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Chapter Six: Industry and Marketplace

Anti Date Rape

Industry and Marketplace

Chapter Six: Industry and Marketplace

Chapter Six : Industry and Marketplace

6.1 The Industry

The above shows the market segmentation for the Women Against Rape campaign. Based on the diagram, Women Against Rape campaign derives from the Social Good campaign. It falls under the category of public service campaign. Public service campaigns are always non-profitable campaign. Mostly they are there to educate and aware people about something. According to a study that we should make before any campaign, we must learn and know how much knowledge the people aware on the topic of the campaign, mostly to know the proper way and language to communicate with them. Social public services and health public services take the most attention these days by organization and association around the world. If you look around you will see the majority of the campaign are covering these topics such as children abuse, women abuse, awareness of smoking, HIV, breast cancer and other topics that are always in touch with our daily life. Sponsors come as the main supporters to these campaigns by finding them with the money and resources as we all know that those campaigns are usually non-profitable campaigns. Therefore, sponsors are the first target for the organizers of any campaign to help them launching their campaign and convey something to the society.

Chapter Six: Industry and Marketplace

6.2 The Statistic

Malaysia: Rape Statistic 2000-2005, by State

By absolute number, Johor has the highest number of rape cases reported, especially for the recent 3 years: over 300 cases reported per year. On the other hand, Selangor seeing a great jump from 294 cases in year 2004 to 368 cases for year 2005. The lowest number of rape cases reported among the states are: Perlis (average 15.5 cases), Terengganu (average 56.0 cases) and Melaka (64.7 cases). However, base on the different population of each state, it is more meaning to compare the rape cases normalized to population for each state (year 2005), as shown below: Penang has the lowest number of rape cases per 100 000 pop. Among Malaysias states, followed by Sabah and Selangor. Despite of having high number of rape cases reported in Selangor, the high population of Selangor 4.736 million could explain the high count of cases as well. On the other hand, small population state like Perlis (224500) has 11.6 rape cases per 100 000 pop., followed by Melaka 10.9 and Johor 10.4 cases per 100 000 pop. per year. Besides these, the number of rape cases increased by three-fold in 2008 compared with the previous year. There were 4,959 rape cases in 2008 compared with 1,241 cases in 2007. That is an increase of 3,718 cases, 299.6% higher than the year before (2007). The numbers of rape suspects successfully detained in 2007 were 4,586, not far off from the 4,770 figure in 2008. For the first two months of 2009, 769 rape cases were reported. Among the reasons for rape was that the suspects and victims were in a state of drunkenness and the victims trusted the suspects who later raped them in secluded places. The Crime Index for 2008 showed that there were 211,645 cases and the number of foreigners involved was 4,883 (2.31%). In 2007, there were 209,559 cases reported and 3,643 (1.74%) involved foreigners. Among foreigners, the Crime Index 2008 was 0.57% higher than the year before. For the first two months in 2009, 34,488 crime cases were reported and from the figure, 45 cases or 1.58% involved foreigners.

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