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Creed of Assiah
Creed of Assiah
Creed of Assiah
Ebook272 pages4 hours

Creed of Assiah

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About this ebook

A former 2 time theistic Satanist explains how he first got involved with Satanism and the experiences he had. After failing to comprehend what Christianity was about, he returned to Satanism because that was the only religion he understood. He tells all about his experiences and how he got involved in the Pan-Aryan movement. A blunt and brutally honest account is told as to why he finally left it all behind, the types of people he encountered are also mentioned.
Most telling of all is his account of magic practices, leon tells and explains how magic is practiced and why it works. A warning is given about how atheism is more dangerous to society than Satanism. None escape criticism and leon points fault at the clergy of the Abrahamic faiths for allowing the degeneracy of society. Everything is told without apology and is guaranteed to offend everyone as nothing is sugar coated.
A must read for students of the occult, politics and everyone in general.

The new version has an addendum concerning my adaption of Christianity in 2015

There is a troll named Desertphile (David Rice) who writes bad reviews about religious orientated books, have a look at what he wrote about Creed of Assiah in the review section and compare it to this from his profile page...

"The file is mangled; what little can be read shows the writing is just as mangled.
Creed of Assiah on Jan. 22, 2018"

I say he hasnt read it at all and most probably never read the books he slags off at.

PublisherLeon Xiv
Release dateDec 28, 2013
Creed of Assiah

Leon Xiv

I have been twice a Satanist, I finally left after I discovered the Kabbalah. The reason I wrote my book was because of the utter garbage being touted as 'mind body soul'. And because of the growing atheism within churches, mosques and synagogues. As far as I'm concerned this scammery has got to stop, not only is it about taking peoples' money but also causing people to lose their souls and hence the value of life.Do you really want to know more about me?Well, I don't think that I am any more special than everyone else. Maybe I'm just saying what you've been too scared to because it is 'unfashionable' to do so.Anyway you can contact me at leon_fourteen@y7mail.comIf you just want to email me to tell me that I'm nuts then go ahead, but also tell me where I'm wrong.Oh....BTW....You can help/fund me through my paypal you and God bless

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    Book preview

    Creed of Assiah - Leon Xiv

    Creed of Assiah

    leon xiv (leon_the_14)

    Copyright 2013 by leon xiv (leon_the_14)

    Smashwords Edition

    Chapter 0


    ….fuck it, let’s have a theme song for this chapter…

    Artist: Sandra – Song Title: All you zombies

    So what do I have to tell you? Well you will have to read it all in order to fully understand what it is I’m trying to convey to you. Am I especially unique? In all honesty I don’t know. There may be other former two time Satanists. I know that there are followers of Pan-Aryanism who find that their greatest enemies are their ‘fellow’ whites. And I know there are practicing Christians who do not believe that Jesus is God but adhere to their church because of their social circumstances.

    Maybe you are one of these people, or maybe you know these people, but then again maybe not. Fact is that you have to share this earth with these sorts of people and indeed with others of varying beliefs whether they are religious, ideological, philosophical and indeed biological. I’ve been taught some lessons along the way in the journeys I’ve travelled, some good and some bad.

    I started writing this book towards the end of 2009. My motivation? The first and foremost is that I see a generation (Gen Y) who are both truly clueless and yet think that ‘their’ worldview is truly right. But I have also come across members of the same generation who truly know how to think rationally for themselves but who are led to believe that there is something wrong with them because they won’t alter their way of thinking to be ‘on the bandwagon.

    I also wrote this book as a token offering to thank Jehovah for his mercy, grace and patience in dealing with me. If it was anyone else who had to deal with the degree of treachery that I attempted against him I believe I would have departed the realm of the living a long time ago. In writing this book I have had to confront aspects of my past that I just wished or pretended never happened. ‘The truth will set you free’ is a common saying, but it’s not just a catchcry. But then again what is truth? For me it is what one has actually physically experienced, not just philosophies and theories cooked up by some ‘academic’ who wants his musings applied to people he has no relation to or understanding of, or indeed care for.

    It has taken me 20 years to put fact to paper, I just didn’t want to look back on the stupid things I did. It is one thing to make mistakes; they can be painful and harsh. But it is more painful to watch others make the same mistakes and realising that you were in a position to try and stop it. And that feeling is compounded when you actually decide to do nothing because you couldn’t be bothered or you remember that you wished Why didn’t someone tell me? when you were in the same position.

    This book isn’t for me to ‘win friends’; there will be a lot of people who will be offended. You will question what I write and rightly so, as long as you question my ‘opposition’ and indeed all other opinions - well then good! Maybe my writing style isn’t all that refined, maybe I do repeat myself in some instances and maybe I use the name Jehovah and title God in an interchangeable manner (just a habit of mine, Jehovah is God). I don’t believe in the trinity, after all a God with partners and equals isn’t really a God in his own right.

    Yes I can already hear the bitching, whining and moaning from the politically correct spouting their usual diatribe of left wing slogans ("How dare he say that God is a he! We have equal opportunity these days! Blah, blah, blah, [insert Marxist slogans here], and she doesn’t exist, blah, blah, you racist!) Or the likes of Christian fundamentalists calling for me to be burnt at the stake because I don’t believe Jesus is God. If you want to bitch and whine to me then fine, I’ll put my email address somewhere in the book but first read it before deciding if I’m a bastard or not.

    I will tell you how I became a Satanist and why I finally left it; I will tell you about magic and even tell you how to practice it. I will tell you how ‘white’ supremacy has been hijacked to discriminate on class instead of biology and I will tell you about its bastard creation known as ‘brown’ supremacy, which aims to turn Islam into a political cult for all non-whites instead of leaving it as a religious/spiritual faith. I will tell you everything without apology.

    Rest of the Chapters:

    (And if you’re so inclined for theme music I have placed my recommendations at the end of the chapter.)

    Ch 1 - Its gotta start somewhere. (1981-82)

    Here I write about circumstances that led me to Satanism and things that occurred in that period; at the time I was aged 12-13. I write about why I left and the period in-between my return back to Satanism at age 19.

    Ch 2 - Return trip. (1988-91)

    In this I write about my second period of Satanism and the events that led to me leaving for good. This period covers me for the ages of 19-23.

    Ch 3 - The road to recovery has its potholes.

    Down and out, I managed to pick myself back up only to find that the standards had been lowered in my absence.

    Ch 4 - Lost, found and still on the right path.

    There was voodoo in the air, but a fresh breath gave me life and leads me to make things right.

    Ch 5 - So you wannabe baaaad!?

    What Satanism actually is, forget the shit you've seen on TV

    Ch 6 - Arrogance Inc.

    Today's Atheism is just the same, probably even worse but its useful idiots won't realise it until it's too late.

    Ch 7 - Abracadabra!

    Let's talk magic, it's the least I can do.

    Ch 8 - Game on molls!

    Talk is cheap; do you want to step up to the plate? OK, I'll give you some tips.

    Ch 9 - Oh did someone shit in your ice cream diddums?

    What I learned from my involvement with the Pan-Aryan movement. The most important thing I learned was that white Marxists and white supremacists are one and the same. The dispute between them is over one word.

    Ch 10 - Put some Heil in your style.

    Continuing on…

    Ch 11 - Cults; the bad, the fraudulent and the ugly

    Did you know that Wicca, Thelema and Scientology all come from the same foundation? I’ll also remind you of a cult that operates under your nose and rules over your head. Arseholes…all of them!

    Ch 12 - A final word, for the time being?

    So what happened?

    Ch 13 - A magical example.

    And why not?

    Ch 14 - No, not really…this is endgame.

    You’ll hate me for this.


    Addendum – I wasn’t expecting this either.

    My story takes place in Sydney, Australia and covers the period of 1981 – 2011 (in chapters 1 – 11). I then left this for a while and have resumed the book from chapter 12. Don’t expect endless Bible quotes or depraved horror stories or any other kumbayah crap. I remember a quote from the Koran saying you can only give ‘fair warning’ and that is all I wish to give to you.

    Warning and Notice!

    This work may not be replicated whole or in part for commercial purposes and may not be replicated in part for non commercial purposes without express permission from author. Fair use is permitted but will not be allowed in order to promote any particular religious, philosophical or ideological organisation.

    In other words if you are some kind of new age scammer or cult manager CEO and use my writings to promote your crooked cult scam or claim them as your own then I will sue the arse off you for starters!

    This book is to be considered for education and entertainment purposes only, by reading this book and its writings you agree to all of the above.

    In other words you don’t get to sue me

    About the author…

    I am a monotheist as well as a panentheist. I believe in only one God and Creator his name is Jehovah (praise be upon his name).

    I do not represent nor am a member of any particular religion or faith.

    I only represent myself.


    Year of the cat – Al Stewart

    I was made for lovin’ you – KISS

    Number of the beast – Iron Maiden

    Order of death – PIL

    Losing my religion – R.E.M.

    Feel – Robbie Williams

    Holy Smoke – Iron Maiden

    Tusk – Fleetwood Mac

    Bullet with butterfly wings – Smashing Pumpkins

    Calm before the storm – Venom

    Reborn – Slayer

    Remain silent – Keb’Mo’

    Mr Vain – Culture Beat

    Abracadabra – Stevie Miller Band

    Eye in the sky – Alan Parsons Project

    The Game – Motorhead

    You can do magic – America

    Seek and destroy – Metallica

    Never surrender – Corey Hart

    The prisoner – The Saints

    They – Jem

    Van Nuys – Sixx AM

    All you zombies – The Hooters

    Chapter 1

    I decided to write this book to explain to readers of all persuasions my experiences with the occult - that which I once believed to be true and what I have learned since. This is in a way a memoir of sorts, but I also want to give my opinion about todays’ society from my experience.

    Maybe you will see it as a guide as to a subject I feel has been severely neglected in this atheist age that we live in, that subject is spirituality and the subjects pertaining to it.

    No I'm not talking about new age chanellers and other kumbayah hippy types. What I am talking about is the basis of our civilisation which has its' spiritual and religious basis (or at least it did) in the belief of Jehovah -the God of Abraham. Regardless of the name you use for God or the religion you subscribe to (or non religion for that matter), the fact is that the Abrahamic faiths have been and still are (at least for the time being) the dominant force behind the shaping of human history. Whether you like it or not you are a product of that force.

    However there are people and movements who would wish to change this, whether it be through the avenues of academia or the junk pile of popular ‘culture’ we have seen and will continue to see entire generations being instilled with the belief that they are nothing but talking cattle who are only good for consuming worthless products, having sex and nothing else. Worse than that is they leave their thinking as to their intellect and spirituality to the ‘shapers and social engineers’ of society who they believe for some unexplainable reason to be infallible.

    I will tell you how I came to be a Satanist, the reason why I left it, the reason why I returned to it and the reason why I once again left it. Some of you will find aspects of my story exciting, boring, fascinating or unbelievable. That is of no concern to me, I will simply tell you of the things that happened. I have no intention of ‘spicing up’ the story just to make it more interesting or sensational to you and if I offend some of you along the way, well...bad luck. I have worn the hat of Satanist, atheist (of the non-choosing/self worshipping type) and now of the believer of the God of Abraham - Jehovah.

    This is not going to be a ‘Bible tells me so’ pitch; all I wish to do is give you a perspective of the world today from someone who was a Satanist. You never really stop learning, or at least you shouldn't and maybe you will learn something new from this or else have your suspicions confirmed.

    There are things that I came across during my Satanist days that really didn't mean all that much to me then, or I just didn't understand them at the time. As time moved on (and continues to do so) I gained different perspectives and learned how to understand and where necessary, apply these things in the appropriate context.

    My main purpose is to put you in the shoes that I used to wear and view the world, including the ‘stars’ and ‘idols’ of the atheist movement. This book is not to make accusations against these people based on hearsay and without concrete evidence, only you can make this judgment for yourselves. I will say that I recognise in them that which I once was.

    So before we go into detail about things, it would be best for you to know about my life and how I came about to experience and know what I do. I’ve always been fascinated by the occult (or at least magic, doesn’t every kid love magic tricks?) from a very young age, and I do believe things happen for a reason. Whether you want to call it destiny, fate or coincidence the fact is what has happened has happened, and what will happen, will happen.

    For me it started at the age of five, my parents had a board game that was (at least to me) magically orientated. It was a 70s board game which was typical of the time, offhand I think the name of it was Orion, Oracle or something similar but I’m really not sure but I do remember the maker was Jigsaw. I didn’t understand the actual object of the game, but it was the symbols on the board and cards that would captivate me.

    I always played with the game at every opportunity but in due time like all other board games it fell apart and the pieces got lost. Still I have never forgotten that game, even though my memories of it are vague and I had no understanding of it. My parents divorced when I was six, then again as I was to find out this wasn't uncommon amongst those who I would later know. Did it cause a ‘life shattering emotional complex’ for me?

    Actually no, and I didn't really care for that matter probably because I didn't understand what it was about. My father worked hard and tirelessly to raise me, it was very tough at times but he toiled through it all and we stayed together.

    Nothing of any note happened from that time until I was nine, but then again what was I expecting? For some reason I used to make totem poles with various symbols on them and took an interest in Ancient Egyptian type things such as mummies, ankhs and gods. I don’t know why, it was just something I liked. It was just a phase that passed rather quickly, but then something did happen.

    At the time my father and I were living in Canterbury (a lower middle class inner south west suburb of Sydney) and it was on a Saturday afternoon when I was standing on the step at the back door looking into the neighbours’ yard. The neighbour was an old woman living by herself in an old wooden house with a backyard that resembled a jungle.

    On that afternoon the old woman was not home and I was by myself, it was while I was looking over the fence into the yard I saw what I could only describe as a grim reaper type entity that was completely black. I only saw it from the side and back and did not know if it was a person as I could not see any flesh (like hands and feet) whatsoever but it was roughly the same size as an adult. Not even the outline of sleeves or any stitching to do with a cloak; however what shook me was that as this ‘thing’ was moving it didn’t seem to have a stride but I could hear it crush the weeds with what seemed like very slow plodding footsteps. It seemed to float across the overgrown grass and junk in the yard while it's' cloak was flush level with the ground. For me that was enough, I went inside and shut the door.

    Sometime later, maybe 15 to 30 minutes later I decided to open the back door to see if that ‘thing’ was still there. It wasn’t. The neighbour on the other side was a garden nursery business with a live-in annex, at the time the owner wasn’t living there so I was able to stroll around the plants and like. There was a shared driveway and the entrance to the nursery yard was never locked, it was just a side passage with a wooden door.

    I opened the door and saw this ‘thing’ again, only this time face on, it was moving towards me very slowly. Again no stride and this time no sound, it seemed to float but it was flush to the ground. The face was completely black with no features except two bright yellow almond shaped eyes, but it was the blackness of this ‘thing’ that got me. Even though it was a sunny day it didn’t cast a shadow nor did the light even reflect off or illuminate it. It just seemed to absorb it. I managed to stutter Who are you? before running back inside, too scared to go outside until my father came back. When he did I said nothing. What on earth could you say?

    Nothing else of that manner happened to me until I was 12 and started high school; there I had access to a bigger library than my primary school. I had to do a book report and ended up doing a report about a book about Elizabeth Bathory; from there I started taking an interest in what I suppose you call ‘evil’ themes like vampires, magic and the like. By todays’ standards the library was pretty barren, but I learned that if you sift enough through writings you will get that one word, sentence or reference that would lead you to other things of interest. I was kind of on the way to Satanism but not quite, at the time I had no understanding of anything pertaining to any sort of religion.

    It was only when I used to hang out around and explore in and around what was called the canal or gully (Cup and Saucer Creek -Canterbury) that the spark came. The canal was adjacent to my old primary school and like other canals and stormwater drains was used as a place for graffiti.

    Although most of the graffiti was the run of the mill stuff you see everywhere there were drawings and paintings of the devil as well as inscriptions and markers in the canal which I would later find were only of any meaning to those involved with the occult. While I was still in primary school none of these things meant anything to me, and as I was too small at the time to lift myself in and out of the canal I never bothered to check it out further.

    However like most other kids I liked to go exploring and soon found a way to enter and exit the canal easily. From there I would travel up the canal to sections I had never seen before, they were more isolated and I would discover they were used by Satanists to sacrifice sheep and goats.

    I never saw any of these things happen but I would find the animal heads and other bits and pieces (like cut off legs crossed and wired outside certain stormwater tunnels and large bloodstains were the sacrifices were performed) on occasion as well as more Satanic graffiti. Also along the Cooks River at Canterbury I found what seemed to be a couple of sheep heads which had been burnt and wrapped in hessian for some reason. Of course I told my friends about it and sometimes we would get together to go in the canal just to see what was happening, they would notice things that I didn't and vice versa. I wouldn’t say I made a planned decision to become a Satanist as I had no concept of there being a religion based on worship of Satan. I understood there was such a thing as ‘devil’ worship but I could only guess as to what that was or what was involved. Nevertheless it was just something I slowly slipped into.

    Looking back on it I would say that what was ‘learned’ in the canal and popular culture guided my decision, with TV shows like the Night Stalker and movies like the Omen. I came to understand and believe there were other options in life than the status quo of the herd mentality, this is especially true today. Those TV shows and movies provided me with a type of inspiration, fascination, aspiration and somewhat flawed information that I too, could ‘have it all’ or at least better than what I had. Finding the remains of the sacrifices just confirmed to me that I wasn't the only one who thought in such a way about magic, the occult and things classified simply as the ‘unknown’.

    My upbringing wasn’t religious in the slightest and almost no one else that I knew was religious either, so basically there was nothing for me to compare Satanism with. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t see it as a bad thing; I had no concept of what it is to be truly evil (then again most people still don’t know either). There were scripture lessons in high school once a week but it seemed to me that the teachers (I don’t know whether they were clergy or not, maybe they were trainees?) thought that using the same preaching methods from the church as well as last Sundays' leftovers would work on a bunch of 12 year old boys who were not there by choice.

    It didn’t, it was the same in primary school.In high school the religious instructor (I don’t know what he actually was) tried to come across as a friend rather than a teacher, he looked like Grizzly Adams and had the same manner. I would guess that he was a new wave Jesus freak, with his ‘friends’ approach as he would sometimes add current events to his umm… I don’t know what I’d call it, maybe preaching? As the year went on his ‘friends’ approach became more distant almost to the stage it seemed that he had given up and didn’t want to be there. I only had scripture classes in Year 7 and learned no scripture at all, was there a point?

    And in primary school? The reverend was neither teacher or friend and more like a babysitter, for some reason the clergy/teachers just assumed that we were all practicing Christians, in fact it was the complete opposite. In fact I still clearly remember during a scripture class in fifth class when the reverend running the Church of England lesson stood up in the front of the class to pray. As he was saying his Dear Lord we pray thing while tightly closing his eyes and clasping his hands, the rest of the class started to lift their arms up and down while leaning backwards and forwards (sort of imitating Muslims but we didn’t know what they were at the time) we were all going ahhh..... As well as wahhh... And ohhh... The racket we made got him to open his eyes and

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