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Learn Italian II Parallel Text - Short Stories (Intermediate Level) Dual Language (English - Italian)
Learn Italian II Parallel Text - Short Stories (Intermediate Level) Dual Language (English - Italian)
Learn Italian II Parallel Text - Short Stories (Intermediate Level) Dual Language (English - Italian)
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Learn Italian II Parallel Text - Short Stories (Intermediate Level) Dual Language (English - Italian)

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More Parallel Text!

Learning Italian with parallel text is the most rewarding and effective method to learn a language. Existing vocabulary is refreshed, while new vocabulary is instantly put into practice. The Italian grammar easily sinks in through our cleverly written and well formatted stories. Designed for the eReader - Each sentence has been translated line by line making it easy to follow.

Recommended for beginners with good basis of Italian wishing to push their skills further, intermediate level learners or as a refreshers course.

Our eight easy, funny stories contain European culture and characters. The stories have been written to keep the readers attention and are fun to read for you to learn through your motivation.

Release dateJul 6, 2014
Learn Italian II Parallel Text - Short Stories (Intermediate Level) Dual Language (English - Italian)

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    Learn Italian II Parallel Text - Short Stories (Intermediate Level) Dual Language (English - Italian) - Polyglot Planet Publishing

    Learn Italian II

    Short Stories

    (Intermediate Level)

    Dual Language - Parallel Text

    English - Italian

    Copyright © 2015

    Polyglot Planet Publishing

    All rights reserved

    eBook Edition

    Copyright © 2015 Polyglot Planet

    Illustration: © liligraphie

    About this Book

    More Parallel Text!

    Learning Italian with parallel text is the most rewarding and effective method to learn a language. Existing vocabulary is refreshed, while new vocabulary is instantly put into practice. The Italian grammar easily sinks in through our cleverly written and well formatted stories. Each sentence has been translated line by line making it easy to follow.

    Recommended for beginners with good basis of Italian wishing to push their skills further, intermediate level learners or as a refreshers course.

    Our eight easy, funny stories contain European culture and characters. The stories have been written to keep the readers attention and are fun to read for you to learn through your motivation.

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    Links can be found at the end of this book.

    If you have a suggestion which other books are similar to our Parallel Text series and are worth recommending to other readers, please share by sending us an email at Thank You!

    This book is part of the Learn Italian - Parallel Text Series:

    Learn Italian - Parallel Text - Easy Stories

    Learn Italian II Parallel Text - Short Stories (Intermediate Level)

    Learn Italian III - Parallel Text - Short Stories (Easy to Intermediate Level)

    Links can be found in the middle and at the end of this book

    If you have a suggestion which other books are similar to our Parallel Text series and are worth recommending to other readers, please share by sending us an email at Thank You!


    Il festival del formaggio rotolante

    The Cheese Rolling Festival

    Mi chiamo Robert e vi racconterò una storia a proposito di come sono finito nel bel mezzo di un campo inglese a rincorrere freneticamente del formaggio giù per una collina.

    My name is Robert and I’m going to tell you a story about how I ended up in the middle of an English field frantically chasing cheese down a hill.

    Essendo cresciuto in un piccolo villaggio francese nella regione della Normandia, mangiare è sempre stata una parte importante della nostra vita famigliare, per quel che ricordo.

    Growing up in a small French village in the region of Normandy, eating was a big part of our family life for as long as I can remember.

    Mangiare rappresentava per l'intera famiglia un'occasione per stare insieme, condividere storie e godere della compagnia gli uni degli altri.

    Eating represented an occasion for the whole family to get together, to share stories and to enjoy each other’s company.

    La mia parte preferita del pasto era sempre quella in cui il formaggio veniva portato in tavola,  ed essendo cresciuto in Francia avevo solo l'imbarazzo della scelta – quasi 400 tipi diversi di formaggio vengono prodotti in tutta la nazione, e io penso di averli assaggiati tutti.

    My favourite part of the meal was always when the cheese was brought to the table, and being brought up in France I was spoilt for choice – there are almost 400 different types of cheese produced across the nation and I think I must have tasted all of them.

    Non importa che tipo di formaggio fosse – di capra, di pecora, erborinato, di mucca – se era a disposizione, l'avrei mangiato.

    It didn’t matter what kind of cheese it was – goat, ewe, blue, cow – if it was available I would eat it.

    Sono diventato famoso in famiglia per quanto amavo il formaggio: non vi sorprenderà sentire che ero un po' paffuto da bambino.

    I became famous in my family for just how much I loved cheese: you won’t be surprised to hear I was a little on the chubby side as a child.

    Nel posto in cui vivevo in Normandia sono cresciuto riuscendo a vedere Jersey, una delle isole della Manica che appartengono al Regno Unito.

    Where I used to live in Normandy, I grew up being able to see Jersey, one of the Channel Islands that belong to the United Kingdom.

    Mio nonno era solito farmi sedere sulle sue ginocchia e raccontarmi storie a proposito dell'Inghilterra e delle volte in cui aveva visitato le isole con il traghetto.

    My granddad used to sit me on his knee and tell me stories about England and the times he had visited the islands on the ferry.

    Siccome ero giovane e curioso, volevo andarci.

    As I was young and curious, I wanted to go there.

    E una volta arrivato là, volevo mangiare del formaggio.

    And when I got there, I wanted to eat cheese.

    Quindi un giorno abbiamo concordato di prendere il traghetto da una città chiamata Saint Malo e abbiamo fatto il breve viaggio fino all'isola.

    So one day we all agreed to catch the ferry from a town called St Malo and made the short journey to the island.

    Era la mia prima volta all'estero, e ricordo di aver pensato a quanto tutto sembrasse diverso: la lingua aveva un suono bizzarro, l'architettura era diversa da qualunque cosa io avessi mai visto e il cibo non somigliava a nulla che avessi assaggiato a casa.

    It was my first time abroad and I remember thinking how different everything felt: the language sounded peculiar, the architecture was different to anything I had ever seen and the food was nothing like I had tasted at home.

    Fortunatamente mio nonno sapeva parlare bene l'inglese, e ha iniziato a conversare con il proprietario di un negozio del posto a proposito delle differenze in fatto di cibo.

    Luckily, my granddad could speak good English, and he started a conversation with a local shop owner about the differences in food.

    Disse al proprietario del negozio che io amavo il formaggio, ed è stato allora che ho sentito parlare per la prima volta di un festival in Inghilterra chiamato Il formaggio rotolante di Cooper's Hill.

    He told the shop owner that I loved cheese, and this is where I first found out about a festival in England called ‘Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling’.

    Ho scoperto che non solo in Inghilterra c'era il formaggio: era così buono che la gente era disposta a

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