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Numerical Analysis of Wavelet Methods
Numerical Analysis of Wavelet Methods
Numerical Analysis of Wavelet Methods
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Numerical Analysis of Wavelet Methods

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Since their introduction in the 1980's, wavelets have become a powerful tool in mathematical analysis, with applications such as image compression, statistical estimation and numerical simulation of partial differential equations. One of their main attractive features is the ability to accurately represent fairly general functions with a small number of adaptively chosen wavelet coefficients, as well as to characterize the smoothness of such functions from the numerical behaviour of these coefficients. The theoretical pillar that underlies such properties involves approximation theory and function spaces, and plays a pivotal role in the analysis of wavelet-based numerical methods.
This book offers a self-contained treatment of wavelets, which includes this theoretical pillar and it applications to the numerical treatment of partial differential equations. Its key features are:

1. Self-contained introduction to wavelet bases and related numerical algorithms, from the simplest examples to the most numerically useful general constructions.

2. Full treatment of the theoretical foundations that are crucial for the analysis
of wavelets and other related multiscale methods : function spaces, linear and nonlinear approximation, interpolation theory.

3. Applications of these concepts to the numerical treatment of partial differential equations : multilevel preconditioning, sparse approximations of differential and integral operators, adaptive discretization strategies.

Release dateApr 29, 2003
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    Numerical Analysis of Wavelet Methods - A. Cohen

    Numerical Analysis of Wavelet Methods

    First Edition

    Albert Cohen

    Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France





    Table of Contents

    Cover image

    Title page

    Copyright page










    Chapter 1: Basic examples

    Publisher Summary

    1.1 Introduction

    1.2 The Haar system

    1.3 The Schauder hierarchical basis

    1.4 Multivariate constructions

    1.5 Adaptive approximation

    1.6 Multilevel preconditioning

    1.7 Conclusions

    1.8 Historical notes

    Chapter 2: Multiresolution approximation

    Publisher Summary

    2.1 Introduction

    2.2 Multiresolution analysis

    2.3 Refinable functions

    2.4 Subdivision schemes

    2.5 Computing with refinable functions

    2.6 Wavelets and multiscale algorithms

    2.7 Smoothness analysis

    2.8 Polynomial exactness

    2.9 Duality, orthonormality and interpolation

    2.10 Interpolatory and orthonormal wavelets

    2.11 Wavelets and splines

    2.12 Bounded domains and boundary conditions

    2.13 Point values, cell averages, finite elements

    2.14 Conclusions

    2.15 Historical notes

    Chapter 3: Approximation and smoothness

    Publisher Summary

    3.1 Introduction

    3.2 Function spaces

    3.3 Direct estimates

    3.4 Inverse estimates

    3.5 Interpolation and approximation spaces

    3.6 Characterization of smoothness classes

    3.7 Lp-unstable approximation and 0 < p < 1

    3.8 Negative smoothness and Lp-spaces

    3.9 Bounded domains

    3.10 Boundary conditions

    3.11 Multilevel preconditioning

    3.12 Conclusions

    3.13 Historical notes

    Chapter 4: Adaptivity

    Publisher Summary

    4.1 Introduction

    4.2 Nonlinear approximation in Besov spaces

    4.3 Nonlinear wavelet approximation in Lp

    4.4 Adaptive finite element approximation

    4.5 Other types of nonlinear approximations

    4.6 Adaptive approximation of operators

    4.7 Nonlinear approximation and PDE’s

    4.8 Adaptive multiscale processing

    4.9 Adaptive space refinement

    4.10 Conclusions

    4.11 Historical notes






    This book has initially appeared as a chapter in the Handbook of Numerical Analysis (volume VII), edited by Philippe Ciarlet and Jacques-Louis Lions. The main novelties in the present edition are contained in the last chapter. I have tried to give a synthetic survey on the main strategies which have been followed since the 1990’s in the development of adaptive wavelet methods for the numerical treatment of partial differential equations, in connection with the topic of nonlinear approximation, and to point out some of the important challenges which remain in this area.

    I want to express my gratitude to Jonathan Burd for his excellent proofreading job, and to all those who helped a great deal in improving this material by their valuable remarks: Martin Campos, Sidi-Mahmoud Kaber, Simon Masnou, Marie Postel and Robert Ryan. This book is also the reflection of long term interactions with Wolfgang Dahmen, Ingrid Daubechies, Ronald DeVore and Yves Meyer. Beside the beautiful inspiration that their work has been for me, I also wish to thank them for their constant support and friendship through the years.


    Albert Cohen

    Since the 1960’s, multiscale methods have been used in numerous areas of applied mathematics as diverse as signal analysis, statistics, computer aided geometric design, image processing and numerical analysis. The mathematical background underlying these methods was substantially reinforced with the emergence of wavelet bases in the 1980’s.

    The objectives of this book are to survey the theoretical results that are involved in the numerical analysis of wavelet methods, and more generally of multiscale decomposition methods, for numerical simulation problems, and to provide the most relevant examples of such mathematical tools in this particular context.

    Multiscale methods are based on approximations (fj)j≥0 to the data (or the unknown) f of a given problem, at various resolution levels indexed by j. The corresponding scales of resolution hj are usually chosen to be of order 2−j: the approximation fj should thus be viewed as a sketchy picture of f that cannot oscillate at a frequency higher than 2j . As an example, if f is a univariate continuous function, one could choose for fj the unique function such that fj(2−jk) = f(2−jk) and such that fj is affine when restricted to [2−jk,2−j(k + 1)] for all k .

    Formally, one obtains a multiscale decomposition by expanding f into the sum of its coarsest approximation and additional details:

    where each gj = fj+1 – fj represents the fluctuation of f between the two successive levels of resolution j and j + 1.

    In practice, these approximations and decompositions can be defined and implemented in various ways: by contrast with the one and unique Fourier transform, a multiscale transform can be picked out of a versatile collection of mathematical tools. Some of them can furthermore be implemented by means of fast algorithms, and are therefore more appealing for numerical applications. In the context of numerical computations, one can be interested in further decomposing each fluctuation gj into local contributions. For specific types of multiresolution approximations, this task can be achieved using a wavelet basis: one introduces an appropriate function ψ (in the case where f is a univariate function) that is well localized both in space and frequency, and oscillates in the sense that ∫ ψ = 0, and allows one to expand gj according to

    where the dj,k’s are scalar coefficients and each wavelet ψj,k := 2j/2 ψ(2j · – k) contributes to the fluctuation of f at scale 2−j in a neighborhood of size 2−j |Supp(ψ)| around the point 2−jk. Here again, there exists a versatile collection of functions ψ that are admissible for generating wavelets bases. One should thus keep in mind that, for a given problem, the efficiency of a multiscale decomposition method is strongly tied to the choice of a specific tool and associated algorithm. In the field of numerical analysis, multiscale and wavelets decompositions have been successfully used for three main tasks:

    1. Preconditioning large systems arising from the discretization of elliptic partial differential equations,

    2. Adaptive approximation of functions which are not uniformly smooth,

    3. Sparse representation of initially full matrices arising in the discretization of integral equations.

    It should be noted that in each of these applications, the use of multiscale and wavelet decompositions is very close in essence to other methods that have been previously introduced: multigrid methods for preconditioning, mesh refinement for adaptivity, multipole and panel clustering algorithms for integral equations.

    Do wavelet-based techniques bring specific improvements, when dealing with the above tasks, in comparison to these more classical methods ?

    Clearly, these techniques enlarge the library of tools that are available for dealing with these tasks. As it was already mentioned, an optimal choice among these tools is strongly problem dependent. More importantly, in the development and analysis of these techniques, one can benefit from a strong theoretical input from harmonic analysis and approximation theory. In particular, the possibility of characterizing various smoothness classes – e.g. Sobolev, Hölder and Besov spaces - from the numerical properties of multiscale decompositions, turns out to play a key role in the application of wavelet methods to the three previously mentioned tasks. This brings out a new and fruitful point of view, which can also be useful in the analysis of more classical, related methods.

    Our goal here is not to present all the existing wavelet methods for the numerical simulation of physical processes (the amount of literature is already huge and still growing fast), but rather to give a broad account of this theoretical imput to the numerical analysis of multiscale methods.

    This book is organized as follows:

    In Chapter 1, we motivate the introduction of a general theory by two very simple examples of multiscale decomposition schemes. These schemes are associated with the most elementary wavelet bases: the Haar system and the Schauder hierarchical basis, that are respectively built from approximations by piecewise constant functions and piecewise affine continuous functions. We show how these schemes can be adapted to the decomposition of multivariate functions and how they can be used for adaptive approximation of functions, sparsification of integral operators, and preconditioning of elliptic equations. We discuss their inherent limitations for these applications. This chapter is descriptive in essence and the results are deliberately not organized according to the usual lemma-theorem-corollary sequence. The reader who is prepared to enter directly the general theory can easily skip it.

    In Chapter 2, we review the general concept of multiresolution approximation, consisting in a nested sequence of approximation spaces,

    which are used to define the approximation fj Vj. This concept leads in a natural way to the construction of wavelets in terms of details complementing the approximation between Vj and Vj+1. In practice, there are two main approaches to building such tools. The first one, which is the most intuitive to the numerician, consists in constructing the spaces Vj as a nested sequence of finite element spaces, or as nested discretizations by cell averages or point values equipped with certain inter-scale operators. The second one is based on a single scaling function φ generating Vj in the sense that φ(2j · –k), k , is a Riesz basis of. Vj This last approach yields tools of a different nature than finite elements, that might seem difficult to handle for practical computations: in particular, the function φ is not given explicitly, but as a solution of an equation of the type

    that expresses the embedding V0 ⊂ V1. A solution of such an equation is also called a refinable function. Since they are far less classical than finite elements in numerical analysis, and since they are a key tool in the construction of wavelet bases, we devote an important part of this chapter to the study of refinable functions. In particular, we show how they can be computed and used for numerical analysis purposes, and we analyze the relations between the properties of the coefficients hn and properties of φ, such as smoothness, approximation power of the spaces Vj, stability, orthonormality and biorthogonality. We describe the examples of refinable functions and related multiscale decompositions that are relevant in numerical analysis, in particular biorthogonal decompositions into spline functions. We show how these tools can be adapted to multivariate domains with specific boundary conditions. We finally return to the first approach and address the construction of multiscale decompositions associated with the most commonly used discretizations in numerical analysis: point values, cell averages and finite elements.

    In Chapter 3, we show how smoothness classes can be characterized from the decay properties of (||gj||Lp)j≥0 and (||ffj||Lp)j≥0, as j goes to +∞, or equivalently from the numerical properties of the wavelet coefficients dj,k. These results turn out to be the key to the theoretical understanding of multilevel preconditioning for elliptic operators, as well as adaptive approximation. The LP norm which is used here to measure the error is the same as the Lp metric associated with the smoothness class: for example, in the case of the Sobolev spaces Hs, one will consider the behavior of ||f fj||L² or ||gj||L² . The quantity ||f fj||Lp is a linear approximation error, in the sense that fj is an approximation of f in the linear space Vj, and is usually obtained through a linear operation applied to f (typically a projection onto Vj). These characterization results are essentially based on the combination of two types of estimates: a direct (or Jackson type) inequality and an inverse (or Bernstein type) inequality. We show how to establish such inequalities in the case of the multiresolution spaces that were built in Chapter 2. We discuss several variants of these results, as well as their adaptation to function spaces defined on bounded domains with prescribed boundary conditions. We finally discuss their application to the multilevel preconditioning of elliptic operators.

    In Chapter 4, we focus on adaptive approximation: the function f is now approximated by a combination

    where the set ΛN has cardinality N and is allowed to depend on the function f, in order to improve the approximation. In practice, ΛN typically represents the N largest contributions in the wavelet decomposition of f, in the metric where the error is to be measured. Such data-dependent approximation procedures are intrisically nonlinear. As in the case of linear approximation, the decay properties of the error ||f fN||Lp are related to the smoothness properties of f, but the corresponding smoothness classes are now associated with an Lq metric with q < p. Similar ideas apply to the wavelet discretization of partial differential and integral operators: sparse approximations can be obtained by simple thresholding procedures applied to the matrix entries. Nonlinear approximation also allows one to draw a first comparison between wavelets and adaptive mesh refinement from the point of view of approximation theory. We next discuss the relation between these results and adaptive algorithms for PDE’s. In the context of numerically solving PDE’s a specific difficulty is that one does not know in advance which are the largest coefficients the solution. Adaptive wavelet methods aim to track this information within the numerical solution process. We describe the two main lines of research which have been followed in the development of such methods since the 1990’s, and we compare them to more classical adaptive strategies. We conclude by pointing out some intrinsic shortcomings and remaining challenges in adaptive wavelet methods.

    Among the basic references that have influenced the present book, let us mention the two well-known monographs on wavelets by Daubechies [1992] and Meyer [1990], as well as the survey papers by Dahmen [1997] and Devore [1998].

    Beside these important references, it goes without saying that many of the results which are presented here have appeared in publications by numerous mathematicians. Most of the time, however, their formulation has been revisited for consistency purpose. We also have chosen to avoid minimal or general assumptions in the statement of some of these results, in the cases where these assumptions make the proof more complex without being really useful to numerical applications. In each chapter, several remarks and the last section aim to present an historical account of these contributions, and to give pointers toward related theoretical results and algorithmic techniques. The author is aware of the rapid evolution of the subject and of its multiple connexions with other scientific areas. He has tried to mention the most significant contributions in the context of numerical analysis, together with the constraint of keeping this book self-contained and of reasonable size.


    Dahmen W. Wavelets and multiscale methods for operator equations. Acta Numerica. 1997;55–228.

    Daubechies I. Ten lectures on wavelets. Philadelphia: SIAM; 1992.

    DeVore R. nonlinear Approximation. Acta Numerica. 1998;7:51–150.

    Meyer Y. Ondelettes et opérateurs, (Hermann, Paris). In: Salinger DH, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1990 (1992) english translation by.


    We list below symbols that appear frequently throughout the book. If not below, their definitions appear at the first place where they are introduced.


    Cm(Ω) (integer m): Spaces of m-times continuously differentiable functions

    Cs(Ω) (non-integer s < 0): Hölder spaces

    Lp(Ω): Lebesgue spaces

    Wm,p(Ω): Sobolev spaces (Hs := Ws,2)

    : Besov spaces

    ∏n: polynomials of total degree n

    Vj : primal and dual multiresolution spaces at scale j.

    Wj : primal and dual detail (or wavelet) spaces at scale j.


    fj,k:= 2djf(2j · –k): L²-scaling of f .

    ψj,k : primal and dual wavelets of resolution 2–j.

    φj,k : primal and dual scaling functions of resolution 2−J.

    ψλ : compact notations for the primal and dual scaling functions of resolution 2-J.

    ψλ for λ ∈ ∇j: compact notations for the primal and dual wavelets of resolution 2−j.

    |λ|: resolution level of the index λ(|λ| = j if λ ∈ Γj: or λ ∈ ∇j)

    with ∇–1 = ∈0: set of all wavelet indices.

    : set of all wavelet indices up to level J–1.

    ψλ for λ ∈ ∇: primal and dual wavelets at all scales, including scaling functions at the coarsest level.




    A*: dual of the operator A.

    : Fourier transform of f.


    #E (or |E|): cardinality of a finite set E.

    meas(E) (or |E|): Lebesgue’s measure of a domain E d

    diam(E): diameter of a domain E d.

    dist(A,B) = infxA,yB |x y|: distance between the sets A and B.

    Supp(f): support of the function f.


    If A(u) and B(u) are positive functions of a set u of parameters, we shall often use the notation

    to express that there exists a constant C > 0 such that A(u) ≤ CB(u) independently of the parameters. For example ||Pjf||f|| means that the operator Pj is bounded independently of j. We also use the notation


    Chapter 1

    Basic examples

    Albert Cohen

    Publisher Summary

    This chapter discusses two basic examples and shows their potential range of applications in numerical analysis as well as their inherent limitations. In the two examples, the approximation fj of a univariate function f at the scale 2−j will respectively be piecewise constant and piecewise affine on dyadic intervals. The chapter describes decompositionand reconstruction algorithms that can be used to compute the coefficients of a function in these bases, and explains how these decompositions can be generalized in a natural way to functions of several variables. Applications of these elementary tools to numerical analysis are discussed. The application of the Haar and Schauder bases to adaptive approximation of functions is briefly discussed. The main idea is that a simple thresholding procedure on the coefficients of a function f in these bases amounts to building an adaptive grid for the discretization of this function. A similar thresholding procedure is applied to sparsify certain integral operators, which usually yield fully populated matrices in their standard finite element discretization.

    1.1 Introduction

    Before entering the general theory of multiscale decompositions, we shall study two basic examples and show their potential range of applications in numerical analysis as well as their inherent limitations. Our goal is to identify some important features that will be studied with more details, in the general theory developed in the next chapters. This chapter is descriptive in essence and some of its results are quoted without a detailed proof when they are particular cases of theorems that are proved in the next chapters.

    In the two examples that we want to study, the approximation fj of a univariate function f at the scale 2−j will respectively be piecewise constant and piecewise affine on dyadic intervals


    In §1.2 and §1.3, we introduce these approximations and we show how they are related to decompositions in two elementary wavelet bases: the Haar system and the Schauder hierarchical basis. We describe the decomposition and reconstruction algorithms that can be used to compute the coefficients of a function in these bases, and we show in §1.4 how these decompositions can be generalized in a natural way to functions of several variables.

    Applications of these elementary tools to numerical analysis are discussed in the next sections: in §1.5, we discuss the application of the Haar and Schauder bases to adaptive approximation of functions. The main idea is that a simple thresholding procedure on the coefficients of a function f in these bases amounts to building an adaptive grid for the discretization of this function. A similar thresholding procedure is applied to sparsify certain integral operators, which usually yield fully populated matrices in their standard finite element discretization. In §1.6, we recall some basic facts on the finite element discretization of a simple model second order elliptic problem, which is known to yield an ill-conditioned system, and we show how multiscale decompositions can be used to design simple preconditioners and optimal iterative solvers.

    We conclude by reviewing the most important features of these basic examples that suggest a more general theory. We also point out their inherent limitations: low approximation order and severe restrictions on the class of differential and integral operators that they can handle.

    1.2 The Haar system

    Let f be a function in L). We can define piecewise constant approximations fj of f at scale 2−j by



    i.e. f is approximated by its mean value on each interval Ij,k, k . Let us make three simple comments on this particular choice for fj:

    1. We first remark that the choice of the mean value makes fj the L²-orthogonal projection of f onto the space



    Indeed, an orthogonal basis for Vj is given by the family



    where φ := χ[0,1] and clearly fj can be written


    . We will thus denote fj by Pj f where Pj is the orthogonal projector onto Vj. We shall also use the notation


    for the normalized mean values which are the coordinates of Pjf in the basis (φj,k)k.

    2. We also note that this approximation process is local: the value of Pjf on Ij,k is only influenced by the value of f on the same interval. In particular, we can still use (1.2.1) to define Pjf when f is only locally integrable, or when f is only defined on a bounded interval such as [0,1] (in that case, Pjf makes sense only for j ≥ 0). As an example, we display in Figure 1.2.1 the function f(x) = sin(2π x) and its approximation P4f on [0,1].

    Figure 1.2.1 The function f ( x ) = sin(2 πx ) and its approximation P 4 f

    3. Finally, since Vj Vj+1, it is clear that Pj+1f contains more information on f than the coarser approximation Pjf: the mean values on the intervals of size 2j–1k entirely determine those on the coarser intervals of double size 2−j by taking their averages. More precisely, we have


    We can also define the orthogonal projection Qjf := Pj+1f Pjf onto Wj, the orthogonal complement of Vj into Vj+1. From (1.2.6), it is clear that Qjf oscillates in the sense that


    As an example, Figure 1.2.2 shows the components P3f and Q3f on [0,1], for f(x) = sin(2πx): we have thus decomposed P4f of Figure 1.2.1 into the sum of the coarser approximation P3f and the oscillating component Q3f.

    Figure 1.2.2 The approximation P 3 f and the fluctuation Q 3 f

    The oscillation property (1.2.7) allows us to expand Qjf into




    Since the ψj,k, k are also an orthonormal system, they constitute an orthonormal basis for Wj and we thus have


    We thus have re-expressed the two-level decomposition of Pj+1f into the coarser approximation Pjf and the additional fluctuations Qjf, according to


    This decomposition can be iterated on an arbitrary number of levels: if j0 < j1, we can rewrite the orthogonal decomposition


    according to


    Both (1.2.12) and (1.2.13) express an additive multiscale decomposition of Pj1, f into a coarser approximation and a succession of fluctuations at intermediate scales. Formula (1.2.13), however, gives a local description of each contribution and should be viewed as an orthonormal change of basis in Vj1: both {φj1, k}kare orthonormal bases for Vj1, and any function in Vj1 has thus a unique decomposition in each of these bases.

    Note the different role played by the functions φ and ψ: the former is used to characterize the approximation of a function at different scales, while the latter is needed to represent the fluctuation between successive levels of approximation. In particular, we have ∫ ψ = 0, reflecting the oscillatory nature of these fluctuations. In the more general multiresolution context that will be developed in the next chapter, φ will be called scaling function and ψ the mother wavelet, in the sense that all the wavelets ψj,k are generated from translations and dilations of ψ. We display in Figure 1.2.3 the function ψ and two of its translated-dilated versions.

    Figure 1.2.3 The wavelets ψ  =  ψ 0,0 , ψ −1,0 and ψ 2,2

    Clearly the union of the approximation spaces Vj is dense in L), i.e.


    for all f L). Combining (is a complete orthonormal system of L). Any function f L) can thus be decomposed into


    where the series converges in L².

    Remark 1.2.1

    Since we have an orthonormal basis, the L²-convergence in (1.2.15) is unconditional: one can permutate the terms or change their signs without affecting the convergence of the series. This might not be true when we measure convergence in another norm: if f is uniformly continuous, clearly Pjf converges uniformly to f as j1 goes to +∞, so that we can define a summation process by letting j1 go to +∞ in (1.2.13), yet a permutation in the terms might lead to a divergent series. The same remark applies for the L¹ convergence of the series of an L¹ function.

    Remark 1.2.2

    We can of course apply the same method to decompose a function that is defined on a bounded interval. In particular, φ and the ψj,k’s for j ≥ 0 and 0 ≤ k < 2j constitute an orthonormal basis for L²([0,1]). This basis was introduced in 1909 by A. Haar, and is therefore refered to as the Haar system.

    If the function f , we can also let the coarsest level j0 go to –∞ in (1.2.15). It turns out that the coarse scale approximation vanishes in the L² sense, when passing to this limit: for any f in L), we have


    In order to prove (1.2.16), we first suppose that f = χ[a,b], for some a < b. Then, when j is negative and large enough so that 2−j ≥ max{|a|,|bif k is not 0 or –1 (the functions f and φj,k have disjoint supports). We thus have, for this range of j,

    which implies (1.2.16) for f = χ[a,b] and thus for any finite linear combination of such characteristic functions.

    For an arbitrary f L) and ε > 0, there exists a function g which is of the type


    such that


    (finite linear combinations of characteristic functions of finite intervals are dense in L)). Since ||Pjg||L² tends to zero as j goes to –∞, we have ||Pjg||L² ≤ ε for j large enough negatively, and therefore

    Since ε is arbitary, this proves (1.2.16) for a general function f L).

    An immediate consequence of (1.2.16) is the following: the set {ψj,k}j,kconstitutes an orthonormal basis for L). This fact might appear as a paradox: a function f can be expanded in terms of basis functions that all have vanishing integral, even if ∫ f ≠ 0. This is possible, simply because the convergence of Pjf to zero as j goes to –∞ holds in L² but not in L¹, for a general function f in L¹ ∩ L². Indeed, according to the definition of Pj by (1.2.1), we clearly have ∫ Pjf = ∫ f, so that Pjf cannot go to zero in L¹ as soon as f has a non-zero integral.

    In the context of applications of multiscale decompositions to numerical simulation, one does not make so much use of the full wavelet basis {ψj,k}j,kand of the fact that Pjf goes to 0 in L² as j tends to –∞. Indeed, most problems are confined to a bounded domain that limits the coarseness of the analysis scale. We shall thus mainly consider multiscale decompositions of the type (1.2.15) for a fixed minimal scale level j0, which will often be chosen to be j0 = 0. Of more importance to the numerician is the behaviour of Pjf as j grows, in particular approximation results dealing with the size of the error f Pjf. This question will be addressed in a more general context in chapters 2 and 3.

    of a function f at the finest resolution level j1. We then have to deal with the following problem: how can we compute the coefficients cj0, k and dj, k, j0 ≤ j < j1 from the coefficients cj1, k at the finest scale ?

    Note that this problem makes sense even if fj1 is an approximation of f in Vj1 that differs from its projection Pj1f : we are then interested in decomposing this particular approximation into multiscale components. This point is crucial, since in numerical analysis applications, the approximate solution of a problem is rarely the L²-orthogonal projection of the true solution.

    To answer this question, we start from the two level decomposition (1.2.11). From (1.2.6) and the L² normalization of the functions and φj,k , we derive the simple relations




    Another way to derive relations (. These relations show the local aspect of the change of basis in (1.2.11): the vectors (cj,k, dj,k) and (cj+1, 2k, cj+1, 2k+1) are related by a simple orthogonal transformation.

    The inverse transform is given by




    From these four relations, we can derive simple decomposition and reconstruction algorithms.

    Decomposition algorithm

    1. Start from finest scale approximation coefficients cj1,k.

    2. Compute the sequences cj1–1,k and dj1–1,k using (1.2.19) and (1.2.20).

    3. Store the details dj1–1,k and iterate the decomposition on the approximations cj1–1,k.

    4. Iterate the decomposition from fine to coarse scales.

    5. Stop the decomposition when the coarsest level coefficients cj0,k and dj0,k are computed.

    Reconstruction algorithm

    1. Start from the coarsest level coefficients cj0,k and dj0,k

    2. Compute the sequence cj0+1,k using (1.2.21) and (1.2.22).

    3. Iterate the reconstruction using the details dj0+1,k.

    4. Iterate the reconstruction from coarse to fine scales.

    5. Stop the reconstruction when the finest approximation coefficients cj1,k are computed.

    In practice, the function to be decomposed is defined (and approximated at the finest level) on a bounded domain. In turn, the sequence cj,k has

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