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A Miracle At Your Door
A Miracle At Your Door
A Miracle At Your Door
Ebook231 pages2 hours

A Miracle At Your Door

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This book introduces the RYES-6TM Program. RYES-6TM stands for Rebuilding Your Emotional Structure, and the six steps to assist you in doing that. The RYES-6TM Program was developed by Annette Oaks Pierce during her years as a family consultant. It is designed to help rebuild and strengthen an individual's Core Emotional Structure. The principles of the RYES-6TM Program are beneficial to all individuals, both children and adults. For adults, It teaches individuals how to understand their own Emotional Responses, and how to understand the Emotional Responses of those around them in order to more effectively deal with the people in their lives. For children, it outlines the steps needed for a child to build a solid emotional structure, and gives the behaviors that are required to complete each step. Annette Oaks Pierce is an author, lecturer, teacher, family consultant, and seminar presenter from Portland, Oregon.

Release dateNov 15, 2013
A Miracle At Your Door

Annette Oaks Pierce

Annette Oaks Pierce has spent 30 years as a Family Consultant, working with troubled children, at-risk families, and individuals under severe stress from loss of loved ones, divorce, illness, or other major life-changing events. Her background is in Education, and she began her consulting career working with emotionally troubled children, autistic children, and those listed as hyperactive, ADD or ADHD. She developed the RYES-6TM Program as a result of her work with these children to assist them in developing solid emotional structures. It soon became apparent that the principles of the RYES-6TM Program were as valuable to adults in trauma as it was to children. So she began doing Family Consulting for adults as well as children, using her revolutionary new program. Using the principles of her RYES-6TM Program, she has presented seminars, done retreats, and taught classes in personal growth and understanding of self and others for individuals, businesses, and organizations throughout the Northwestern United States. In the past she has offered on-line classes based on her RYES-6TM Program. Her materials are now available on-line in e-book format.

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    A Miracle At Your Door - Annette Oaks Pierce

    Why You Feel How You Feel,

    And Where The Feelings Come From

    RYES-6™ stands for Rebuilding Your Emotional Structure, and the six steps that are a part of that rebuilding process. A basic principle of the RYES-6™ Program is that there is a relationship between the Inside of you, or your spirit and the Outside of you, or your physical body.

    There is a story told of a man who went to the mortuary to see his recently deceased Uncle Charley. On the way to the mortuary, he recalled how full of life Uncle Charley always was   how he liked to play practical jokes, and what a great sense of humor he had.

    When the man arrived at the funeral home, he was told that Uncle Charley was not yet ready for viewing, and he was led into a room where Uncle Charley's body lay on a table, awaiting placement in his casket.

    The man went over to the table and brushed the cold flesh that no longer felt alive to his touch. He leaned down. Lifting one of Uncle Charley's eyelids, he looked at the staring eye that no longer held any signs of life.

    Then he turned to the

    Funeral director and asked,

    "What have you done

    with Uncle Charley?

    There's no one in here!

    The RYES-6™ Program teaches that the part of us that is visible to the outside world is the part we call the Physical Body, or our Outer Self. Our Inner Self, or our spirit, is the part of us that lives inside our physical body and makes that body move and talk. When we die, there is a parting of our physical body and our Inner Self or our spirit. That Inner Self, or spirit, was the part of Uncle Charley that was missing when the man saw Uncle Charley’s body at the funeral home. Uncle Charley’s spirit left when Uncle Charley died, and when that Inner Self or spirit is gone, the physical body ceases to respond. The Inner Self or spirit is what makes the body alive, and when it is gone, the body dies.


    When the Inner Self or spirit leaves the physical body, the physical body is no longer alive. There is no breathing, no heartbeat, no brain activity, no physical responses of any kind any longer taking place within the physical body. The flesh becomes cold to the touch, moisture leaves the eyes, and the individual looks dead upon observation. There is, indeed, no one home anymore.

    The RYES-6™ Program teaches that the connecting point between the Inner Self or spirit and the Physical Body or the Outer Self is the mind. The mind correlates the Inner Self or spirit and the Physical Body or Outer Self so they can work together in unity and harmony.

    Our emotions affect our happiness, and emotions begin within our Inner Selves. As we perceive the world to be a good place, where there is acceptance, love, and caring in our lives, then we feel peace within us   and both the Inner Self and the Outside of us, or the Physical Self, will function properly. However, if our mind is in a state of unrest   if we are unsure, afraid, angry, or disconnected with others for some reason, we feel stress, and we no longer function effectively as individuals.


    We all use a Developmental Approach to learning different skills in our lives. Basic skills such as walking and talking are learned in a step-by-step process. The Developmental Approach to Learning says that every person goes through each stage or step of development when they learn a new skill, but each individual will pass through each step at his or her own rate.

    Up to now, there have been four main areas where the Developmental Process has been recognized in the Educational Community as a method of learning. These four areas are the Physical Area, the Social Area, the Language Area, and the Intellectual Area.

    The Physical Area would include learning physical skills such as walking and climbing.

    The Social Area would include skills required to successfully interact socially with others.

    The Language Area would include those skills needed to effectively verbally communicate with others.

    The Intellectual Area would include the ability to learn new intellectual skills such as math and reading.

    These four areas can be thought of as being the four spokes on a wheel. In order for an individual to function effectively in society, each of the spokes must develop properly.

    There is one additional area of development that is also learned in a step-by-step process, but it is often overlooked as being part of the developmental process. This is the Emotions Area. However, the Emotional Area is vital to the way an individual functions in life. If there are problems in the Emotional Area, none of the other areas in the Developmental Process will function as they should. So the Emotional Area is not just another spoke in the wheel, it is the HUB of the wheel.

    If an individual is not doing well emotionally, that individual is less likely to function efficiently in any of the other four areas. For instance, people who are under extreme emotional stress often have a number of physical problems (Physical Area); they are not able to function effectively in a social setting (Social Area); their communication skills disintegrate (Language Area); and their reasoning ability is impaired (Intellectual Area).

    On the other hand, if individuals are at peace with themselves, and are confident in their feelings about themselves, their physical skills will be improved (Physical Area); they will be comfortable in social situations (Social Area); they will be able to communicate with others more effectively (Language Area); and their reasoning ability will be clear and sharp (Intellectual Area).


    When a baby first learns to walk, the baby does so in a step by step pattern. None of the basic steps in learning to walk can be skipped, or learning stops. If any of the basic steps are learned the wrong way or are only partially learned, the skill of walking will be impaired to the degree that the basic steps are imperfectly learned. The primary steps in learning to walk are as follows:


    1. The First Step in learning to walk is acquiring BASIC BODY BALANCE

    2. The Second Step in learning to walk is being able to MOVE FORWARD IN SOME FASHION

    3. The Third Step in learning to walk is being able to STAND INDEPENDENTLY

    4. The Fourth Step in learning to walk is having OPEN-KNEE WALKING

    The first thing a baby has to do to begin the process that will eventually lead to walking is to learn to balance his or her body. The baby needs to be able to hold his or her head up and control the muscles in the baby’s back. If the baby cannot do these two things, the baby will never be able to walk unaided.

    The second thing the baby has to do is to develop a desire to move forward, and then figure out some way to do that. Such things as scooting, crawling, etc., begin allowing the baby to propel himself or herself forward. If the baby cannot learn to control his or her body so that the baby is able to move forward in some fashion, the baby will not walk independently.

    The third thing the baby has to do is to be able to stand on his or her own. If the baby cannot learn to stand without assistance, the baby will never be able to walk without assistance.

    The last thing the baby has to do in order to master the skill of Walking is to move forward in an open knee motion. If the baby cannot learn to separate his or her knees and swing them as he or she moves forward, the baby will never walk normally.


    The RYES-6™ Program teaches that good Emotional Development is also learned in a step by step process. The first four basic steps for building a good Emotional Structure as outlined in the RYES-6™ Program are as follows:

    These are the first four steps for building a good Emotional Structure






    If a person is caught in a snowstorm and is in danger of freezing, the person's body temperature drops, and the person's physical functions withdraw until the only thing functioning within the body will be the internal organs. This condition of extreme body cold is called hypothermia. The body is designed to prolong life for as long as possible, so if there is very little energy left, it will be used to run the heart, the lungs, and the other internal organs in order to maintain life. This is what happens in cases of hypothermia.

    Originally, the accepted method of trying to raise the body temperature in severe cases of hypothermia was to pack the individual in hot water bottles and warm blankets to try and heat the body up from the outside. This generally did not work very well, and many of the patients were lost.


    Then a new treatment was introduced. Instead of trying to force the body to warm up from the OUTSIDE, those in charge started trying to warm it up from the INSIDE. They learned that by administering hot drinks, hot soup, etc., they could gradually warm the person from the INSIDE, and then this would gradually raise the body temperature to the point where the natural body heat could radiate out to frozen limbs. This warming FROM THE INSIDE was proven to be a much more effective treatment in cases of hypothermia.

    In review   by giving the victim hot soup and warm things to drink, those in charge found that the victim's body temperature gradually began to rise, and the individual’s body began to function more normally again as it warmed from the inside. They found that once the body has withdrawn to its emergency life support state and was in a condition of hypothermia, the most effective method of recovery comes from warming the person from the INSIDE first. By using various methods of introducing warming fluids into the victim’s body, rather than just trying to warm the victim from the outside, the victim was able to recover from the hypothermia state more quickly.



    Even if the Emotional Area of development was solidly learned as a child, that structure can be damaged by trauma and will have to be relearned. The process of rebuilding the Emotional Structure if an individual has suffered a serious emotional trauma of some type due to loss of a loved one, divorce, a bad accident, a serious illness of some kind or another deeply-felt emotional upheaval in their lives works on this same basic principle of healing from the inside first.

    The RYES-6™ Program teaches that negative emotions affect the mind. To the degree that the emotions affect the mind, the mind is then unable to carry out its function of joining the Inner Self and the physical body. When the mind is unable to effectively join the Inner Self and the physical body, they will no longer work in harmony with one another. To the degree the Inner Self and the Outer Self are out of harmony with one another, they will no longer be able to function together, and the individual will begin to show signs of strain on the Outside, or physical, level.

    This strain can be seen in one of two ways: this is where the RYES-6™ Program outlining Hyper and Hypo conditions begin to manifest themselves. If an individual were to put on a rubber glove that was just the right size, that person’s hand and the rubber glove would work well together, and their hand would be comfortable inside the rubber glove. This is similar to a NORMAL Physical state.

    If the person were to put on a rubber glove that was a size too SMALL, the person’s hand would be tense and tight and uncomfortable. This is similar to a HYPER Physical state as outlined by the RYES-6™ Program.

    If the person were to put on a rubber glove that was a size too BIG, that individual would not be able to control the glove's movement very well, and the person would see that the glove was droopy and loose and without much defined shape. This is similar to a HYPO  Physical state as outlined by the RYES-6™ Program.


    If someone is operating in a HYPER-PHYSICAL mode, it would indicate more stress, more tenseness, more unnatural body tightening, etc. Someone who is operating in the HYPER-PHYSICAL mode at least 80% of the time has less flow to them. Their movements are often tense and jerky. They may appear edgy or nervous. Their handwriting is composed of sharp strokes and is often small and tightly compact. There is less fluid movement in their body motions. They may appear physically taunt and are often jumpy or fidgety. Often their voice has a shrill, cutting edge to it. It is like their whole body is wound too tight.

    HYPO PHYSICAL indicates Less Than.

    Someone who is operating at a Hypo Physical level at least 80% of the time has less energy, poor muscle tone, and more lethargic body movement. They often appear to lack the energy necessary to deal with the world around them. They are often listless and apathetic, and not able to make decisions about even little things. They seem to lack energy or vitality, and that weariness often interferes with their ability to deal with the stress of everyday living. Their handwriting may be ill defined and hard to read. They may walk without energy and do tasks at a slower rate. Their voices

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