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FFFLL For the Future FLL

For FLL Team ___, ___-___ Season

This document serves the purpose of clarifying the organization of the FLL team, as well as the responsibilities each team member must be in charge of.

Table of Contents


Organization of the FLL Team

As of the _____-_____ season, there are 10 Team Members, 5 of who are Specialists and 1 of who is the Team Captain. Out of the 5 Specialists, there are 2 Robot Specialists, 2 Research Specialists, and 1 Core Values Specialist (who alternates between the Research and Robot sections unless otherwise directed). The team is guided by 2 coaches, 2 advisors, and 3 mentors. These are as follows:

Tony Ngo Jonathan Lin Stephanie Qian Moses Won Lucy Wang Sophia Lau Daniel Wang [undetermined] [undetermined] [undetermined]

Team Captain; Robot Specialist Robot Specialist Research Specialist Core Values Specialist Team Member Team Member Team Member Team Member Team Member Team Member

Mrs. Bruesch Mr. Domae Mrs. Lin Ms. McSherry Ms. Bradshaw Mrs. Breik Victor Dang Benjamin Domae Proud Heng

Coach Coach Coach Coach Advisor Advisor Mentor Mentor Mentor

Practice Round Round 1 Round 2 Round 3

Tony Ngo Tony Ngo Tony Ngo Tony Ngo

Jonathan Lin Jonathan Lin Lucy Wang/Sophia Lau Jonathan Lin

A visual depiction of team organization is as follows:

Team Captain, Robot Specialist

Robot Specialist

Research Specialist

Research Specialist

Core Values Specialist

Team Member Team Member

Team Member Team Member Team Member


Team Members:
Team Members play a vital role in the team by keeping it together. Team Members are in charge of the following: 1. Following the lead of the Team Captain and/or Specialists. o Completing assignments as assigned by their respective assigners. 2. Actively participating in discussions held within the team. o Pitching in ideas and suggestions. 3. Refraining from mistreating others. 4. Speaking up in the case that other Team Members are mistreated. o Providing constructive criticism and suggestions as to how to improve the situation for the better. o Communicating to Team Captain, mentors, coaches, and/or advisors. 5. Upholding the Core Values of FLL. o Demonstrating Gracious Professionalism and Coopertition both within the team and outside. o This is especially important at demonstrations, events, and competitions. 6. Receiving and respecting the guidance of mentors, coaches, and/or advisors. 7. Guiding and aiding the Apprentices. 8. Working to accomplish the goals set for the season.

Team Members Oath of Honour, Dignity, and Compliance

I pledge to follow orders as given by the Team Captain and Specialists, as well as the yellow 2x4 brick road. I also understand that I am not to mistreat my fellow team members in any serious way, shape, or form, under penalty of possibly having me banished from the team hereafter. In the event that I observe abuse of within the team, I understand that I must inform the Team Captain, mentors, coaches, or advisors in order to resolve it. I realize that loss of sanity is guaranteed with membership in the team, and that no refunds are available. I am hereby entitled to my rights as well as bound by oath to carry out my pursuit of the FLL Core values and work towards the overall well-being of the team. X_______________________________ (Members Signature) X_______________________________ (Members Signature) X_______________________________ (Members Signature) X_______________________________ (Members Signature) X_______________________________ (Members Signature) X_______________________________ (Members Signature) X_______________________________ (Members Signature) X_______________________________ (Members Signature) X_______________________________ (Members Signature) X_______________________________ (Members Signature) X_______________________________ (Robots Signature) X______________________________ (Print) X______________________________ (Print) X______________________________ (Print) X______________________________ (Print) X______________________________ (Print) X______________________________ (Print) X______________________________ (Print) X______________________________ (Print) X______________________________ (Print) X______________________________ (Print) X______________________________ (Print)

Specialists: Leaders for a particular portion of the FLL challenge (Robot, Research, or
Core Values). They work with their divisions to accomplish their goals, as well as other separate jobs, with the guidance of the captain, coaches, and mentors. Specialists would provide their accomplished goals of the week to the captain, and other members interested.

All Specialists:
All Specialists are to complete the following, along with their more specific duties: 1. Work with Organizer to create weekly and monthly goals before competition. 2. Work with Engineering Notebook to provide updates for each meeting. 3. Work with Engineering Notebook to provide goals, and accomplished goals at the end of each meeting. 4. Work with Webmaster to provide general updates for the team website. 5. Work with Organizer to provide work, files, progress, competition Q&A/activities, changes in system, general problems, and post-mortems for their respective sections. 6. Work with Finance for any extra costs or materials. 7. Keep in constant contact with the Team Captain regarding progress and any other issues. 8. Bring necessary materials to meetings, including computers. 9. Uphold and demonstrate the Core Values of FLL. 10. Work with the team to evenly distribute and accomplish the goals throughout the season. 11. Guide and aid the Apprentices.

Research Specialists:
The job of a Research Specialist is to organize the team and prepare the research portion of the FLL challenge. These priorities include: 1. Assigning research to team members, ensuring that it is finished and in Dropbox. 2. Working with Communicator to consult research contacts (sending emails, calling, setting up appointments and meetings). 3. Organizing the results of research into presentable data. 4. Working with Fabrication to create visuals (PowerPoints, posterboards, brochures, handouts, etc). 5. Creating the research presentation for judging. 6. Utilizing the scientific process to verify the validity and feasibility of both the concept of the proposed research solution. o This includes the organization of any experiments necessary for research purposes.

Core Value Specialists:

A Core Values Specialist must be well versed in the Core Values of FLL and strive to

maintain them within the team. The Core Values may be seen on the official FLL website at http://firstlegoleague.org/mission/corevalues. NOTE: A Core Values Specialist must be comfortable in both sections of Robot and Research. He or she must alternate between the two sections during meetings unless directed otherwise. The Core Values specialist is also not able to give assignments outside of the Core Value job, however s/he will help the section in need at that time. The Core Values Specialist is to be in charge of the following tasks: 1. Having an extensive understanding of what the Core Values mean. 2. Applying and demonstrating these Core Values in various ways as a role model. o Keeping up with responsibilities and being punctual. o Maintaining honesty and integrity. o Understanding and applying the importance of preparation. o Being respectful to others, adults, as well as self. o Helping others whenever possible. o Helping every member be able to voice their concerns and find ways to integrate everyone into group conversations, matters, and important decisions. o Maintaining an open learning environment to explore STEM. 3. Creating the Core Values presentation for judging. 4. Working with Fabrication to create Core Values related materials (posterboards, handouts, brochures, etc). 5. Practicing Core Values Q&A and activities for judging. o Finding examples of short activities to strengthen teamwork. 6. Working with Organizer, Administrator, and Finance to organize team activities during and outside of season. o Anything ranging from small activities during meetings, to larger occasional trips that everyone can enjoy. o Also includes traditional after-competition dinners. o Cost of activity must be split among team members unless stated otherwise and approved by Finance. 7. Motivating the team and keeping the team together. o Act as a mediator during discussions and meetings; be open-minded and receptive to others opinions. 8. The core value specialist is also required to plan at least 2 core values activity every month.

Robot Specialists:
The Robot Specialist is to direct the building and programming of the competition robot, along with other robots necessary for other purposes. In addition to this responsibility, the Robot Specialist is to drive the robot during competition rounds. A Robot Specialist will be responsible for the following: 1. Working with Publicity and Organizer to create an archive of pictures of the robot. 2. Working with Organizer to keep an archive of programs. 3. Incorporating and constantly updating all members in the team in the building and programming of the robot throughout the season.

o Includes changes in programming style and building style. 4. Working with Fabrication to create digital designs (CADs) the robot and its attachments. 5. Working with Fabrication to create visuals (PowerPoints, posterboards, brochures, handouts, etc). 6. Creating robot presentation for judging. 7. Creating and finishing all My Block programs. o Includes straight move, squaring up with lines, PID, Ultrasonic Sensor accuracy, and modified line follower calibration. 8. Creating a faster method of switching or adding on attachments. 9. Maintaining inventory of parts following addition of new materials.

Specialists Oath of Ethos, Pathos, Legos, and Compliance

I give my consent that I will abide by the rule of the yellow 2x4 brick road under these terms and regulations. I pledge to follow these orders as given by the Team Captain, as well as the aforementioned yellow 2x4 brick road. I also understand that I am not to misuse or abuse my power in any way, shape, or form, under penalty of removal of title and possibly having me banished from the team hereafter. I realize that loss of sanity is guaranteed with membership in the team, and that no refunds are available. I am hereby entitled to my rights as well as bound by oath to carry out my pursuit of the FLL Core values and work towards the well-being of the team.

X_______________________________ (Research Specialists Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)

X_______________________________ (Robot Specialists Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)

X_______________________________ (Robot Specialists Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)

X_______________________________ (Core Values Specialists Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)

Specialist Jobs:
Along with leading their aforementioned sections, Specialists are to take other certain duties (with help from the team members), which will be split among the group. These include: Engineering Notebook (Jonathan) In charge of putting together and maintaining the Engineering Notebook. The Engineering Notebook is made up of entries that include details about important changes in progress within each meeting. Thus, the responsibilities of Engineering Notebook include: 1. Gathering updates from each section at the end of each meeting. 2. Maintaining the Engineering Notebook in terms of constantly updating information. 3. Working with Organizer to record general team updates, changes in system, general problems, and post-mortems in the Engineering Notebook. 4. Working with Fabrication to effectively organize information in a clear, concise design. 5. Having the Engineering Notebook be easily accessible to the team and others. o To achieve this, it is suggested to maintain a digital copy of the Engineering Notebook (whether it be on the team website, Dropbox, etc.) 6. Bringing up the usage of the Engineering Notebook during judging sessions.

X_______________________________ (Engineering Notebooks Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)

Webmaster (Tony) In charge of putting together and maintaining the team website. The team website is used to represent the team, its progress during the season, and its community outreach to the general public. The responsibilities of Webmaster include: 1. Working with Fabrication to effectively organize information and make it easily accessible. o It is suggested to look into maintaining a mobile version of the website as well. 2. Maintaining the team website in terms of constantly updating information. o This includes summaries of progress within the sections, any team activities, new community outreach events, and other information deemed necessary by the Team Captain and/or Webmaster. 3. Bringing up the usage of the team website during judging sessions. 4. Maintaining the team email along with Administrator, Organizer, and Communicator.

X_______________________________ (Webmasters Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)

Community Outreach (Requires 2nd year member), (Moses, Sophia, Lucy) In charge of planning and organizing demonstrations, Robocamp, and other Ambassadorrelated events. The responsibilities of Community Outreach include: 1. Organize demonstrations within the local area. o Planning should include the following: Time, date, location, people (6), schedule, assigned jobs, station activities, audience organization, advisors, transportation, permission slips, etc. o Working with Publicity to create activities for each station during the demonstration. These may include showing the competition robot, playing with Roachbots, etc. Communicate with FTC and VEX members for their stations if possible. o It is suggested to work with the club Treasurer in order to look for more unique locations for demonstrations in collaboration with any upcoming food sales. o Communicate with FTC, VEX, and club president for logistics and guidance. FTC/VEX members willing to demonstrate as well? Work with club president to fill out permission slips (field trip forms), and collect each form (x2 copies per permission slip) o Working with Publicity to publicize demonstrations and other events. 2. Assign and collect demo excerpts within the team. o These event summaries are used for information on the team website. 3. Broadcast Robocamp throughout the web and other means deemed necessary. o Work with club cabinet to create/edit Robocamp brochure Work with club Secretary to print copies for each demo. o Team website, communicating with cabinet to establish a Robocamp website/information on club website, etc. 4. Organize Robocamp. o Working with club cabinet to take care of administration concerning Robocamp. This includes: Finding an advisor, determining location, getting permission to hold Robocamp, etc. o Planning and creating a Robocamp field (Moderately easy) with the team o Creating kits using parts as necessary (RCX? NXT?) o Making and carrying out a schedule. This includes lesson plans, activities, breaks, lunches, and competition. o Work with club Treasurer to plan Robocamp lunch and prizes. o Figure out the teachers, activities, PowerPoints, and lesson plans. o Organize award certificates. o Prepare Robocamp computers with necessary software and data. o Gather materials/props for Robocamp (projector) X_______________________________ (Community Outeachs Signature) X______________________________ (Print)

Publicity (Jonathan, Daniel) In charge of publicizing the team through forms of media, such as pictures and videos. The Specialist with the job of Publicity is required to bring a camera to every meeting. The responsibilities of Publicity include: 1. Working with Robot Specialists to take pictures of the robot and its attachments. 2. Choosing high-quality, concise pictures deemed available for usage in team media (website, posters, handouts, etc.) o Organizing these pictures under specific labels as to make them easily accessible. 3. Taking or obtaining at least one picture or video per meeting/demonstration/event. o If not able to be present, temporarily designate someone else to do so for the meeting/demonstration/event. 4. Working with Webmaster to upload media onto the website. 5. Working with Fabrication and Finance to design and distribute goodies that may be given out to other people during other competitions, demonstrations, and/or events. o It is preferable that these goodies match the theme of the FLL season, team name, or teams research solution. o These goodies must be easily produced in bulk as to ensure even distribution among others. 6. Working with Organizer to maintain archives of all media produced. 7. Working with Community Outreach to publicize demonstrations. 8. Working with the clubs photographer to exchange pictures as necessary.

X_______________________________ (Publicitys Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)

Fabrication and Design (Stephanie, Moses) In charge of all processes of manufacturing items necessary for the purposes of the team either directly or as a designer. The responsibilities of Fabrication include: 1. Designing and creating both visually appealing and concise formats for boards, handouts, brochures, and other visual media. o Has to be proficient in usage of the following applications, or other equivalents: Examples: Photoshop, Blender, LDD, Word, Excel, Publisher 2. Fabricating items which cannot be purchased or acquired through normal means. o Should make model or representative item be functional to a reasonable extent (within the fabricators capability) for intended usage within presentation. 3. Consulting Finance and respective Specialists for the procurement of all materials pertaining to presentation.


This includes boards, materials for props, props themselves if they need to be purchased, and etc. 4. Making modifications to the teams competition outfits/paraphernalia. 5. Documenting the process of creation for items, and providing references as to where materials and information involved can be acquired as well.

X_______________________________ (Fabrications Signature) X_______________________________ (Fabrications Signature)

X______________________________ (Print) X______________________________ (Print)

Communicator (Moses) In charge of all forms of communication both within the team and with the club. The Communicator must also represent the team through team emails as well. The responsibilities of Communicator include: 1. Bringing unity and fellowship amongst Team Captain, Specialists, coaches, mentors, advisors, and club cabinet. o Maintaining communication between the team and the aforementioned individuals. 2. Maintaining means of communication within the team through different media. o Examples: Forum, Google Group, phone, etc. 3. Updating members on current events/necessary information (i.e. competitions). 4. Maintaining a database of contact information within the team. o Distributing this information as necessary (to parents when transporting team members to competition, etc.) 5. Motivating and inspiring team members to work.

X_______________________________ (Communicators Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)

Overseer (ESTDFIAOTC) (Stephanie) In charge of maintaining a high quality of overall work. The Overseer is primarily in charge of proofreading work and experimenting ways to improve. Also, the Overseer is in charge of guiding both the new additions to the team, as well as the Apprentices. NOTE: The Overseer must be well-rounded in all sections of the FLL challenge. The responsibilities of an Overseer include: 1. Experimenting means of improvement for all sections. o The Overseer is free to choose which section to experiment in, unless directed otherwise by the Team Captain and/or Specialists of their respective sections.


It is suggested that the Overseer take no more than two weeks per experimentation. o Robot example: Finding loopholes/better solutions in the field. o Research example: Finding a more cost effective way of implementing the solution. o Core Values example: Making plans for more interactive demonstrations. 2. Proofreading and checking over work for flaws. o Example: Looking over research contact emails for grammatical errors/rewording. 3. Guiding the Apprentices and advising them whenever necessary. 4. Teaching, guiding, and watching over the new members.

X_______________________________ (Overseers Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)

Team Captain
It is required that the Team Captain takes on the jobs of Organizer, Finance, and Administrator. The description of these jobs are included below. Organizer In charge of all archives of media, files, and information within the team. The responsibility of Organizer includes: 1. Organizing and saving all files in Dropbox (remember archive). 2. Organizing meeting dates, times, and location. o Includes calendar of times for dates members can meet. 3. Working together with Webmaster to organize and establish the website. 4. Organizing each division, and the FLL area. 5. Organizing competition logistics o Transportation, Food, Dates, Location, Time, etc. 6. Working with respective Specialists to create a schedule throughout the year. 7. Carrying out the organization and management of equipment used. o Includes working with Robot Specialist to take inventory of parts. Finance In charge of the team budget and all financial actions. Constant communication between Finance and the club Treasurer is necessary. It is required that the Team Captain take on the job of Finance. The responsibility of Finance includes: 1. Creating and managing the budget for the team. o Working with club Treasurer to establish a reasonable budget. 2. Approving purchases within the team as necessary. 3. Taking care of reimbursements within the team as necessary. 4. Splitting up costs within the team as necessary.


This includes costs within the team that are unrelated to the budget given through cabinet.

Administrator In charge of leading the team in general matters, logistics, administration, and cabinet representation within the club. This job requires the greatest amount of reliability and maturity in the sense of a leader who is to bring the team together. It is required that the Team Captain take on the job of the Administrator. The responsibilities of an Administrator include: 1. Working with Finance, Core Values Specialist, coaches, mentors, advisors, and club cabinet with logistics for competition and team activities. o Who is able to go? Who will be able to give rides? How will the budget be affected? Are there any meals necessary? Permission slips? etc. o Communicating this information to the team. 2. Representing the team in the club cabinet. 3. Maintaining communication between Specialists, the team, coaches, mentors, advisors, and cabinet. o Taking the initiative to communicate problems to coaches, mentors, and advisors if necessary.

Team Captains Oath of Terms, Agreements, and/or Compliance

I solemnly swear that I, the team Captain of FLL team _____, will not abuse or overuse my powers to my own advantage. I promise I will guide the team under the Core Values of FIRST and FLL and will always put my teams sake in front of my own. I will accomplish my duties as Captain to my fullest extent and will not be biased in any of my actions. I realize that loss of sanity is guaranteed with membership in the team, and that no refunds are available. I understand that winning is not the most important achievement, as the knowledge gained and the friendships that are made are what makes us not only a team but a family.

X_______________________________ (FLL Team Captains Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)


Coachs/Advisors/Mentors Oath of Guidance, Comfort, and Compliance

I hereby accept and permit these conditions for this years FLL team. I will follow the essential Core Values of FIRST and FLL and will do my best to guide the team. I swear that I will not do the work for them, but will only lead them towards their goals. I pledge to intervene within the team if I observe any case of abuse. I realize that loss of sanity is guaranteed with interaction with the team, and that no refunds are available. I will strive to respect and honor the opinions not only of the team, but also of others.

X_______________________________ (Coachs Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)

X_______________________________ (Coachs Signature)

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X_______________________________ (Coachs Signature)

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X_______________________________ (Coachs Signature)

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X_______________________________ (Advisors Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)

X_______________________________ (Advisors Signature)

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X_______________________________ (Mentors Signature)

X______________________________ (Print)

X_______________________________ (Mentors Signature)

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X_______________________________ (Mentors Signature)

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