemble. Le dessin industriel Stealth promeut une conception innovante, loigne des formes courbes et arrondies, o les faces plates et les arrtes marques sassemblent pour former un tout. Chaque partie du chssis est conue pour raliser une fonction particulire avec le poids le plus bas possible, en travaillant sur le type de fibre, leurs caractristiques, leur nombre et leurs dispositions, ainsi que sur le laborieux travail de compression avec plusieurs rsines poxy nous assurons la rsistance et la durabilit des cadres Stealth Carbon avec la garantie limite vie Mondraker. Le nouveau Podium Carbon Pro SL Ltd avec ses 8,6 Kg de poids est ltendard de la technologie Stealth. Un vlo rapide et direct o chaque coup de pdale se transforme en avance pure avec la rigidit et la prcision ncessaires pour gagner une course de Coupe du Monde de XC.

Stealth Carbon ist die fortschrittlichste Technologie der Serie Mondraker in Entwicklung und Optimierung von Karbonfasern. Diese neue Technologie ist das Resultat der Erfahrungen bei der Realisierung von Aluminiumstrukturen. Sie fnden Anwendung bei der Bearbeitung von hochwertigsten Kohlenstofffasern. Dabei werden alle Voraussetzungen fr Innovation, Qualitt, Gewicht und Widerstand erfllt. Bei der Entwicklung des Rahmens wurden all diese Technologien angewandt, von der Inspiration und dem Industriedesign-Konzept bis hin zur Optimierung jeder einzelnen hochwertigen Faser, die allen Teilen Form verleihen. Das Industriedesign Stealth bringt ein innovatives Design hervor, weit entfernt von gekrmmten oder abgerundeten Formen; vorherrschend sind die flachen Flchen und lebendigen Kanten, die zusammen ein Ganzes bilden. Jedes mit Fasern hergestellte Teil des Rahmens zielt darauf ab, ein mglichst geringes Gewicht zu erreichen. Gearbeitet wurde an den verschiedensten Fibersorten, an deren Charakteristika, an deren Zahl und Anordnung sowie am mhsamen Verfahren der Verdichtung mittels verschiedener Expositharze, die die Widerstandsfhigkeit und Langlebigkeitt der Stealth-Carbon-Rahmen gewhrleisten, abgesichert durch die begrenzte lebenslange Mondraker-Garantie. Das neue Podium Carbon Pro SL Ltd mit 8,6 kg Gewicht ist der klare Standard der Stealth-Technologie. Ein schnelles, direktes, przises Bike, mit dem Du ein Weltcup-XC-Rennen gewinnen kannst.


BIKE 2012



_Mondraker Stealth Side Carbon Structure frame _IST integrated Stem Technology _DT Swiss XRC Carbon Remote 100mm fork _DT Swiss XR 1450 wheelset _Onoff Carbon components _Sram XX drivetrain

Mondraker has always been famous for bringing innovation to the market so we couldnt make just another XC bike; it had to be different, functional, lightweight and attractive. These were the instructions given to our engineering and design team and after a long period of hard work they present the new Podium Carbon featuring Stealth Carbon technology. Were very proud of the result... Dont you agree?

Mondraker se caractrise par son offre diffrente, cest pour cela que nous ne pouvions pas faire un vlo de XC de plus, il devait tre diffrent, fonctionnel, lger et attrayant. Avec ces directrices lquipe de recherche et dveloppement cest mise en marche pour parvenir longtemps aprs au rsultat que prsente le nouveau Podium Carbone avec la technologie Stealth Carbon. Nous en sommes trs fiers Quen pensez-vous ?

Mondraker steht fr Innovation. Zielsetzung ist, dem Markt noch nie Dagewesenes zu bieten. Folglich musste etwas Neues her, anders, zweckmig, leicht und attraktiv. Das waren die Leitlinien fr unser Technik- und Design-Team, das nach einer langen Entwicklungszeit endlich das neue Podium Carbon mit der Stealth-CarbonTechnologie hervorbrachte. Wir sind sehr stolz auf das Ergebnis Meint Ihr nicht auch?


BIKE 2012



_Mondraker Stealth Side Carbon Structure frame _IST integrated Stem Technology _Fox Float RL Fit Remote Kashima tapered 100mm fork _Easton EA90 XC tubeless wheelset _Formula RX speedlock 160/140mm brakes _Fsa Afterburner 386 BB30 crankset *Frame available


BIKE 2012



_Mondraker Stealth Side Carbon Structure frame _IST integrated Stem Technology _Fox Float RL Fit Remote tapered 100mm fork _Easton EA70 XCT tubeless wheelset _Formula RX speedlock 160/140mm brake


_Mondraker Stealth Side Carbon Structure frame. _IST integrated Stem Technology _Fox Float RL tapered 100mm fork _Formula RX speedlock 160/140mm brakes _Fsa Comet 386 BB30 crankset


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker M-Lite full butted frame _Rock Shox Sid RL Remote tapered 100mm fork _Easton XC wheelset _Avid Elixir 3 160mm brakes _Fsa Comet 386 BB30 crankset *Frame available

_Mondraker M-Lite full butted frame _Rock Shox Reba RL tapered 100mm fork _Avid Elixir 1 160mm brakes _Onoff Rail SL Wheelset _Sram S1000 3x10 crankset

The Podium is following the footsteps of its bigger carbon counterpart in look and personality. Designed for those who want to experience the sensations you only get from an aluminium frame.

Les Podium suivent le chemin trac en matire desthtisme et de caractre par leurs ains en carbone. Pour tous les amants des sensations que seuls les cadres en aluminium peuvent procurer.

Die Podium folgen dem Weg ihrer lteren Geschwister in Sachen sthetik und Charakter. Fr diejenigen, die das Gefhl genieen wollen, das nur ein Aluminiumrahmen verleihen kann. Fr all jene, die das Gefhl, das nur ein Alu-Rahmen vermittelt, nicht missen wollen.


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Custolite triple butted frame, 1540g _Rock Shox Recon Gold TK Coil 100mm fork _Avid Elixir 1 160mm brakes _Shimano XT RD _Shimano 3x10 drivetrain

_Mondraker Custolite triple butted frame, 1540g _Rock Shox XC32 TK Coil 100mm fork _Avid Elixir 1 160mm brakes _Sram S1000 crankset _Sram 3x10 drivetrain

Without a doubt the ideal option for those who want to feel like a Pro without paying too mucho for it. Both the geometry and the specs of these bikes ensure a good performance to improve your physical health and form.

Sans doute loption idale pour ceux qui recherchent du matriel de pro sans avoir faire de grosses dpenses. Autant par sa gomtrie que par ses niveaux dquipement, il ne manque rien la gamme Finalist pour dcupler tes performances.

Zweifellos die beste Option fr jene, die sich wie Profis fhlen mchten, ohne dafr tief in die Tasche greifen zu mssen. Sowohl Geometrie als auch die Komponenten des Finalist werden Dich dabei untersttzen, Deine Kondition zu verbessern.

XC 29er

Photo: Jos Comesaa - Location: Tuy. Spain - Rider: Alberto Pedreira


BIKE 2012

XC 29er


_Mondraker M-Lite 29er full butted frame _Rock Shox Sid RL 29 Remote tapered 100mm fork _Easton XC 29 wheelset _Avid Elixir 3 160mm brakes _Fsa Comet 386 BB30 cranckset

Here at Mondraker weve given a distinguishing touch to our 29er family. Geometry as similar as possible to their smaller 26 relatives mean that Podium 29er bikes handle very easily. If youre a large person or like to cycle fast, this might be just what you were looking for

Chez Mondraker nous avons voulu donner un caractre diffrent notre famille 29er. Une gomtrie la plus similaire possible celle de leurs homologues en 26 fait des Podium 29er des vlos maniables. Si tu es en qute de confort et de hautes vitesses cest probablement la rponse tes recherches

Bei Mondraker sollten die 29er anders sein. Die Geometrie sollte der ihrer kleinen 26 -Schwestern mglichst hneln und dabei mglichst handlich sein. Genau das Richtige, wenn Du gross bist und gerne schnell fhrst.

XC 29er

BIKE 2012


_Mondraker M-Lite 29er full butted frame _Rock Shox Reba RL 29 tapered 100mm fork _Avid Elixir 1 160mm brakes _Onoff Rail 29 Wheelset _Sram S1000 3x10 crankset


BIKE 2012

XC 29er


_Mondraker 29er Custolite triple butted frame _Rock Shox Recon Gold TK SA 29 100mm fork _Avid Elixir 1 160mm brakes _Shimano XT RD _Shimano 3x10 drivetrain

The Finalists unbeatable value for money is now also available in a 29er version. Geometry as similar as possible to their smaller 26 relatives mean that Finalist 29er bikes handle very easily. If youre a large person or like to cycle fast, this might be just what you were looking for

Limbattable rapport quipement prix de la gamme Finalist est transfr vers la famille Finalist 29er. Une gomtrie la plus similaire possible celle de leurs homologues en 26 fait des Finalist 29er des vlos maniables. Si tu es en qute de confort et de vitesse cest probablement la rponse tes recherches

Das unschlagbare Qualitt/Preis-Verhltnis der Serie Finalist gilt auch fr die Finalist 29er. Die Geometrie sollte der ihrer kleinen 26 -Schwestern mglichst hneln und dabei mglichst handlich sein. Genau das Richtige, wenn Du gross bist und gerne schnell fhrst.

XC 29er

BIKE 2012


_Mondraker 29er Custolite triple butted frame _Rock Shox XC32 TK Coil 29 100mm fork _Avid Elixir 1 160mm brakes _Sram S1000 crankset _Sram 3x10 drivetrain


Photo: Jos Comesaa - Location: Ballona. Spain - Rider: Gabriel Alonso


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Spin Hydroformed alloy with Integrated Stay Design frame _Rock Shox XC 28 TK Coil 120mm fork _Shimano M446 hydraulic 180/160mm disc brakes _Sram 3x10 drivetrain _Fsa Gamma Drive 2pcs crankset

In addition to improving the Ventura X-Pro with 30 speed transmission, the great fun offered by these Ventura with 120mm travel forks is now more accessible with the advent of the Ventura X. Specific geometry for this purpose, wider handlebars, 180mm front disc and wider tyres will make your mountain excursions into something else. Outstanding among the other models is the 30 speed Ventura Pro.

En plus de lvolution du modle Ventura X-Pro qui passe en 30 vitesses, le plaisir quoffrent ces Ventura avec des fourches en 120mm de dbattement est aujourdhui plus accessibles grce lapparition du modle Ventura X. Des gomtries spcifiques, un cintre et des pneus plus larges, un disque avant en 180mm, autant de caractristiques qui te permettront de sublimer tes excursions en montagne.

Sowohl die Verbesserung des Modells Ventura X-Pro mit 30 Gngen als auch die 120mm -Federgabel bis zum Ventura X sind Garant fr viel Fahrspass. Spezielle Geometrie fr diesen Zweck entwickelt, breiterer Lenker, vordere Bremsscheibe mit 180mm Durchmesser und breitere Reifen machen Deine Ausflge in die Berge zu etwas Besonderem. Unter den brigen Modellen verdient das Modell Ventura Pro mit seinen 30 Gngen besondere Erwhnung.


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Spin Hydroformed alloy with Integrated Stay Design frame _Suntour XCM-V3 Hydraulic lock out 120mm fork _Tektro Draco hydraulic 180/160mm disc brakes _Shimano Alivio + Acera shifters _Abyss XC 31.8mm components


_Mondraker Spin Hydroformed alloy with Integrated Stay Design frame _Suntour XCM-V3 Hydraulic lock out 120mm fork _Tektro Draco hydraulic 180/160mm disc brakes _Shimano Acera RD & Shifters _Abyss XC 31.8mm components


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Custolite triple butted alloy frame _Rock Shox XC 28 TK Coil 100mm fork _Shimano M446 hydraulic 160mm disc brakes _Sram 3x10 drivetrain _Fsa Gamma Drive 2pcs crankset

The new triple butted frames take the Ventura family to a higher level that is unique in its category. There have been numerous improvements for the Ventura in terms of components and the Ventura Pro offers the advantages of a 30 speed transmision at an extraordinary price.

Le nouveau cadre triple butted de la famille Ventura llve un niveau suprieur. Ces modles reoivent de nombreuses amliorations en ce qui concerne les quipements, par exemple, le modle Ventura Pro offre des prestations en 30 vitesses un prix vraiment spectaculaire.

Der neue dreifach konifizierte Rahmen der Serie Ventura macht sie einzigartig in ihrer Kategorie. Hinsichtlich der Komponenten sind die Modelle Ventura stark verbessert. Hervorzuheben ist das Modell Ventura Pro, das mit 30 Gngen zu einem spektakulren Preis kommt.


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Custolite triple butted alloy frame _Suntour XCM-V3 Hydraulic lock out 100mm fork _Tektro Draco hydraulic 160mm disc brakes _Shimano Alivio + Acera shifters _Abyss XC 31.8mm components


_Mondraker Custolite triple butted alloy frame _Suntour XCT lock out 100mm fork _Tektro Draco hydraulic 160mm disc brakes _Shimano Acera RD & Shifters _Abyss XC 31.8mm components


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker SCA 7005 Bi-axial Alloy frame _Suntour XCT 100mm lock out fork _Tektro Novela disc brakes _Shimano Acera + EZ-Fire shifters _ICS integrated ahead set

The Concept family is much more attractive this year due to the new colours and graphics together with the shapes of the frame and personalized forks. Concept means youve got some fun adventures awaiting which you can then share with your friends.

La famille Concept est une fois de plus trs sduisante grce sa nouvelle cosmtique, la forme de cadre et aux fourches personnalises. Avec les Concept de belles et amusantes aventures partager avec la famille et les amis tattendent.

Die Serie Concept ist dieses Jahr wesentlich attraktiver dank der neuen Farben und Grafiken, mit der Gestaltung des Rahmens und den modifizierten Federgabeln. Mit dem neuen Concept wirst Du Spass und Abenteuer erleben und mit Deinen Freunden spter teilen knnen.


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker SCA 7005 Bi-axial Alloy frame _Suntour XCT 100mm lock out fork _Shimano Acera + EZ-Fire shifters _ICS integrated ahead set _Abyss XC 31.8mm components



Photo: Jos Comesaa - Location: Vigo. Spain - Rider: Rubn Pazos


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Smooth shape alloy 7005 26 _Mondraker urban alloy aero disc fork _Simano M445 160mm disc brakes _Shimano Alfine 8 speed _Urban comfort components

While keeping its Mondraker personality, the Borne family meets the needs of people who use a bike as a means of transport. You can get to work, go shopping or go out for coffee on your Borne bike in a faster and healthier way.

Avec la touche et le caractre de Mondraker la famille Borne est une trs bonne option pour ceux qui utilisent leur vlo comme moyen de transport. Les Borne te permettront de raliser tes dplacements de manire plus tonique et plus rapide au travail, au supermarch ou au resto.

Ohne auf die Charakterzge von Mondraker zu verzichten, deckt die Familie Borne alle Bedrfnisse jener ab, die das Bike als Transportmittel nutzen. Mit den Borne kommst Du schnell und gesund zur Arbeit, zum Supermarkt und zur Cafeteria.


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Smooth shape alloy 7005 26 _Mondraker urban alloy aero disc fork _Tektro Draco hydraulic 160mm disc brakes _Shimano Acera drivetrain _Urban comfort components


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Smooth shape alloy 7005 26 _Mondraker urban Crmo aero disc fork _Shimano Acera + revoshift shifters _Flat mudguards _Urban comfort components


Photo: Norbert Szsz - Location: Vienna Air King 2011. Austria - Rider: Andreu Lacondeguy


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker 4130 CrMo Slim tubbing Andreu Lacondeguy series _Marzocchi Dirt Jumper 3 100mm fork _Tektro Draco hydraulic 160mm disc brakes _Prowheel CrMo 3-pcs 25t crankset _Onoff Morph Slope custom components

*Decals Kit Included


_Mondraker 4130 CrMo Slim tubbing _Mondraker Chromoly Freestyle Disc _Tektro Novela 160mm disc brakes _SS CrMo 3-pcs 25t Crankset _Onoff Morph Slope custom components

*Decals Kit Included

The biggest can only go with the best, so this year the new Quarter frame has been improved in numerous ways including a smaller diameter tube, dropouts with a builtin chain tensioner, lighter weight and geometry designed by Andreu Lacondeguy, our star in this category. Both the Quarter I (Andreu Lacondeguy series) with its 100mm travel fork and Quarter II with a rigid fork are bikes made to take the greatest punishment. LOVE DIRT.

Les meilleurs ne peuvent rouler quavec le meilleur, donc cette anne le nouveau cadre Quarter reoit de nombreuses amliorations comme des tubes plus fins, des pattes arrires avec des tendeurs de chaine incorpors, un poids plus lger et une gomtrie conu par, justement, un des meilleurs reprsentants de la catgorie, Andreu Lacondeguy. Les modles Quarter I (Andreu Lacondeguy) avec une fourche de 100mm de dbattement et les Quarter II avec une fourche rigide sont prpars pour recevoir le pire traitement. LOVE DIRT.

Fr den Besten dieses Jahr das Allerbeste. Der neue Quarter-Rahmen kommt mit zahlreichen Verbesserungen. Rahmen mit dnnerer Wandstrke, integriertem Kettenspanner, weniger Gewicht und verbesserter Geometrie, entworfen von Andreu Lacondeguy. Sowohl die Modelle Quarter I (Andreu Lacondeguy series) mit 100mm -Federgabel als auch das Quarter II mit Starrgabel sind dazu gemacht, hchste Beanspruchung auszuhalten. LOVE DIRT.

Photo: Ale Di Lullo - Location: Vienna Air King 2011. Austria - Rider: Andreu Lacondeguy


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Alloy 6061 Square street frame Andreu Lacondeguy series _Marzocchi Dirt Jumper 2 20mm 100mm fork _Shimano M445 160mm disc brakes _JY CrMo 3-pcs 25t Crankset _Onoff Morph components

The Play family has had a makeover with matt colours and anodized components, a more serious look that is maximized in the Play 1 (Andreu Lacondeguy series) single speed, 3-piece cranks, Marzocchi Dirt Jumper 2 with a 20mm axle This is no joke dude!

La famille Play se met jour esthtiquement avec des couleurs mates et des priphriques anodiss, un caractre indniablement plus srieux qui atteint son paroxysme avec le Play 1 (Andreu Lacondeguy Series) single speed, pdalier 3 pices, Marzocchi Dirt Jumper 2 avec axe de 20mm. Cest du dlire !!

Die sthetik der Serie Play wurde mit matten Farben und eloxierten Komponenten aktualisiert, zweifellos ein etwas seriser Charakter, der mit dem Play 1 (Andreu Lacondeguy series) die hchste Stufe erreicht; single speed, dreiteilige Kurbeln, Marzocchi Dirt Jumper 2 mit 20mm -Achse. Das ist kein Scherz, Junge!!


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Alloy 6061 Square street frame _Marzocchi Dirt Jumper 3 100mm fork _Tektro Draco hydraulic 160mm disc brakes _Truvativ Blaze 2.0 bash cranckset _Kenda K-Rad 2.30 tires


_Mondraker Alloy 6061 Square street frame _RST Dirt T 100mm fork _Tektro Novela 160mm disc brakes _Suntour XCT-V2 cranckset _Kenda K-Rad 2.30 tires


BIKE 2012



_Mondraker 7005 Street ydroformed 24 frame _Suntour M2025 disc 50mm fork _Shimano RD-TX31D + 7s. SL shifters _Tektro Novela 160mm disc brakes _Kenda K-Rad 24x2.30 tires

Just like their bigger relatives the Play 24 and 20 have the same personality that will give your kids hours of fun. Their unique look will make them the envy of their friends. They feature components specially selected to withstand the worst that can be done to them. You can give your kids what you always wanted to have.

A limage de leurs grands frres, les Play 20 et 24 possdent un caractre ludique permettant tes enfants de samuser pendant des heures. Avec cette esthtique si particulire faisant des envieux et des priphriques choisis pour rsister au pire des traitements, tu pourras donner tes enfants ce que tu as toujours rv davoir.

Die Play 24 und 20 weisen den gleichen Charakter wie ihre grossen Geschwister auf. Deine Kinder werden stundenlang grossen Spass haben. Ihre Freunde werden sie um diese Bikes beneiden. Die ausgewhlten sehr widerstandsfhigen Komponenten halten alles aus. Du kannst Deinen Kindern jetzt bieten, was Du Dir immer selbst gewnscht hast.


BIKE 2012



_Mondraker 7005 Street Hydroformed 20 frame _Suntour M2025 disc 40mm fork _Shimano RD-FT30 + 6s. shifters _Tektro Novela 160mm disc brakes _Abyss Kids components


DUEL PRO TEAM 540 360 180

Photo: David Ponce - Location: San Vicente. Spain - Rider: Borja Carrasco


BIKE 2012



_Mondraker BMX Stealth Side Alloy Structure frame _Sinz SSF-01 Carbon fork _Sinz Expert 44t cranckset _Sinz Pro 20 wheelset _Mondraker-ITS Micronobby 20x2.125F / 1.75R tires _Frame available

The new Duel Pro Team frame with Stealth tubes noticeably improves the bikes performance on a BMX circuit. An ultra-lightweight frame together with great stiffness provided by the oversized square tubes delivers peerless speed of response and precision.

Le nouveau cadre Duel Pro Team a un rendement sensiblement amlior sur un circuit de Race avec les tubes Stealth. La lgret extrme du cadre lie une grande rigidit apporte par les tubes surdimensionns carrs donne une vivacit et une prcision extrme.

Der neue Duel Pro Team-Rahmen mit Stealth-Rohrsatz optimiert sprbar die Leistung des Bikes auf einer BMXStrecke. Der auergewhnlich leichte Rahmen zusammen mit der enormen Steifigkeit der berdimensionalen viereckigen Rohre lassen schnell reagieren und sind unschlagbar przise.


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Slim Cromoly / Hi-Ten20 frame _Mondraker Hi-Ten Freestyle fork _Integrated ahead-set _Prowheel Chromoly 3pcs 6mm alloy 25t ring cranckset _Mondraker BMX pivotal saddle _Abyss Indy BMX components

New frame with wider chain stays, shorter seat tube and a new variable diameter fork gives a cooler look to the whole BMX family rounded off by an Abyss Indy stem, U-brakes and a pivotal system saddle

Un nouveau cadre avec des bases plus fines, un tube de tige de selle plus court et une nouvelle fourche au diamtre variable dotent toute la famille BMX dune image plus fun qui est accentue par la potence Abyss Indy, des freins U-brake et une selle Pivotal

Neuer Rahmen mit krzeren Kettenstreben, krzerer Sattelsttze und der neuen verstellbaren Federgabel verleihen der gesamten BMX-Serie einen cooleren Charakter, verstrkt durch den Vorbau Abyss Indy, U-Brake-Bremsen und einen Sattel mit Pivotal-System


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Slim Cromoly / Hi-Ten20 frame _Mondraker Hi-Ten Freestyle fork _SST Rotor ahead-set _Prowheel Chromoly 3pcs Crmo 25t ring cranckset _Mondraker BMX pivotal saddle _Abyss Indy BMX components

_Mondraker Slim Cromoly / Hi-Ten20 frame _Mondraker Hi-Ten Freestyle fork _SST Rotor ahead-set _Abyss freestyle 14mm rear axle hub _Mondraker BMX pivotal saddle _Abyss Indy BMX components



Photo: David Ponce - Location: Elche. Spain - Rider: Cecilia Sopea


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker SAT Square Alloy Technology frame _Mondraker Zero Supension System, 120mm _Rock Shox XC28 TK Coil 120mm fork _X-Fusion E1R Lock out rear shock _Avid Elixir 1 180/160mm brakes

Now you too can enjoy the Zero suspension system on our Tracker GO model, with slight changes in its components to fit the female form. 120mm travel that will undoubtedly make this All Mountain bike into your inseparable friend.

Pour elle il sera maintenant possible de profiter du systme de suspension Zero avec le modle Tracker Go, de lger changements dans les composants pour ladapter la morphologie fminine, 120mm de dbattement qui feront de ce All Mountain un ami insparable.

Jetzt knnen auch die Mdels vom ZERO-Hinterbausystem profitieren. Mit leicht abgenderten der Anatomie der Frau angepassten Komponenten, 120mm Federweg, wird dieses Modell zu Deiner besten Freundin, von der Du Dich nie wieder trennen wirst.


BIKE 2012


_Mondraker Custolite triple butted alloy frame _Suntour XCT lock out 100mm fork _Tektro Draco hydraulic 160mm disc brakes _Shimano Acera RD & Shifters _Abyss XC 31.8mm components

All the characteristics of the Ventura range offered to our female riders. An adapted geometry for female posture, a fork with softer compression, a shorter stem, a smaller handlebar, foam grips and a special specific saddle make this bike very comfortable during the ride.

Toutes les caractristiques de la gamme Ventura mises disposition des femmes. Une gomtrie adapte leur morphologie, avec une fourche plus souple, une potence plus courte, un cintre plus troit, des grips en mousse et une selle spcifique, autant de changements synonymes de confort lors des randonnes.

Alle Merkmale vom Modell Ventura wurden bernommen und sind fr Fahrerinnen ab sofort verfgbar. An die weibliche Anatomie angepasste Geometrie, weichere Federgabel, krzerer Vorbau, schmaler Lenker, Schaumstoffgriffe und komfortabler Damensattel sollen den Fahrerinnen die Tour angenehm gestalten.

_Mondraker Smooth shape alloy 7005 26 GO _Mondraker urban Crmo aero disc fork _Shimano Acera + revoshift shifters _Flat mudguards _Urban comfort components

Differing from the Borne 3 only in having a lower horizontal tube, the Borne 3 GO is just what you were looking for, a fast and healthy means of transport that will not go unnoticed.

Avec la seule diffrence du tube horizontal plus bas qui le spare du Borne 3, le Borne 3 GO est le vlo que vous recherchiez, un moyen de transport tonique et rapide qui ne passera pas inaperu.

Im Vergleich zum Borne 3 wurde das Oberrohr tiefer gelegt. Das Borne 3 GO deckt sicherlich die Bedrfnisse jener ab, die auf der Suche nach einem gesunden und schnellen Fortbewegungsmittel sind, das nicht bersehen wird.



BIKE 2012



A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height S / 380mm 63.0 73.5 550mm 440mm 1165mm 42mm + 10mm M / 380mm 63.0 73.5 575mm 440mm 1190mm 42mm + 10mm L / 430mm 63.0 73.5 600mm 440mm 1215mm 42mm + 10mm

A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height M / 445mm 65.0 70.0 592mm 440mm 1170mm 42mm + 20mm

A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height S / 420mm 65.0 73.5 555mm 440mm 1145mm 42mm + 10mm M / 450mm 65.0 73.5 575mm 440mm 1165mm 42mm + 10mm L / 480mm 65.0 73.5 600mm 440mm 1190mm 42mm + 10mm

A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height S / 420mm 65.0 73.0 555mm 440mm 1160mm 44mm + 10mm M / 450mm 65.0 73.0 575mm 440mm 1176mm 44mm + 10mm L / 480mm 65.0 73.0 595mm 440mm 1196cm 44mm + 10mm

A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height M / 410mm 66.0 73.5 575mm 440mm 1147cm 39mm + 5mm L / 460mm 66.0 73.5 595mm 440mm 1168cm 39mm + 5mm XL / 510mm 66.0 73.5 615mm 440mm 1188cm 39mm + 5mm


A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height M / 420mm 67.0 73.5 580mm 435mm 1136mm 39mm + 10mm L / 465mm 67.0 73.5 600mm 435mm 1157mm 39mm + 10mm XL / 510mm 67.0 73.5 620mm 435mm 1179mm 39mm + 10mm


BIKE 2012



A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height S / 380mm 68.0 75 570mm 430mm 1119mm 39mm 0mm M / 420mm 68.0 75 585mm 430mm 1133mm 39mm 0mm L / 470mm 68.0 75 605mm 430mm 1155mm 39mm 0mm XL / 510mm 68.0 75 625mm 430mm 1176mm 39mm 0mm


A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height S / 390mm 68.50 74.5 575mm 430mm 1109mm 39mm - 5mm M / 430mm 68.50 74.5 595mm 430mm 1130mm 39mm - 5mm L / 480mm 68.50 74.5 615mm 430mm 1150cm 39mm - 5mm XL / 520mm 68.50 74.5 635mm 430mm 1171cm 39mm - 5mm


A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height S / 390mm 69.5 73.5 575mm 420mm 1080mm 39mm + 10mm M / 430mm L / 480mm 69.5 73.5 595mm 420mm 1101mm 39mm + 10mm 69.5 73.5 615mm 420mm 1120mm 39mm + 10mm XL / 520mm 69.5 73.5 635mm 420mm 1144mm 39mm + 10mm

A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height S / 380mm 70 74 560mm 420mm 1049mm 39mm - 35mm M / 430mm 70 74 585mm 420mm 1075mm 39mm - 35mm L / 480mm 70 74 610mm 420mm 1102cm 39mm - 35mm XL / 520mm 70 74 635mm 420mm 1128cm 39mm - 35mm


Frame Size A Head angle B Seat angle C Top tube D Chainstay E Wheel-base F Fork offset G BB height M / 430mm 70 73.5 570mm 425mm 1059mm 39mm - 40mm L / 480mm 70 73.5 590mm 425mm 1079mm 39mm - 40mm XL / 530mm 70 73.5 610mm 425mm 1100mm 39mm - 40mm

A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height S / 395mm 71.5 73.5 570mm 438mm 1054mm 46mm - 65mm M / 440mm 71.5 73.5 595mm 438mm 1079mm 46mm - 65mm L / 480mm 71.5 73.5 615mm 438mm 1099cm 46mm - 65mm XL / 520mm 71.5 73.5 635mm 438mm 1120cm 46mm - 65mm


Frame Size A Head angle B Seat angle C Top tube D Chainstay E Wheel-base F Fork offset G BB height S / 380mm 68 73.5 555mm 425mm 1062mm 39mm - 40mm M / 430mm 68 73.5 565mm 425mm 1072mm 39mm - 40mm L / 480mm 68 73.5 585mm 425mm 1093cm 39mm - 40mm XL / 530mm 68 73.5 610mm 425mm 1118cm 39mm - 40mm


A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height S / 380mm 69 73.5 555mm 425mm 1062mm 39mm - 35mm M / 430mm 69 73.5 565mm 425mm 1072mm 39mm - 35mm L / 480mm 69 73.5 585mm 425mm 1093cm 39mm - 35mm XL / 530mm 69 73.5 610mm 425mm 1118cm 39mm - 35mm


Frame Size A Head angle B Seat angle C Top tube D Chainstay E Wheel-base F Fork offset G BB height S / 380mm 69 73.5 550mm 425mm 1057mm 40mm - 35mm M / 430mm 69 73.5 560mm 425mm 1067mm 40mm - 35mm L / 480mm 69 73.5 585mm 425mm 1093cm 40mm - 35mm XL / 530mm 69 73 610mm 425mm 1107cm 40mm - 35mm XXL / 580mm 69 73 630mm 425mm 1129cm 40mm - 35mm


A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height M / 300mm 70.5 72.5 585mm 390mm 1034mm 44mm - 25mm


BIKE 2012



Frame Size A Head angle B Seat angle C Top tube D Chainstay E Wheel-base F Fork offset G BB height S / 355mm 69 72.5 570mm 420mm 1065cm 45mm - 30mm M / 405mm 69 72.5 590mm 420mm 1085cm 45mm - 30mm

A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height Play 24 / 305mm 69 71 520mm 420mm 1002cm 40mm - 25mm Play 20 / 260mm 69 71 430mm 370mm 863cm 40mm - 15mm


A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height S / 380mm 70 73 555mm 435mm 1048mm 45mm 275mm M / 430mm L / 480mm 70 70 73 570mm 435mm 1064mm 45mm 275mm 73 590mm 435mm 1084mm 45mm 275mm XL / 530mm 70 73 610mm 435mm 1105mm 45mm 275mm

A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height S / 380mm 70 73 550mm 435mm 1043mm 45mm 275mm M / 430mm 70 73 565mm 435mm 1059mm 45mm 275mm L / 480mm 70 73 585mm 435mm 1080mm 45mm 275mm


A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height Expert / 19.5 74 71 495mm 362mm 914mm 32mm + 30mm Pro / 20.25 74 71 515mm 375mm 941mm 32mm + 40mm Pro XL / 21 74 71 535mm 385mm 972mm 32mm + 40mm Pro XXL / 21.75 74 71 555mm 390mm 998mm 32mm + 40mm

540 | 360 | 180

A B C D E F G Frame Size Head angle Seat angle Top tube Chainstay Wheel-base Fork offset BB height Pro / 20.5 74 71 520mm 349mm 919mm 30mm + 40mm


BIKE 2012



FRAME SIZES REAR SHOCK FORK HEADSET STEM HANDLEBAR GRIPS SEATPOST SADDLE FRONT BRAKE REAR BRAKE LEVERS RIMS SPOKES FRONT HUB REAR HUB TIRES CRANKSET BOTTOM BRACKET PEDALS CHAIN FRONT DERAILLEUR REAR DERAILLEUR SHIFTERS CASSETTE WEIGHT W/O PEDALS Summum Stealth alloy Zero Suspension System 210mm S/M/L Fox RC4 Kashima 241x76mm Fox 40 RC2 Fit Kashima 200mm FSA IS-2 1-1/8 M-Decline Integrated 50mm Mondraker Anodized DH 31.8mm 780mm Onoff Diamond close end Easton EC-70 Zero 31.6 300mm WTB Silverado Microtubular MFT replica Formula The One 203mm Formula The One 203mm Formula The One Easton Havoc Wheelset Easton Easton Havoc 20mm Easton Havoc 12 x 150mm Kenda Nevegal 2.35 stick-e Sram X0 DH 1.1 165mm 38T Sram GXP / Sram PC-1031 10s Chainguide E.13 LG1 Sram X0 DH 10s Sram Trigger X0 DH Sram PG-1070 11-26t 10s 15.6 kg

Summum Stealth alloy Zero Suspension System 210mm S/M/L Fox RC2 241x76mm Rock Shox Boxxer RC 200mm FSA IS-2 1-1/8 M-Decline Integrated 50mm Mondraker Anodized DH 31.8mm 780mm Onoff Diamond close end Easton EA-30 Offset 31.6 350mm WTB Silverado Comp Formula RX 203mm Formula RX 203mm Formula RX Dt F630 CN Stainless Butted Onoff Disc Pro DH 20mm Onoff Disc Pro DH 12x150mm Kenda Nevegal 2.35 stick-e Truvativ Hussefelt 1.0 165mm 38T Truvativ Howitzer XR / Sram PC-951 9s Chainguide E.13 LS1 Sram X9 Short cage 9s Sram Trigger X7 Sram PG-950 11-26t 9s 16.5 kg

Kaiser Monocoque Signature 6061 T6 215mm 16 one size Fox Van R 241x76mm Marzocchi 888 RV 200mm FSA Th-848 1-1/8 M-Decline Integrated 50mm Onoff Morph FR 31.8mm 740mm Onoff Diamond lock-on Onoff Notion 1-R 31.6 350mm M-Decline Kaiser custom design Avid Elixir 1 200mm Avid Elixir 1 200mm Avid Elixir 1 Onoff Bula wheelset CN Stainless Onoff Disc DH 20mm Onoff Disc DH 12x150mm WTB Dissent Comp 2.3 Truvativ Ruktion 1.0 38T Truvativ Howitzer XR Onoff Claw Sram PC-951 9s Chainguide E.13 LS1 Sram X7 Short cage 9s Sram Trigger X5 Sram PG-950 11-28T 9s 18.2 kg

Durham Stealth alloy Zero Suspension System 190mm S/M/L Fox Van R 241x76mm Marzocchi 888 RCV 200mm FSA IS-2 1-1/8 M-Decline Integrated 50mm Onoff Morph FR 31.8mm 740mm Onoff Diamond lock-on Onoff Notion 0-R 31.6 350mm M-Decline Durham custom design Formula RX 203mm Formula RX 203mm Formula RX Onoff Bula wheelset CN Stainless Onoff Disc DH 20mm Onoff Disc DH 12x150mm WTB Dissent Comp 2.3 Truvativ Ruktion 1.0 36T Truvativ Howitzer XR / Sram PC-951 9s Chainguide E.13 LS1 Sram X7 Short cage 9s Sram Trigger X5 Sram PG-950 11-32T 9s 17.4 kg

Prayer 6061 Hydroformed Tech FR 180mm S/M/L Fox Van R 222x70mm Marzocchi 66 RCV 180mm FSA ZS-4D 1-1/8 Integrated Onoff Morph Slope 31.8mm 50mm Onoff Morph FR 31.8mm 740mm Onoff Diamond Onoff Notion 1-R 31.6mm 350mm M-Decline Prayer custom design Avid Elixir 1 200mm Avid Elixir 1 180mm Avid Elixir 1 Onoff Bula wheelset CN Stainless Onoff Disc DH 20mm Onoff Disc DH 12x135mm w/Marzocchi QR axle WTB Dissent Comp 2.3 Truvativ Ruktion 1.0 36T Truvativ Howitzer XR Onoff Claw Sram PC-951 9s Chainguide E.13 LS1 Sram X7 Medium cage 9s Sram Trigger X-5 Sram PG-950 11-32T 9s 17.0 kg

FRAME SIZES REAR SHOCK FORK HEADSET STEM HANDLEBAR GRIPS SEATPOST SADDLE FRONT BRAKE REAR BRAKE LEVERS RIMS SPOKES FRONT HUB REAR HUB TIRES CRANKSET BOTTOM BRACKET PEDALS CHAIN FRONT DERAILLEUR REAR DERAILLEUR SHIFTERS CASSETTE WEIGHT W/O PEDALS Zenith Stealth alloy Zero Suspension System 170mm M / L / XL Fox DHX Air 5.0 Kashima 215X63.5 Fox 36 Float RC2 FIT Kashima 170mm FSA IS-2 1-1/8 M-Decline AM 31.8mm 60mm Mondraker Zenith XR custom design 31.8mm 740mm Onoff Diamond lock-on Rock Shox Reverb remote 31.6mm M-Decline Zenith XR custom design Formula RX 203mm Formula RX 180mm Formula RX Onoff Eject wheelset CN Stainless Onoff Disc DH 20mm Onoff Disc DH 12x135mm w/Marzocchi QR axle WTB Weirwolf 2.30 Comp Sram X9 39x26T Sram GXP / Sram PC-1031 10s Shimano XT FD M-786-10D Direct mount Sram X0 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X-9 Sram PG-1050 12-36T 10s 14.4 kg

Zenith Stealth alloy Zero Suspension System 170mm M / L / XL Fox DHX Air 5.0 215X63.5 Rock Shox Lyric R SA 170mm FSA IS-2 1-1/8 M-Decline AM 31.8mm 60mm Mondraker Zenith X custom design 31.8mm 740mm Onoff Diamond X-Fusion Hilo Lever 31.6mm M-Decline Zenith X custom design Avid Elixir 3 200mm Avid Elixir 3 180mm Avid Elixir 3 Onoff Eject wheelset CN Stainless Onoff Disc DH 20mm Onoff Disc DH 12x135mm w/Marzocchi QR axle WTB Weirwolf 2.30 Comp Sram S-1000 39x26T Sram GXP / Sram PC-1031 10s Shimano SLX FD M-661-10D Direct mount Sram X9 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X-5 Sram PG-1030 12-36T 10s 14.7 kg

Dune Stealth alloy Zero Suspension System 160mm M / L / XL Fox Float RP23 XV Boost Valve Kashima 215x63.5mm Fox 36 Float RLC FIT Kashima 160mm Tapered FSA N57 E 1-1/8->1/5 M-Decline AM 31.8mm 60mm Mondraker Dune RR LTD custom design 31.8mm 740mm Onoff Diamond lock-on Rock Shox Reverb remote 31.6mm Fizik Gobi XM Formula RX 180mm Formula RX 180mm Formula RX Easton Haven wheelset Easton Easton Haven 20mm Easton Haven 12x135 w/Marzocchi QR axle Kenda Nevegal 2.35 stick-e tubeless Sram S2210 Carbon 39x26T Sram GXP / Sram PC-1031 10s Shimano XT FD M-786-10D Direct mount Sram X0 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X-9 Sram PG-1050 11-36T 10s 13.2 kg

Dune Stealth alloy Zero Suspension System 160mm M / L / XL Fox Float RP2 XV Boost Valve 215x63.5mm Fox 36 Float R 160mm Tapered Onoff Integrated Tapered 1-1/8->1/5 M-Decline AM 31.8mm 60mm Mondraker Dune RR custom design 31.8mm 740mm Onoff Diamond lock-on X-Fusion Hilo Lever 31.6mm Mondraker Dune RR custom design Formula RX 180mm Formula RX 180mm Formula RX Easton Vice wheelset Easton Easton Vice 20mm Easton Vice 12x135 w/Marzocchi QR axle WTB Bromsom 2.30 Comp Sram S1400 39x26T Sram GXP / Sram PC-1031 10s Shimano XT FD M-786-10D Direct mount Sram X9 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X-7 Sram PG-1030 11-36T 10s 13.4 kg

Dune Stealth alloy Zero Suspension System 160mm M / L / XL Fox Float R XV 215x63.5mm Fox 36 Float R 160mm Onoff Integrated Tapered Reduced 1-1/8 Onoff Notion SB 60mm Mondraker Dune R custom design 31.8mm 740mm Onoff Diamond Onoff Notion 0-R SB 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker Dune R custom design Avid Elixir 1 180mm Avid Elixir 1 180mm Avid Elixir 1 Onoff Draw wheelset CN stainless Onoff Disc DH 20mm Onoff Disc Qr WTB Bromsom 2.30 Comp Sram S1000 39x26T Sram GXP / Sram PC-1031 10s Shimano SLX FD M-661-10D Direct mount Sram X7 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X-5 Sram PG-1030 11-36T 10s 13.7 kg


BIKE 2012


FRAME SIZES REAR SHOCK FORK HEADSET STEM HANDLEBAR GRIPS SEATPOST SADDLE FRONT BRAKE REAR BRAKE LEVERS RIMS SPOKES FRONT HUB REAR HUB TIRES CRANKSET BOTTOM BRACKET PEDALS CHAIN FRONT DERAILLEUR REAR DERAILLEUR SHIFTERS CASSETTE WEIGHT W/O PEDALS Dune Stealth alloy Zero Suspension System 160mm M / L / XL X-Fusion E1 R 215x63.5mm Rock Shox Lyric R Coil 160mm Onoff Integrated Tapered Reduced 1-1/8 Onoff Notion SB 60mm Mondraker Dune R custom design 31.8mm 740mm Onoff Diamond Onoff Notion 0-R SB 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker Dune custom design Avid Elixir 1 180mm Avid Elixir 1 180mm Avid Elixir 1 Onoff Rail wheelset CN stainless Onoff Disc DH 20mm Onoff Disc Qr WTB Bromsom 2.30 Comp Sram S600 44/32/22T Truvativ Power Spiline / Sram PC-951 9s Shimano SLX FD M-661-10D Direct mount Sram X5 Medium cage 9s Sram Trigger X-5 Sram PG-950 11-32T 9s 14.3 kg

Foxy Stelth alloy Zero Suspension System 140mm S / M / L / XL Fox Float RP23 XV Boost Valve Kashima 200x57mm Fox 32 Float RLC FIT Kashima Qr15mm 140mm Tapered FSA N57 E 1-1/8->1/5 M-Decline AM 31.8mm 70mm Mondraker Foxy RR custom design 31.8mm 710mm Onoff Diamond lock-on Rock Shox Reverb remote 31.6mm Fizik Gobi XM Formula RX 180mm Formula RX 180mm Formula RX Cranck Brothers Coblalt 2 wheelset Cranck Brohters Cranck Brothers Cobalt 15mm Crank Brothers Cobalt 12x135 w/Marzocchi QR axle Kenda Nevegal 2.10 DTC Tubuless Sram S2210 Carbon 39x26T Sram GXP / Sram PC-1031 10s Shimano XT FD M-786-10D Direct mount Sram X0 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X-9 Sram PG-1070 11-36T 10s 12.3 kg

Foxy Stelth alloy Zero Suspension System 140mm S / M / L / XL Fox Float RP2 XV Boost Valve 200x57mm Fox 32 Float FIT RL 140mm Tapered Onoff Integrated Tapered 1-1/8->1/5 M-Decline AM 31.8mm 70mm Mondraker Foxy R custom design 31.8mm 710mm Onoff Diamond lock-on Crank Brothers Cobalt 1 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker Foxy R custom design Formula RX 180mm Formula RX 180mm Formula RX Dt X1900 wheelset Dt Dt X1900 QR Dt X1900 WTB Volverine 2.2 Comp Sram S-1000 39x26T Sram GXP / Sram PC-1031 10s Shimano XT FD M-786-10D Direct mount Sram X9 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X-7 Sram PG-1030 11-36T 10s 12.8 kg

Foxy Stelth alloy Zero Suspension System 140mm S / M / L / XL Fox Float RL 200x57mm Fox 32 Float RL 140mm Onoff Integrated Tapered Reduced 1-1/8 Onoff Notion SB 60mm Mondraker Foxy custom design 31.8mm 710mm Onoff Diamond Onoff Notion 0-R SB 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker Foxy custom design Avid Elixir 1 180mm Avid Elixir 1 180mm Avid Elixir 1 Onoff Rail wheelset CN stainless Onoff Disc Q Onoff Disc Qr WTB Volverine 2.2 Comp Sram S-1000 39x26T Sram GXP Mtb Spd Sram PC-1031 10s Shimano SLX FD M-661-10D Direct mount Sram X7 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X-5 Sram PG-1030 11-36T 10s 13.4 kg

Factor Stealth alloy Zero Suspension System 120mm S / M / L / XL Fox Float RP23 Boost Valve Kashima 190x50mm Fox 32 Float RLC FIT Kashima 120mm Tapered FSA N57 E 1-1/8->1/5 Onoff XC 31.8mm 70/80/90/100mm Onoff Trail Low Rise 31.8mm 690mm Onoff Diamond lock-on Onoff 0-R Factor RR custom design 31.6mm 350mm Fizik Ardea Formula RX 180mm Formula RX 160mm Formula RX Easton EA 70 XCT tubeless wheelset Easton Easton Easton Kenda Nevegal 2.10 DTC Tubeless Shimano XT FC-M78010 42/32/24T Shimano HollowTech II / FSA Team Issue 10s Shimano XT FD M-781-10D Direct mount Shimano XT RD-M780 GS 10s Shimano XT SL-M780-10 Shimano HG-81 11-34T 10s 11.9 kg

FRAME SIZES REAR SHOCK FORK HEADSET STEM HANDLEBAR GRIPS SEATPOST SADDLE FRONT BRAKE REAR BRAKE LEVERS RIMS SPOKES FRONT HUB REAR HUB TIRES CRANKSET BOTTOM BRACKET PEDALS CHAIN FRONT DERAILLEUR REAR DERAILLEUR SHIFTERS CASSETTE WEIGHT W/O PEDALS Factor Stealth alloy Zero Suspension System 120mm S / M / L / XL Fox Float RP2 190x50mm Fox 32 Float RL FIT 120mm Tapered Onoff Integrated Tapered 1-1/8->1/5 Onoff XC 31.8mm 70/80/90/100mm Onoff Trail Low Rise 31.8mm 690mm Onoff Diamont lock-on Onoff 0-R Factor R custom design 31.6mm 350mm Selle Italia Q-bik XC Avid Elixir 3 180mm Avid Elixir 3 160mm Avid Elixir 3 Mavic Crossride Disc wheelset Mavic Mavic Mavic Kenda Blue Groove 2.10 Shimano FC-M55210 42/32/24T Shimano HollowTech II / FSA Team Issue 10s Shimano SLX FD M-661-10D Direct mount Shimano XT RD-M780 GS 10s Shimano Deore SL-M591-10 Shimano HG-62 11-34T 10s 12.7 kg

Factor Stealth alloy Zero Suspension System 120mm S / M / L / XL Fox Float RL 190x50mm Fox 32 Float RL 120mm Onoff Integrated Tapered Reduced 1-1/8 Onoff XC 31.8mm 70/80/90/100mm Onoff Trail Low Rise 31.8mm 690mm Onoff Diamond Onoff 0-R Factor custom design 31.6mm 350mm Selle Italia Q-bik XC Avid Elixir 1 180mm Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 Onoff Rail wheelset CN stainless Onoff Disc Qr Onoff Disc Qr Kenda Blue Groove 2.10 Sram S1000 3.3 44/33/22T Sram GXP Mtb Spd Sram PC-1031 10s Shimano SLX FD M-661-10D Direct mount Sram X7 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X-5 Sram PG-1030 11-36T 10s 13.1 kg

Tracker SAT alloy Zero Suspension System 120mm S / M / L / XL Fox Float RL 190x50mm Fox 32 Float RL 120mm FSA ZS-4D 1-1/8 Integrated Onoff Notion SB 70/80/90/100mm Onoff Notion SB 690mm Onoff Diamond Onoff Notion 0-R SB 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker Tracker custom design Avid Elixir 1 180mm Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 Onoff Rail wheelset CN stainless Onoff Disc Qr Onoff Disc Qr Kenda Kadre 2.10 Sram S1000 3.3 44/33/22T Sram GXP / Sram PC-1031 10s Shimano SLX FD M-661-10D Direct mount Sram X9 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X-5 Sram PG-1030 11-36T 10s 13.3 kg

Tracker SAT alloy Zero Suspension System 120mm S / M / L / XL Rock Shox Ario RL 190x50mm Rock Shox Recon Gold TK Coil 120mm FSA ZS-4D 1-1/8 Integrated Onoff Notion SB 70/80/90/100mm Onoff Notion SB 690mm Onoff Diamond Onoff Notion 0-R SB 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker Tracker custom design Avid Elixir 1 180mm Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 Onoff Abyss Wheelset CN stainless Onoff Disc Qr Onoff Disc Qr Kenda Kadre 2.10 Sram S800 3.3 44/32/22T Truvativ Power Spiline HTI-A62 Platform Sram PC-951 9s Shimano SLX FD M-661-10D Direct mount Sram X7 Medium cage 9s Sram Trigger X-5 Sram PG-950 11-32T 9s 13.7 kg

Tracker SAT alloy Zero Suspension System 120mm S / M / L / XL X-Fusion E1 RL 215x63.5mm Rock Shox XC-28 TK Coil 120mm FSA ZS-4D 1-1/8 Integrated Onoff Notion SB 70/80/90/100mm Onoff Notion SB 690mm Onoff Diamond Onoff Notion 0-R SB 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker Tracker custom design Avid Elixir 1 180mm Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 Onoff Abyss Wheelset CN stainless Onoff Disc Qr Onoff Disc Qr Kenda Kadre 2.10 Sram S600 3.3 44/32/22T Truvativ Power Spiline HTI-A62 Platform Sram PC-951 9s Shimano SLX FD M-661-10D Direct mount Sram X5 Medium cage 9s Sram Trigger X-5 Sram PG-950 11-32T 9s 14.3 kg


BIKE 2012


FRAME SIZES REAR SHOCK FORK HEADSET STEM HANDLEBAR GRIPS SEATPOST SADDLE FRONT BRAKE REAR BRAKE LEVERS RIMS SPOKES FRONT HUB REAR HUB TIRES CRANKSET BOTTOM BRACKET PEDALS CHAIN FRONT DERAILLEUR REAR DERAILLEUR SHIFTERS CASSETTE WEIGHT W/O PEDALS Tracker 6061 Hydroformed alloy Zero Suspension System 120mm S/M/L X-Fusion E1 R 215x63.5mm Rock Shox XC-28 TK Coil 120mm (soft compression) FSA ZS-4D 1-1/8 Integrated Onoff Notion SB 70/80/90/100mm Onoff Notion SB 690mm Onoff Foam Onoff Notion 0-R SB 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker Lady Tracker Go custom design Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 Onoff Abyss Wheelset CN stainless Onoff Disc Qr Onoff Disc Qr Kenda Kadre 2.10 Sram S600 3.3 44/32/22T Truvativ Power Spiline HTI-A62 Platform Sram PC-951 9s Shimano SLX FD M-661-10D Direct mount Sram X5 Medium cage 9s Sram Trigger X-5 Sram PG-950 11-32T 9s 14.3 kg

Lithium Stealth 2.0 Zero Suspension System 100mm S / M / L / XL Dt Swiss XR Carbon 152.3x31.75mm Dt Swiss XRC Carbon Remote 100mm Onoff Integrated Tapered Reduced 1-1/8 Onoff Carbon +/-6 80/90/100/110mm Onoff Carbon 0.5 685mm Onoff Diamond close end Onoff Carbon 0-R 31.6mm 350mm Fizik Tundra 2 Formula R1 160mm Formula R1 160mm Formula R1 Dt Swiss XR1450 Dt Dt XR1450 QR Dt XR1450 QR Kenda Small Black Eight 2.1 DTC Sram XX 2.2 39/26T Sram GXP / Sram PC-1091 10s Shimano XTR FD M-986-10D Direct mount Sram XX Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger XX Sram XG 1099 11-36 10s 10.1 kg

Lithium Stealth 2.0 Zero Suspension System 100mm S / M / L / XL Rock Shox Monarch RT3 152.3x31.75mm Rock Shox SID RL 100mm Tapered Remote Onoff Integrated Tapered 1-1/8->1/5 Easton EA90 0 70/80/90/100mm Easton EA70 Low 685mm Onoff Diamond lock-on Easton EA 70 Zero 31.6mm 350mm Fizik Ardea Formula RX 160mm Formula RX 160mm Formula RX Easton EA 70 XCT tubeless wheelset Easton Easton Easton Kenda Small Black Eight 2.1 DTC Tubeless Shimano XT FC-M78510 38/26T Shimano HollowTech II / FSA Team Issue 10s Shimano XT FD M-786-10D Direct mount Shimano XT RD-M780 GS 10s Shimano SLX SL-M660-10 Shimano HG-81 11-36T 10s 11.1 kg

Lithium Stealth 2.0 Zero Suspension System 100mm S / M / L / XL Rock Shox Monarch RT3 152.3x31.75mm Rock Shox Reba RL 100mm Tapered Remote Onoff Integrated Tapered 1-1/8->1/5 Onoff XC 31.8mm 90/100/110mm Onoff Trail Low Rise 31.8mm 690mm Onoff Diamond Onoff 0-R Lithium R custom design 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker XC Lithium R custom design Avid Elixir 3 160mm Avid Elixir 3 160mm Avid Elixir 3 Shimano MT65 Tubeless Shimano Shimano Shimano Kenda Small Black Eight 2.1 DTC Tubeless Fsa Comet Compact 386 39/27T Fsa Megaexo / Sram PC-1031 10s Shimano SLX FD M-661-10D Direct mount Sram X9 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X-7 Sram PG-1030 11-36T 10s 11.5 kg


Podium Stealth Carbon IST System S / M / L / XL / Dt Swiss XRC Carbon Remote 100mm FSA N57 E 1-1/8->1/5 Integrated Stealth Carbon design 85/100/115mm Onoff Carbon 0.0 620mm Onoff Diamond lock-on Onoff Carbon 0-R 31.6mm 400mm Fizik Tundra 2 Formula R1 160mm Formula R1 140mm Formula R1 Dt Swiss XR1450 Dt Dt XR1450 QR Dt XR1450 QR Kenda Small Black Eight 1.9 DTC Sram XX 2.2 PF30 39/26T Sram PF30 / Sram PC-1071 10s Sram XX Hi Clamp 10s Sram XX Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger XX Sram XG-1099 11-36 10s 8.7 kg


FRAME SIZES REAR SHOCK FORK HEADSET STEM HANDLEBAR GRIPS SEATPOST SADDLE FRONT BRAKE REAR BRAKE LEVERS RIMS SPOKES FRONT HUB REAR HUB TIRES CRANKSET BOTTOM BRACKET PEDALS CHAIN FRONT DERAILLEUR REAR DERAILLEUR SHIFTERS CASSETTE WEIGHT W/O PEDALS Podium Stealth Carbon IST System S / M / L / XL / Fox Float RL FIT 100mm Kashima Tapered Remote FSA N57 E 1-1/8->1/5 Integrated Stealth Carbon design 85/100/115mm Easton EA70 Flat 590mm Onoff Diamond lock-on Easton EA 70 Zero 31.6mm 400mm Fizik Ardea Formula RX 160mm Formula RX 140mm Formula RX Easton EA90 Tubeless Wheelset Easton Easton Easton Kenda Small Black Eight 1.95 DTC tubeless FSA Afterburner 386 PF30 39/27T FSA PF30 / Sram PC-1031 10s Sram X9 Hi Clamp 10s Sram X0 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X9 Sram PG-1070 11-36 10s 9.5 kg


Podium Stealth Carbon IST System S / M / L / XL / Fox Float RL FIT 100mm Tapered Remote Onoff Integrated Tapered 1-1/8->1/5 Integrated Stealth Carbon design 85/100/115mm Onoff XC Flat 31.8mm 620mm Onoff Diamond lock-on Onoff Plus 0-R 31.6mm 350mm Fizik Ardea Formula RX 160mm Formula RX 140mm Formula RX Easton EA70 XCT Tubeless Wheelset Easton Easton Easton Kenda Small Black Eight 1.95 DTC tubeless Sram S1400 PF30 39x26T Sram PF30 / Sram PC-1031 10s Sram X7 Hi Clamp 10s Sram X9 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X7 Sram PG-1050 11-36 10s 9.8 kg

Podium Stealth Carbon IST System S / M / L / XL / Fox 32 Float RL 100mm Tapered Onoff Integrated Tapered 1-1/8->1/5 Integrated Stealth Carbon design 85/100/115mm Onoff XC Flat 31.8mm 620mm Onoff Diamond Onoff Plus 0-R 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker XC Podium Carbon custom design Formula RX 160mm Formula RX 140mm Formula RX Onoff Rail SL wheelset CN stainless Onoff Disc Qr Onoff Disc Qr Kenda Karma 2.0 FSA Comet Compact 386 PF30 39/27T FSA PF30 Mtb Spd Sram PC-1031 10s Sram X5 Hi Clamp 10s Sram X9 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X5 Sram PG-1030 11-36 10s 10.6 kg

Podium M-Lite Alloy S / M / L / XL / Rock Shox Sid RL 100mm Tapered Remote Onoff Integrated Tapered 1-1/8->1/5 Onoff XC 31.8mm 80/90/100/110mm Onoff XC Low Rise 31.8mm 630mm Onoff Diamond Onoff 0-R Podium Pro custom design 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker XC Podium Pro custom design Avid Elixir 3 160mm Avid Elixir 3 160mm Avid Elixir 3 Easton XC Wheelset Easton Easton Easton Kenda Karma 2.0 FSA Comet Compact 386 PF30 39/27T FSA PF30 / FSA Team Issue 10s Shimano SLX FD M-661-10 Shimano XT RD-M780 GS 10s Shimano XT SL-M780 Shimano HG-62 11-36T 10s 10.9 kg

Podium M-Lite Alloy S / M / L / XL / Rock Shox Reba RL Dual Air 100mm Tapered Remote Onoff Integrated Tapered 1-1/8->1/5 Onoff XC 31.8mm 80/90/100/110mm Onoff XC Low Rise 31.8mm 630mm Onoff Diamond Onoff 0-R Podium custom design 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker XC Podium Pro custom design Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 Onoff Rail SL wheelset CN stainless Onoff Disc Qr Onoff Disc Qr Kenda Karma 2.0 Sram S1000 3.3 PF30 44/33/22T Sram PF30 Mtb Spd FSA Team Issue 10s Shimano Deore FD M-591-10 Shimano XT RD-M780 GS 10s Shimano SLX SL-M660-10 Shimano HG-62 11-34T 10s 11.6 kg


BIKE 2012



FRAME SIZES REAR SHOCK FORK HEADSET STEM HANDLEBAR GRIPS SEATPOST SADDLE FRONT BRAKE REAR BRAKE LEVERS RIMS SPOKES FRONT HUB REAR HUB TIRES CRANKSET BOTTOM BRACKET PEDALS CHAIN FRONT DERAILLEUR REAR DERAILLEUR SHIFTERS CASSETTE WEIGHT W/O PEDALS Podium M-Lite Alloy 29 S / M / L / XL / Rock Shox Sid RL 29 100mm Tapered Remote Onoff Integrated Tapered 1-1/8->1/5 Onoff XC 31.8mm 90/100mm Onoff XC 29 31.8mm 9x710mm Onoff Diamond Onoff 0-R Podium Pro custom design 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker XC Podium Pro custom design Avid Elixir 3 160mm Avid Elixir 3 160mm Avid Elixir 3 Easton XC 29 Wheelset Easton Easton Easton WTB Nano 29 2.1 FSA Comet Compact 386 PF30 39/27T FSA PF30 / FSA Team Issue 10s Shimano Deore FD M-591-10 Shimano XT RD-M780 GS 10s Shimano XT SL-M780 Shimano HG-62 11-36T 10s 11.3 kg

Podium M-Lite Alloy 29 S / M / L / XL / Rock Shox Reba RL 29 Dual Air 100mm Tapered Remote Onoff Integrated Tapered 1-1/8->1/5 Onoff XC 31.8mm 90/100mm Onoff XC 29 31.8mm 9x710mm Onoff Diamond Onoff 0-R Podium Pro custom design 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker XC Podium Pro custom design Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 Onoff Rail 29 wheelset CN stainless Onoff Disc Qr Onoff Disc Qr WTB Nano 29 2.1 Sram S1000 3.3 PF30 44/33/22T Sram PF30 Mtb Spd FSA Team Issue 10s Shimano Deore FD M-591-10 Shimano XT RD-M780 GS 10s Shimano SLX SL-M660-10 Shimano HG-62 11-34T 10s 11.9 kg

Finalist Custolite 6061 triple butted M / L / XL / Rock Shox Recon Gold TK Coil 100mm FSA ZS-4D 1-1/8 Integrated Onoff XC 31.8mm 90/100mm Onoff XC Low Rise 31.8mm 630mm Onoff Diamond Onoff 0-R Finalist Pro custom design 27.2mm 350mm Mondraker Finalist Pro custom design Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 Abyss wheelset CN Stainless Abyss Disc Qr Abyss Disc Qr Kenda Kadre 2.10 Shimano FC-M522 42/32/24T Shimano Octalink Mtb Spd FSA Team Issue 10s Shimano Deore FD M-591-10 Shimano XT RD-M780 GS 10s Shimano Deore SL-M591-10 Shimano HG-62 11-36T 10s 12.1 kg

Finalist Custolite 6061 triple butted M / L / XL / Rock Shox XC32 TK Coil 100mm FSA ZS-4D 1-1/8 Integrated Onoff XC 31.8mm 90/100mm Onoff XC Low Rise 31.8mm 630mm Onoff Diamond Onoff 0-R Finalist custom design 27.2mm 350mm Mondraker Finalist custom design Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 Abyss wheelset CN Stainless Abyss Disc Qr Abyss Disc Qr Kenda Kadre 2.10 Sram S1000 3.3 44/33/22T Sram GXP Mtb Spd Sram PC 1031 10s Sram X5 Low Clamp 10s Sram X7 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X5 Sram PG-1030 11-36 10s 12.3 kg


Finalist 29 Custolite 6061 triple butted S / M / L / XL / Rock Shox XC32 TK Coil Alloy 100mm FSA ZS-4D 1-1/8 Integrated Onoff XC 31.8mm 80/90mm Onoff XC 29 31.8mm 9x710mm Onoff Diamond Onoff 0-R Finalist 29 custom design 27.2mm 350mm Mondraker Finalist 29 custom design Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 Abyss 29 wheelset CN Stainless Abyss Disc Qr Abyss Disc Qr WTB Nano 29 2.1 Sram S1000 3.3 44/33/22T Sram GXP Mtb Spd Sram PC 1031 10s Sram X5 Low Clamp 10s Sram X7 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X5 Sram XG 1030 11-36 10s 12.3 kg

FRAME SIZES REAR SHOCK FORK HEADSET STEM HANDLEBAR GRIPS SEATPOST SADDLE FRONT BRAKE REAR BRAKE LEVERS RIMS SPOKES FRONT HUB REAR HUB TIRES CRANKSET BOTTOM BRACKET PEDALS CHAIN FRONT DERAILLEUR REAR DERAILLEUR SHIFTERS CASSETTE WEIGHT W/O PEDALS Finalist 29 Custolite 6061 triple butted S / M / L / XL / Rock Shox XC32 TK Coil Alloy 100mm FSA ZS-4D 1-1/8 Integrated Onoff XC 31.8mm 80/90mm Onoff XC 29 31.8mm 9x710mm Onoff Diamond Onoff 0-R Finalist 29 custom design 27.2mm 350mm Mondraker Finalist 29 custom design Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 Abyss 29 wheelset CN Stainless Abyss Disc Qr Abyss Disc Qr WTB Nano 29 2.1 Sram S1000 3.3 44/33/22T Sram GXP Mtb Spd Sram PC 1031 10s Sram X5 Low Clamp 10s Sram X7 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X5 Sram XG 1030 11-36 10s 12.3 kg

Ventura X Spin SL Hydroformed alloy S / M / L / XL / Rock Shox XC28 TK Coil 120mm FSA ZS-4D 1-1/8 Integrated Abyss AM 31.8mm 80/90/100mm Abyss Low Rise 31.8 690mm Onoff Diamond Abyss I 350mm x 31.6mm 350mm Mondraker Ventura X-Pro custom design Avid Elixir 1 180mm Avid Elixir 1 160mm Avid Elixir 1 Abyss wheelset CN Stainless Abyss Disc Qr Abyss Disc Qr WTB Mutano 2.20 FSA Gamma Drive 42/32/24T 10s FSA Megaexo HTI-A62 FSA Team Issue 10s Sram X5 Low Clamp 10s Sram X5 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X5 Sram PG-1030 11-36 10s 13.4 kg

Ventura X Spin SL Hydroformed alloy S / M / L / XL / Suntour XCM-V3 Hydraulic 120mm lock-out CH Semi integrated Abyss AM 31.8mm 7x80/90/100/110mm Abyss Low Rise 31.8 690mm Dual Compound 125mm black/white Abyss II 350mm x 27.2mm Mondraker Ventura X-Sport custom design Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 180mm Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco Abyss R220 Alloy black double wall Stainless black Formula Disc 32h Formula Disc 32h Schwalbe Smart Sam 2.25 Sram S600 42/32/22T all black CH Cartridge Wellgo M-21 alloy KMC HG-53 Shimano Acera FD-M390 Shimano Alivio RD-M430 Shimano Acera SL-M390 Shimano CS HG-20 11-32T 9s 13.8 kg

Ventura X Spin SL Hydroformed alloy S / M / L / XL / Suntour XCT 120mm mechanical lock-out CH Semi integrated Abyss AM 31.8mm 7x80/90/100/110mm Abyss Low Rise 31.8 690mm Dual Compound 125mm black/white Abyss II 350mm x 27.2mm Mondraker Ventura custom design Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco Abyss R110 Alloy black Stainless black Formula 36h Formula 36h CST 2.10 Suntour CW-XCT 42/32/22T all black CH Cartridge Wellgo PP flat KMC Z-72 Suntour XCM-202 Shimano Acera RD-M390 Shimano Acera SL-M310 Shimano CS HG-31 11-32T 8s 14.3 kg

Ventura Custolite 6061 triple butted S / M / L / XL / Rock Shox XC28 TK Coil 100mm FSA ZS-4D 1-1/8 Integrated Abyss 31.8mm 80/90/100mm Abyss Low Rise 31.8 660mm Onoff Diamond Abyss I 350mm x 27.2mm 350mm Mondraker Ventura Pro custom design Shimano M445 160mm Shimano M445 160mm Shimano Abyss wheelset CN Stainless Abyss Disc Qr Abyss Disc Qr WTB Mutano 2.10 FSA Gamma Drive 42/32/24T 10s FSA Megaexo HTI-A62 FSA Team Issue 10s Sram X5 Low Clamp 10s Sram X5 Medium cage 10s Sram Trigger X5 Sram PG-1030 11-36 10s 12.9 kg


BIKE 2012


FRAME SIZES REAR SHOCK FORK HEADSET STEM HANDLEBAR GRIPS SEATPOST SADDLE FRONT BRAKE REAR BRAKE LEVERS RIMS SPOKES FRONT HUB REAR HUB TIRES CRANKSET BOTTOM BRACKET PEDALS CHAIN FRONT DERAILLEUR REAR DERAILLEUR SHIFTERS CASSETTE WEIGHT W/O PEDALS Ventura Custolite 6061 triple butted S / M / L / XL / Suntour XCM-V3 Hydraulic 100mm lock-out CH Semi integrated Abyss XC 31.8mm 7x80/90/100/110mm Abyss Low Rise 31.8 660mm Dual Compound 125mm black/white Abyss II 350mm x 27.2mm Mondraker Ventura Sport custom design Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco Abyss R220 Alloy black double wall Stainless black Formula Disc 32h Formula Disc 32h Kenda Kadre 2.10 Sram S600 42/32/22T all black CH Cartridge Wellgo M-21 alloy KMC HG-53 Shimano Acera FD-M390 Shimano Alivio RD-M430 Shimano Acera SL-M390 Shimano CS HG-20 11-32T 9s 13.6 kg

Ventura Custolite 6061 triple butted S / M / L / XL / Suntour XCT 100mm mechanical lock-out CH Semi integrated Abyss XC 31.8mm 7x80/90/100/110mm Abyss Low Rise 31.8 660mm Dual Compound 125mm black/white Abyss II 350mm x 27.2mm Mondraker Ventura custom design Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco Abyss R110 Alloy black Stainless black Formula 36h Formula 36h CST 2.10 Suntour CW-XCT 42/32/22T all black CH Cartridge Wellgo PP flat KMC Z-72 Suntour XCM-202 Shimano Acera RD-M390 Shimano Acera SL-M310 Shimano CS HG-31 11-32T 8s 13.7 kg

Ventura Custolite 6061 triple butted S/M/L / Suntour XCT 100mm mechanical lock-out soft spring CH Semi integrated Abyss XC 31.8mm 7x70/80/90mm Abyss Low Rise 31.8 640mm Dual Compound 125mm black/white Abyss II 350mm x 27.2mm Mondraker Ventura custom design Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco WS Abyss R110 Alloy black Stainless black Formula 36h Formula 36h CST 1.95 Suntour CW-XCT 42/32/22T all black CH Cartridge Wellgo PP flat KMC Z-72 Suntour XCM-202 Shimano Acera RD-M390 Shimano Acera SL-M310 Shimano CS HG-31 11-32T 8s 13.7 kg

Concept Alloy SCA 7005 Bi-axial S / M / L / XL / XXL / Suntour XCT 100mm mechanical lock-out CH Semi integrated Abyss 7x75/90/105/120mm Abyss Low Rise 31.8 640mm Dual Compound 125mm black/white Abyss 350mm x 27.2mm Mondraker Concept Disc custom Tektro Novela, Mechanical Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Novela, Mechanical Disc Brake 160mm Tektro 2-Finger brake lever Abyss R110 Alloy black Stainless black Formula 36h Formula 36h CST 2.10 Suntour CW-XCC 42/34/24T all black CH Semi cartridge Wellgo PP flat KMC Z-72 Shimano FD-TX50 Shimano Acera RD-M360 Shimano ST-EF51 Shimano CS HG-31 11-32T 8s 14.1 kg

Concept Alloy SCA 7005 Bi-axial S / M / L / XL / XXL / Suntour XCT 100mm mechanical lock-out CH Semi integrated Abyss 7x75/90/105/120mm Abyss Low Rise 31.8 640mm Dual Compound 125mm black/white Abyss 350mm x 27.2mm Mondraker Concept custom Tektro Alloy V-Brake Tektro Alloy V-Brake Shimano ST-EF51 Abyss R110 Alloy full black Stainless black Formula 36h Formula 36h CST 2.10 Suntour CW-XCC 42/34/24T all black CH Semi cartridge Wellgo PP flat KMC Z-72 Shimano FD-TX50 Shimano Acera RD-M360 Shimano ST-EF51 Shimano CS HG-31 11-32T 8s 13.7 kg

FRAME SIZES REAR SHOCK FORK HEADSET STEM HANDLEBAR GRIPS SEATPOST SADDLE FRONT BRAKE REAR BRAKE LEVERS RIMS SPOKES FRONT HUB REAR HUB TIRES CRANKSET BOTTOM BRACKET PEDALS CHAIN FRONT DERAILLEUR REAR DERAILLEUR SHIFTERS CASSETTE WEIGHT W/O PEDALS Borne Smooth shape Alloy 7005 26 S / M / L / XL / Urban Alloy aero disc + Front light CH Semi integrated Borne adjust Plus 31.8mm -20~+60 95/110mm Urban Comfort 630mm Dual Compound comfort 130mm Borne 350mm x 31.6mm Mondraker Borne custom + Integrated rear Light Shimano M445 160mm Shimano M445 160mm Shimano M445 Urban Alloy Disc double wall + Front/Rear flat mudguard Stainless black Shimano RM65 36h Shimano Alfine HG-501 internal gear 8spd 36h Schwalbe Big Apple 2.0 Truvativ Fived 1.1G 38T Truvativ Power Spiline Wellgo C098 Alloy KMC 410 Alloy chain guard / Shimano Alfine SL-S500 Shimano Alfine SM-S500 18T 13.1 kg

Borne Smooth shape Alloy 7005 26 S / M / L / XL / Urban Alloy aero disc + Front Light CH Semi integrated Borne adjust Plus 31.8mm -20~+60 95/110mm Urban Comfort 630mm Dual Compound comfort 130mm Borne 350mm x 31.6mm Monraker Borne custom + Integrated rear Light Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco Urban Alloy Disc double wall + Front/Rear flat mudguard Stainless black Formula 36h Formula 36h Schwalbe Big Apple 2.0 Shimano Acera M-171 42/32/22T all black CH Semi cartridge Wellgo C098 Alloy KMC 410 Shimano Acera FD-M190 Shimano Acera RD-M360 Shimano Acera SL-M310 Shimano CS HG-30 11-32T 8s 13.2 kg

Borne Smooth shape Alloy 7005 26 S / M / L / XL / Urban Chromoly aero disc + Front Light CH Semi integrated Borne adjust 31.8mm 0~+60 95/110mm Urban Comfort 630mm Dual Compound comfort 130mm Borne 350mm x 31.6mm Mondraker Borne custom + Integrated rear Light Tektro V-Brake Tektro V-Brake Tektro 2-Finger brake lever Urban Alloy Disc singlewall + Front/Rear flat mudguard Stainless black Formula 36h Formula 36h Innova Urban 26x2.0 Suntour CW-XCT 42/32/22T all black CH Semi cartridge Wellgo C097 Resin KMC Z-72 Shimano Altus FD-M190 Shimano Altus RD-M310 Shimano Tourney Revoshift RS-43 Shimano CS HG-30 11-32T 8s 13.3 kg

Borne Lady Smooth shape Alloy 7005 26 S/M/L / Urban Chromoly aero disc + Front Light CH Semi integrated Borne adjust 31.8mm 0~+60 95/110mm Urban Comfort 630mm Dual Compound comfort 130mm Borne 350mm x 31.6mm Mondraker Borne custom + Integrated rear Light Tektro V-Brake Tektro V-Brake Tektro 2-Finger brake lever Urban Alloy Disc singlewall + Front/Rear flat mudguard Stainless black Formula 36h Formula 36h Innova Urban 26x2.0 Suntour CW-XCT 42/32/22T all black CH Semi cartridge Wellgo C097 Resin KMC Z-72 Shimano Altus FD-M190 Shimano Altus RD-M310 Shimano Tourney Revoshift RS-43 Shimano CS HG-30 11-32T 8s 13.3 kg


Mondraker Slim Chromoly Triple Butted, ISC S one size / Marzocchi Dirt Jumper 3 100mm CH Integrated Onoff Morph Slope 50mm 31.6mm Onoff Morph Slope 2.5 x 740mm Street 130mm Abyss Dirt pivot 300mmx25.4mm Mondraker Quarter series Pivotal Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Drako Brake lever Abyss S210 Alloy black double wall Stainless black Formula Alloy black 36h Formula Alloy black 36h Kenda Kiniption 26x2.30 Prowheel 3-pcs chromoly 170mm 25T 6mm Alloy CH-39 19mmx8t Wellgo BMX type Traslucent Yaban MK-928 1/2 Link Silver / / / DC-52R 12T 14.1 kg


BIKE 2012


FRAME SIZES REAR SHOCK FORK HEADSET STEM HANDLEBAR GRIPS SEATPOST SADDLE FRONT BRAKE REAR BRAKE LEVERS RIMS SPOKES FRONT HUB REAR HUB TIRES CRANKSET BOTTOM BRACKET PEDALS CHAIN FRONT DERAILLEUR REAR DERAILLEUR SHIFTERS CASSETTE WEIGHT W/O PEDALS Mondraker Slim Chromoly Triple Butted, ISC S one size / Mondraker Chromoly freestyle Disc CH Inetgrated Onoff Morph Slope 50mm 31.6mm Onoff Morph Slope 2.5 x 740mm Street 130mm Abyss Dirt pivot 300mmx25.4mm Mondraker Quarter series Pivotal Tektro Novela Mechanical Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Novela Mechanical Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Novela Brake lever Abyss S210 Alloy black double wall Stainless black Formula Alloy black 36h Formula Alloy black 36h Kenda Kiniption 26x2.30 SS 3-pcs chromoly 170mm 25T Cromo CH-39 19mmx8t Wellgo BMX type Traslucent Kmc / / / DC-52R 12T 13.3 kg


Play 6061 Square Street Hydroformed Old School S/M / Marzocchi Dirt Jumper 2 100mm 20mm CH Aheadset Onoff Morph Slope II 50mm 31.6mm Abyss 31.8mm 9 710mm Street traslucent 130mm Abyss Dirt pivot 350mmx31.6mm Mondraker Play series Pivotal Shimano M445 160mm Shimano M445 160mm Shimano M445 Alex Rims DM-22 Disc CN stainless Formula 20mm Alloy black 32h Formula Alloy black 32h Kenda K-Rad 26x2.30 JY 3-pcs chromoly 170mm 25T 6mm Alloy JY-216 19mmx8t Wellgo Nylon traslucent Yaban MK-928 1/2 Link Silver / / / DC-52R 12T 13.8 kg

Play 6061 Square Street Hydroformed Old School S/M / Marzocchi Dirt Jumper 3 100mm CH Aheadset Onoff Morph Slope II 50mm 31.6mm Abyss 31.8mm 9 710mm Street translucend 130mm Abyss Dirt pivot 350mmx31.6mm Mondraker Play series Pivotal Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Draco Hydraulic Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Drako Brake lever Alex Rims DM-22 Disc Stainless black Formula Alloy black 32h Formula Alloy black 32h Kenda K-Rad 26x2.30 Truvativ Blaze 2.0G 170mm 36/24T Truvativ Power Spline Wellgo Nylon traslucent Kmc HG-50 Sram 3.0 Sram X4 medium cage Sram Trigger X4 Sram PG-820 11-32T 8s 14.4 kg

Play 6061 Square Street Hydroformed Old School S/M / RST Dirt T 100mm CH Aheadset Onoff Morph Slope II 50mm 31.6mm Abyss 31.8mm 9 710mm Street translucend 130mm Abyss Dirt pivot 350mmx31.6mm Mondraker Play series Pivotal Tektro Novela Mechanical Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Novela Mechanical Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Novela Brake lever Alex Rims DM-22 Disc Stainless black Formula Alloy black 32h Formula Alloy black 32h Kenda K-Rad 26x2.30 Suntour XCT-V2 42/32/22T CH-52 Cartridge Wellgo Nylon traslucent Kmc Z-72 Sram 3.0 Sram X4 medium cage Sram Trigger X4 Sram PG-820 11-32T 8s 14.9 kg

Play 6061 Square Street Hydroformed Old School 24 12 one size / Suntour M2025 Disc 50mm CH Aheadset Abyss Street black 60mm Abyss rise 580x30mm Diamond black soft 102mm Abyss 31.6x300mm Mondraker Play Kids series Tektro Novela Mechanical Disc Brake 160mm Tektro Novela Mechanical Disc Brake 160mm Tektro 2-finger kids Abyss R110 Alloy black 24x36h Stainless silver Formula Alloy black 36h Formula Alloy black 36h CST Street 24 2.0 Prowheel black 152mm 38T CH-52 Cartridge Wellgo BMX resin black KCM Z-50 / Shimano RD-TX31D Shimano SL RS35 7s. Shimano MZ-TZ21 14-28T 7s 13.9 kg

FRAME SIZES REAR SHOCK FORK HEADSET STEM HANDLEBAR GRIPS SEATPOST SADDLE FRONT BRAKE REAR BRAKE LEVERS RIMS SPOKES FRONT HUB REAR HUB TIRES CRANKSET BOTTOM BRACKET PEDALS CHAIN FRONT DERAILLEUR REAR DERAILLEUR SHIFTERS CASSETTE WEIGHT W/O PEDALS Play 6061 Square Street Hydroformed Old School 20 10 one size / Suntour M2025 Disc 40mm CH Aheadset Abyss Street black 60mm Abyss rise 560x30mm Diamond black soft 102mm Abyss 31.6x250mm Mondraker Play Kids series Tektro Novela Mechanical Disc Brake 160m Tektro Novela Mechanical Disc Brake 160mm Tektro 2-finger kids Abyss R110 Alloy black 20x36h Stainless silver Formula Alloy black 36h Formula Alloy black 36h CST Street 20 2.0 Prowheel Steel black 140mm 36T CH-52 Cartridge Wellgo BMX resin black KCM Z-50 / Shimano RD-TY18SS Shimano SL RS35 6s. Shimano MZ-TZ20 14-28T 6s 12.5 kg


Duel Pro Team BMX Stealth side alloy structure 20.25 / 21 / Sinz SSF-01 Carbon 20 FSA ZS-4D 1-1/8 Integrated Onoff BMX CNC 50mm Onoff Morph BMX 190x700mm/720mm Diamond BMX BMX pivotal 350mmx27.2mm Mondraker Duel Pro Team custom Pivotal / Sinz Pro Brake Sinz Pro Brake Sinz ProWheel 32f/36r wheelset Sinz ProWheel Sinz ProWheel 32h Sinz ProWheel 36h Intense Microknoby 20x1.75 F /2.0 R Sinz Expert 180mm 44T Sinz Isis Drive DHLT Onoff Claw Sram PC1 / / / Sinz ProWheel 16T 9.2 kg

Mondraker Slim Cromoly-Hi-ten Integrated HT, SBB Pro / 20.5 one size / Mondraker Hi-ten Taper Blade 31.8mm freestyle fork w/out pivots FSA Impact No.8 Semi-Integrated Abyss Indy SL 50mm Abyss Indy 635x190mm Diamond BMX black soft 147mm Abyss Pivotal System 1-bolt 25.4x300mm Mondraker 540 Pivotal System black Tektro Caliper (Not assembled) Tektro U-Brake Caliper Tektro U-Brake 2-finger Abyss S210 DW Alloy black 20x36h Stainless black Formula 10mm axle Alloy black 36h Formula 14mm axle Sprocket black 36h + 2 Pegs CST Dirt F20x2.125 R20X1.95 all black Prowheel 3-pcs Cromoly purple + 6mm alloy 25T ring Ciclogic Spanish BB 19mmx10T Sealed Bearings Wellgo BMX Nylon black KMC 510H / / / Formula 9T Sprocket 12.2 kg

Mondraker Slim Cromoly-Hi-ten BMX/freestyle, SBB Pro / 20.5 one size / Mondraker Hi-ten Taper Blade 31.8mm freestyle fork 1-1/8 Steel black threadless + SST Rotor Abyss Indy SL 50mm Abyss Indy 635x190mm Diamond BMX black soft 147mm Abyss Pivotal System 1-bolt 25.4x300mm Mondraker 360 Pivotal System black Tektro U-Brake Caliper Tektro U-Brake Caliper Tektro U-Brake 2-finger Abyss S210 Alloy black 20x36h Stainless black Formula 10mm axle Alloy black 36h + 2 Pegs Formula 14mm axle Sprocket black 36h + 2 Pegs CST Dirt F20x2.125 R20X1.95 all black Prowheel 3-pcs Cromoly purple + cromoly 25T ring Ciclogic Spanish BB 19mmx10T Sealed Bearings Wellgo BMX Nylon black KMC 510H / / / Formula 9T Sprocket 12.4 kg

Mondraker Slim Full Hi-ten BMX/freestyle Pro / 20.5 one size / Mondraker Hi-ten Taper Blade 31.8mm freestyle fork 1-1/8 Steel black threadless + SST Rotor Abyss Indy SL 50mm Abyss Indy 635x190mm Diamond BMX black soft 147mm Abyss Pivotal System 1-bolt 25.4x300mm Mondraker 180 Pivotal System black Tektro V-Brake Tektro V-Brake Tektro 2-finger Abyss S210 Alloy black 20x36h Stainless black Formula 10mm axle Alloy black 36h Formula 14mm axle Alloy black 36h + 2 Pegs CST Dirt F20x2.125 R20X1.95 all black Prowheel Cromoly black 36T 1/2x1/8 CH-35 for 1-PC Crank Wellgo BMX Nylon black KMC 410 / / / DNP LY-14T4 1/2x1/8 14T 12.9 kg


BIKE 2012

Austria Shock Therapy
Otto-Hahn-Str. 12 -14 65520 Bad Camberg Phone +49-6434-90550-0 Fax +49 6434-90550-99 support@shock-therapy.com www.shock-therapy.de

Germany Shock Therapy

Otto-Hahn-Str. 12 -14 65520 Bad Camberg Phone +49-6434-90550-0 Fax +49 6434-90550-99 support@shock-therapy.com www.shock-therapy.de

Italy DSB s.r.l.

Via Puccini 13 24030 Brembate Sopra Phone - Fax +39 035 4824273 info@dsb-bonandrini.com www.dsb-bonandrini.com

Slovak Republic Katmar Bike Center

Bubensk nbrez 8 170 00 Praha 7 Czech Republic katmar@katmar.cz www.katmar.cz

Bulgaria Bas Sporting Ltd

Sheinovo Str. 16 1504 Sofia Phone +35 92 441 0575 info@trueriders.bg www.trueriders.bg

Hong Kong Gravity Reaction Cycles Company

G/F, 43 Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon Phone +85 22 381 2289 Fax +85 22 381 2289 gravityreactioncycles@gmail.com www.gravityreactioncycles.com

Malaysia Speed Cycle

27, SS4C/7, Petaling Jaya, Selangor 47301 Malaysia Phone +60 37 72 75 173 speedcycle17@yahoo.com

Sweden Tarmin Oy
Josafatunkatu 2C 00510 Helsinki Finland Phone +35 84 0578 8800 tarmo.minkkinen@tarmin-mtb.com www.tarmin-mtb.com

Czech Republic Katmar Bike Center

Bubensk nbrez 8 170 00 Praha 7 Czech Republic katmar@katmar.cz www.katmar.cz

Norway Sportpartner AS
P.B. 555 Olsvik 5884 Bergen Phone +47 55 70 70 80 Fax +47 55 50 64 65 post@sportpartner.no www.sportpartner.no

Hungary Montik
2089, Telki, Szello utca 24 Phone +36 30 411 6963 Fax +49 6434-90550-99 info@montik.hu www.montik.hu

Switzerland Primus Sports

Z.I. La Plaine Chemin du Coteau 9 CH - 1123 Aclens Phone +41 21 903 55 47 Fax +41 21 903 55 59 info@primussports.com www.primussports.com

Espana Blue Factory Team s.l.u.

Elche Parque Industrial Torres y Villarroel 6 Apartado 3300 03203 Elche Espaa Phone +34 965 681 554 Fax +34 965 685 986 info@mondraker.com www.mondraker.com

Indonesia Bagus Bike

Bumi Serpong Damai Tangerang 15310 Phone +62 21 537 1115 Fax +62 21 537 5912 info@bagusbike.com www.bagusbike.com

Poland 7 Anna
ul. Raciborskiego 123 80-215 Gdansk Phone +48 058 520 18 04 Fax +48 058 340 47 17 info@7anna.com.pl www.7anna.com.pl

UK Silverfish UK Ltd
Unit 3B & 3C Woodacre Court Saltash - Cornwall - PL12 6LF Phone + 44 017 528 43882 Fax + 44 017 528 45839 info@silverfish-uk.com www.silverfish-uk.com

Finland Tarmin Oy
Josafatunkatu 2C 00510 Helsinki Phone +35 84 0578 8800 tarmo.minkkinen@tarmin-mtb.com www.tarmin-mtb.com

Ireland Silverfish UK Ltd

Unit 3B & 3C Woodacre Court Saltash - Cornwall - PL12 6LF Phone + 44 017 528 43882 Fax + 44 017 528 45839 info@silverfish-uk.com www.silverfish-uk.com

Portugal Blue Factory Team s.l.u.

Elche Parque Industrial Torres y Villarroel 6 Apartado 3300 03203 Elche Espaa Phone +34 965 681 554 Fax +34 965 685 986 info@mondraker.com www.mondraker.com

France Blue Factory Team s.l.u.

Elche Parque Industrial Torres y Villarroel 6 Apartado 3300 03203 Elche Espaa Phone +34 965 681 554 Fax +34 965 685 986 france@mondraker.com www.mondraker.com

Israel Bike Care

Phone +972 54 4546882/1 info@bikecare.co.il www.bikecare.co.il

Singapore Speed Cycle

27, SS4C/7, Petaling Jaya, Selangor 47301 Malaysia Phone +60 37 72 75 173 speedcycle17@yahoo.com

concept & design: yampuga.comunicacin bike photos: david ponce

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