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ASSESSMENT TASK 2: Assessment for Learning Subject: Year level: Learning focus: Student cohort: English Grade 3 (VELS Level 3)

Susan Williams


Learning how to enhance persuasive writing with the use of powerful adjectives. The class from which I have drawn the two samples comprises 18 students with learning needs ranging from 2.75 to 3.75 (Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development [DEECD] English Developmental Continuum progression points). For this assessment task, I have taken work from two students at both ends of the literacy level spectrum. During my recent professional placement, I concluded a series of persuasive writing lessons with an assessment task in which the students were required to write a persuasive writing piece under NAPLAN conditions (i.e. unassisted). The topic was My favourite entertainer. The students were given 5 minutes planning time before writing.

The task:

I have chosen to assess the work of two children within the same class, and have selected one child from either end of the learning spectrum. I thought this would provide me with valuable real-world experience as it is very common to have a class which spans a vast range of learning abilities. Assessment tools: Formative and authentic assessment using DEECDs English Developmental Continuum P-10


Susan Williams


SAMPLE 1 - India
Use of explicit introduction evidence of use of appropriate structure/features for persuasive writing (Level 3.75) Correct matching of verb tense in compound sentence is and entertains and have to be (Level 3 Standard)

Editing strategy (Level 3.5)

Exclamation mark used correctly to support meaning (Level 3.25)

Example of correct spelling of frequently occurring 2-syllable word (Level 3.25)

Provides appropriate background information for audience (Level 3 Standard)

In my opinion shows competency in using persuasive writing devices (Level 3.75)

Use of strategies to spell unknown words (Level 3.25)

Understanding of how to use adjectives. Use of appropriate vocabulary (Level 3.25)

Includes ideas and information about familiar topics ( Level 3 Standard)

Visual imagery (Level 3.5)

Omission of comma future teaching focus (Level 3.25)

Emerging competency in selection of vocabulary, text structures and visual features to effectively communicate ideas and information (Level 3.75)

Emerging knowledge about spelling patterns, despite wrong choices here (see also incredible above. (Level 3.75) Possible teaching focus ible/able endings


Susan Williams


Provision of supporting detail and illustrative evidence (Level 3 Standard)

Mix of simple and compound sentences (Level 3 Standard)

Omission of apostrophe possible learning focus area Conclusion evidence of the use of structures and features appropriate to purpose (persuasive writing) and audience (print) (Level 3.75)


WHAT CAN THE STUDENT DO? Indias strengths

Susan Williams


This text demonstrates that India is in a transition phase between 3.25 and 3.5. There is strong evidence of competency in the 3.25 Writing indicators and some evidence of 3.5 and 3.75 indicators. In accordance with VELS English Level 3, Writing, she has demonstrated: The ability to write texts with several logically ordered paragraphs that express opinion and include ideas and information about familiar topics. Competency in ordering information and sequencing events using some detail or illustrative evidence (e.g. inclusion of three main reasons in her persuasive writing) and expressing a point of view providing some information and supporting detail. Consistent use of punctuation marks full stops and exclamation marks (despite omission of apostrophe and commas). Correct spelling of most one- and two-syllable words with regular spelling patterns and frequently used two- and three-syllable words which have less regular spelling patterns. The ability to write a variety of simple and compound sentences and uses verb tenses correctly. Use of appropriate vocabulary, punctuation and tense according to context (3.25)

She has also demonstrated use of a planning strategy (3.5) through her creation of a Persuasion Map (see opposite). Where to from here? Focus areas Explicit teaching lessons: Apostrophes, Capital letters Focus on spelling endings such as ible/able (possible extension lesson on word derivations to increase morphemic knowledge, identifying the meanings of word stems, e.g. using port, to spell words such as export, deport, portable, porter and car port. (DEECD Conventions of Spelling: Scaffolding Learning From 3.50) India can be encouraged to expand her content by examining how ideas can be expressed through using different language. e.g What are the best words to describe....? Further focus on sentence structure how to make writing more interesting by varying the length of sentences to make the writing more interesting (DEECD Ideas Communicated in Writing: Teaching strategies.) Introduce figurative language such as personification, similes and metaphors to add colour to her writing. Refine pre-writing and planning skills: e.g. What do I know about the topic? Have I collected enough information? Who is my audience? How well does the information I have collected answer the question/topic? (DEECD Writing Strategy: Scaffolding Learning From 3.75) Refining Indias competency in editing and proof-reading phase. Many of her errors could have been selfcorrected if she had read her work carefully before submission. Focus on identifying errors and inappropriate repetition/omission of ideas. Introduce concept of multiple drafting as an effective way to enhance writing quality. To consolidate the learning, students could create a Proofreading Prompt Card for their desk: e.g Are all words spelled correctly? Have I used punctuation correctly? (e.g. where would I pause when I read it? Where does the idea end?) Have I repeated ideas of left out key ideas? Does this sentence make sense? etc.


Susan Williams


SAMPLE 2 Billy
Appropriate use of adjectives, effective vocabulary to convey meaning (Level 2.25). While unsophisticated, he has understood the task which required students to use powerful adjectives to enhance their writing. Has provided three or four logically ordered paragraphs (Level 2.75) and has used text to express a point of view (Level 2.5)

Omission of capital letters and use of full stops inconsistent (Level 2.5) Future teaching focus.

Compound sentences linking two ideas, with correct use of verb tenses (Level 2.5)

Plausible attempt to spell unknown words energetic, really (Level 2.75)

Correct spelling of frequently occurring two- and three-syllable words because, very, people (Level 3.25)

Omission of apostrophe - (Level 3.25) Future teaching focus.


WHAT CAN THE STUDENT DO? Billys strengths

Susan Williams


This text demonstrates that Billy is below the expected Writing standards for Level 3. In summary, Billys writing shows indicators of progress ranging from Level 2.25 up to Level 3.25. It is important to note that Billy in the process of being assessed for behaviours consistent with the Autism spectrum. His focus, concentration and output in the classroom is inconsistent and, on some days, it can be extremely difficult to motivate him to attempt an activity at all, hence the fact I wrote Amazing on his work it had taken a lot of convincing to get him to start the writing task. However, he has flashes of brilliance. The other consideration is the fact Billy has a teachers aide, so the evaluation needs to take into account some degree of assistance that was provided during the planning stages of this task. He did complete the writing part of the activity unassisted, so the evidence of 3.25 indicators for spelling is valid. While Billy has grasped the concept of using adjectives to enhance writing, his writing lacks details and illustrative evidence (required under Level 3 indicators). He has shown competency in composing three or four logically ordered paragraphs (2.75) and an emerging competency in expressing a point of view with a limited amount of supporting details (progressing towards 3.25). He shows an emerging understanding of planning strategies (3.5), demonstrated by his attempt at a Persuasion Map (see opposite). He was able to follow my instructions to list an adjective in each Main Reason box to assist the writing process. Billys writing also demonstrates: Use of vocabulary to convey meaning nouns, adjectives and verbs (2.25) Correct spelling of most words with regular spelling patterns and plausible attempts at some words with irregular spelling patterns (2.25) Inconsistent use of full stops, and no experimentation with other punctuation (below 2.5) Can order and sequence events using some detail and evidence. Starting to provide some illustrative evidence (2.75)

Where to from here? Focus areas Explicit teaching lessons: Apostrophes, Capital letters, Sentence construction and joining words Help Billy to expand his writing by focusing his attention on the organizing phase of composing a text e.g questions to be answered in his writing such as Who, What, How, Why, When. Billy needs more explicit teaching on how to provide detail/evidence in his writing e.g. Michael Jackson is a good dancer... because he does funky moves. Billy responds well to short-term goals, so the task could be broken down into smaller goals, e.g. a task where he writes words/phrases for key ideas on word cards or sticky notes that can be moved around (kinesthetic) may assist him in the planning stage. (DEECD Writing Strategy: Scaffolding Learning From 2.75) Billy could also be encouraged to expand his content by examining how ideas can be expressed through using different language, in the same way as India (mentioned above) yet at a less sophisticated level. He could also be encouraged to make his writing more interesting by varying sentence structure (DEECD Ideas Communicated in Writing: Teaching strategies.)



Susan Williams


Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, English Development Continuum P-10, http://www.education.vic.gov.au/studentlearning/teachingresources/english/englishcontinuum/writing Victorian Essential Learning Standards, Progression Point Examples in English, http://vels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/support/progression/english.html#lev4

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