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Amat Victoria Curam Victory Loves Preparation

The following short note discusses the impact of the climate change on the agricultural and general welfare of the global society. Climate Change is increasingly developing into a clear and present threat to global food security. The various corridors through which Climate Change can impact human welfare are varied and numerous: Yield decline due to variations in precipitation patterns to increase in temperature; climate change induced migration; resulting impact on food prices; health issues; resulting impact on malnourishment (especially on children below 5 years of age); nutritional security which will worsen due to decline in health standards due to climate change and the list goes on. This represents the range of sectors that are first order affected by climate change. Ignoring the extensive statistics quoted in various numerous research articles, the agreeable research conclusion has be: Steps need to be taken in order to combat climate change. A business as usual approach to development agendas will prove much more costly than the cost attached to combating climate change. Basic skeleton on tackling climate change is 1) mitigation, 2) adaptation, and 3) risk transfer. The onus is on the nations to identify the importance of integrating these precautionary features in the future development agendas and work together. Together, the crises can be alleviated, if not completely averted. Victory loves preparation. Amat Victoria Curam!!!

Abcious (Pseudo name of the author)

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