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Associated Student Government University of Arkansas ASG Resolution No. 10 Author: Senator Amy May West, Senator Ashton Dawson Sponsor: Senator Amy May West, Senator Ashton Dawson A Resolution to Support the Morrill Act Sesquicentennial Celebration Whereas, The Morrill Act of 1862 set aside federal land-grant money to help states in their efforts to establish programs of higher education; and The University of Arkansas at Fayetteville was established under provisions of the Morrill Act as both the state university and the land-grant college of Arkansas; and The purpose of the Morrill Act of 1862 was to " without excluding other scientific and classical studies and including military tactic, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life; and The sesquicentennial of this act was July of 2012; then




Be it therefore resolved:

The Bumpers College Honors Student Board and Ambassadors shall sponsor a series of events to educate the entire University of Arkansas-Fayetteville campus and commemorate the sesquicentennial; and That the Associate Student Government recognizes the week of November 5, 2012 as a celebratory week for the University of Arkansass sesquicentennial anniversary, allowing the use of the ASG logo for advertising the commemorative events.

Be it further resolved:

Official Use Only Amendments:


44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

Vote Count: Aye Legislation Status: Passed

Nay Failed

Abstentions Other ________________ Date ________________ Date

___________________________ Mike Norton, ASG Chair of the Senate ___________________________ Tori Pohlner, ASG President Incase

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