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The aforementioned argument, in asserting that , appears at first glance to be a coherent (could also say legitimate) and fairly

convincing argument. However, upon further examination of the argument and its underlying structure, a number of flaws become evident to such an extent that one can take neither the argument nor its conclusion seriously. Among the most pivotal shortcomings of the argument is its inability to address or even acknowledgeits assumptions, as well as its negligence of the information necessary to substantiate its claims. Or the topic sentence could be: Among the most pivotal shortcomings of the argument are its inability to addressor even acknowledgeits assumption that A, its assumption (or reliance on the faulty premise) that B, and its lack of evidence necessary to substantiate the claim that C. The argument, in its current state, contains a considerable number of defects, the most blatant of which have been discussed above. Had the argument managed to address the aforementioned concerns, both its persuasive ability and its apparent legitimacy would have been greatly reinforced, perhaps to such an extent that it would be difficult to refute. However, as it stands, one must necessarily conclude that the argument is simply a hasty generalization, filled with overreaching assumptions and deficiencies in information.

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