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Animals and Human Society
Animals and Human Society
Animals and Human Society
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Animals and Human Society

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About this ebook

Animals and Human Society provides a solid, scientific, research-based background to advance understanding of how animals impact humans. Animals have had profound effects on people from the earliest times, ranging from zoonotic diseases, to the global impact of livestock, poultry and fish production, to the influences of human-associated animals on the environment (on extinctions, air and water pollution, greenhouse gases, etc.), to the importance of animals in human evolution and hunter -gatherer communities.As a resource for both science and non-science, Animals and Human Society can be used as a text for courses in Animals and Human Society or Animal Science, or as supplemental material for Introduction to Animal Science. It offers foundational background to those who may have little background in animal agriculture and have focused interest on companion animals and horses. The work introduces livestock production (including poultry and aquaculture) but also includes coverage of companion and lab animals. In addition, animal behavior and animal perception are covered.Animals and Human Society is likewise an excellent resource for researchers, academics, or students newly entering a related field or coming from another discipline and needing foundational information, as well as interested laypersons looking to augment their knowledge on the many impacts of animals in human society.
  • Features research-based and pedagogically sound content, with learning goals and textboxes to provide key information
  • Challenges readers to consider issues based on facts rather than polemics
  • Poses ethical questions and raises overall societal impacts
  • Balances traditional animal science with companion animals, animal biology, zoonotic diseases, animal products, environmental impacts and all aspects of human/animal interaction
Release dateSep 18, 2017
Animals and Human Society

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    Animals and Human Society - Colin G. Scanes

    Animals and Human Society

    Colin G. Scanes

    University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee,

    Milwaukee, WI, United States

    Samia R. Toukhsati

    Honorary Fellow, The University of Melbourne,

    Parkville, VIC, Australia

    Table of Contents


    Title page


    List of Contributors


    Chapter 1: Animal Perception Including Differences With Humans


    1.1. Introduction

    1.2. Hearing or Sound Detection

    1.3. Vision

    1.4. Chemical Senses

    1.5. Touch

    1.6. Other Senses

    Chapter 2: Animal Attributes Exploited by Humans (Nonfood Uses of Animals)


    2.1. Introduction

    2.2. Use of Animal Skin: Animal Fibers (Leather, Wool, Fur)

    2.3. Use of Animal Skeletal Muscle: Animals for Locomotion (Hauling, Plowing, etc.)

    2.4. Use of Animal Senses: Sniffer Animals

    2.5. Use of Animal Immune System: Production for Immunoglobulins (Specific Antibodies) for Therapy

    2.6. Use of Animal Behaviors, Including Service and Therapy Animals

    2.7. Use of Animal Hormones

    2.8. Use of Animal Tissues as Xenografts

    2.9. Use of Animal Macromolecules With Special Characteristics

    2.10. Use of Animal Toxins as Drugs: Employment of Unique Animal Proteins

    2.11. Uses of Animal Adipose Tissue (Fat): Nonfood Uses

    2.12. Animal Excreta

    2.13. Illegal Uses of Animal Products

    2.14. Conclusions

    Chapter 3: Animal Products and Human Nutrition


    3.1. Introduction

    3.2. Animal Products as a Source of Nutrients

    3.3. Animal Products as a Source of Amino-acids/Proteins

    3.4. Animal Products as a Source of Carbohydrates

    3.5. Animal Products as a Source of Lipids

    3.6. Animal Products as a Source of Minerals

    3.7. Animal Products as a Source of Vitamins

    3.8. Meat and Nutrient Deficiencies

    3.9. Human Health and the Intake of Animal Products

    3.10. Food Safety and Animal Products

    3.11. Sustainability and Consumption of Animal Products

    3.12. Conclusions

    Chapter 4: Hunter–Gatherers


    4.1. Introduction

    4.2. Present Hunter–Gatherer Societies

    4.3. Paleolithic Hunter–Gatherer Society

    4.4. The Paleolithic Diet

    4.5. Hunter Gathering Continues in Fishing (Capture Fish)

    4.6. Residual Impact of Hunting on Nutrition in Western Countries

    4.7. Conclusions

    Chapter 5: Animals and Hominid Development


    5.1. Overview

    5.2. Hominid Evolution

    5.3. Changes in Anatomy During Human Evolution

    5.4. Diet(s) of Human Ancestors?

    5.5. Approaches to Understanding the Diet of Hominid Ancestors

    5.6. Predation and Human Development

    5.7. Conclusions

    Chapter 6: The Neolithic Revolution, Animal Domestication, and Early Forms of Animal Agriculture


    6.1. Introduction

    6.2. Neolithic Revolution

    6.3. Transition From Hunter–Gatherer to Farming Societies in the Near East (Epipaleolithic to Neolithic Transition)

    6.4. Impacts of the Neolithic Revolution on Human Health, Nutrition, Population, and Growth

    6.5. Toward an Explanation of the Neolithic Revolution

    6.6. Domestication of Crops

    6.7. Animal Domestication

    6.8. Early Forms of Animal Agriculture

    6.9. Conclusions

    Chapter 7: Animal Agriculture: Livestock, Poultry, and Fish Aquaculture


    7.1. Introduction

    7.2. Biology Undergirding Use of Livestock and Poultry for Food

    7.3. Livestock and Poultry for Meat Production

    7.4. Livestock for Milk Production

    7.5. Poultry for Egg Production

    7.6. Intensive and Extensive Production of Livestock and Poultry Encompassing Animal Welfare

    7.7. Specialized Production Systems Including Organic Farming

    7.8. Finfish Aquaculture

    7.9. Interspecies and Intraspecies Hybrids

    7.10. Production and Marketing Systems

    7.11. Impacts of Livestock and Poultry in Poverty Alleviation

    7.12. Conclusions

    Chapter 8: Invertebrates and Their Use by Humans


    8.1. Introduction

    8.2. Arthropods and Their Use by People

    8.3. Crustaceans as Foods

    8.4. Consumption of Insects

    8.5. Honeybees, Honey, and Wax

    8.6. Silk Worm and Silk

    8.7. Mollusks and Their Use by People

    8.8. Echinoderms and Their Use by Humans

    8.9. Edible Sea Squirts (Tunicates)

    8.10. Edible Jellyfish

    8.11. Biomedical Uses of Invertebrates

    8.12. Other Uses

    8.13. Conclusions

    Chapter 9: Animals in the Military


    9.1. Introduction: Other Animals Are Not Quite Present

    9.2. Historical Roots, Early Uses

    9.3. Horses: A Persistence Choice in War

    9.4. Recognition and Commemoration as Obfuscation

    9.5. Conclusions: Use, Memorialization, and Epistemic Violence

    Chapter 10: Animals in Entertainment


    10.1. Introduction

    10.2. Zoos, Aquaria, and Animal Parks

    10.3. Animal Shows

    10.4. Animal Riding, Racing, and Pleasure Carriages

    10.5. Hunting and Shooting

    10.6. Fishing

    10.7. Historical and/or Cultural Animal Fighting and Baiting

    10.8. Legislation and Public Opinion on Animals in Entertainment and Sport

    10.9. Conclusions

    Chapter 11: Animals and Religion, Belief Systems, Symbolism and Myth


    11.1. Introduction

    11.2. Animals and Religions

    11.3. Animals and Belief Systems

    11.4. Animals as Symbols

    11.5. Animals and Myth or Legend

    11.6. Commentary

    Chapter 12: Animals as Companions


    12.1. The History of Companion Animal (Pet) Keeping

    12.2. Modern-Day Human–Companion Animal Relationships

    12.3. Costs and Benefits of Human–Companion Animal Relationships

    12.4. The Future of Human–Companion Animal Relationships

    Chapter 13: Animals in Medicine and Research


    13.1. Introduction: Why Use Animals at All?

    13.2. History of the Use of Animals in Science and Medicine

    13.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Laboratory Animals

    13.4. Noninvasive and Field-Based Research in Animal Studies

    13.5. Medical Advances Due to Animal Research

    13.6. Service and Therapy Animals

    13.7. Conclusions

    Chapter 14: Animals and Human Disease: Zoonosis, Vectors, Food-Borne Diseases, and Allergies


    14.1. Introduction

    14.2. Zoonotic Diseases

    14.3. Prion Zoonosis

    14.4. Viral Zoonoses

    14.5. Bacterial Zoonoses

    14.6. Protozoan Zoonoses

    14.7. Vector-Borne Diseases

    14.8. Animal Products, Food Safety, and Food-Borne Diseases

    14.9. Animals and Allergies

    14.10. Lactose Intolerance

    14.11. Animal Bites, Stings, and Venom

    14.12. Animals as a Source of Antivenom

    14.13. Conclusions

    Chapter 15: Pest Animals


    15.1. Overview of Pests

    15.2. Rats and Mice

    15.3. Birds

    15.4. Biting and Stinging Pests

    15.5. Insects as Pests

    15.6. Nematodes as Pests in Crop Production

    15.7. Conclusions

    Chapter 16: Parasites


    16.1. Overview of Human Parasites

    16.2. Single-Celled Parasites (Protozoa or Protista)

    16.3. Nematodes

    16.4. Cestodes (Tapeworms)

    16.5. Trematodes (Flukes)

    16.6. Ectoparasites

    16.7. Parasites in Poultry and Livestock

    16.8. Ectoparasites in Livestock

    16.9. Conclusions

    Chapter 17: Invasive Species


    17.1. Introduction

    17.2. Mammalian Invasive Species

    17.3. Avian Invasive Species

    17.4. Reptilian Invasive Species

    17.5. Amphibian Invasive Species

    17.6. Aquatic Invasive Species

    17.7. Conclusions

    Chapter 18: Impact of Agricultural Animals on the Environment


    18.1. Introduction

    18.2. Global Impact of Animal Agriculture on Water Use

    18.3. Impact of Agricultural Animals on Water Quality (Run-Off)

    18.4. Livestock and Poultry, Greenhouse Gases, and Climate Change

    18.5. Livestock and Poultry and Air Quality

    18.6. Livestock and Poultry and Soil Quality

    18.7. Conclusions

    Chapter 19: Human Activity and Habitat Loss: Destruction, Fragmentation, and Degradation


    19.1. Impact of Agriculture

    19.2. Impact of Urbanization

    19.3. Impact of Roads on Habitat Loss

    19.4. Impact of the Energy Sector

    19.5. Impact of Mining

    19.6. Influences of Climate Change on Habitat Loss

    19.7. Other Human Impacts of Habitats

    19.8. Conclusions

    Chapter 20: Animal Welfare and Animal Rights


    20.1. Introduction

    20.2. Differences Between Animal Welfare and Rights

    20.3. Differences in People’s Moral Behavior Toward Animals

    20.4. The Future of Animal Welfare and Rights

    Chapter 21: Animal Extinctions


    21.1. The Big Five Mass Extinctions

    21.2. Sixth Mass Extinction: the Holocene–Anthropocene Extinction

    21.3. Ecosystem Biodiversity and Animal Extinctions

    21.4. Threats to Biodiversity

    21.5. Animal Conservation



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    List of Contributors

    Pu Chengzhong,     Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, Hong Kong

    Tiffani J. Howell,     La Trobe University, Bendigo, VIC, Australia

    Katrina Kluss,     TC Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

    Kate Mornement,     Pets Behaving Badly, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    Clive J.C. Phillips,     Centre for Animal Welfare and Ethics, School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland, Gatton, QLD, Australia

    Colin Salter,     University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia

    Colin G. Scanes,     University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, United States

    Samia R. Toukhsati,     Honorary Fellow, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia


    In this volume, we consider the complex interplay between animals and human society to explore the multiple ways that one has impacted the other in the past and our outlook for the future. We begin by exploring perceptual differences between humans and animals, such as four color vision in birds (including UV), and profoundly, the more sensitive and discriminating olfactory ability of dogs, and the ways in which these differences have been harnessed to benefit humans.

    Animals have played a pivotal and benign role in human evolution, for instance, as sources of meat and leather. Human hunting of animals not only provided the high-energy foods necessary for the development of a large human brain, but also stimulated the development of both communication and tool making, paving the way for the development of complex human societies. With the domestication of livestock animals and poultry, humans were more able to control and predict their access to resources. In contemporary times, domesticated animals continue to be used by humans in myriad ways, such as for food (e.g., muscle/meat, milk, and later eggs), clothing (e.g., leather, wool, hair, and silk), transportation (e.g., horses, oxen, and camels), entertainment (e.g., horse racing), and to augment human health (e.g., service dogs, passive immunization with horse serum, and animal experimentation).

    Human reliance on animals and the vast benefits we derive from them are not without costs and trade offs. The most injurious costs to humans are those caused by zoonotic diseases, such as AIDS and influenza. Moreover, multiple human diseases are spread by animals, for instance, Zika virus being transmitted by its vector, mosquitoes. Parasitic animals have deleterious effects on the health and well-being of people, particularly in developing countries. Moreover, sometimes our interests are in competition with animals, such as when insects and rodents consume or contaminate our food.

    Human society has had injurious effects on many wildlife animals, pushing many species to extinction. We have enabled the spread of invasive species that disrupt ecosystems, for instance, rats have decimated sea bird populations on many islands and pythons are adversely affecting the Everglades in Florida. Human activities are causing habitat destruction, fragmentation, and degradation. For example, livestock, poultry, and aquaculture excreta, also known as animal waste, can have adverse effects on the environment, such as waterways. Anthropomorphic greenhouse gas is causing climate change with such diverse effects, including the degradation of corals and decreasing polar bear population. Ultimately, human activities are causing extinction of animal species; possibly leading to an uncontrolled extinction event.

    We apply ethical theories to guide our exploration of the human–animal relationship, including animal welfare and animal rights perspectives. This volume is designed to promote discussion, debate, and research to optimize the quality of human–animal relationships and to encourage ethical, sustainable, and mindful interactions.

    Chapter 1

    Animal Perception Including Differences With Humans

    Colin G. Scanes    University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, United States


    There are similarities and marked differences between how animals and humans perceive their environment. Animals and humans perceive sound, light, chemicals (taste and smell), touch, and the earth’s magnetic field. In comparing humans with animals, there are differences in the following:

    • Auditory perception: Ultrasonic sound (high frequencies of sound) is detected by some animals, such as cats, bats, rats, and mice, but not by humans. Moreover, there is spatial location of the source of sound in humans, but it is much more highly developed in some animals with the pinnae (external ears) capable of partial rotation.

    • Light/visual perception (sight): This encompasses trichromatic vision in humans and Old World monkeys and great apes, but not in nonprimate mammals; these having dichromatic vision. In addition, birds and some mammals, such as dogs, have the ability to detect ultraviolet light. In contrast, humans do not. There are differences also in the eyes of nocturnal versus diurnal animals and their location. In mammals there seems to be an absence of extraretinal light reception unlike in birds.

    • Chemoreception: Humans have a full repertoire of taste receptors while some animals lack some or all taste receptors. Most mammals have a well-developed vomeronasal chemoreception with humans having little or none. Humans have reduced olfactory chemoreception even compared to other primates. Some mammals have highly developed olfaction. Homing pigeons use odor detection.

    • Tactile perception (touch): Many mammals have vibrissae (tactile hairs) but these are not present in humans.

    • Other senses: In birds, there is magnetoreception detecting the direction of the Poles to aid migration. This does not appear to be the case in mammals.









    tactile reception


    1.1. Introduction

    Humans and animals use their senses to perceive the environment to locate food, water, mates, shelter, dangers, such as predators, or to communicate between other members of their species. Animals have marked differences in their sensory systems depending on their evolution and environment. This chapter will consider the senses under the following sections.

    • auditory perception in Section 1.2.

    • light/visual perception (sight) in Section 1.3.

    • chemoreception in Section 1.4.

    • tactile perception or touch in Section 1.5.

    • other senses in Section 1.6.

    These are discussed in detail in succeeding sections. It should be noted that wild mammals do not appear to be able to detect many environmental stimuli that humans in the developed societies are able to, by using various artificial devices. For example, we can detect nonvisual spectra, such as infrared, radio waves, and gamma radiation using instruments. The relative paucity of human senses may be viewed as a detriment or as a means of freeing up neurons and allowing the brain to be used for other tasks, such as higher-level thinking. For instance, although Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans had similarly sized brains, Neanderthals had larger visual systems and presumably associated brain areas (Pearce et al., 2013).

    1.2. Hearing or Sound Detection

    Ears detect the auditory frequency of sound or acoustic waves in the air (or for aquatic mammals in water). Sound varies with wave frequency (pitch) and amplitude (loudness). Low notes have a relatively low frequency of sound waves per second (hertz or Hz) while high notes have a high frequency (high kilohertz or kHz or Hz × 1000). The ear is made up of the following:

    • The external ear consists of the pinnae or auricles and the ear canals (also named as the external auditory canals or external auditory meatus). The ear canals end at the tympanic membrane or eardrum.

    • The middle ear with three bones (the auditory ossicles: malleus, incus, and stapes) in the air-filled tympanic cavity.

    • The inner ear including the semicircular canals (responsible for balance) and cochlea (responsible for hearing).

    The pinnae have important roles in transmitting sound (Ballachanda, 1997) acting to do the following:

    • filter sound attenuating low-frequency sound

    • amplifying middle frequencies of sound

    People and animals can locate the direction of sounds based on various factors including the time differences in detection by the two ears, and amplification of different frequencies together with movement of the head and body. In some mammals, the pinnae rotate partially to aid in location (discussed in Section 1.2.1).

    Sound is transmitted to the middle ear; first inducing vibrations of the tympanic membrane and then the auditory ossicles in the air-filled tympanic cavity. The vibrations are detected by sensory hair cells in the organ of Corti within the inner ear. This leads to depolarization of the auditory neurons (Uemura, 2015).

    1.2.1. Auditory Differences Between Human and Animals

    There are marked differences between the frequencies of sound detected by the ear in humans and animals (Table 1.1). Ultrasound is above the highest range of sound/vibrations of air normally detected by the human ear (above 20 kHz). Animals including cats, rats, and mice can detect ultrasonic sound with mice and rats communicating via ultrasonic vocalization (Carruthers et al., 2013).

    Table 1.1

    Range of Sound Frequencies Detected Between Humans and Different Animal Species

    Based on Elert, G., 2003. Frequency range of human hearing. Available from:; Fay, R.R., 1988. Hearing in Vertebrates: A Psychophysics Databook. Hill-Fay Associates, Winnetka, IL; Heffner, R.S., Heffner, H.E., 1985. Hearing range of the domestic cat. Hear. Res. 19, 85–88; Heffner, H.E., Heffner, R.S., 2007. Hearing ranges of laboratory animals. J. Am. Assoc. Lab. Anim. Sci. 46, 11–13; Warfield, D., 1973. The study of hearing in animals. In: Gay, W. (Ed.), Methods of Animal Experimentation, IV. Academic Press, London, pp. 43–143.

    Different units in lower and upper limits.

    The pinnae can be moved (rotate) in some animals including cats, mice, rats, some breeds of dogs, and bats. This facilities detection of the spatial location of the origin of the sound (cats, Musicant et al., 1990; Phillips et al., 1982; reindeer, Flydal et al., 2001). Moreover, this is used for echolocation in bats with the pinnae focusing certain frequencies of ultrasonic sound (Kuc, 2009). The evolution of echolocation is interesting. It is thought that echolocation based on laryngeal ultrasonic vocalization was developed in the ancestors of horseshoe bats and Old World fruit bats. It was subsequently lost in the ancestors of Old World fruit bats and then regained in some with tongue clicking ultrasonic vocalization (Jones and Teeling, 2006; Razak and Fuzessery, 2015; reviewed by Jones and Holderied, 2007).

    There are some other differences in the external ear between humans and animals. For instance, there are no pinnae in birds. Similarly, there are either no or very small pinnae in marine mammals of the order Cetacea (dolphins, porpoises, and whales) and Pinnipedia (a clade within the order Carnivora). In Cetaceans, the auditory canal is not open to the tympanic membrane. Instead it may be narrow and plugged with wax. In Pinnipeds, a valve closes the auditory canal.

    It is interesting to also consider hearing in human ancestors with other great apes. Based on the morphology of the auditory canal, there are differences in sensitivity to frequencies 1.5–3.5 kHz between humans and chimpanzees and also with the early hominin species, Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus (Quam et al., 2015).

    Dog whistles produce a sound in the ultrasonic range above the audible sound frequency range for humans (>23,000 Hz).

    Dogs are used as hearing dogs for the deaf.

    1.3. Vision

    The protein, opsin, is involved in photoreception in all animals. Opsin is an ancient protein found in insects and vertebrates (Yokoyama and Yokoyama, 1989) whose common ancestor lived about 950 million years ago (see Chapter 10, Section 10.1). In vertebrates at least, the opsin is a G protein-linked transmembrane protein. The collision of photon(s) with light is detected by the interaction of a photon with the 11-cis isoform of retinal and its transformation to an all-trans confirmation and then induction of conformation of the opsin molecule.

    There are two photoreceptor cell types in the eye: (1) rods and (2) cones. There are over 20-fold more rods than cones. The rods detect monochromatic light, even dim light, down to a few photons (Solovei et al., 2009). The cones are responsible for color vision and require bright light. The photopigment in rods is called rhodopsin. In the cones, the photoreceptor molecules contain forms of opsin linked to 11-cis retinal. In most mammals but not humans, there are two distinct photoreceptors in the cones detecting blue and red light (Okano et al., 1992) with the following absorption maxima in dogs (Neitz et al., 1989):

    • blue pigment (absorption maxima 429 nm)

    • red/yellow pigment (absorption maxima 555 nm)

    Fig. 1.1 summarizes the approximation of a comparison of colors that a dog and a person would see.

    Figure 1.1   Comparison of what dogs and people see. Source: Based on Coren, S., 2008. Can Dogs See Colors? Psychology Today. Available from:

    1.3.1. Differences in Vision Between Humans and Animals

    The number of rods and cones are similar at least between humans and other primates:

    • There are 3.1 million cones in rhesus monkey (Wikler et al., 1990) and pigtail macaque (Macaca nemestrina) (Packer et al., 1989) compared 3.2 million in human (Jonas et al., 1992).

    • There are 61.0 million rods in rhesus monkey and 60.5 million pigtail macaque (M. nemestrina) as compared to 60.1 million in human (Jonas et al., 1992).

    However, there are differences between nocturnal versus diurnal species with larger eyes and greater density of rods in the retina of nocturnal species, such as cats, mice, rats, and deer, compared to diurnal species, such as cattle and humans (Solovei et al., 2009). Moreover, there are differences in the structure of the rods (Solovei et al., 2009). Thus, nocturnal species have much better night vision than diurnal species.

    There are also differences in cones between humans and most mammals. In humans, there are three distinct photoreceptors detecting blue, green, and red light (Fig. 1.2) (reviewed by Yokoyama and Yokoyama, 1989).

    • blue pigment (absorption maxima 420 nm)

    • green pigment (absorption maxima 530 nm)

    • red pigment (absorption maxima 560 nm)

    Figure 1.2   Comparison of spectra absorption by cone pigments between (A) human and (B) starling. Source: Based on Osorio, D., Vorobyev, M., 2008. A review of the evolution of animal colour vision and visual communication signals. Vision Res. 48, 2042–2051. Elsevier and open access.

    The red and green pigments are found only within primates and specifically in Old World monkeys and great apes (clade Catarrhini). These pigments resulted from gene duplication about 35–40 million years ago in the common ancestor of Old World monkeys and great apes (Ibbotson et al., 1992; Yokoyama and Yokoyama, 1989). There appears to have been a parallel development of trichromatic vision and independent gene duplication in the ancestors of the New World monkey—the howler monkey (Dulai et al., 1999). Moreover, the blue and red/green pigments resulted from a much earlier gene duplication about 250 million years ago (Yokoyama and Yokoyama, 1989). In contrast to the three photopigments in higher primates including humans, there are four in chickens and other birds with absorption maxima of the following: violet/ultraviolet, 415 nm; blue, 455 nm; green, 508 nm; and red, 570 nm (Okano et al., 1989, 1992) (Fig. 1.2).

    1.3.2. Extraretinal Detection of Light (Pineal and Hypothalamus)

    Unlike in humans and other mammals, light can be detected within the brain, and specifically the hypothalamus, of birds (reviewed by García-Fernández et al., 2015). It has been known since the 1930s that reproductive functioning is influenced by light detected in the hypothalamus (reviewed by Kuenzel et al., 2015). The opsin, vertebrate ancient opsin, present in the hypothalamus neuroendocrine cells (e.g., in the gonadotropin-releasing hormone expressing neuroendocrine cells) is different from that in the rods and cones (reviewed by Davies et al., 2012). In addition, there is light detection together with photosensitive proteins expressed in the avian pineal (Kubo et al., 2006; Okano et al., 1994).

    1.4. Chemical Senses

    Mammals have a least four distinct systems of chemoreception:

    • olfactory chemoreception (sense of smell)

    • vomeronasal chemoreception (detecting pheromones)

    • taste or gustatory chemoreception (on tongue)

    • trigeminal chemoreception (for noxious compounds, e.g., in cheek)

    These will be considered next.

    1.4.1. Olfactory Chemoreception

    Humans and other mammals detect a vast number of volatile chemicals; these being perceived as odors or odorants. The olfactory system consists of the olfactory epithelium lining the posterior nasal cavity with neural processes to the olfactory bulb and other brain regions. The terminals of the olfactory sensory neurons are present in the olfactory epithelium. These contain specialized/modified cilia, which contain the olfactory receptors (OR) in the cell membrane. Binding of odorants to specific OR then leads to the generation of action potentials.

    These contain OR. In most mammals, there are over 1000 different such receptor proteins encoded by the OR gene family with over 1000 different genes (reviewed by Buck, 2004). Comparison of Olfaction Between Humans and Animals

    Humans have about 350 functioning OR genes and over 600 OR pseudogenes (Gilad et al., 2003; reviewed by Buck, 2004). This is in contrast to the situation in most mammals where there are over 1000 OR (e.g., mice and pigs) (Gilad et al., 2003; Nguyen et al., 2012; reviewed by Buck, 2004) and over 1300 genes in dogs (Olender et al., 2004). Catarrhinine primates (Old World monkeys and the great apes) have increased numbers of OR pseudogenes (Gilad et al., 2003; Rouquier et al., 2000) coincident with the acquisition of trichromatic vision (Gilad et al., 2004). There is evidence that the human versus the chimpanzee lineage had a higher rate of loss of OR genes (becoming pseudogenes) (Gilad et al., 2003, 2005). There are also major losses of the number of functional OR and the sense of smell in marine mammals (Cetaceans, such as whales and porpoises, and Pinniped carnivores, such as sea lions) and reptiles including sea turtles and sea snakes (Kishida and Hikida, 2010; Kishida et al., 2007). These are independent and parallel following the transition to a marine environment.

    Dogs have an exquisite sense of smell due to the sensitivity of their olfactory system with over 1300 OR genes. There is evidence for polymorphisms in the OR genes with heterozygous dogs having greater detection abilities (Lesniak et al., 2008). This olfactory ability is used for sniffer dogs (see Chapter 2). Odor Detection in Pigeons

    It is perhaps surprising that the speed of return of homing pigeons was reported to be improved under smoggy polluted conditions in the Peoples Republic of China (Li et al., 2016). There is evidence that environmental odor plays a role in homing pigeons (Gagliardo et al., 2011) and that severing the olfactory nerve impairs homing (Papi et al., 1971).

    1.4.2. Taste or Gustatory Chemoreception

    The ability to taste ingested food and if necessary spit it out is an obvious advantage. If food or water contains a toxicant, it may be bitter and not swallowed. A sour taste may reflect spoiled food. If a food contains sugar and is sweet, it will be swallowed.

    What can we or animals taste? The well-established tastes in humans and throughout the vertebrates are the following:

    • sweet

    • bitter

    • sour (acidity or low pH)

    • salty

    • umami: savoriness/glutamate, such as in monosodium glutamate

    Additional candidate or putative tastes include detectors for fatty acids/lipids and water (Bachmanov and Beauchamp, 2007).

    Taste is mediated by taste buds or gustatory papillae on the surface of the tongue. Specific molecular receptors are responsible for taste. When a specific stimulus binds to the receptor, there is depolarization, which is transmitted to the taste receptor cell, and activation of a neuron [in branches of three cranial nerves: VII (facial), IX (glossopharyngeal), and X (vagus)] via the intervening synapses (reviewed by Bachmanov and Beauchamp, 2007; Purves, 2001). It was assumed that all molecular taste receptors span the cell membrane. This is true for the taste 1 and 2 families of receptors (T1R and T2R) are members of the superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors (Zhang et al., 2003; reviewed by Bachmanov and Beauchamp, 2007). These consist of extracellular, intracellular, and transmembrane domains, the latter across the plasma membrane. These form dimers and activate the G protein, gustducin. These receptors are in the apical microvilli of the taste cells (reviewed by Bachmanov and Beauchamp, 2007). However, some other taste stimuli including sodium, protons (pH), some bitter, and some sweet compounds enter the cell.

    Sweet taste is primarily mediated by a heterodimer of two members of the type 1 taste receptor family, Tas1r2/Tas1r3; the heterodimer being two different molecules linked together as a functional unit (reviewed by Bachmanov and Beauchamp, 2007). The molecular taste receptors are the following:

    • The principal umami taste receptor is a heterodimer of two members of the type 1 taste receptor family, Tas1r1/Tas1r3 (reviewed by Bachmanov and Beauchamp, 2007).

    • The bitter taste receptor is mediated by the 25 members of the type 2 taste receptor families (Meyerhof et al., 2010).

    • Salt is detected by epithelial-type sodium channels leading to depolarization of the receptor cell.

    • Sourness is detected by proton (hydrogen ion) gated cation and chloride channels. Is Taste Reception the Same Across Mammals and Birds?

    In a number of species of the order Carnivora including cats, there is no taste reception to sugar and other sweeteners. This is due to the gene Tas1r2 becoming inactive as a pseudogene (Jiang et al., 2012; Li et al., 2005;  2009). In an analogous manner, there is also loss of functional umami taste reception in bats (Zhao et al., 2012). Interestingly, based on genomic data, penguins appear to have lost the ability to taste bitter, sweet, and umami (Zhao et al., 2015). This may be explicable in terms of their diets of cephalopods and fish or their swallowing food immediately with no time in the mouth. Presence of Molecular Taste Receptors in Other Organs

    Molecular taste receptors are also present in the gastrointestinal tract. For instance, activation of umami receptors in the colon leads to peristalsis (Kendig et al., 2014) and activation of the sweet taste receptors in the small intestine leads to the release of glucagon-like peptide 1 (Jang et al., 2007) and the expression of sodium glucose cotransporters (Margolskee et al., 2007). The impact of gastrointestinal molecular taste receptors in livestock or poultry has received little attention.

    1.4.3. Vomeronasal Chemoreception

    The vomeronasal or Jacobson’s organs (VNO) detect pheromones and other chemical signals by their binding to VNO chemoreceptor cells. [It should be noted that pheromones influence the VNO and olfactory epithelium with the response in pigs to the pheromone androstenone not mediated via the VNO (Dorries et al., 1997).] Activation of the VNO by specific pheromones leads to physiological or behavioral changes (reviewed by Dulac and Axel, 1995). There are two gene families of VNO chemoreceptors, V1R and V2R, with over 100 genes (Dulac and Axel, 1995). The V1R and V2R proteins have seven transmembrane domains and are linked to G proteins. The activation of the V1R or V2R proteins increases intracellular inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and hence with an ion channel of the transient receptor potential family (TRP) playing a critical role in signal transduction (reviewed by Keverne, 1999; Zhang and Webb, 2003).

    The tubular VNO are found at the base of the nasal septum or in the roof of the mouth. The pheromones are detected by chemosensory neurons with axonal projections to the accessory olfactory bulb and other centers, such as in the amygdala and hypothalamus (reviewed by Dulac and Axel, 1995). Differences Between Humans and Animals: Vomeronasal Chemoreception

    There is still controversy as to whether or not adult humans even have vomeronasal organs and whether humans have functional vomeronasal chemoreceptors (reviewed by Meredith, 2001). Perhaps this is not surprising given that the existence of human pheromones is still not fully established (reviewed by Meredith, 2001). Similarly, there appears to be loss of vomeronasal signaling in bats (Zhao et al., 2011). Components of the VNO chemoreception system are not functional throughout the catarrhine primates (Old World monkeys and great apes) with V1R and TRP genes becoming nonfunctional or pseudogenes (Zhang and Webb, 2003).

    It has been suggested that the reddening and swelling of the vulva at the time of estrus in Old World monkeys is a superior signal than pheromones and made the VNO dispensable (Zhang and Webb, 2003). Alternatively, the ability to discern differences between reds, oranges, and greens would have distinct advantages for fruit-eating animals during foraging (Surridge et al., 2003).

    1.4.4. Trigeminal Chemoreception

    Trigeminal nerve terminals can be activated by capsaicin, a chemical responsible for the sensation of spicy hot foods containing chili peppers or plants of the genus Capsicum (Liu and Simon, 2000). In addition, the trigeminal nerve terminals detect acid (e.g., in vinegar), acting via H+-gated ion channels, and other noxious stimuli. These include air pollutants (e.g., sulfur dioxide and ammonia) and carbon dioxide (e.g., in cold sodas). Animal–Human Differences in Trigeminal Responses

    The trigeminal system of birds is not sensitive to capsaicin, the usual model for trigeminal chemoreception in mammals (Mason et al., 1991).

    1.5. Touch

    1.5.1. Animal–Human Differences: People Do Not Have Whiskers or Vibrissae

    Vibrissae are stiff specialized hairs. They function as tactile or touch sensory organs. They can be either macrovibrissae (long whiskers) or microvibrissae (Prescott et al., 2014). Macrovibrissae are found on the face of most mammals including rodents, carnivores, and many primates (Fig. 1.3). Humans are one of the few mammals that are devoid of vibrissae. It has been suggested that vibrissae are particularly useful to provide an awareness of the environment in nocturnal species.

    Figure 1.3   Vibrissae are sense organs in various animals, but have been lost in humans through evolution.

    (Top row) Vibrissae by the nose of a dog. (Middle row) Vibrissae by the nose and mouth of a cat and rats. (Bottom row) Vibrissae on sea lion and walrus. Source: From Wikimedia Commons.

    The movement of or shear forces in vibrissae are transduced to Merkel cells in the epidermis and then via a synapse-like process to adrenergic afferent neurons (Cha et al., 2011; Ikeda et al., 2014; Ma, 2014; Maksimovic et al., 2014). In rodents, vibration of the vibrissae plays a role in intraspecies communication (Mitchinson et al., 2011).

    Based on a comparison of the human genome to that of the chimpanzee and other species, it was possible to identify deletions in the human genome responsible for the loss of the vibrissae enhancer from the human androgen receptor (McLean et al., 2011). There was also a loss of penile spines as a result of this deletion (McLean et al., 2011) leading to desensitization of the penis, longer duration of coitus, and presumably strengthening of bonding (van Driel, 2011). While people do not have vibrissae, cancers of the Merkel cells is an uncommon but highly aggressive skin carcinoma in people (Sibley et al., 1980; Tilling and Moll, 2012) and dogs (Joiner et al., 2010).

    1.6. Other Senses

    Birds have two magnetoreceptor systems: one based on magnetite in or near the beak, and the other in the retina based on putative magnetosensory molecules, the cryptochromes. These allow detection of the direction of the Poles and hence facilitate migration (reviewed by Mouritsen and Ritz, 2005).


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    Further Reading

    Douglas RH, Jeffery G. The spectral transmission of ocular media suggests ultraviolet sensitivity is widespread among mammals. Proc. Biol. Sci.. 2014;281:20132995.

    Pinc L, Bartoš L, Reslová A, Kotrba R. Dogs discriminate identical twins. PLoS One. 2011;6:e20704.

    Chapter 2

    Animal Attributes Exploited by Humans (Nonfood Uses of Animals)

    Colin G. Scanes    University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, United States


    There are many nonfood uses of animals some of which are for leather and furs, go back to almost a million years of human development. This chapter discusses the multiple nonfood uses of vertebrate animals by people. Live animals are the sources of wool; hair; some hormones; antitoxins; animal toxins; muscle power for riding, pulling, and carrying; higher odor senses, such as odor detection in dogs; and innate and learned behaviors, such as those in working dogs together with service and therapy animals. Postslaughter tissues employed by people include the following: hides for leather; pelage for furs; tissues, such as heart valves for transplanting as xenografts; animal macromolecules such as heparin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid for biomedical applications; animal by-products for fertilizers and additions to livestock feeds; and fats from adipose tissue for nonfood uses, such as biodiesel, soaps, lubricants, cosmetics, paints, and explosives.


    animal fiber





    animal senses


    immunoglobulin therapy


    service animals

    animal hormones


    2.1. Introduction

    The nonfood uses of animals began with the use of antlers, bones, and so on as tools as early as before the emergence of the genus Homo in the development of hominids (see Chapter 5). With growing ingenuity, these tools became more sophisticated during the evolution of the various species in the genus Homo. The development of tools was followed by other uses of animals or animal products, such as leather and furs, for clothing almost a million years ago and the domestication of dogs aiding with hunting over 15,000 years ago (see Chapter 5). Particularly since the Neolithic, the uses of animals or their products greatly expanded and is still continuing.

    This chapter will discuss the nonfood uses of vertebrate animals by people. Table 2.1 summarizes the extensive nonfood uses of animal tissues (ranging from clothing to biodiesel to biomedical uses) together with the animals themselves for transportation (horses, camels, donkeys, mules, and dogs), plowing, and other agricultural uses (oxen, donkeys, mules, and horses together with dogs for herding and guarding), and for hunting (see Section 2.6.1). In addition, animal excreta were extensively used (see Section 2.12). Uses for invertebrate animals are considered in Chapter 8.

    Table 2.1

    Examples of Animal Tissues and Attributes Used by People Excluding for Food

    2.2. Use of Animal Skin: Animal Fibers (Leather, Wool, Fur)

    2.2.1. Introduction

    Animal skins have long been valued particularly as raw materials for clothing (leather and wool), gloves (leather), shoes (leather), furniture (leather), blankets (wool), and other uses.

    Leather in Protective Clothing

    Leather is used as protective clothing for motorcyclists (bikers), such as protective jackets, gloves, pants, and boots. Leather was integral to armor for soldiers in the medieval period.

    Table 2.2 summarizes the global production of hides and skin. Hides represent 6% of body weight in cattle and pigs but 9% for sheep (Jayathilakan et al., 2012). Hides or skins are made up of three layers:

    • Epidermis: 1% of the skin with hair formed predominantly of the protein, keratin. The major product is wool or hair or feathers and related products.

    • Dermis: 85% of the skin composed largely of the protein, collagen. The major product is leather after tanning.

    • Subcutaneous layer (or flesh): 14% of the skin, which is removed during leather- or fur-making.

    Table 2.2

    Global Production of Animal Fiber-Based Products in 2013

    Data from FAOStats (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Statistics), 2015. Production/Livestock Primary. Available from:*/E.

    According the Economic Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), The drop value reflects the wholesale price that packers receive from the animal’s byproducts that ‘drop’ off an animal’s carcass when it is dressed, on a dollar per hundredweight basis (ARS, 2017) and Hides account for 30–75% of the byproduct drop value for cattle but very little of the drop value for hogs (Marti et al., 2011).

    2.2.2. Leather

    Leather is produced from the hides or skins of animals. The sources of leather are the following:

    • hides: cattle and water buffalo hides

    • skins: sheep, goat, pig, and deer

    • exotics: snake, alligator, crocodile, and ostrich

    Leather is a flexible, strong (high tensile strength), moldable, supple, and durable product. It is also a good thermal insulator. Leather is resistant to tearing, piercing, abrasion, water, fire, and mold; it is permeable to water vapor. Leather is valued by humans for clothing and shelter and can be dyed and buffed to a shiny or velvety (in suede) appearance. Hides and Skins

    Hides and skins are considered either as a valuable by-product or coproduct in animal production (Table 2.2.). The major hide producing countries are the following:

    1. China with 1.63 million metric tons in 2013 increasing from 1.33 million metric tons in 2003.

    2. USA with 1.12 million metric tons of hides (predominantly from cattle) in 2013 compared to 1.09 million metric tons in 2003.

    3. India with 1.04 million metric tons of hides (predominantly from water buffalo) in 2013 increasing from 0.94 million metric tons in 2003 (FAOStats, 2015).

    The major goat- and sheepskin producing countries in 2013 were the following:

    1. New Zealand with 7.33 million metric tons (sheepskin).

    2. China with 755,000 metric tons (goat, 392,000; sheep, 364,000) (FAOStats, 2015). Tanning


    1. Tanning is a process of converting raw hides or skins into leather (US EPA, 2015).

    2. The grain side of the hide contains the hair and sebaceous glands.

    3. The flesh side of the hide is thicker and softer.

    Interesting Factoid: Dog Feces and Leather

    Dog feces was valued and collected from the streets, for instance, in London. Dog feces was used, along with pigeon feces, in the process of tanning in the Middle Ages up to the 19th century.

    Tanning is the process that chemically modifies the hides and skins (and specifically the collagen fibers) to preserve them and, in particular, to prevent the breakdown or decay of the proteins by the process of putrefaction (US EPA, 2015). After tanning, leather is durable, resistant to water, and supple. Tanning can be achieved by the following methods:

    • Chromium tanning using salts of trivalent chromium (this is completely different from hexavalent chromium or chromium 6, which is highly toxic). This results in leather that is light blue until dying. Globally, 90% of leather is chromium tanned.

    • Vegetable tanning using plant extracts (e.g., the bark of oak trees) containing tannin.

    • Aldehyde tanning using formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde.

    • Smoke tanning.

    • Alum tanning.

    • Synthetic chemical or syntans.

    • Oil tanning with buckskin tanned using brain tissue.

    The leather production process can be simplified as follows: Trimming, soaking, and washing → Fleshing → Unhairing → Baiting → Pickling → Tanning → Siding → Splitting (→ may require retanning) → Shaving → Coloring → Drying, conditioning, and milling → buffing and finishing (based on US EPA, 2015). Fig. 2.1 illustrates the traditional tanning in Fez, Morocco, upgraded leather production in Pakistan, and modern leather processing.

    Figure 2.1   Leather production.

    (A) Traditional tanning in Fez, Morocco. (B) Leather production at the Leather Finishing Centre–Kasur tannery cluster in Pakistan developed in cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Source: Part A: From Wikimedia Commons; Part B: Courtesy United Nations Industrial Development Organization. Leather Production and the Environment

    According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), leather processing requires large amounts of water. Discharges from tanneries can be major sources for chemical pollution (including acids, alkalis, and tanning compounds) of waterways and hence effluent is regulated. In addition, there are gases released during processing including hydrogen sulfide and ammonia during unhairing and volatile organic compounds in several processes. In some developing countries, the environment regulations can be less rigorous or they are not well enforced. Moreover, hair may be disposed of by burning resulting in air pollution.

    Unusual Uses of Animal Skins

    1. Parchment: Parchment is made from the skin of a calf, sheep, or goat that has been limed but not tanned. Vellum is fine parchment made from the skin of a calf (Fig. 2.2). Prior to the use of paper in Europe, books and manuscripts were written on parchment because of the long life of the material (hundreds of years). The Gutenberg Bible was the first book printed with movable type in the 1450s. It was printed either on parchment or paper.

    2. Gelatin: Gelatin is produced from the partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from animal skins, ligaments, and bones and is readily digestible. Its gelling properties account for it being the key component in Jell-O, jellied meats, and canned hams. It is an excellent foam stabilizer and is used in bakery items, such as marshmallows, mousses, and cream fillings. Nonfood uses include adhesives and glues; ammunition testing (using gelatin blocks known as ballistic gelatin for examination of the performance of bullets) (Fig. 2.3); concrete foaming agent; cosmetics (e.g., lipstick); shampoos, conditioners, and other hair products; printing; rubber tires; and biomedical uses (such as gel pharmaceutical capsules and sterile sponge with these accounting for 6.5% of the total production).

    3. Musical instruments: In Scotland, bagpipes are made with sheepskin with five pipes (blow pipe, chanter, bass drone, and two tenor drones); these connected to the holes remaining after the removal of the legs and head. In other parts of Europe, bagpipes are made of either sheep or goat skin. Leather or rawhide is used for the percussion surface of some drums, such as Native American and African drums.

    4. Sports: Despite being referred to as pigskin, American footballs are made from leather from cattle.

    Figure 2.2   Vellum deed from 1638. Source: From Wikimedia Commons.

    Figure 2.3   Terminal fragmentation of a 0.243 projectile in ballistic gelatin. Source: From Wikipedia. Leather in Human Evolution

    It is thought that human ancestors started using leather or at least animal skins about 780,000 years ago (Carbonell et al., 1999). This was based on the development of scrapers for hides (Carbonell et al., 1999). The resultant product was presumably used for shelters and/or clothes (Carbonell et al., 1999). It is argued that protection from the elements (e.g., rain) was important as by this time humans did not have body hair. Based on shifts to a gene encoding a receptor in the skin, it has been estimated that the loss of body hair in human ancestors occurred about 1.2 million years ago (Rogers et al., 2004). Parenthetically, it is noted that there is also a potential link between the loss of body hair and human success as hunters as the loss of hair facilitated dissipation of the large amounts of heat produced during hunting on the Savannah (Carrier, 1984). The loss of body hair was accompanied by the loss of the ectoparasites—lice on the bodies. It is estimated that human ancestors developed clothes over 70,000 years ago.

    Body lice provide evidence for the origins of clothing. Humans are unique with the following three distinct populations of ectoparasites (most animals have one species of lice):

    • Head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis)

    • Body louse (Pediculus humanus corporis)

    • Pubic louse (crabs) (Phthirus pubis)

    Head and body louse are the same species but are genetically distinct with different ecologies and behaviors (Leo et al., 2005). It is thought that body lice developed from head lice once there was clothing as a refuge of the lice. Based on comparisons between the genomes of the head and body louse, the divergence time for head and body lice has been estimated. One study employed molecular clock analysis indicating that body lice originated about 72,000 ± 42,000 years ago (Kittler et al., 2003). In another study, it is estimated that the divergence of head and body louse occurred at least 83,000 years ago or as early as 170,000 years ago (Toups et al., 2011). Clothing provides advantages including insulation from high or low temperatures and from injuries (Gilligan, 2010). The development of needles about 40,000 years ago allowed clothing to be improved and much better fitting with improved insulation (Delson et al., 2000; Hoffecker, 2005).

    The development of shoes was an important step in human development as they provide protection from injury, from hookworms, from extreme temperatures (e.g., frostbite), and from the adverse effects of forces of walking or running. Shoes are made from hides or other animal skins. Analysis of foot bones has provided evidence that people were wearing shoes as early as 32,000–40,000 years ago (Trinkaus, 2005; Trinkaus and Shang, 2008).

    2.2.3. Wool Overview

    Different types of wool and hair used by human society are summarized in Table 2.3. Global production of wool is summarized in Table 2.2.

    Table 2.3

    Different Wools and Hairs (Natural or Bio-Based Fibers of Animal Origin Composed of Keratin) Used in Textiles

    Data from FAOStats (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Statistics), 2015. Production/Livestock Primary. Available from:*/E.


    • Keratin is the major protein in tissues, such as the epidermis of the skin, hair, wool, feathers, horn, and nails. There are two principal forms: α keratin and β keratin. It is not readily digestible. Keratin from cattle hooves are used in fire extinguishing foams for planes. Feathers, a by-product of chicken production, are hydrolyzed chemically or by heat or by a bacterial enzyme, keratinase.

    Terms Used for Wool

    • Fleece is the wool sheared from a sheep.

    • Greasy wool is shorn wool or wool following shearing.

    • Clean wool is wool that has had the grease (lanolin) removed.

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