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Leadership Energy: Unlocking the Secrets to Your Success
Leadership Energy: Unlocking the Secrets to Your Success
Leadership Energy: Unlocking the Secrets to Your Success
Ebook129 pages1 hour

Leadership Energy: Unlocking the Secrets to Your Success

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About this ebook

Do you lack confidence in your ability to be an effective leader?
Do you struggle with how to better connect with and motivate others?
Are you a leader who wants to learn new tools to expand your perspective beyond traditional leadership information?
Then this book is for you!
Stephanie and Daniel are two mid-level managers who have advanced in their leadership careers but have hit a plateau. Each has their own challenges and questions as to why this has happened and what they can do. Follow their stories as they use The Leadership Energy Model, with effective tools to shift leadership plateaus for greater success.
What you will find in this book:
A leadership book designed to break-through the blocks that keep leaders from experiencing the success they desire.
A new model connecting three key success ingredients: leadership skills, leadership traits and bio-energy tools.
Action learning exercises and activities to enhance and grow each of the seven factors of The Leadership Energy Model.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 17, 2013
Leadership Energy: Unlocking the Secrets to Your Success


Dr. Cheryl Leitschuh is a leadership energy consultant. She works to inspire individuals and organizations to reach their aspirations, using the right tools at the right time! With a doctorate in psychology and over twenty years of experience as a leadership development consultant, Cheryl brings a unique understanding of the needs and strategies for targeted leadership results.

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    Leadership Energy - CHERYL LEITSCHUH

    Copyright © 2013 CHERYL LEITSCHUH, ED.D..

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-7758-6 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-7759-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013912265

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/15/2013



    Connection To Self

    Chapter 1   iTrust

    Chapter 2   iConnect

    Connection To Others

    Chapter 3   iAchieve

    Chapter 4   iCare

    Chapter 5   iSpeak

    Seeing The Big Picture

    Chapter 6   iSee

    Chapter 7   iUnderstand

    Putting It All Together

    Chapter 8   Where To From Here?

    Appendix Leadership Survey


    Resource list

    To my husband, Pat, who has always been there no matter what new adventure I choose to undertake!


    »   Others think I am an effective leader, but I’m not so sure.

    »   I lose my confidence as a leader. Am I doing the right thing?

    »   How do I motivate others to do what I need them to do?

    »   I love to learn new leadership tools.

    If this sounds like you, you’ve picked the right book. If you are reading this book, you are most likely in a leadership role. You have interest in expanding your leadership effectiveness, and are willing to explore new areas.

    This book will help you recognize and change leadership habits that, at the very least don’t work or, at worst, cause you to lose sleep. It will go beyond traditional leadership concepts. Through this new knowledge you will gain confidence, create a deeper alignment with yourself, and acquire the best strategies for your own unique style of leadership. The empowerment and clarity of direction you receive will improve and streamline your life and your leadership of others.

    The time-tested knowledge based in the eastern understanding of bio-energy will transform your concepts of traditional leadership competency information. You’ll have the chance to build awareness that will shift your confidence, strengthen your connection to others, and create clear focus and direction. It will expand your leadership success exponentially by unlocking and connecting a critical area that, until now, has not fit with our western thinking.

    Some of you may find the information New Age and be resistant to the expansion of the mindset this book provides. It is not my intention to lead you down an uncomfortable or impractical path. Rather, I will share with you real life examples of how this important addition to traditional leadership models will shift your ability to handle those nagging leadership issues that keep you from maximizing your potential.

    I have been working as a leadership development coach, trainer, and consultant for more than twenty years. Over the years, I have watched leadership development change and grow in foundational concepts. When I began my practice, the leadership development world had defined leadership traits and competencies. The focus was to train everyone to build strengths in all areas of leadership competencies. Over time, organizations and individuals began to realize that this strategy was not realistic. We each have unique strengths that lend themselves to certain competencies and not to others. Focusing on building all competencies only dilutes the use of our strengths. Our brains can only focus on one or two things at a time. When we focus on building all competencies, we neglect using what comes naturally and easily. We then become mediocre in all competencies. This leads to a frustrated leader! Additionally, this thinking did not lead to effective leadership and improved performance for the organization.

    The next phase of leadership development was focus on leadership styles. The foundational idea in this phase was that awareness of style and targeted behavioral changes would lead to more effective leaders. Companies experienced some improvement in results. Individual satisfaction for the leaders and their effectiveness began to increase. We were on the right track!

    The most recent change in leadership development has been the focus on strengths and on casting leaders into the roles that best fit their strengths. Great strides were seen in leadership effectiveness, as well as a return in measureable results.

    This book will add to the current expansion of knowledge, awareness, effectiveness, and results in the field of leadership. In addition, you will have practical tools you can use at the moment of need.

    Several definitions are needed before you move into the content of this book.

    First is the definition of leadership. Leadership, as it pertains to this book, is the ability to take your aspirations and inspire others to deliver actionable results. Aspirations are the passion to focus on a future result. Inspiration is the capacity to enroll others to use their aspirations not only for the benefit of an organization, but to satisfy their personal desires and to create measurable outcomes. Actionable results are the key measuring sticks used to determine success.

    Bio-energy concepts may be new to many of you. Let me provide a simplified context of bio-energy information to assist as you navigate this book.

    Bio-energy is rooted in time tested eastern philosophies. The foundation of this knowledge base is that as effective human beings, we need to be aware of the energy functioning in our bodies. This deck of knowledge has been researched and proven accurate over time.

    What does this look like? Our energy templates are influenced by emotional reactions to experiences in our world. These emotional reactions become set in our physical bodies. There are seven primary bio-energy templates in our bodies. The templates become either open or closed depending on the situation, our age and sophistication of life development, and the emotions we experience. If the bio-energy template is open, we create effective connections with others and ourselves. We solve problems and are able to use our gifts to achieve our goals, both personally and professionally. If the bio-energy template is closed, we experience discomfort, both physically and emotionally. This leads to ineffective connections with others and ourselves. We struggle to solve problems and this limits our ability to achieve our goals.

    The bio-energy disciplines expand from awareness to established daily practices. They provide an avenue of practical, pro-active problem solving through the awareness and alignment of your energy systems. In eastern cultures, children are taught how to access this information at a very young age through practicing disciplines included in their daily school schedule. Practices such as yoga and meditation are examples of practices related to bio-energy.

    This book is not about teaching you yoga and meditation. It is about assisting you in accessing this time-tested knowledge and allowing you to expand beyond the limits of our western thinking. Think about how you were taught in school. Most of us were taught from a young age to learn by thinking or reading. Emotional and/or physical awareness were not a component of learning. Instead physical and emotional awareness were segmented into separate compartments. Do you want to increase your physical strength? Go to the gym. Do you have emotional distress? See a therapist. However, if you wanted to include emotional and physical awareness to assist in solving problems, or look at the possible solutions from this broader perspective, impossible! Yet, the truth is, it is through having emotional and physical awareness that we can best learn, access, and provide pro-active and effective solutions.

    Let me give you an example. You are asked to deliver an important presentation to your company’s senior leadership team. You have done presentations before but never to this level in the organization. The presentation is one hour away. What are you feeling in your body

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