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Brain-Computer Interfacing for Assistive Robotics: Electroencephalograms, Recurrent Quantum Neural Networks, and User-Centric Graphical Interfaces
Brain-Computer Interfacing for Assistive Robotics: Electroencephalograms, Recurrent Quantum Neural Networks, and User-Centric Graphical Interfaces
Brain-Computer Interfacing for Assistive Robotics: Electroencephalograms, Recurrent Quantum Neural Networks, and User-Centric Graphical Interfaces
Ebook427 pages208 hours

Brain-Computer Interfacing for Assistive Robotics: Electroencephalograms, Recurrent Quantum Neural Networks, and User-Centric Graphical Interfaces

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Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology provides a means of communication that allows individuals with severely impaired movement to communicate with assistive devices using the electroencephalogram (EEG) or other brain signals. The practicality of a BCI has been possible due to advances in multi-disciplinary areas of research related to cognitive neuroscience, brain-imaging techniques and human-computer interfaces. However, two major challenges remain in making BCI for assistive robotics practical for day-to-day use: the inherent lower bandwidth of BCI, and how to best handle the unknown embedded noise within the raw EEG.

Brain-Computer Interfacing for Assistive Robotics is a result of research focusing on these important aspects of BCI for real-time assistive robotic application. It details the fundamental issues related to non-stationary EEG signal processing (filtering) and the need of an alternative approach for the same. Additionally, the book also discusses techniques for overcoming lower bandwidth of BCIs by designing novel use-centric graphical user interfaces. A detailed investigation into both these approaches is discussed.

  • An innovative reference on the brain-computer interface (BCI) and its utility in computational neuroscience and assistive robotics
  • Written for mature and early stage researchers, postgraduate and doctoral students, and computational neuroscientists, this book is a novel guide to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics for BCI
  • Full-colour text that focuses on brain-computer interfacing for real-time assistive robotic application and details the fundamental issues related with signal processing and the need for alternative approaches
  • A detailed introduction as well as an in-depth analysis of challenges and issues in developing practical brain-computer interfaces.
Release dateSep 24, 2014
Brain-Computer Interfacing for Assistive Robotics: Electroencephalograms, Recurrent Quantum Neural Networks, and User-Centric Graphical Interfaces

Vaibhav Gandhi

Vaibhav Gandhi (author) received a First Class (Dist.) degree in Instrumentation & Control engineering in 2000, a First Class (Dist.) Masters degree in Electrical engineering in 2002 and a Ph.D. degree in Computing & Engineering in 2012. He was a recipient of the UK-India Education & Research Initiative (UKIERI) scholarship for his Ph.D. research in the area of Brain-Computer Interface for assistive robotics carried out at the Intelligent Systems Research Center, University of Ulster, UK and partly at IIT Kanpur, India. His Ph.D. focused on quantum mechanics motivated EEG signal processing, and an intelligent adaptive use-centric human-computer interface design for real-time control of a mobile robot for BCI users. His post-doctoral research involved work on shadow-hand multi-fingered mobile robot control using EMG/muscle signals, with contributions in the 3D printing aspects of a robotic hand. He joined the department of Design Engineering & Mathematics, School of Science & Technology, Middlesex University London in 2013, where he is currently Lecturer in Robotics, Embedded Systems and Real-time Systems. His research interests include brain-computer interfaces, biomedical signal processing, computational intelligence and neuroscience, use-centric graphical user interfaces, and assistive robotics.

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    Brain-Computer Interfacing for Assistive Robotics - Vaibhav Gandhi

    Brain–Computer Interfacing for Assistive Robotics

    Electroencephalograms, Recurrent Quantum Neural Networks and User-Centric Graphical Interfaces

    Vaibhav Gandhi, B.Eng, M.Eng, Ph.D

    School of Science and Technology, Middlesex University, London, UK

    Table of Contents

    Cover image

    Title page


    List of Figures

    List of Tables



    List of Acronyms

    Chapter 1. Introduction

    1.1 Introduction

    1.2 Rationale

    1.3 Objectives

    Chapter 2. Interfacing Brain and Machine

    2.1 Introduction

    2.2 The Brain and Electrode Placement

    2.3 Operational Techniques in BCI

    2.4 Data Acquisition

    2.5 Preprocessing: A Signal Enhancement Requirement along with Noise Reduction

    2.6 Feature Extraction

    2.7 Classification

    2.8 Post-processing

    2.9 Validation and Optimization Techniques

    2.10 Graphical User Interface [GUI]

    2.11 Strategies in BCI Applications

    2.12 Performance Measures of a BCI System

    2.13 Conclusion

    Chapter 3. Fundamentals of Recurrent Quantum Neural Networks

    3.1 Introduction

    3.2 Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

    3.3 Quantum Mechanics and the Schrodinger Wave Equation

    3.4 Theoretical Concept of the RQNN Model

    3.5 Traditional RQNN-Based Signal Enhancement

    3.6 Revised RQNN-Based Signal Enhancement

    3.7 Discussion

    3.8 Conclusion

    Chapter 4. The Proposed Graphical User Interface (GUI)

    4.1 Introduction

    4.2 Overview of the Proposed GUI Within the BCI Framework

    4.3 Interfacing MATLAB and Visual Basic

    4.4 Conclusion

    Chapter 5. Recurrent Quantum Neural Network (RQNN)-Based EEG Enhancement

    5.1 Introduction

    5.2 Traditional RQNN Model for EEG Enhancement

    5.3 Revised RQNN Model for EEG Signal Enhancement

    5.4 Towards Subject-Specific RQNN Parameters

    5.5 Discussion

    5.6 Conclusion

    Chapter 6. Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Robot Operation

    6.1 Introduction

    6.2 The EEG Acquisition Process

    6.3 RQNN-Based EEG Signal Enhancement

    6.4 Autonomous and Supervised GUI Operation

    6.5 Maneuvering the Simulated Mobile Robot Using Only MI EEG

    6.6 Maneuvering the Physical Mobile Robot Using Only MI EEG

    6.7 Conclusion

    Chapter 7. Conclusion

    7.1 Contributions of the Book

    7.2 Future Research Directions

    7.3 Conclusion

    Appendix A. Understanding Evaluation Quantifiers for the Proposed Interface




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    List of Figures

    List of Tables


    Vaibhav Gandhi

    Brain–computer interface (BCI) technology provides a means of communication that allows individuals with severely impaired movement to communicate with assistive devices using the electroencephalogram (EEG) or other brain signals. The practicality of a BCI has been made possible by advances in multi-disciplinary areas of research related to cognitive neuroscience, brain-imaging techniques and human–computer interfaces. The end goal of a BCI is to enable monitoring of the underlying brain processes and subsequent utilization of this information for communicating and controlling devices solely through the brain without depending on the normal output pathways of peripheral nerves and muscles.

    This book is a result of four years of doctoral research, focusing on an important aspect of BCI for real-time assistive robotic application. This book will benefit both mature and early-stage researchers, including postgraduate and doctoral students. Researchers from other fields interested in BCI should also find this book interesting and informative, including its detailed discussion of prevailing research trends. This book should also be helpful in courses related to quantum mechanics, neural networks, signal processing, robotics and human–computer interaction, since it covers the fundamental postulates of quantum mechanics, their application for filtering noisy EEG signals, signal processing fundamentals and adaptive graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for robot control application in considerable detail.

    Dealing with the unknown embedded noise within the raw EEG and the inherent lower bandwidth of BCI are still two of the major challenges in making BCI practical for day-to-day use. The raw EEG signal recorded non-invasively during motor imagery (MI) is intrinsically embedded with non-Gaussian noise, and the actual, noise-free EEG has so far not been obtained. Therefore, a novel filtering approach utilizing the concepts from quantum mechanics is discussed in this book. This filtering approach is constructed using a layer of neurons within the neural network framework and is referred to as the Recurrent Quantum Neural Network (RQNN).

    Another major challenge in two-class BCI systems is the inherently low bandwidth of the communication channel, which may lead to a sluggish response when controlling a mobile robotic device. An intelligent and adaptive user interface, which plays a very important role as a front-end display for the BCI user, is discussed in this book. The framework of the proposed intelligent Adaptive User Interface (iAUI), also referred to as a brain–robot interface, is consistent for use with a range of applications, e.g., for controlling either a mobile robot or a robotic arm. Both the RQNN filtering technique and the iAUI have been investigated for real-time application and are discussed in detail in this book.

    The book contains seven chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the rationale, the aims and objectives of the book. Chapter 2 presents in detail a general EEG-based BCI system. The chapter begins with an introduction of the biological fundamentals of the brain and a description of EEG rhythms. This is followed by a description of the operational techniques in BCI (synchronous and asynchronous communication) and an in-depth explanation of the various signal processing related building blocks of a typical BCI system including the data acquisition process, preprocessing, feature extraction, classification and post-processing approaches. Cross-validation and a few popular optimization techniques such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithms (GA) which are utilized for tuning/selecting the RQNN model parameters are discussed. The chapter then describes the necessity and importance of a GUI, the different interface designs proposed by various research groups and the challenges and issues for practical implementation. Major BCI strategies and breakthrough techniques employed to enhance the usability of BCI signal processing outcome for applications in the form of shared control and adaptive shared control techniques are also discussed along with the performance evaluation measures for an interface. Chapter 3 begins with a brief overview of the fundamentals of QM and SWE. This chapter then describes the theoretical concept of the RQNN models and their application to filtering simple signals in the form of DC, stepwise DC and sinusoidal waveforms.

    The proposed MI-based GUI design, i.e., the adaptive interfaces for a wheelchair/robot control application, are discussed in Chapter 4. This chapter begins by discussing the role of the proposed brain–robot in the complete BCI framework, and then covers the mobile control and arm control applications. Chapter 5 builds on the foundations laid in the form of the proposed quantum mechanics-based RQNN models discussed in Chapter 3. The traditional and the revised RQNN models are investigated for different BCI competition datasets, as are subject-specific RQNN model parameters using a two-step inner-outer five-fold cross-validation technique. Chapter 6 presents the brain–robot interface for a practical robot control task. The EEG acquisition process within the BCI laboratory and the procedure for applying the RQNN technique in real time are also discussed. The proposed autonomous and supervised interfaces for real-time maneuvering of the mobile robot to reach different locations within the simulated and physical robotic arena are then discussed and compared with existing designs in the field of BCI. Chapter 7 concludes the book, including potental future directions and research ideas to potentially further enhance the performance of the BCI system. References and appendices are given at the end of the book.


    This book is based on Vaibhav Gandhi’s Ph.D. thesis, which was submitted to the University of Ulster, UK. The research work was carried out at the Intelligent Systems Research Center, University of Ulster, UK and the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India. The author is thankful to his family and friends whose personal support has been instrumental in making this book possible.

    List of Acronyms

    1-D 1-dimensional

    ADC Analog to Digital Converter

    ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

    AM Adaptation Module

    ANN Artificial Neural Network

    ANOVA2 Two-way Analysis of Variance

    AR Autoregressive

    ARM Autonomous Arm

    BCI Brain–Computer Interface

    BCW Brain-Controlled Wheelchair

    BP Band Power

    CA Classification Accuracy

    CAR Common Average Reference

    CM Communication Module

    CMRR Common-Mode Rejection Ratio

    CSCI Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries

    CSP Common Spatial Patterns

    CSSP Common Spatio-Spectral Pattern

    CSSSP Common Sparse Spectral Spatial Pattern

    DFT Discrete Fourier Transform

    ECG Electrocardiogram

    EEG Electroencephalogram

    EKF Extended Kalman Filter

    EMD Emperical Mode Decomposition

    EMG Electromyogram

    EOG Electrooculogram

    EP Evoked Potential

    ERD Event-Related Desynchronization

    ERP Event-Related Potential

    ErrP Error Potential

    ERS Event-Related Synchronization

    FBCSP Filter-Bank CSP

    FE Feature Extraction

    FEP Feature Extraction Process

    FLDA Fisher’s LDA

    FT Fourier Transform

    GA Genetic Algorithm

    gbest global best

    GUI Graphical User Interface

    hBCI hybrid BCI

    HHT Hilbert–Huang Transform

    iAUI Intelligent Adaptive User Interface

    ICA Independent Component Analysis

    ID Index of Difficulty

    IMF Intrinsic Mode Functions

    IP Index of Performance

    IRLS Iteratively Reweighted Least-Squares

    IRM Information Refresh Module

    ITR Information Transfer Rate

    KF Kalman Filter

    lbest local best

    LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis

    MI Motor Imagery

    MLE Maximum Likelihood Estimation

    MM Monitor Module

    MND Motor Neurone Disease

    MT Movement Time

    NC No-Control

    NN Neural Network

    NTSPP Neural–Time-Series-Prediction

    OVR One Versus Rest

    PCA Principal Component Analysis

    pdfs Probability Density Functions

    PMs Prediction Models

    PSD Power Spectral Density

    PSO Particle Swarm Optimization

    QM Quantum Mechanics

    QNN Quantum Neural Network

    RBF Radial Basis Function

    RCSP Regularized CSP

    RMSE Root Mean Square Error

    RQNN Recurrent Quantum Neural Network

    SARM Supervised Arm

    SBCSP Sub Band CSP

    SCI Spinal Cord Injury

    SCP Slow Cortical Potentials

    SG Savitzky–Golay

    SMA Supplementary Motor Areas

    SMR Sensorimotor Rhythm

    SNR Signal-to-Noise

    SSVEP Steady State Visually Evoked Potential

    SVM Support Vector Machines

    SWLDA Stepwise LDA

    t-f Time-Frequency

    TSD Time-Varying Signed Distance

    UDP User Datagram Protocol

    UKIERI UK-India Education & Research Initiative

    UMDA Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm

    VB Visual Basic

    VEPs Visually Evoked Potentials

    Chapter 1


    Verbal or non-verbal information exchange is the basis of human communication. However, some people lose this fundamental ability of communication through accidents or inherited neuromuscular disorders. In the absence of methods for repairing or restoring function due to disease or damage, various alternatives in the form of assistive devices to enable individuals to communicate with and control their environment have been developed. The brain–computer interface (BCI), i.e., electroencephalography (EEG)-based communication, is a new way of controlling devices that does not require eye movement or muscle activity. This chapter introduces the various components of a typical BCI system and explains each component’s importance and function within the complete BCI system.


    Brain–computer interface; electroencephalography; graphical user interface; motor imagery; signal filtering

    1.1 Introduction

    Verbal or non-verbal information exchange is the basis of human communication. However, some people lose this fundamental ability of communication because of accidents or inherited neuromuscular disorders. The purpose of the work presented in this book is to contribute to the development of novel methods to allow people to regain freedom of movement/communication by way of controlling devices directly with their brain, bypassing the normal communication channels.

    The human brain is estimated to contain about 100 billion neurons [1–4]. The spinal cord acts as an intermediate cable that carries information to and from our brain to control various body parts and their movements. People with an injury to the spinal cord are still able to generate the output signals from the brain, but these signals do not reach the specific body parts because the intermediate spinal cable is damaged. Several technologies using a joystick, head movement, eye gazing and many more may help a physically challenged person to control a robotic device or a wheelchair [5–9]. However, these techniques require the use of partial movement control through the hand, head or eyes etc., and therefore make the control issue less complicated. The issue becomes more challenging when people with complete loss of control over their voluntary muscles are involved, a condition generally known as locked-in syndrome [10,11], in which people are unable to speak and move but are conscious and can think and reason. A number of neurological diseases such as stroke¹, severe cerebral palsy², motor neuron disease (MND)³, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and encephalitis⁴ can result in such severe motor paralysis [12]. Many of these diseases can lead to restrictions in communication capacity. A brain–computer interface (BCI) can enable such physically challenged people to achieve greater independence by making technology accessible. BCI technology provides an alternative communication channel between the human brain (that does not depend on the brain’s normal output channels of the peripheral nerves and muscles) and a computer [13–21]. The three most commonly discussed diseases/injuries cited in the BCI literature as being a case of locked-in syndrome are ALS, high spinal cord injury and brain stem stroke [16,22–24].

    • Patients suffering from ALS can undergo severe physical impairment due to the degeneration of nerve cells that control the voluntary muscles. In the later stages of ALS, the most basic human actions are affected, including speech, swallowing and breathing [25].

    • Spinal cord injury (SCI) can result in damage to myelinated fiber tracts or the nerve roots that carry the signals to and from the brain [25]. In complete SCI, most of the motor functions and sensation below the neurological level

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