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// ******************************************************************** // Copyright (C) 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // IMPORTANT. Please read the legal.

txt file, located in the // "<CMS Install Directory>\Server\httpexec\WBC\Internals" // directory, governing the use of this internal file." // ******************************************************************** // ******************************************************************** // This file provides all the window feature contants used by all WBC // dialogs. There are 2 types of dialogs: Fixed Size and Dynamic Size. // // 1) Fixed Size dialog: // Non-empty window features string will be interpreted as Fixed Size // dialogs. These constants contain value such as "width=20 0,height=100". // This means when the UI of a specified feature popup, the pop up // windows's feature will be based on the constant specifie d. // Example: IDS_WIN_ATTACHPROPS_FEATURES // // If user wants to have attachment properties windows to h ave size of // width="100" and height = "100". He would need to change the constants of // IDS_WIN_ATTACHPROPS_FEATURES. // Example: IDS_WIN_ATTACHPROPS_FEATURE="width=100,height=1 00" // // 2) Dynamic Size dialog: // Empty window features string will be interpreted as Dyna mic Size dialogs. // in this case, the pop up window will use the calculation // rountine written in Windows.js to determine the window's feature. // // The position calculation is based on the pop up windows' parent size and will // be 30 pixels off the original caller, as long as the pop up window can // fill up the whole screen. If not, the pop up will place exactly on top // of the caller // // To change the size of the pop up constants to your custo mized one, // just modified the constant (e.g. IDS_WIN_PRODUCTIONMANAG ER_FEATURES) // to carry your specified value. // Example: To change the pop up size of Production Manager from // dynamic to customized window of width=100,heig ht=100 // You will need to change IDS_WIN_PRODUC TIONMANAGER_FEATURES from // IDS_WIN_PRODUCTIONMANAGER_FEATURES="wi

dth=100,height=100". This // will override the default 30 pixel off caller feature // // // Note: the behavior described above is a result of the implementation // of WBC_getPoppedUpWindowFeatures() in windows.js // // ********************************************************************

// IE Modal/Modeless dialog will use this string var IDS_IE_DIALOG_DEFAULT_POSITION = ",dialogTop=50,dialogWidth=300" // IE/Netscape dialog will use this string var IDS_DEFAULT_OPEN_POSITION = ",top=50,left=300,screenY=50,screenX=300" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // WBC dialogs browser window features (FIXED SIZE) // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// the main WBC window (empty string means full features) var IDS_WIN_MAIN_WBC_FEATURES = ""; // the window popped up for re-login during WBC Authoring var IDS_WIN_SESSION_TIMEOUT_LOGIN = "WBC_wndSessionTimeoutLogin"; var IDS_WIN_SESSION_TIMEOUT_LOGIN_FEATURES = "width=450,height=500,resizable" + IDS_DEFAULT_OPEN_POSITION; var IDS_WIN_TABLE = "WBC_wndTable"; var IDS_WIN_TABLE_FEATURES = "width=320,height=190,resizable,scrollbars" + IDS_D EFAULT_OPEN_POSITION; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// All Properties Features // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------var IDS_WIN_INSERT_PROPS = "WBC_wndInsertProps"; var IDS_WIN_ATTACHPROPS_FEATURES = "width=600,height=210,resizable" + IDS_DEFAUL T_OPEN_POSITION; var IDS_WIN_IMAGEPROPS_FEATURES = "width=600,height=240,resizable" + IDS_DEFAULT _OPEN_POSITION; // for properties dialog var IDS_WIN_PAGEPROPS_NAME = "WBC_wndPageProperties"; var IDS_WIN_PAGEPROPS_FEATURES = "width=650,height=600,resizable,status=yes" + I DS_DEFAULT_OPEN_POSITION; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// All Revision Features // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// for page revision option dialog var IDS_WIN_PAGEREVISION_OPTION_NAME = "WBC_wndPageRevisionOption"; var IDS_WIN_PAGEREVISION_OPTION_FEATURES = "width=400,height=280, resizable=yes" + IDS_DEFAULT_OPEN_POSITION;

// for page revision error message dialog var IDS_WIN_PAGEREVISION_ERROR_FEATURES = "dialogWidth:450px; dialogHeight:310px ; help:no; status:no; scroll:no" + IDS_IE_DIALOG_DEFAULT_POSITION; //for resource management var IDS_WIN_RESPROPS_NAME = "WBC_wndResourceProperties"; var IDS_WIN_RESPROPS_FEATURES = "width=725,height=450,resizable=yes,status=yes" + IDS_DEFAULT_OPEN_POSITION; //for resource management var IDS_WIN_RESCREATE_NAME = "WBC_wndResourceCreate"; var IDS_WIN_RESCREATE_FEATURES = "width=725,height=475,resizable=yes,status=yes" + IDS_DEFAULT_OPEN_POSITION; //for resource management var IDS_WIN_RESREPLACE_NAME = "WBC_wndResourceReplace"; var IDS_WIN_RESREPLACE_FEATURES = "width=725,height=475,resizable=yes,status=yes " + IDS_DEFAULT_OPEN_POSITION; //for default propertties setup when creating a new page var IDS_WIN_NEWPAGESAVEDLG_NAME = "WBC_wndNewPageSaveDlg"; var IDS_WIN_NEWPAGESAVEDLG_FEATURES = "width=650,height=280,resizable,status=yes " + IDS_DEFAULT_OPEN_POSITION; //for default properties setup the page copy selection dialog var IDS_WIN_PAGECOPYDLG_NAME = "WBC_wndPageCopyDlg"; var IDS_WIN_PAGECOPYDLG_FEATURES = "width=450,height=500,resizable=no,status=yes " + IDS_DEFAULT_OPEN_POSITION; //for default properties setup the page move selection dialog var IDS_WIN_PAGEMOVEDLG_NAME = "WBC_wndPageMoveDlg"; var IDS_WIN_PAGEMOVEDLG_FEATURES = "width=450,height=500,resizable=no,status=yes " + IDS_DEFAULT_OPEN_POSITION; // for Internal Links dialog var IDS_WIN_INTLINKS_FEATURES = "width=450,height=500" + IDS_DEFAULT_OPEN_POSITI ON; var IDS_IEWIN_INTLINKS_FEATURES = "dialogWidth:450px;dialogHeight:500px;status:y es" + IDS_IE_DIALOG_DEFAULT_POSITION; // for view revisions by date dialog var IDS_WIN_PAGEREVISION_BY_DATE_NAME = "WBC_wndPageRevisionViewByDate"; var IDS_WIN_PAGEREVISION_BY_DATE_FEATURES = "width=450,height=320, resizable=yes " + IDS_DEFAULT_OPEN_POSITION; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // WBC dialogs browser window features (DYNAMIC SIZE) // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Task Assistants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------//for production manager dialog var IDS_WIN_PRODUCTIONMANAGER_NAME = "WBC_wndProductionManager"; var IDS_WIN_PRODUCTIONMANAGER_FEATURES = "";

//for approval assistant dialog var IDS_WIN_APPROVALASSISTANT_NAME = "WBC_wndApprovalAssistant"; var IDS_WIN_APPROVALASSISTANT_FEATURES = ""; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// Resource Management // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------//for resource management var IDS_WIN_RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT_NAME = "WBC_wndResourceManagement"; var IDS_WIN_RESOURCE_MANAGEMENT_FEATURES = ""; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// All Preview Features // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// for Posting preview var IDS_WIN_PREVIEW = "WBC_wndPreview"; var IDS_WIN_PREVIEW_FEATURES = ""; //for page authoring preview var IDS_WIN_AUTHPREVIEW_CONNECTED_SELECTION_NAME = "WBC_wndAuthPreviewConnectedS election"; var IDS_WIN_AUTHPREVIEW_CONNECTED_SELECTION_FEATURES = ""; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------// All Other Features // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------//for quick jump var IDS_WIN_GOTO_CONNECTED_SELECTION = "WBC_wndGoToConnectedPagesSelectionDlg"; var IDS_WIN_GOTO_CONNECTED_SELECTION_FEATURES = ""; //for page creation of both simple and connected var IDS_WINNAME_PAGE_CREATION = "NC_winChannelsBrowse"; var IDS_WINFEATURES_PAGE_CREATION = ""; // for page revision history var IDS_WIN_PAGEREVISION_NAME = "WBC_wndPageRevison"; var IDS_WIN_PAGEREVISION_FEATURES = ""; // for page revision comparison dialog var IDS_WIN_PAGEREVISION_COMPARE_NAME = "WBC_wndPageRevisionCompare"; var IDS_WIN_PAGEREVISION_COMPARE_FEATURES = ""; // for insert Image/Attachment/Video/table and insert properties var IDS_WIN_GALLERY = "WBC_wndGallery"; var IDS_WIN_GALLERY_FEATURES = "";

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