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Colgio So Lucas

Nome: _____________________________________________________________ Data: _________________ Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa Srie: 3 Ano Prof(a): Silvia Verlene
PROVA 2 CHAMADA 2 BIMESTRE I am the Wind Cynthia Harrel Just like the wind, I've always been Drifting high up in the sky that never ends Through thick and thin, I always win 'Cause I would fight both life and death to save a friend I face my destiny every day I live And the best in me is all I have to give Just like the sun (Just like the sun) When my day's done Sometimes I don't like the person I've become Is the enemy within a thousand men? Should I walk the path if my world's so dead ahead? Is someone testing me every day I live? Well, the best in me is all I have to give I can pretend (I can pretend) I am the wind (I am the wind) And I don't know if I will pass this way again All things must end Goodbye, my friend Think of me when you see the sun or feel the wind I am the wind, I am the sun And one day we'll all be one I am the wind, I am the sun And one day we'll all be one **INSTRUMENTAL SOLO** I am the wind, I am the sun And one day we'll all be one I am the wind, I am the sun One day we'll all be one (Repeat to end) Atention, Ability and Good Luck!
Vocabulary: drifiting vagando; through atravs, por meio de; thick espesso, macio; thin magro, fino; would futuro do pretrito (iria); face encarar; within dentro; should futuro do pretrito em termos de ordem, obrigao (deveria); pretend fingir, aparentar.

De acordo com a letra da msica, responda as questes. Identifique na msica os Tempos Verbais citados (caso existam) de acordo com a legenda para cada um: 1) Simple Present Sublinhado 2) Present Continuous Circulado 3) Simple Past Retngulo 4) Future com Will - Colchetes 5) Future com Going to Parnteses 6) Explique o uso dos Tempos Verbais citados: (pode ser respondida no verso da folha) 7) Quais os Tempos Verbais que se associam quanto s formas Negativa e Interrogativa? Explique o porqu: (pode ser respondida no verso da folha) 8) A msica pode ser associada a: a) uma narrativa b) uma despedida c) uma poesia d) um requiem e) uma apologia vida 9) De que plano a msica trata? a) fsico b) mental c) psicolgico d) material e) sonho 10) A mensagem citada que: a) no se desista de viver, pois sempre h esperana b) no h mais esperana para o mundo c) no dependamos de ningum d) a morte chega para todos e) somos parte da natureza

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