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ABSTRACTION Determination of Polytechnic Bursary pad a [of] Telkom during the time [do] not determining student of rightful

claimant of mendap atkan b easiswa, this matter [is] very beresiko [of] because can generating related/relevant ugly presumption by ko [is] rupsi decision Polytechnic [of] Telkom get the support of decision of berup a peringkat matching with calculation

with the method of Composite Performance Index Bursary Determination [of] [at] Polytechnic [of] Telkom during the time [do] not use the valid method in determining student [of] rightful claimant get the bursary, this matter [is] very beresiko [of] because can generating related/relevant ugly presumption with the decision corruption. With the application of decision supporter, using valid method in determining student of rightful claimant of mendap atkan b easiswa, this matter [is] very beresiko [of] because earning With the application of decision supporter,

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