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Fat To Fit at 40: My Daily Journal Journey
Fat To Fit at 40: My Daily Journal Journey
Fat To Fit at 40: My Daily Journal Journey
Ebook160 pages4 hours

Fat To Fit at 40: My Daily Journal Journey

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Ever really wonder how someone loses 100 lbs.? What did they eat, how did they exercise, what did they weigh day-to-day and how did they feel emotionally during that journey? This book is a diary, a daily unedited journal that follows the journey of someone determined to get the weight off once and for all. After writing in a journal every day for a year, tracking her weight, tracking her exercise and honestly listing her good and bad days of eating habits, Erin decided the journal might be worth sharing. As she reread through the struggles of those first 12 months she recognized seven tips that seemed to be the key to her success. In Fat to Fit at 40 she shares those 7 tips right at the beginning of the book. Then you read he setbacks and accomplishments day-by-day, month-by-month. She intersperses it with monthly chapters consisting of priceless lessons she learned along the way.
Release dateMar 31, 2015
Fat To Fit at 40: My Daily Journal Journey

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    Fat To Fit at 40 - Erin Freel



    I’d like to thank God. I don’t typically have this relationship on public display for many to see, but it’s important for me to acknowledge my Creator because we probably talked more along this journey than anyone (especially during those triathlon swims). Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1

    To Rob, my husband, who has loved me regardless of size, thank you for always thinking I was beautiful and for being my biggest fan. To my parents who are unbelievably wonderful supportive role models, you are the reason I have always felt I could accomplish anything. And to my two best friends, my sister Molly and my brother Ryan, who are both in the medical field and provided so many hours of great advice and support.

    And to the following girlfriends who are either on the journey of health and wellness, have been on the journey or have reached out about starting the journey. Thanks for being my support, encouragement and in many cases, my inspiration - Becky, Staci, Molly, Christine, Dori, Cheryl, Alisha, Melissa, Jillian, Monica, Ashley, Marilyn, Nancy, Cathy and Diana. And a special thanks to my Uncle Sean who has been a lifelong runner. Your running tips and passion for the discipline makes me look forward to my next 30 years of running.

    How the Book Works

    This book is basically a journal of my weight loss journey. Almost every day since April 2013 until I reached my goal in March of 2015 - I would write down my weight in a Word document. So here it is - unfiltered. I apologize for the profanity. But it’s how I talk to myself sometimes. It’s honest and raw. There are places that it’s probably TMI but the truth is, I never thought this would be seen by anyone else, until I was close to completing the journey, so as they say - it is what it is.

    As I’ve reflected back and reread this journal, I’ve written a small chapter at the beginning of each month on something I’ve learned or something I thought was important to me during this process. I don’t go into long-winded details but it’s enough information that you can go and research it on your own and see if it’s something you’d like to add to your toolbox.

    On most days, I didn’t put my food diary because you probably shouldn’t be eating what I eat anyway. However I did (and still do) log my food, it just goes into the app I use, MyFitnessPal. I typically ate healthier than what this reads. As I look back, I only berated myself over the bad meals. Good days, bad days; find what works for you.

    I don’t expect you to follow this and have it work for you, instead, maybe you’ll see the changes I made and they will help you, inspire you, and intrigue you to learn more. I’m not perfect. I have bad days of eating. I have thoughts that enter my head make me wonder how long will I stay with it this time. So here’s how (I did it.) This is what worked for me. Get into it, study it, chew it up and spit it out, mold it and make it your own. As I go back through this journal, what I take away more than anything is that you just have to stick with it. After I lost my initial 40 lbs. which was the first goal, there were months that I kept at it but it was a slow process. Reading through that struggle is empowering. I hope it gives you some extra motivation to stick with it. Habit and routine is everything in this process. When I was overweight I always remembered a phrase I read, Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. Dorky, yes! But I went back to that thought a number of times and putting on a pair of size 4 pants confirms that is true. Recently I saw a Runner’s World post from Jim Rohn that said, We must suffer two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and disappointment. Wow, wish I would have gotten that sooner. The pain of discipline is far less painful.

    Also, as you read this, you may say, I could have written that. Believe me, I’m not claiming to be a doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer or health expert of any kind. However I am an expert at being fat and at successfully losing 100 lbs. I’m an expert at being you - the everyday overweight American. No real health issues (minus being obese, and that’s pretty serious my friend). My only objective in eventually formatting this journal into a book, is to share my story with anyone out there struggling who thinks they can’t do it. Because, the truth is you can. You just haven’t yet.


    Want the cliff notes on my journey? Even though this is a short read, perhaps you want to read and digest this at a leisurely pace but you want to make a change today, tonight? Here’s MY SECRET. This is the condensed version I would send all those friends that emailed or Facebook messaged me. My friends would ask, What’s your secret? I would write it so many times, I finally wrote a list of seven things I considered my secret to success. I think some might have been disappointed that there was no pill, supplement or shot, but hopefully the majority were even more excited to see that anyone can do this - no cost, just the average busy working person willing to sweat a little and eat a little less; someone making the time to exercise, not finding it. I’m you. I hope you can see that now. Because in a fairly short amount of time - YOU CAN BE ME.

    Stats – April 2013 – 239 lbs., March 2015 – 139 lbs.

    This is how I lost 100 lbs. in 22 months

    It’s not easy, but it is easier than you think. For 99.9% of the population this will work unless you have one of a few rare medical conditions. I encourage you to see a doctor, run a blood test and see where you are to begin with. If you love those before and after photos, you’ll really love before and after numbers. Most importantly besides ruling out the health issues, mentally, you’ll be able to eliminate any excuse you might have for yourself.

    1) Set your goal. It can be big or small, but set it. Mine was 40 lbs. by 40. When I was at one of my most disgusted points I had 20 weeks before my 40th birthday/surprise wedding (more on that later) and I knew that was manageable. Then I realized that it really wasn’t that hard and I kept going. Of course, at that point, the momentum kicks in. Remember goals are not wishes or dreams. Write it down and list out steps that will get you there.

    2) Count your calories. (Gosh, I know, how boring!) When I’m not losing it’s because I’m not counting. You can’t manage what you can’t measure. Most likely you should be eating around 1200-1400 calories to be losing weight, depending on height and weight. Get an app like MyFitnessPal. Enter your body stats and set a goal. It will then give you an estimate of how many calories you should eat. You’re eating more than you think and it’s killing you - literally.

    3) Don’t limit the types of food. Eating healthy will definitely fuel your body better and you will eventually crave the good stuff, but if you have to eat a small McDonald’s cheeseburger and small fries, DO IT. But then track it and stop eating. I think saying I will never be able to eat that again is only setting yourself up for failure.

    4) Move it! Exercise. It’s really the only way you will be successful long term. Find something you love. I work out 5-6 times a week but I didn’t in the beginning. And I don’t have to today, I just like to. At first it was 2 times a week, then 3 times a week. Walk for 30 minutes, then longer. Set goals and keep moving. Even a few calories burned add up. People think taking the stairs or parking far away is stupid but that all goes to your BMR which ups your metabolism. WE ALL NEED TO MOVE MORE. Stand up when you are talking on the phone. Just move. The good news is, the heavier you are, the less you have to move for it to make a difference. By the time you want to move more you’ll be lighter and it will be easier.

    5) The hard part is starting. The first week, the first month. It was hard – because it’s hard to see the change. If you can see a change you are the only one. You are the only one who knows what you are sacrificing. It’s easy once you’ve lost 40 lbs. and people tell you look great and you are inspiring others and you have that motivation to go on. I promise you the first month is the hardest. Once you lose 2 lbs. a week or 8 lbs. that first month, you’ll want to keep going. And if you think about the short time you have to sacrifice for this, it really goes by quick and then you’ve already formed good habits.

    6) Find what works for you. I have so many go to tips and tricks now (a whole book full). Some may work for you and some may not. I love to run. I use to hate to run. A year and a half ago I wrote in my journal I ran 5 minutes straight. I now do triathlons, half marathons and I’m honestly addicted to running. It’s the best/easiest calorie burner and once you get to the point it’s just running and not exercise it’s such a freeing mental release. But maybe for you it’s swimming, walking, paddleboard or rollerblading. Make your journey your own. That’s the fun part!

    7) Make your ME time. I had been telling myself that my business needed me, my husband needed me, everyone needed me. I was being a martyr. But when I finally said I was going to do this, I told myself that for this period of time, I was going to put me first. I would schedule meetings later in the day and I’d be conscious of my workout days. If the decision was between my workout schedule and putting someone else first, 99% of the time I put myself first. I worked hard at not derailing myself, and then it just became a routine. What I finally learned is that everyone got the best of me after all, after I became the best me. Amazingly, I still got my work done. Putting myself first was the best thing I did (and still do.)


    What made me get started? I get that question a lot. I usually say The Wedding. But really, I said to myself, Damn Erin, you’ve been successful at everything you’ve done. How have you let this beat you? I just challenged myself and pretty much asked myself if I was a quitter. I knew I was lying to myself and feeling sorry for myself. I knew I could beat it. I just had to make the commitment to do it.

    In the end, it’s all math. Take in less than you consume and you will lose weight. Sorry, but it’s that simple. It’s that simple at 239 lbs. and at 139 lbs.

    Friend, I said the prayer – please God let me weigh less than the linebackers on Sunday afternoon football. Please God let me weigh less than 200 lbs. Let me run for 5 minutes straight. Its baby steps and meeting those little goals you put in place. The truth is, unless you have a medical condition, YOU CAN DO THIS.

    Here’s to a great journey!

    Chapter 1 (April 2013) – The Waiting Game

    Weight for April - 239 lbs. down to 235 lbs.

    I’m notorious for logging, tracking, scrapbooking and journaling. Who knew this particular day, April 20, 2013, I’d actually start a journal that would help

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