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flicting and throws no new light upon the full committee at Washington Wednesday. recent and existing troubles....Potters, . . . . T h e steamship Thos. Brooks which the notorious forger, is to be pardoned, left Santiago de Cuba on the 27th ult., that his testimony may be used to secure struck a rock the same night and sunk, B . B . H E R B E R T , Editor. the conviction of other parties. He has taking down with her 35 people. About Already confessed, implicating two offi- the same number escaped to the shore. S T . P A U L A N D R E D W I N G , M I N N cers of the detective force of New York, . . . . F o r the Tilton-Beecher trial, anthe same against whom the Bank of Eng- nounced to commence to-day 500 persons land last year made complaint of have been subpeeaaed for j u r o r s . . . . Sam complicity with the forger McDonnell, now Sharflpy, the well known Ethiopian Minserving a fentence in England. strel, died at Providence, R. I., Saturday TUESDAY, Dee. 2y.The application of . . . . W m . M. Everts, counsel for Beecher, n i g h t . . . . It is announced that the Euro"BOPS''Tweed fur an appeal to the Su*ays the decision of the Brooklyn court pean powers will recognize Don Altonso preme Court his b-'en granted and it will denying the bill of particulars as-ked by as King of Spain as soon us his representalie heard before the general term bitting Ceeuher, cannot be appealed from, and tives are accredited to the various courts. the 1st p r o x i m o . . . . Among the acts that the trial will now go o n . . . . At Cleve- Saturday the Cuban army telegraphed itsigned by tLe President is that allowing and, O., yesterday, a young man named adhesion to the new order, while several houiesteiul and pre-emption settlers in tae Horace F. Andrews suicided by shooting additional piovjnces in Spain signify grasshopper^ districts to be absert from himself at the residence of his mother, their acceptance.... The publu debt was their lands urtil July, 1S76 without detrilie left letters disposing of hi* property, inert-a*od 3,659,967 during the month of ment to their righti]U.*.The internal reveand also saying that an examination would December.Later reports from the Innue receipts tor December are estimated to not disclose the cause ot the act. In the dian Territory are that the fighting bebe $1,000 over the corresponding mouth of same city Judqe Caldwell sentenced John tween the Ross and Downing parties is last ye.ir. . . . F o u r hundred men and J6*hns*on to l e hanged April 28th, 1875 still in progress and that many more perwomen weie Saturday discharged from The Ross men . . . . T h o s . Pennell, treasurer of Cumber- sons have been killed. the engr-.ving and printing bureau of the land county, Me,, was knocked down in number 500 lull bloods, ell a r m e d . . . . U. S. (reasury, on accouut of a his office last night, and the safe robbed of Father Gurdemaun, who eloped with his large part of the work being btween $8,000 and $10,000 . . . An explo- organist from St. Boniface church, Philatransferred to New Y o r k . . . . J a c k W. sion in a coal mine near Evansville, Wyo- delphia, some time ago, taking also the Smith, a planter living a short distance ming, resulted in the death of eight per- funds of the church, was Saturday, alter from Memphis, was shot and killed Sunsons. . . . John Goodman for the murder of a hearing upon a writ of habeas corpus, day by two negroes trespassing on his the Haywood family, was hanged at Oatta- remanded to jail for embezzlement. . .Satlands. The negroes escaped Tom wa, Putnam county, O., yesterday. The urday night Ru-ftard Borum, of Lee coun enford WM shot and killed Sunday at hanging was witnessed by a large cro^d ty, Miss., hio wife, two children and a 1 ltHunttville, Ala , by Sandy White The Goodman confessed that he committed the tl negro boy were murdered and their jewehy store of Geo. W. Deering & Co., ci ime and that his punishment wat just bodies burned with the building. No Boston, was robbed Saturday night of . . . . T h e e l e c t i o n yesterday in Manitoba clue to the murderers.... J. K. Moore, forjewelrj , diamonds, etc., to the value of resulted in favor of the government....A meily a clerk in the internal revenue of$12,000 Captain Gereial Concta o! new revoluti*n has broken out in Spain, fice, was arrested at Washington, Satur Cuba his issued orders to the military to G^n. Martmey Campos having pronounced day, on the charge of forgery. act leniently toward captured or surren- in favor of Prince Alphonso, son of exdered insurgents but to execute all incen- Queen Isabella, and ttifha forceof troops diaries or filibusters who may be taken. has taken M>nt Video, in the province of . . . .The report telegraphed from Wash- Valencia. A portion of the Republican ington to New York Saturday, that Gen. army has been withdrawn form the Carl TOLEDO, O., Dec. 30.John GoodPhil. Sheridan wa? to be sent to New Or- iat tront and sent against h i m . . . .The re- man was executed at Ottawa, Putnam leans has not been confirmed. The report bellion in Peru is ended. county, at noon to-day, for the murder of the Haywood family in April last. caused considerable excitement in New A t five minutes of 12 the spectators had Orleans, J l the leading papers criticising SATURDAY, J n . 2.San Francisco in- arranged themselves within the encloslus past course 'h that State very bitterly, dulged in two murders Thursday.... Six- ure. The prisoner was brought in, supand accusing him of being mainly responty thousand English colliers have struck. ported b y Simon Maples, an old resisible for the condition of affairs now pre. . . . Tke internal revenue receipts for D e - dent of t h e county; on one side, and \ ailing. cern -er were $8,984,680.... Many railroads Sheriff Sherrard on the other. H e was very pale but seemed tolerably comWEDNESDAY, Dec. 10.At the Cabinet in Austria have been forced to discontinue The three ascended on account of s n o w . . . . The thermometer posed. session yesterday, Attorney General Wilthe scaffold together, and liams urged that the action of the Louisi- was 30 degrees below zero in parts of New the clergyman then briefly exhorted Hampshire yesterday....The bureau oi ana returning board must be sustained by Goodman to look t o Christ for mercy, the General Government, but no decision Indian affairs have instructions that Indi- and kneeling with him on the scaffojd, was reached... .Daniel Baker is to le ap- ans must be kept on their reservations, offered a brief prayer. The Sheriff then notifying them that when read the death warrant, adjusted t h e pointed chief of the land division of the and aaway from them, with- noose, and pinioned the arms and legs Treasury, vice Bigelow, resigned... .The found Postmaster General has discontinued the out written permit, they will be of the prisoner, and, on asking him if steamboat mail service from New York and looked npon and treated as hostile bai>ds. he had anything t o say Goodman s a i d : "Gentlemen, this is all j u s t l y done. o f her points to KeyWest,and that piace will . . . . It is stated that a thorough canvass I committed t h e crime and debe supplied but twice a week from Cedar of the new Wisconsin legislature ha3 been serve to suffer for it made, and it is believed there is a decided Keys. The discontinued service cost anI bid y o u all good b y e and hope t o majority in favor of repealing the Potter nually $143,973, as against but $50,000 meet y o u in Heaven." T h e sheriff JOT the n e w . . . . W m . A. Potter of New railroad law, and for restoring the ques- then shook him b y the hand and bade York, son of Bishop Potter, has been ap- tion of passenger tariffs and freight charges him good bye, and at two minutes past There was not any pointed and accepted the position of back to the officers of the r o a d . . . . Two 12 the drop fell. After nine minutes supervising architect of the treasury to men named Fuller and Clemens, Ray- visible struggle. Succeed Mullett.... Later dispatches rela- county, Mo , quarreled about some whis- his pulse was soft at 3 5 ; at ten minutes tive to the Caspatrick disaster leave little ky when Clemens shot Fuller and duller it rapidly began to grow feeble, and at fourteen minutes there was no room to hope that any of the 474 passen- stabbed Clemens with a knite, almost dispulse a t t h e wrist. A t sixteen mingers first reported lost, were r e s c u e d . . . . emboweling h i m ; both men d i e d . . . .Con- utes t h e movement of t h e heart The city court of Brooklyn yesterday de- ductor Rich and his son, and Jerry Maho- ceased. H i s death was probably innied Beechei's application to compel Til- ny, who have been on trial at Kansas City stantaneous and painless, h i s neck ton to furnish a bill of particulars.... The for several days past, for the murier of being broken in the fall. The body wife of Rt. Rev. Horatio N. Potter, Bishop Wm. Strode and Henry Barrett, who were was laid in a coffin and placed in the of New York, died at the residence of her found dead on the railroad trabk near jail yard, surrounded b y a gua/d, after sister in Fa1 mouth, Va., Christmas night Kansas City, about two Weeks ago, were which the entire crowd passed through . . . . It is now assorted that Gen. Sheridan honorably discharged W e d n e s d a y . . . . the lines to see the face of the deceased. goes to New Orleans merely in answer to <x Wednesday night a Vrs. Molan, of Chica- The rem tins will be taken b y the parents of the deceased, neither of personal request Ot the President to report go, was found dead in bed, caused by a whom was in town a t the time of the knife wound in her side. Her husband, ixova his own observation the condition of execution. affairs in that city aud State... .Mary Lee, who was subsequently arrested, said she SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 30.Jno. Murdied about 9 o'clock, that he went out for a colored giil 18 years old, of Cincinnati, phy, who was executed yesterdav at stepped out on the street Monday n'ght, help, got drunk, and knew nothing about Carson, Nev., for t h e murder of J . R. and a few minutes afterwards was found his wife's wound.. A desperate fight occur ' McCollum, w i s a native of Scotland, red in the Indian Territory between the with her throat cut from ear to ear. No and one time traveled with J o h n . C. clue to the perpetrator.. .Patrick Wal- Ross and Poshing faelloni by which half Heenan.giving sparring exhibitions. On ft dozen of the contestants were killed and the scaffold h e professed a belief in lace, of Williamsburg, N. Y. f murdered his wife Monday night by knocking her many others wounded. A general reign Spiritualism, but uttering horrible biasbrains out with a, hickory s t i c k . . . . D r . of terror is reported and many ef the pe >- phemy at t h e same time. Clias. Denoire and brother, of New York, pie are lllbeing to Kansas and Fort Gibson. have been arrested for killing an illegiti- . n . T h e Spanish Republic is lead. The FRANCE, mate child of the former. The mother manifesto declaring Prince Alfonso King who gav* the information is also in custo- has been generally accepted by the Repub- l d c l l l a h o n A s s s i g n s t h e P o s t o f H o n * or t o a n Ultra-Montane Bishop. d y . . . . The Oper* House at Ottawa^ 111., lican army and ministry, and a regency N E W YORK, Dec. 31.A Paris disvalued at $65,000 was burned yesteiday ; oas been formed under the Presidency oi insurance $30,000 . . . The estimated ship, Conovosdel Castello. The new King is patch says the Journal officially announces that at a reception New Year's ments of bullion from Utah the past year en his way t) Spain, having already an day by President McMahon the Marnounced his ministry. He has also teleis 7,000,000... .As an economical measshals and Generals on duty and also ure the offices of some thirty inspectors, graphed the Pope asking his blessing and Monsignor Guibert, a rich Bishop of weighers and gangers, a*d that of deputy promising that like hi3 ancestors he will Paris, will stand beside t h e President. collector of the Boston Custom House have defend the rights of the Holy S e e . . . .The This is the first time since the reign of been abolished....The President, not Congressional committee at Vicksburg, Charles X that a prelate of Paris has doubting the passage of Hitchcock's grass- Thursday, had a number of witnesses b e - been so placed, and the fact of a leader hopper bill has already authorized the dis- fore them, their testimony being that of the French ultra-montanes holding tribution of clothing and other supplies to white Democrats and Republicans united such a post of honor causes a great sensation. Marshal McMahon thus intfee n e e d y . . . . The colored citizens of Ober- in the fight which was to repel the attack flicts indirectly a slight on the prerogalin pretest against the passage f the House of negroes incited thereto by the incen- tive of the national assembly, although diary appeals of dishonest officials who eivil rights bill. he possibly never intended to. had been removed, and had nothing of THE CABINET CEISI8. polities in it. At New Orleans, the day LONDON, Dec. 31.The Time* Paris THURSDAY, Dec. 31.Ex-Senator Mor- was consumed in inquiring into the obgan, of New York, declines the Russian jects ot the White League organization, dispatch says t h e question of a rearrangement of the ministry, whether the m i s s i o n . . . . The preliminary examination the whites examined testifying tl at it was conference between the government and of ex-Gov. Warmoutlx for the killing of tor self-protection made necessary by the representatives of the various groups in Byerly was h i d yesterday and he was dis- partisan action of the authorities. Only the Assembly succeeds or fails, has charged . . . . In the Pacific Mail investiga- one negro was examined, who swore that reached a settlement. In event of a tion at New '/ork yesterday, evidence was the League was to intimidate voters, and failure of t h e conference the modificaproduced showing that $275,000 of the that not only negroes but jnany whites tion of the cabinet will he slight and corruption fund was drawn by Congress- voted the Conservative ticket from fear of without political significance. man Behumaker, of Brooklyn. It was this organization. At Montgomery, Ala., B l u l l e t t ' s Successor. also shown that the total amount of money the testimony was conflicting. The W m . A . Potter of N e w York city placed to Irwin's credit while the subsidy negroes generally swore that promises has been appointed to and accepted the was pending was $890,000....Hampton made by Republican politicians had not position of Supervising Architect of Post, G. A. R., of Cleveland, Ohio, has dis- been kept, while others that they had the Treasury, to succeed A. B. Mullett, banded on account of an accumulation of been maltreated for voting th opposition resigned. Mr. Potter is t h e son of debts The spinners and weavers of the by both Democrats and Republicans. Bishop Potter and brother of Hon. Clarkson N . Potter, Democratic ConFall River, Mass., cotton mills, have regressman of t h e Westchester district. solved to accept the reduction of wages MONDAY, Jan. 4.The sub-committee of He will enter upon the duties of the under protest, and prepare for a strike iu the s p r i n g . . . . T h e Congressional commit* the House Ways and Means committee, office January 2 d .

been fully sustained b y t h e highest court of the State^and indorsed b y the O f f i c i a l S t a t e m e n t i n t h e " C h r i s t i a n highest legal authorities on the bench, ST. Louis, Dec. 31.Two men named Union." and a t the bar, outside of Brooklyn, we venture t o believe that it will stand Fuller and Clemens,living at Fredericksburg, R a y county, this State, quar[From the Christian Union, edited by Henry the test of time. Ward Beecher.] Already one result of this motion relled last Saturday about some whisk7 and Clemens shot Fuller with a doubleAlthough t h e readers of this paper has b*en t o clear up much of t h e mystery with which i t was sought to sur- barreled shot gun, putting the contents have had to learn t h e fact from other of both barrels into him. Fuller, a l sources, none of them are ignorant of round this case, and t o present, in a though nearly blown t o pieces, plunged the existence of an action a t law more definite form, t h e question inI a knife into Clemens, almost disembrought bv Mr. Theodore Tilton against volved. Our friends need have nc apprehen- { boweling him. Both men died. the editor of this journal. W e have refrained from all mention of the sub- sion that the statement of particulars, I Conductor Rich and h i s son, and ject for obvious reasons; and. in now if made, will be used b y the defendant Jerry Mahony, who have been on trial giving a brief account of t h e course of for any other purpose than t h e preven- at Kansas City for several days past, the affair in the past, and of the inten- tion of surprise or fraud. H e desires for the murder of W m . Strode and -i tions of the defendant in that suit for and intends, God willing, t o meet the I Henry Barrett, who were found dead the future, we shall abstain, as far as whole case against him at one**, and on the railroad track near Kansas possible, from saying anything which dispose of it forever; but t o do this ho ! City, about two week ago, were honormight influence the current of judicial must have, and means to have, fair ably discharged yesterday. warning of what he is to meet. proceedings in the case. | Postal Treaty Witn Canada. The object of the bill of particulars That the defetdant, so long as it | The postal departments of the United seemed practicable to keep lrom the is not to prevent the plaintiff from in- [ State and Canada ha\ e come t o a a public the names of those pure and hon- troducing any evidence which h e may j agreement running as follows : orable women whose reputations were have. He will be at liberty t o specify j First. Unification of the postal s y s threatened by false "end wicked slan- all the times and places as to which he j tems of the two counti ies in respect t o proposes t o offer evidence upon the ders, correspondence exchanged between trial. If he is limited to one or more it MADE EVERT EFFORT TO DO SO, ! them, each country to forward and dew ill be because h e is not willing to s a y willingly putting his own name in peril, that he expects to be able to give evi- I liver, free of charge, correspondence o f if thus they might be spared,he dence of any other time and place. The all kinds, written and printed, received neither denies nor regrets. If t h e de- object sought is simply to prevent him from the other, which correspondence velopments of the last year have not from naming a particular time and must in all cases be prepaid, at the e s justified the motives as fully as they place in his complaint, and then sur- tablished rates of the country of origin. Second. Each country will transmit have proved the] uselessness of those prising the defendant on the trial b y efforts, then we are unable t o offer any introducing evidence pointing to another the domestic mails of the other, inclosed i pouches, through its territory, argument which will reach the uncon- and different time and place. free of charge, b y i t s ordinary mail vinced. W e are not of the mind of A n d this leads us to say that no acthose who profess that they maintained quittal is asked, or will be accepted, in routes. Third. N o account will be kept besilence because the welfare of t h e com* this case, upon any NARROW, OR TECHmunity, the peace of families, and the NICAL, APOLOGETIC GROUND. N o matter between t h e postofnee departments of interest of the Christian Church de- what false construction may have been the two countries in regard to internamanded it, but felt bound to sacrifice put upon his language, t h e defendant tional correspondence of any kind, exall those interests t h e moment that never has sought, and never will seek, changed between them, each departtheir own reputation is attacked. On to excuse himself b y throwing blame ment retaining to i t s exclusive use all the contrary, we feel it to be t h e d u t y upon others for any fault that belonged postage it collects on mail matter sent ^nd t h e privilege of a Christian man even in part to him. I f it were true to the other for delivery. Fourth. It is understood to be the to bear a thousand attacks upon his that he had committed the crime own reputation in silence, rather than charged against him, it would be his desire and intention of the respective to suffer one innocent women to be vil- crime, for which he alone should an- postoffice departments that t h e provisions of this agreement shall extend lined for his sake before the world. swer. N o one shall in his behalf palliW e are not alone in such opinions, ate the offense charged, or plead that to an international money order e x or in the course which we have adopt- allowance should be made for tempta- change as soon as practicable. ed under such views. Eminent and tion or weakness. N o one shall speak ONLY THREE SUHV1VQBS. honored men in every walk of life, and of it as less than an atrocious crime notably so among the clergy, have pui - made tenfold worse, if t h e defendant T h e C a s p a t r i c k D i s a s t e r T h e Sursued the same policy in numerous in- were really guilty, b y his subsequent v i v o r s Subsist e n H u m a n Flesh, stances, some ef which arc recorded in conduct in adding oath upon oath to a n d JBlood. history at intervals for hundreds of his denials. years past, and others are known to us Neither will t h e defense be sustained London dispatches of the 28th, conto-day. But those which are known by casting any ignominy upon Mrs. firming the reported burning of t h e are not a tithe of those which are gen- Elizabeth Tilton. That this lady h a s emigrant ship Caspatrick, bound from erally unknown. For in t h e vast ma- in her unhappy past been influenced by London to Auk'and, New Zealand, and jority of cases the policy of silence is a power which she could not resist, the loss of 465 lives, says : "The supercompletely successful, and is the best into making statements which were en- intendent of the Brazilian telegraph, vindication of the innccent. The inno- tirely untrue, no one asserts more c a l l e at Madeira telegraphs that onlycent man vindicates himself by his strenuously than she herself. B u t three persons are at present known t o life, and if the innocent woman can at this is, unfortunately, no uncommon survive, n a m e l y : The second mate any sacrifice be kept from becoming event in the lives of pure and good and two seamen. These were picked the subject of public comment, the women who are bound b y ties of mingled up by the British ship Sceptre, after triumph of truth is so complete that affection and fear to men of superior having been ten days in an open boat, the lie is forgotten. force and despotic nature. The de- subsisting part of t h e time upon t h e It was only in June last that it fense of this suit will never proceed flesh and blood of others who died upon any theory which does not recog- while upon the boat."' BECAME NECESSARY TO CHANGF THE nize the honor of Elizabeth Tilton as at POLICY Supposed Murder. least equally worthy of protection with previously adhered to. On June 23th, the name of Henry Ward Beecher. A young man named Leeters was the letter ef Mr. Tilton t o Dr. Bacon Finally, found in a stable at Cleves, Ohio, Monwas published. On the next day Mr. THERE WILL BE NO COMPROMISE. day morning, lying among t h e horses Beecher resolved t o call for an investi- No suggestion of the kind has been acwith his skull fiactured in several gation. H e was disposed to place the cepted since the commencement of the places and insensible. He will probamatter in charge of gentlemen outside suit, and none will be accepted t o i t s bly die. It is supposed it was an atof the congregation, but was assured end. Many well-meant (and some illtempted murder, and that the body that such a proceeding, besides being in- meant) propositions upon this subject was placed there t o convey the impresconsistent with Scriptural injunction have been made t o the defense, and ocsion that h e was injured b y the horses. and Congregational usage, would not casional inquiries arise concerning it. be within the protection which the law Let it suffice, once for all, that there A Colored Girl's T h r o a t Cut a t t h e accords to the disclosures of witnesses never has been, and never will be, a n y Door of Her H o m e by a n U n k n o w n as privileged communications (and so disposition on the part of the defense, Ruffian. not libelous), if made in an investiga- to settle, or harmonize, or compromise, CINCINNATI, O., Dec. 29.In Gamble tion conducted b y the religious society on any basis except the unequivocal reof which t h e parties brought in ques- traction of t h e false charge which con- alley, back of Central avenue, in this tion are members. He therefore in- stitutes the foundation of the suit. I t city, about ten o'clock last night, Mary vited six members of his church and is well known that the defendant has Lee, a colored girl 18 years old was congregation to take charge of the case, been no party, directly or indirectly, t o murdered b y some one at present unShe w a s and left it absolutely in their hands. any arrangements made in other cases; known to the authorities. Their names were suggested to him by and if any rumor of compromise in the working at the house of Mrs. Grant, a members of the regular Examining principal case is ever started the public colored woman, and about twenty minCommittee, and they were heartily ap- may safely impute i t s origin to an en- utes previous to the discovery of h e r murder she had started oat proved b y the full Committee when it emy. alone, saying she was assembled. Meantime, t h e editor of this paper going t o a drug store, and would reThis Special Committee went about proposes t o continue h i s accustomed turn in a few minutes. She had been its Wwrk with a determination to be work. He will write for i's readers as Fifth. The provisions of this agreethorough, and was therefore necessarily long as they are interested in h i s con- ment, as far as relates t o the rate of deliberate in its movements, which were tributions, and preach as long as God letter postage, will be carried into effect regulated entirely b y its own members, spares his health and his people desire the 1st of February, 1875. without any attempt at advice or guid- to hear him. He knows his own innoance on the part of t h e pastor of t h e cence of t h e charges made against him; T h e Caspatrick Disaster. church. I t s conclusions were the re- God knows it, and as to men's knowlA London telegram of the 29th says sult of its own independent judgment, edge, that shall be as God pleases. that when the vessel was discovered t o and in some minor respects be on fire, eighty persons, mostly women, rushed into o*ie of the boats, which DID NOT ACCORD WITH HIS. was capsized, and all in her were Before the Committee had finished A n A p p a r e n t B l o o d l e s s R e v o l u t i o n drowned. Soon afterwards all t h e its investigations, Mr. Tilton, who at D o n A l f o n z o P r o c l a i m e d K i n g masts fell, killing many of the passenfirst willingly appeared before it and a n d H i s P r e t e n s i o n s R e c o g n i z e d gers. A n explosion subsequently octestified to the honor and integrity of by the R e p u b l i c a n Armies. curred in the stern of the vessel, comits members, withdrew from i t s presnleting the destruction. * T h e total ence and brought the suit at law which Telegrams of the 31s>t announced number of lives lost by the disaster i s is now pending. The complaint was that P n n c e Alfonso, son of t h e e x now estimated at 474. served Aug. 21, during the defendant's Queen Isabella, was proclaimed King absence in the W h i t e Mountains. The and supported by the national armies. WOMAN MURDERED. answer was drawn the next day; but, Later telegrams announce t h a t t h e owing t o the distance and a succession King has been in\ itcd to visit the army H e r D r u n k e n H u s b a n d A r r e s t e d of difficulties in procuring correct offi- of the n o r t h ; that the royal flag was a n d Pleads Stupid Ignorance. cial certificates (without which t h e de- hoisted on the public buildings in SanCHICAGO, Dec. 31.Late last night fendant's oath to the answer would have tander and b y the ships in the harbor; been a nullity), it was not served until and that the Minister of the Interior Mrs. Molan, living at 63 Main street, Sept. 7, which was. however, still some has notified the governors of provinces was found dead in bed, with a knife days in advance of the time required by that the national army and ministry wound in her side, sufficient t o have unite in recognizing the King, and that produced death, and a slight cut on her law. Much has been said about delay in a regency has been formed with Cos- left arm. Her two little children but too Congratulations were in t h e house, this suit. I t might suffice t o say that tello at t h e head. exchanged between Spanish young t o give a n y account of their no case of similar importance and com- were and Isabella; Alfonso mother's death. Her husband was abplexity was ever brought t o trial before generals asked t h e Pope's blessing, sent but was found about 2 o'clock t h i s a civil court in this part of the State in has H e says his. the rights morning and arrested. so short a time as this will b e . B u t , promising t o defend furthermore, it has been conceded b y of the H o l y See, and h a s started for wife died about 9 o'clock; that he went counsel on both sides, in presence of Spain, intending t o land at Cadiz or in for help and afterwards got drunk and the court, that there were not jurors Valencia. His ministry is already an- failed t o return. He professes t o know enough to t r y the cause in November, nounced, and the revolution appears t o nothing about his wife's* wound. nor time enough in December. The have been completed in one day withWoman's Rights.Scotch l a d y , defendant personally urged his counsel out bloodshed or even a show of force. to arrange for an early trial; but h e Evidently the coup d'etat was long and (who has taken a house in the Highlands, has left the ease in their hands, and is well-planned. I t is hoped this will, for her servants suddenly giving "warning"^ satisfied that t h e y have done that the tinie at least, put an end to Carlist " W h a t ' s the reason of this ? Have pretensions, and, as Spain is not fit for y o u not all y o u want ? good rooms, which was republican government, the world a t and good fresh air and food, and easy WISEST AND BEST. large will be disposed t o welcome t h e w o r k ! " tees have commenced their investigations which has been pursuing the Pacific Mail Spokeswoman"Yes, mem, Hampton P o s t of the G. A . R. at The application for a statement of at Vicksburg and New Orleans. The subsidy investigation in New York, ad- Cleveland, Ohio, has disbanded on ac- particulars has not met with t h e favor accession of a king whose coming prom- butbut there's n o a decent lad withises a restoration of peace. in cry o' u s ! '* testimony thus far produced is very con- journed Saturday, and will report t o the count of an accumulation of debts. of certain newspapers; but having




A Blasphemous Spiritualist Hanged.


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