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Ms. Goncalves World Language Classroom Expectations 2011-2012 cagoncalves@thompsonpublicschools.

Objectives of the World Language Program: Develop skills in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing Increase vocabulary Practice various grammatical structures

Featured World Language Academic Expectations: 1.3 Compiling, interpreting, and communication evidence/data 2.1 Reading for understanding 2.2 Writing clearly

Any student wishing to continue to the next level of World Language must earn an average of 75 for this course.

Policies and Procedures In order to guarantee that all students in the classroom receive the education they deserve I will not allow any student from stopping me from teaching nor any student stopping another form learning. A. Rules Students are expected to Be in their seat and ready to start on time with materials needed for class. Show their respect and consideration for themselves, fellow classmates, teacher and school property at all times. Keep hands, feet, and belongings to oneself. Remain in their seats until dismissed Abstain from using cell phones and all other electronic devices during the school day. School policy will be followed if cell phones are noticed in class. Please refer to the student handbook. Refrain from eating and/or drinking during class as per school rule. Open containers and food items will be confiscated. B. Consequences and Rewards Students who do not abide by the rules will be given consequences according to their behavior. They include, but are not limited to the following: Verbal Warning Conference with teacher Copy assigned writing assignment Detention for 2 days, 20 minutes each day, ending at 2:30pm. Phone parents Office referral Students will also receive rewards for positive and productive behavior.

Materials You are expected to complete your work every class. In order to be successful, you need to have these items with you for every class unless otherwise stated as locker passes will not be issued. Covered Spanish book Handouts Notebook Pen/Pencil with an eraser

Homework Your homework will consist of reviewing vocabulary for 20 minutes each night and to prepare for quizzes and tests. There will be weekly vocabulary quizzes to assess your completion of the homework. It is strongly suggested that you make flashcards or two column notes to prepare for these quizzes. As these assignments span several days, everyone will be expected to take the quiz on the day assigned. Occasionally, there may be a project assigned for homework as well. Quizzes In addition to vocabulary quizzes, there will also be a quiz at the conclusion of each section in the current chapter. They will include grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing. They may be announced or unannounced. Tests At the end of each unit, a test will be given to assess acquired skills in listening, reading and writing. They will always be announced in advance. Classwork All assigned work during class is expected to be completed as required by the teacher during the class period. Incomplete or no classwork will highly reflect in you final grade. There are no make-ups for class work unless you are absent. Make-Up A. B. C. D. A student who is absent or dismissed is expected to make up all schoolwork. It is the students responsibility to collect work from the teacher. In order to receive academic work for make-up, the student must have an excused absence. Students are expected to complete such work within generally 5 school days.

Grade Distribution Classwork and Participation Tests 20% Quizzes 40% 40%

Absences School policies will be adhered to with regards to loss of course credit due to excessive absences.

Tardies A. Tardy students will be admitted to class. B. If an excused pass cannot be presented, the tardy will be counted as unexcused and the student will receive a grade of zero for any assignment missed. C. If a student arrives with an unexcused tardy after a test or quiz has begun, no extra time will be given. D. Every second unexcused tardy will result in after school detention for 2 days, 20 minutes each day, ending at 2:30pm. E. Excessive tardiness will be referred to Administration for further action and parents will be contacted. Lav Passes/Sign Out Procedure A. Lav passes will be granted only if absolutely necessary. A conscientious student is expected to use sound, adult judgment as to what is deemed necessary. The student is expected to return to class within 3-5 minutes. B. All students are expected to sign out and in when he/she must leave the classroom. Failure to do so will result in pass restriction. C. A student may be assigned detention, 2 days, 20 minutes each day until 2:30pm, if lav use becomes excessive and interrupts student learning.

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Student: I have read this document and understand the expectations for this course. _______________________________________ Students Signature _________________ Date

Parent: My daughter/son has shared the course expectations with me. _______________________________________ Parents Signature _________________ Date

Communication is a key component to success. If you are interested in communicating through e-mail, please provide your address(es) in the spaces below:

Student Name _____________________________ Parent Name _____________________________

e-mail _________________________________ e-mail _________________________________

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