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The Saga of Me: Soul Business
The Saga of Me: Soul Business
The Saga of Me: Soul Business
Ebook12 pages8 minutes

The Saga of Me: Soul Business

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Heaven, Purgatory and Hell, the three realms of the afterlife. Agents from each side try to manipulate Man, making it do things it wouldn't normally do, to influence its final destination. All to get more souls and gain an advantage in the Eternal War.
I can't accept it. It isn't fair for the place of eternal rest (or torment) of a person to be determined by what a third party led it to do. And I fight to prevent it.
An old local legend makes me suspect that the angels of Viana do Castelo are not splitting the souls of the newly dead as mandated by law. This is the story of my attempt to discover and stop them.

This is one of the short stories included in the anthology "The Saga of Me - Divine Justice" by the same author. You can find it in all major eBook retailers.

PublisherJoel Puga
Release dateOct 18, 2015
The Saga of Me: Soul Business

Joel Puga

Joel Puga nasceu na cidade portuguesa de Viana do Castelo em 1983. Entrou em contacto muito cedo com a fantasia e a ficção científica, principalmente graças a séries e filmes dobrados transmitidos por canais espanhóis. Assim que aprendeu a ler, enveredou pela literatura de género, começando a aventura com os livros de Júlio Verne. Foi nesta altura que produziu as suas primeiras histórias, geralmente passadas nos universos de outros autores, cuja leitura estava reservada a familiares e amigos.Em 2001, mudou-se para Braga para prosseguir os estudos, altura em que decidiu que a sua escrita devia ser mais do que um hobby privado. Isso valeu-lhe a publicação em várias antologias e fanzines portuguesas abordando diversos sub-géneros da ficção especulativa.Vive, hoje, em Braga, onde divide o seu tempo entre o emprego como engenheiro informático, a escrita e a leitura.Joel Puga was born in the Portuguese city of Viana do Castelo in 1983. Since an early age, he has been in contact with fantasy and science fiction, mainly thanks to dubbed films and TV shows transmitted by Spanish channels. As soon as he learned how to read, he got into genre literature; starting his adventure with Julio Verne’s books. It was during this time that he produced his first stories, generally using other author's universes as a backdrop, the reading of which was reserved to family and friends.In 2001, he moved to Braga to follow his studies, a time in which he decided his writings should be more than a private hobby. This granted him several publications in Portuguese anthologies and fanzines of various sub-genres of speculative fiction.Today, he lives in Braga, where he divides his time between his job as a computer engineer, as well as writing and reading.Joel Puga nació en la ciudad portuguesa de Viana do Castelo, en el año 1983. Desde muy temprana edad, mostró interés por la fantasía y la ciencia ficción sobre todo gracias al doblaje de películas y programas de televisión para canales españoles. Tan pronto como aprendió a leer, se sintió atraído por la literatura de género, iniciando esta fascinante aventura gracias a los libros de Julio Verne. Durante ese período, produjo sus primeras historias, las cuales, por lo general, estaban inspiradas en el universo de otros autores. La lectura de sus primeras obras quedaba reservada a familiares y amigos.En 2001, se trasladó a Braga para continuar con sus estudios. En esa época, decidió que sus escritos deberían ser algo más que un pasatiempo privado. Como consecuencia de esta decisión, publicó varias obras en antologías portuguesas y revistas de varios sub-géneros destinadas a fans (fanzines) de la ficción especulativa.En la actualidad reside en Braga, donde divide su tiempo entre su trabajo como ingeniero informático, y su pasión por la escritura y la lectura.

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