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Dowsing Accuracy And How To Improve It

By Chris Gozdzik http://diviningmind.com

This is a compilation of some thoughts and writings about the subject.

If you dowse for some time you probably noticed that your results are not always
consistent - sometimes it's better, sometimes not so great.
I get a lot of questions on how to improve dowsing accuracy.

Here's a little summary on possible solutions - don't take my word for it, try it
yourself and you will see what works for YOU!

1. Try to be neutral to the outcome of your question / search.

2. Get to the alpha state - relax your body and your mind

3. Drink a glass of water.

4. Make sure your question is precise and doesn't have words with double meanings.

5. Use surrogate dowser - ask another dowser to dowse your question without telling
him/her the question itself, e.g. question nr. one - yes, no? question nr. 2, etc. This
way there is no emotional attachment to the outcome.

6. Ask to be connected only to the Highest Source of information.

My favourite lately is to ask before dowsing if I'm connected to the
Highest Source of information that is in Light (as opposed to darkness).

7. Allow for other answers besides "yes" and "no". This may take
some time to figure out. You may get a different reaction for "question not clear",
"yes, but..." or "No, but..., etc.

8. Ask your question in a way that you don’t expect a particular outcome, like: “ I
wonder if…”.
9. Practice make perfect, so practice, practice, practice!

Recently I've had some personal issues I wanted to dowse and the question of
dowsing accuracy came up. How to deal with your emotions or expected result, how
to assess your dowsing performance at the moment?
Some suggest asking several questions that you know the answer to and check the
results - well, this isn't very reliable for me.

What I do (when I remember!) is: I use a dowsing chart from "0" to "100%" and ask
for my dowsing performance at the moment. When it's below 70% - I try not to
dowse any important issues. Mind you - this is not very reliable as poor dowsing
performance may give you false results...

Throughout my dowsing years I found out that when it comes to dowsing personal
issues, like my own health (or close family member's), relationships, etc. - my
accuracy (and even my self-confidence) suffers.
It's possible that it's something I've programmed into my subconscious, but it's quite

The best way to deal with it would be to go to the root of the problem and change
the programming, but somehow I have a problem doing that. Usually I use
"surrogate" dowsing - I ask another dowser to dowse my questions without telling
him what they are, like question one - yes or no, question two, etc. It's a bit time
consuming and not always possible, so sometimes I write my questions on pieces of
paper, fold them so that the writing is not visible and dowse each piece separately
and mark each one with the answer. This way I take the personal attachment out of

Many things can interfere with our dowsing performance, but I found out that many
of them we create ourselves through creating a believe system. An example:
I've read somewhere about the remanence effect (an object will leave a trail that can
influence dowsing of another object placed in the same spot). I was testing some soil
samples and I was getting very confusing results. Checking for the residual radiation
I got a big "yes" - it was interfering with my work!
I tried wiping the table with a sweeping motion as mentioned in another book, I used
sage smudge - it helped a bit, but the error threshold was still high.
Then I asked for something simple - no interference from any source - guess what?
My accuracy was way up!

The moral - when you get frustrated with your results - look for a simple,
straightforward solution.

It is difficult to give any specific advice to new dowsers as it depends on many

factors, e.g. belief system (including religious background), state of health, previous
experience or lack of it, etc.

A few points that I'd like to make:

1. Don't take anything at the face value - experiment and find out what's working for
you. There are almost as many dowsing techniques as there are dowsers.

2. Use your intuition. Once you learn to trust your inner voice, everything else will
start falling into place.

The most important part, however, is one I can't stress enough - practice, practice
and again practice! Don't get too attached to the outcome and have fun!

There are many superstitions and myths connected to dowsing – wearing white,
black or red, crossing legs, dowsing during storm or full or new moon, etc. I believe
those are self imposed limitations. In my opinion – our dowsing performance is
directly connected with how well balanced we are - physically, mentally and
emotionally. Other things may have some influence, but it's possible to work through

Here's what other dowsers say about this issue:

"Accurate dowsing is always an issue for all of us. It's no reason to feel inadequate or
limited. One thing is certain, the answers we get are always directly connected to our
full situation. Keep in mind, we are inseparably connected to the infinite. This
vastness also includes infinite possibilities. So it's how we've tuned that connection to
the infinite and the infinite possibilities with our intent that ultimately gives us the
answer to our question."

"All dowsers recognize the importance of neutrality in dowsing. We all have our own
rituals, some even use a specific device to help "distance" themselves from the

That neutrality must be reflected not only in the subject matter and the outcome,
which many people embrace, but also our perspective.
Perspective in its use here is a very big word. It not only means
where we are coming from (for example, how we approach dowsing for water, if
we've been doing it for years with confidence, very big awareness below the ground,
sensitivity to the energies of the earth, issues of drilling, quality and use of water...
The list goes on, it has depth, it may not all be conscious immediately, but it’s all
fully engaged.) to how we view and relate to those items.

All those items won't impact our life... We have a neutral perspective. These four
facets of perspective are all required... Did you miss one?

1. Point of view,

2. Confidence: It is essential that you have an expectation of success, confidence

with your ability. And this aspect is both telling and misleading at the same time.
(This is a topic for discussion on its own. Here I'll just summarize its paradoxical
position in dowsing.) You must ignore the doubts to begin, embrace the doubts to
improve, be doubt free to succeed and create doubts to remain a successful dowser.

3. All inclusive awareness of the factors in proper measure,

4. Neutral to these three.

The situation you describe can be addressed directly by looking at your perspective
in this framework. Your self-confidence is inspiring you to examine your perspective
more closely. You've identified the sub-conscious aspect of your relationships as the
area of concern and the indications are that you are either not neutral to this area, or
its out of perspective.
Perhaps you've missed the meaning of the answer you've gotten...
That the subconscious is the area that needs work, not the block to getting to the
work that is needed. (So look not only at your own, but your relative's subconscious
in this case.)"

"I have been working with people for health related issues for years. I find dowsing
in health related issues works best when you set up a perspective that approaches
the whole interaction as you would a really good conversation. And I consistently,
over hundreds of people and situations, found that the answers I get are always
related, like a conversation, to the question, but not always what I expected.
(Good dialogue rolls with and integrates miss-heard words, off-topic remarks,
diversions, interruptions, etc.)

A sense of humor really helps, because the newly discovered relationships between
questions and answers are often like a good joke... They make perfect sense in a
twisted way. But better than a night at the local comedy club, these insights actually
lead to better health. Changing the way we hold ourselves is that key to changing
our health.

A simple proof of this is to first determine how good you feel... Then look in a mirror.
Now smile at yourself. See it, feel it, do it again. Three times... Take maybe 2
minutes. Now, how do you feel... Does it get any better than this?

So like the Geomancer who has his own way of defining the energies of the earth so
he can dowse them accurately, I have a way of defining the sub-conscious that
makes it easier to deal with. You may find it useful in dealing with your situation, and
moving on to the next step in facilitating your family with your dowsing.

I hold subconscious issues in a physical space that corresponds to what I perceive it

to be... It's infinite & unknown, it has an ability to keep issues for a very long time,
allowing them to influence without being affected specific aspects and actions we
take in our life.
These issues are usually things we do not want to know, but if we wanted to...

With the proper guidance we could go exploring them (perhaps through hypnosis)...
I find this is not necessary to heal them. Once healed, subconscious issues actually
become conscious as wisdom, without charge or emotional rendering.

What would that look like for you? For me it's an ocean below my feet. I walk on the
waters of my subconscious... which is dark and impenetrable to the eye of
consciousness, but not to the sonar of awareness.

I can easily sense related objects/issues in outline, but not get hooked into the
traumas or feelings I don't want to know. And like mysterious objects from the deep,
they do tug at and influence my conscious behaviors and physical feelings,
sometimes like a light current pulling a boat, sometimes like a sub-surface floating
mine. Healing those issues, when they interfere is very simply done when directly
approached. (Confidence is required.) It is, a part of you. You have complete
dominion over yourself...

Just direct the effort. So, holding my subconscious below me, I dowse
(my sonar) for any issues that are affecting my ________ (fill in the blank: dowsing,
sore knee, ability to help my daughter...). I'm sure you have your own way to break
this down at this point... I go.. Yes/No to issues, I locate them spatially under the
water, I count them if that's necessary and order them in sequence of healing, if
that's necessary... I keep them safely unknown, knowing them is not necessary and
can lead to bigger problems; but I prefer less drama in my life, you may have other

When I test that I have sufficient information to heal, I simply direct my healing
energies into my subconscious, like tiny golden scrubbing bubbles, or whatever
method feels/tests right, and watch my dowsing tool (spinning pendulum) or sonar
as it monitors the change... Often the dark waters become clear when the healing is
complete. Now you can move on in the conversation and dowse what's next to heal
that sore shoulder of your wife...
After all there is the vacuuming to be done. Or better, a massage in return for the
healing.. LoL..."

"One thing that has helped me when I want to work on myself, is to visualize myself
outside of myself and then do the work. When you come from that point of view you
abandon the bias that comes from wanting or wishing the answers to be one way or
another. I'm not sure if it will work with dowsing as I have less experience with that,
but you could try it."

"I usually ask the subconscious to program the dowsing system to be 100% accurate
- it seems to help. Also ask if there are any non-beneficial energies affecting you or
your dowsing and clear them. "

So here you go! Check what works best for you and use it! Most of all – have some

Chris Gozdzik

Copyright © 1998-2008 Divining Mind Radiesthetic Supplies for dowsing enthusiasts.

All rights reserved.

When it comes to dowsing books - the variety is almost endless, but it's hard to find
one book that would have all of the elements required by a beginner or intermediate,
even advanced dowser to learn from. I have stacks of books that I bought and it
could be just one sentence or one technique that makes it worth it.

When I found out about the project by Nigel and Maggie Percy - I just had to check it
out. They have created a very thorough interactive multimedia dowsing course
covering most of the basis of modern dowsing and presented it in a down to Earth

It's not just a dowsing book - you can read it, but you also can listen to audio and
video files, bookmark parts that interest you the most, make notes, participate in
dowsing exercises, etc.
It's like having an expert dowser by your site guiding you through the process.

I highly recommend it as it covers most areas you need to learn to dowse efficiently
- dowsing tools, asking proper questions, permissions, different applications for
dowsing and much more, although the installation process is a bit awkward . Click
the link below and you can have it right away as it's in a downloadable form.

New! Comprehensive Multimedia Dowsing E-Course

From the same authors comes brand new SPACE CLEARING EBOOK (or how to be a
ghostbuster!) It is full of info on energy lines, geopathic zones, sick building
syndrome, how to detect noxious energy lines, how to protect yourself, different
clearing methods, emf, ghosts - the list is very extensive and the information you
get is very thorough and well organized. Another great product! Space Clearing

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