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Applied Group Theory: For Physicists and Chemists
Applied Group Theory: For Physicists and Chemists
Applied Group Theory: For Physicists and Chemists
Ebook507 pages3 hours

Applied Group Theory: For Physicists and Chemists

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This text introduces advanced undergraduates and graduate students to symmetry relations by means of group theory. Key relationships are derived in detail from first principles. Rather than matrix theory, the treatment employs algebraic theory in deriving the properties of characters and projection operators. This approach is customarily employed in quantum mechanics courses and makes the connection to group structure clearer. Cayley diagrams illustrate the structure of finite groups. Permutation groups are considered in some detail, and the special methods needed for continuous groups are developed.
The treatment's broad range of applications offers students assistance in analyzing the modes of motion of symmetric classical systems; the constitutive relations in crystalline systems; the modes of vibration in molecules; the molecular orbitals of molecules; the electronic structures of atoms; the attendant spectra; and fundamental particle multiplets. Each chapter concludes with a concise review, discussion questions, problems, and references.
1992 edition.
Release dateJan 5, 2014
Applied Group Theory: For Physicists and Chemists

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    Applied Group Theory - George H. Duffey



    This work introduces students to the aspects of group theory that are most important in applications. As such, it can serve as a text for a senior or first-year graduate course taken by physicists, chemists, and applied mathematicians. In the development, concrete examples accompany the abstract development. Thus, understanding and usefulness are enhanced.

    Since the primary applications of group theory are to symmetric structures, the nature of symmetry operations is considered first. How these make up a group is noted. Then the structures of key groups are described using generators and Cayley diagrams.

    Classes of group elements are defined, class sums formed, and the characters for symmetry species determined. Their use in constructing symmetry-adapted structures for physical systems is then developed. Applications are made to vibrating systems, to continuum mechanics, to quantum structures.

    The text then contains considerable material on product systems. Some special techniques needed for permutation groups are developed. These include the development of Young tables and diagrams. How spin and orbital states combine is thus elucidated.

    Each piece of a continuous group is generated by infinitesimal operators. These combine to form a Lie algebra. In this algebra commutation relations play a key role. Thus, we obtain a basis for the use of these relations in angular-momentum theory, in fundamental-particle theory, in general quantum mechanics.

    How bilinear products of creation and annihilation operators lead to Lie algebras is considered. Thus, a basis is laid for quark theory, for interpreting particle multiplets.


    Symmetry Operations


    Causality and Symmetry

    The universe is not a single indivisible whole. Instead, it consists of parts that can act independently in spite of interactions binding the parts together. This feature allows observers and observing instruments to exist. It also permits both analysis and synthesis to proceed.

    An observer first notes that events in his life fall in order; he experiences time locally. Second, whatever he observes can be located at points or small regions in a 3-dimensional space based on his own position at the time of observation. Similar relationships presumably prevail for an observing instrument.

    Time is not observed as a global entity but as an independent property of the observing point or small region. It behaves as a directed coordinate orthogonal to the three spatial coordinates of the point. Furthermore, an interval of time can be measured by the distance traveled by a photon in the interval. Consequently, the arena in which phenomena occur is a 4-dimensional continuum in which a displacement may be oriented to be either timelike or spacelike.

    In constructing science, one seeks out the patterns that exist among the observations. One presumes that the material world is not capricious or lawless—that it is not governed by spirits as primitive man believed. If certain events appear to follow as a consequence of particular conditions, these events are said to be caused by the conditions. Thus in Newtonian mechanics, one says that the acceleration of a body is caused by the net force acting on it.

    In principle, uniqueness need not prevail. A given set of conditions, a given cause, may lead to various possible results rather than to a single result. Then degeneracy is said to obtain. For instance, the radioactive nuclei in a sample may be shown to be identical by statistical tests. Nevertheless, they will disintegrate at random times with a definite half life.

    In general, we will call the part of the universe under study a system. The system may be subdivided in various ways. And the resulting parts maybe further subdivided. Each of the subsystems maybe considered a system in its own right in the approximation that it behaves as an entity.

    Now, an operation performed on a system may yield an equivalent system with the same spectrum of properties. The entity under study is then said to possess symmetry. The operation is called a symmetry operation.

    When these conditions are only approximately satisfied, one says that a near-symmetry exists. The system may then be considered as a pertubation of a corresponding symmetric entity. When the perturbation is small, it may be neglected.

    Symmetry operations may act in position space, or in the space-time continuum. They may act in momentum space, or in phase space. Alternatively, they may act in a more general space or plot.

    Symmetry operations may also involve other attributes besides position and momentum. Examples of these include particle spin, isotopic spin, hypercharge, color.


    Common Symmetry Operations

    For certain properties, the behavior of a system may be governed by a particular function or operator. In classical mechanics, the discriminating function may be a potential, a Lagrangian, or a Hamiltonian. In quantum mechanics, the discriminating operator may be that for some angular momentum or energy.

    Now, any system for which distinct operations fail to alter the form of a discriminating function or operator is said to possess symmetry. The operations that leave the pertinent function or operator unchanged are called symmetry operations.

    Some of the processes that transform a symmetric region into an equivalent region are geometric, while some are not. Others consist of a geometric change combined with a nongeometric change. Each geometric symmetry operation occurs with respect to a structure in the system, a base.

    A nongeometric alteration is called a conversion. In magnetic systems, a conversion involves changing the magnetic state of a particle (as when spins are reversed). In colored systems, a conversion involves changing one color to another in a cycle. In particle systems, a conversion may involve changing one particle into another.

    Symmetry operations often met in dealing with the mechanics of macroscopic and microscopic systems are described in Table 1.1. The geometric processes include reorientations about a base, translations, and translations combined with reorientations. In symmetric systems, these appear as permutation of like parts.


    Reorientation Matrices

    The reorientations in Table 1.1 may be carried out on the physical system or on the coordinate axes. The first kind is said to be active, the second kind passive. Both kinds are described by homogenous linear transformations of appropriate Cartesian coordinates. Such transformations can be represented by linear matrix equations.

    Where there is a point about which the reorientation is executed, this point is chosen as the origin. Where there is more than one such invariant point, a representative point from these points is chosen as the origin. The axes are drawn in appropriate directions.

    The coordinates of a typical point of the system before and after the transformation under discussion are designated (x, y, z) and (x′, y′, z′), respectively. These are related by the equation

    which may be abbreviated as

    In the identity operation I there is no change and formula (1.1) reduces to

    Table 1.1 Physically Important Symmetry Operations

    *The notation in the first column is modeled after that of Schönflies, in the second column after that of Hermann and Mauguin.

    The symbolic form for equation (1.3) is

    The base for a 1-dimensional reflection may be made a coordinate plane. When the plane is the yz plane, the operation changes the sign of coordinate x and

    A symbolic form for equation (1.5) is

    Reflection by a vertical plane is often labeled σν. Reflection by the horizontal xy plane is labeled σh. Operation σd is reflection through a vertical plane that forms part of a dihedral angle of symmetry, or that bisects the angle between successive σv planes.

    Reflection through a point is called inversion i. With the origin this point, the matrix equation for the operation is


    Rotation of a physical body counterclockwise by angle ϕ about the z axis produces the same change in the coordinates of a point in the body as rotation of the coordinate axes clockwise by angle ϕ about the z axis. From definitions of the sine and cosine, the change is described by the equation

    which may be abbreviated as




    When all symmetry rotations about a given axis have the form Cnm where n is an integer and

    then the axis is said to be an nturn about axes perpendicular to the n-fold axis are labeled C2′, C2″,…. Operation Cn followed by inversion i through the origin is called rotoinversion. Operation Cn followed by reflection σh with respect to a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation is called a rotoreflection Sn.

    Since a symmetry operation changes a physical system into an equivalent system, it does not introduce any distortion. However, it generally reorients the system. But any matrix that effects a reorientation without distortion is called a reorientation matrix.

    Example 1.1

    Construct a reorientation matrix for the C3 operation.

    Equation (1.9) is the form equation (1.1) assumes when the operation consists of rotation by angle ϕ about the z . Then the square matrix in equation (1.9) becomes

    Example 1.2

    Construct a matrix that represents reorientation S3.

    From the definition, S3 equals rotation C3 followed by reflection σh. When the axis of rotation is the z axis, the reflection changes the sign of z. We have



    Operations Involving Translations

    The reorientations just considered are described by homogenous linear transformations. When the homogeneity is dropped by adding a constant vector to the right side of equation (1.2), the operation includes a translation.

    A pure translation entails displacing each point of the system by a constant vector a:

    When the translation is followed by a reorientation effected by matrix R, we have

    Note that b is the translation Ra.

    When a system repeats itself at regular intervals in a certain direction, it is said to possess translational symmetry and to be crystalline in that direction. When it is periodic in three independent directions, the unit that is repeated again and again is called a unit cell One of these cells can be picked as reference and its edges labeled.

    where e1, e2, and e3 are the appropriate unit vectors. Then the symmetry translations for the system involve

    where n1, n2, and n3 are integers. Equivalent to the point at the origin is the point

    Note how a1, a2, and a3 serve as base vectors.

    Designate the angle between a2 and a3 as α, that between a3 and a1 as β, and that between a1 and a2 as γ. Then the unit cells needed to fit observed crystals satisfy the conditions listed in Table 1.2.

    If a sinusoidal disturbance

    is to affect equivalent positions in a crystal in the same manner, wavevector k must be chosen so that k · r increases by an integral number of 2π radians for each symmetry translation a. This condition is satisfied when the wavevector is an integral combination

    of the reciprocal vectors

    Here h1, h2, and h3 are integers and numbers 1, 2, 3 are considered to be in cyclic order (so 3 + 1 = 1,... ).

    Table 1.2 Properties of 3-Dimensional Unit Cells

    For then

    and at equivalent points from equation (1.19) we have

    The wavevectors

    with each hj an integer, define an array of points called the reciprocal lattice. This lattice appears in a plot of the wavevectors, that is, in k-space.

    In either k-space or r-space (physical space) the smallest possible unit cell is called a primitive cell. This is not necessarily the same as the conventional unit cell. Thus, the face-centered and the body-centered cubic lattices have rhombohedral primitive cells. Edges a1, a2, a3 of these are illustrated in Figures 1.1 and 1.2.

    Figure 1.1 Primitive base vectors for a face-centered cubic lattice.

    Figure 1.2 Primitive base vectors for a body-centered cubic lattice.

    Example 1.3

    A primitive cell of a face-centered cubic lattice is bounded by the vectors

    where d is the length of an edge of the unit cube. What lattice is reciprocal to this lattice?

    From the determinant representation of the triple scalar product, we obtain

    Then using the determinant representation of the vector product in equation (1.22) leads to

    Vectors A1, A2, A3 bound a primitive cell of a body-centered cubic lattice of edge length 4π/d. So the reciprocal lattice for an r-space face-centered cubic lattice is a k-space body-centered cubic lattice.


    Permutation Matrices

    Many physical systems are composed of equivalent parts. A symmetry operation then acts by permuting these parts, yielding an equivalent system.

    To represent such a process, a person may locate equivalent positions in the equivalent parts and establish a reference point that is not moved during the transformation. The vector drawn from the reference point to the chosen position for the jth part is labeled rj after, the transformation. One then forms the column matrices

    in which n is the total number of parts permuted.

    From the changes that a given operation causes, one relates the vectors:

    These relations are inserted into matrix r′ and matrix r is factored out to give

    This may be abbreviated as

    with A being called a permutation matrix for the operation.

    In a cyclic permutation, the transformation does not affect the order of the radius vectors. The matrix A representing such an operation may consist of a sequence of 1’s along one diagonal and 0’s everywhere else.

    A general permutation can be broken down into cyclic permutations. The corresponding matrix partitions into null matrices and matrices representing the cyclic actions.

    Example 1.4

    Construct a permutation matrix representing the C4 operation.

    A system for which C4 is a symmetry operation contains four parts that are permuted cyclicly by the operation. (A simple example appears in Figure 1.3). Initially, the parts are arranged as shown, with vectors r1, r2, r3, r4, r.

    Under the C4 operation, the first body moves to the second position, the second body to the third position, the third body to the fourth position, the fourth body to the first position, and the sixth body is merely rotated. Consequently,

    and we have

    In the last step, the matrix

    Figure 1.3 Five equivalent bodies or kets arranged about a 4-fold axis of symmetry.

    Comparing the overall equation with

    we obtain the permutation matrix

    Example 1.5

    Construct a permutation matrix representing a σd operation on the system in Figure 1.3.

    Under the σd operation, r1 and r2 are interchanged; also r3 and r4 are interchanged. Thus



    we have the representation


    How Symmetry Operations for a System Constitute a Group

    The symmetry operations for a particular aspect of a system constitute a set with notable properties, which we will now consider.

    Among the symmetry operations, there is one that reproduces the original configuration, regardless of what it is. This is the identity operation I. Furthermore, no transformation in the set destroys information about the system. Hence, each is reversible. Corresponding to each operation A is an inverse operational A–1.

    Since no operation in the

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