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The Bronze Patina Book
The Bronze Patina Book
The Bronze Patina Book
Ebook52 pages10 minutes

The Bronze Patina Book

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About this ebook

When it comes to Bronze patinas the green finish you see on bronze horse sculptures is what usually comes to mind.

This is common effect that comes from decades of acid in the rain slowly causing the patina effect.
But in fact there are many colors of patinas in bronze.

In this book I will show you how over 40 different colored patinas that you can use on bronze, copper, brass, and other metals.

And do them right in your garage for some stunning bas relief effects.

PublisherBrad Shirley
Release dateFeb 28, 2013
The Bronze Patina Book

Brad Shirley

Genius by Birth. Slacker by Choice.

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    Book preview

    The Bronze Patina Book - Brad Shirley


    When it comes to Bronze patinas the green finish you see on bronze horse sculptures is what usually comes to mind.

    This is common effect that comes from decades of acid in the rain slowly causing the patina effect.

    But in fact there are many colors of patinas in bronze.

    In this book I will show you how over 40 different colored patinas that you can use on bronze, copper, brass, and other metals.

    And do them right in your garage for some stunning bas relief effects.

    Getting Started

    Before we can start we will need to get setup.

    Remember how Mr. Hurley in shop class was always on your case about wearing safety goggles and other protective stuff. Same applies here, so if you are lucky enough to still have

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