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v0.2.1 beta "OH MY GOD! they take over the fridge?!" added: ork if dat.

If something go wrong in this test, PTCalc write a line in error.log with the name of the missing file and some other stuff. This fix some strange bugs. - Replaced the rather stupid error handling "on input" with a better on e. If the user insert stuff in the edit fields, PTCalc check the Input a nd replace it with a simple 0 (zero) if the Text->Number conversion thro w a Exception. v0.2.0 just displayed the error Message in the 2nd StatusB ar Panel (should ALWAYS display "OK") and "stop working" till the error is fix ed. I think (hope) this was the main problem a lot of user seem to had. changed: - i changed most of the File-Load code to filter wrong entrys in the current save files. it work pretty much like the "on input" check. wrong? -> write a 0 (double check your loaded stats if you had proble ms). - "File-Load" cache the whole save-file data in the memory now, result in a single HD read request ( >100 in older versions). - Changed Ata-Shield Strike Dmg. ( >Level 4). - Changed Ata-Bigger Spear Dmg. ( >Level 4). - Changed Ata-Storm Javelin MP ( >Level 4). - Ata - Farina. Skill Bonus was complete wrong. - Changed Knight-Holy Valor Duration (all levels). - Changed Knight-Piercing MP ( >Level 4). - Changed Knight-Drastic Spirit Duration (all Levels). Some1 can verify current MP >Level 7 in ePT? - Mechanician-Compulsion Duration (all levels). bugfix: - Shield aging give only 0.2 abs/level not 0.5 thx to DeathRow3 - Devine/Celesto Force give +60/80 AND +10% now. thx to Fanatic - Armor "none/manual input" showed non-initialized var's. ("2.46643e+07 " etc) known Problem: Skills based on other skills raise a EConvertError if the "precu rsor-SKill" -------------- is set first to >0 in the Skill-Panel. For example: - [Atalanta] Set HoV > Level 0 and have ToV at Level 0. - [Archer] Set GF > Level 0 and have Falcon at Level 0. and a few others I think (Mech is a good competitor with all his skills) workaround: just set them in the right order and everyting is fine. ----------known Problem: Sometimes, in the "cast on this char"-Panel with HoV and ToV (?) there is ------------- a strange bug. Enable one at level 0 and the dmg and/or DoT field s change, but don't change again if you disable it. At level 0 there should - file-check on start. PTCalc look for all needed files and refuse to w something is missing. this check include "\images\*.*" and the patch.

be no change at all. I saw this just 2 or 3 times and I don't know (yet) how to trigge r this bug. Maybe someone can enlighten me here, could save hours in the debugger. v0.2.0 beta added: 5 A = 76 B = (90/5) = 18 Result = A + ((100 - A) * (B / 100)) -> 76 + ((100 - 76) * (18 / 100) ) = 80,32 r now. PTCalc ask now to save the current char before quit. added more tool tips, changed a lot of them PTCalc display the current (last loaded/saved) Filename in the Toolba - Fighter-Cyclone Strike Calculation - Prs-Extinction Calculation. IMO the % is calculated like that: Level 5 with Level 90 Prs for example. Success Rate = 76 % + level /

"Cast on this Char" panel. Holy Mind is currently disabled because i have some problems with the calculation here. It's not "how to", more like "how to get a right result with th e way PTCalc calculate all the other crap". ToV and HoV bonus is based on the Caster-Level (x+Lvl/9 bonus). If yo u enable it PTCalc use a Level 90 Ata for the Calculation. HoV is disabled for Archer & Pike at the moment because i have to cha nge the code for the Evasion Calculation on this 2 classes to get a right result. changed: nt bonus ong and bonus - Mechanician-Metal Golem: changed the Golem HP from x+(2*pHP) to x+(2* pStr) - Ata-Extreme Rage: Changed from single hit to a 3 Hit Skill. - Knight-Sword Blast: the calculation missed the 30% Normal/Mutant type bonus bonus Knight-Holy Valor: Changed the Range from 300 to 200. Knight-Piercing: the calculation missed the 30% Mutant type bonus Mage - Dancing Sword: Skill Panel missed the Atk-Delay. Priest - Devine Lightning: the calculation missed the 50% Undead type Archer-Elemental Shot: Changed the whole Calculation Pikeman-Ground Pike: Changed Freeze time for all levels +1 sec Pikeman-Ground Pike: the calculation missed the Lvl/5 bonus. Pikeman-Jumping Crash: the calculation missed the 30% demon bonus Pikeman-Expansion: the calculation missed the 30% Mutant bonus Pikeman-Chain Lance: decreased needed mana for all levels. Mechanician-Mech Bomb: changed 30% Mech type bonus to 50% normal/muta Mechanician-Spark: the calculation missed the 50% Mech type bonus Mechanician-Spark Shield: the whole Reflection-Dmg Calculation was wr

missed the 50% Mechanic Type Bonus - Mechanician-Magnetic Sphere: the calculation missed the 30% Mech type

the text in all grids is now centered Changed the format for % values from "0.39" to "39 %" in the grids. you can enter the stats of your Character with the keyboard now. rewrote the Readme for the new/changed stuff in v0.2

bugfix: - right-cklick Gem/Age menu for Orbs missed the whole gemming part. - removed some usesless code fragments here and there, make calculation a bit faster and the file a bit smaller. - v0.1.2 missed the NPC-Buy Col in the Sheltom Info Window. - Prs-Extination "Select Level"-Up/down was linked with the Prs-Vigor B all "Select Level"-Up/down. - fixed a "bug" in the file-load code. loading a file is faster now. (dun really matter on CPU's > 1 Ghz) - v0.1.2 had a bug in the file-load code. Orb MP-Regen never loaded fro m file. - if you did a Reset, item pictures in the Item Panel and the Skill-typ e Pictures in the Skill-Panel don't clear/reset. - Prs Holy Mind Mana-Usage Calculation was wrong. - Fighter Avenging Crash was possible with all weapon types. - Knight Grand Cross AR Calculation was wrong. v0.1.2 beta ----------added: Armlets Info Gauntlet Info Boots Info Weapon Info Ring Info Amulet Info Sheltom Info Speed Calculation Gemming Formulas for Weapons in the Right-Click Insert-Weapon menu. "can use" & "can't use" Icons in the Weapon Right-Click menu. ForceOrb Calculations (not prs/mgs) "woody's fun Aging". sometimes i get bored and this is the result ;)

changed: - changed the "Select Class" fields in the Armor/Shield info from DropDown to a Radio-Group. Look & work better IMO. - PTCalc pre-select now your current char-class in the item-info window s. If you wanne see NS stats of something, use the new "Reset" button th ere. - changed Prs MP & dmg formula. The new MP one is wrong (or should be). it just match with my sample-Screen-Shot-Prs. Lets see how it work on other Prs. The Dmg formula give "almost right" results for my SS-Prs. - removed mana-usage calculation from Prs-Holy Reflection, its a timed skill. - changed the "set items" part. its a bit more PTPlanner-like (that was not the goal...) for 2 Reasons. 1. it was needed to split the def/abs fields in Base/spec to use agin g/gemming. 2. i need the room in the main window later. - Re-wrote the whole BMP-Patcher code. The Ram-usage was just a fking j

oke. v0.1 created a huge list of records with all files to patch in a 2nd step. i don't really know why it need THAT MUCH ram... maybe a memory leak somewhere. well, Alpha version and it was my first contact with the win32 API ;) v0.2 is a bit faster (~8%) and need like 1 MB Ram (not 170 lol). - Save file format (duh...!) you can use v0.1 save files - no problem. But to use the new Item-panel with all the new fields you have to re-enter your defense Items or you get wrong results after aging. bugfix: - fixed a few GUI things here and there. - v0.1 missed the NPC-Buy Col in the Orb-Info-Window-Grid & Shield-Info -Window-Grid. - fixed rounding errors in the Item-Info Class-Reg Calculation. it shou ld give the true min-max reg now. - if you switched from class A to Class B with a enabled timed skill in the Skillpanel (for class A) and then switched back to class A, the skill -type icon had a wrong Skill-Type picture (the one for Class B). I know, sound c omplicated. Anyway, this is fixed now. v0.1.1 beta ----------internal test version for most of the new 0.1.2 things.

v0.1 beta ---------added: Knight Skill calculation in the Skill Panel Magician Skill calculation in the Skill Panel Mechanician Skill calculation in the Skill Panel Atalanta Skill calculation in the Skill Panel Priestess Skill calculation in the Skill Panel BMP Patcher some Item Info Windows Right-Click Insert-Weapon menu 1hand / 2Hand Right-Click Insert-Sheltom menu Right-Click Insert-Amulet/rings menu a Tool Bar Language-Setting support. PTCalc don't go crazy anymore and spam Error Messages if you use the "." for Floating-Point numbers. finally

... - Luna Support. PTCalc use comctl32 v6 on Windows XP to draw the window . result in a real XP-looking Application, not just the border of the w indow. changed: - some of the skill data (added missing, changed some) - code optimization (removed old code, rewrote some parts for more spee d (really!))

- changed save file format again to work with the new code parts. Should be done now for some time. bugfix: - fixed a few small errors here and there. v0.06.xx beta ---------added: Evasion calculation Archer Skill calculation in the Skill Panel Pikeman Skill calculation in the Skill Panel Timed skill on/off: you can set all timed skills (Fighter/Archer atm) on and off to see what skill X do for you. Click the red Icon to enable / green Icon to disable the skill effect. "use skill X with full mana Y times" Calculation. more Tool-Tips changed Tab-Order (its usefull now :P ) a Status Bar Priestess Skills

changed: - Removed "File - Insert Startvalues" from the Main Menu, useless. - some Tool-Tips bugfix: - Fighter-Impact: 2Hand calculation was possible with a Mace. - Fighter-Boost Health: If you decreased the level from 1 or higher back to 0, the bonus from Level 1 was still set in the Calculation -> wrong result. - Fighter-Beserker: Mastery bonus got added to non-mastery weapons like bows or javelins caused wrong result. - Fighter-Swift Axe: Bonus was displayed even if no Axe was selected 1h/2h. - Skill Pictures got loaded from disk (or from file cache) every time a value changed, caused useless I/O load. They update now only if the character class change. - If you loaded a Character from a save file NOT stored in the PTcalc.e xe folder, PTcalc was not able to load the skillpanel images. Save-File location don't matter now. - fixed a bug in the free sp & ep calculation. SOMETIMES you got a wron g result. (L10 = 0, L11 = 1 point etc.) - If you did a Reset, the Level reg of the skills did not update.

v0.05.xx beta ---------added: Info "button" in the skill-panel, not working at the moment (almost) all Fighter skills in the Skill Panel give results now SP & EP calculation added all Quests loads of Tool-Tips

changed: - rewrote the whole load/save code. You can't use your old save files anymore - sorry. bugfix: - fixed a "out of list" error if u pressed "cancel" in the

Save File-Open dialog. - Abs Special "shield is xx" don't add 1 abs to 2 Hand result anymore.

v0.04.xx beta ---------added: - a lot of things - can't remember bugfix: - 2Hand "no Weapon" dmg now give a Result v0.03.xx beta ---------added: a 2nd Weapon Calculation for 2-hand Weapons Skill info page has now some info Load/Save Character work u can insert Startvalues for every class now a 2nd Set of gemmed HP/MP fields u can calc with gemmed STM now Crit/blk Fields are enabled and work added a extra def field in the 1st Weapon field pikeman masterys added

bugfix: - some formula rounding error fixed - no Error if u use a NS armlet/weapon anymore (without spec Atk-Rtg lvl/x) Win32 version, screw .Net :) v0.02 beta ---------added: - PTCalc got a menu now - added about page - added a blank skill-info page bugfix: fixed fixed fixed fixed STM formula rounding Problem Atk-Rtg rounding Problem Dmg formulas wrong weight-limit formula

i re-wrote the whole dmg calculation. Took a day and some more lines of code but at least you get right results now *sigh* and its easy to change the formulas if i have to. known Problems: - prs (mgs?) MP look wrong, think its a rounding problem again. v0.01 alpha ----------- first working code

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