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Multispectral Imaging for Art Conservation, Documentation and Examination

Training Seminar
Educational goals. Be able to shot and read Multispectral images. Be able to use them in Research and every day Conservation work. This course will explore and practice multispectral imaging methods that are used by cultural heritage scientists and conservators for scientific and forensic Documentation and Examination of art objects. We will see how specific ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum are used to detect features such as underdrawing (infrared), retouches (infrared false color) and varnishes (ultraviolet). Program: 1st day: Imaging with Visible: Color Management workflow and accuracy, Raking light, Macrophotography, Imaging with UV: UV Fluorescence, UV Reflected, UV False Color. 2nd day: Imaging with IR: Infrared, Infrared False color, Infrared Fluorescence, Infrared Transmitted. 3rd day: Imaging with IRR. Infrared Reflectography, InGaAs camera.

Timeline. 5-days - Monday-Friday. 4 hours/day: 2h 4th day: High-Resolution Imaging. Gigapan PanoTheory and 2h Laboratory. ramic Head, IR Panoramic, PTGUI stitching softIdeal Customer. European institutions: museums, ware. universities, conservation institutes who do want to set up an imaging lab but do not have expertise in 5th day: Advanced Photographic methods: RTI their personnel. They have a limited budget for the (Reflectance Transformation Imaging), HDR (High equipment and want train their own non-scientist Dynamic Range). RAW images editing. personnel in performing multispectral imaging documentation. Laboratory Equipment Audience. Max 15. Curators, Conservators, Art Hardware historians, Art photographers. Training can be ex X-rite ColorChecker Passport, AIC PhD Target, tended to Academia and Students. Expodisk. Laboratory Equipment. Students will use the same equipment I use for my professional work. InGaAs IR Reflectography Camera Merlin IndiShould the Institution want to set up its own imaggo System. ing laboratory Ill provide complete list of compa Nikon D800 36MP Digital Modified UV-VIS-IR nies and materials. camera. Language. English. Gigapan Pro Panoramic Head Cost: 2000 euro (travelling cost and average standard lodging is provided/paid by the customer). Software

PTGUI stitching software

COSENTINO ANTONINO MARIA DELFINO, Piazza Cantarella 12, Aci SantAntonio, 95025, Italy VAT


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