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Your committee members will review and evaluate your performance on this task using Standard 1: The teacher

demonstrates applied content knowledge and Standard 2: The teacher designs and plans instruction.

Component I: Classroom Teaching

Task A-2: Lesson Plan
Intern Name: Brittany Barron # of Students: 15 Date: March 1, 2012 Cycle: Content Area: Art

Age/Grade Level: 10th Grade

Unit Title: Greek Influences on Art Lesson Title: Homer and Plato's Influence on Literature Lesson Alignment to Unit Respond to the following items: a) Identify essential questions and/or unit objective(s) addressed by this lesson. Lesson's Goal - children will know will have a greater understanding of the Commedia dell'arte and how it relates to Shakespeare Objectives - Students will reinact Shakespeare's the Taming of the Shrew. b) Connect the objectives to the state curriculum documents, i.e., Program of Studies, Kentucky Core Content, and/or Kentucky Core Academic Standards. Demonstrates effective communication skills (e.g., reading, writing, speaking, listening) - one of the videos is very oral concious, students will refine listening skills. Putting on a play incorporates reading and writing of scripts, speaking in front of an audience, and nonverbal communication. Communicates clearly the focus of instruction and performance expectations to students, parents, and others - plays will be video taped and put on youtube so that parents can view their students' learning outcomes. Publishing the students works will also show them that their plays are important and expectations are high. c) Describe students prior knowledge or focus of the previous learning. Students have touched briefly on theater but not on Renaissance Theater. d) Describe summative assessment(s) for this particular unit and how lessons in this unit contribute to the summative assessment. At the end of the lesson and through the lessons there will be an question and answer time. This will be a time that not only I will introduce questions I have prepared, but students will get the chance to bring up any uncertainties or questions that have come up through the activity and lesson. e) Describe the characteristics of your students identified in Task A-1 who will require differentiated instruction to meet their diverse needs impacting instructional planning in this lesson of the unit. The student with a processing disorder will be given a small role in the play. This way he will have less information to process, thus more time to dedicate to his lines. This will hopefully cause less stress on my student with a learning disability. f) Pre-Assessment: Describe your analysis of pre-assessment data used in developing lesson objectives/learning targets (Describe how you will trigger prior knowledge):

Prior knowledge will be triggered by watching a video that summarized what they have learned in their last lesson. I will ask the students what they liked or disliked about the last lesson. This forces their brain to recall the information in order to conclude opinions on that class time.

Lesson Objectives/ Learning Targets Objective/target: Knowledge of commedia dell'arte and how it relates to Shakespeare will be instilled through videos and verbal explanation of theatrical tools. There will also be a comparison between today's popular characters and that which are legendary in commedia dell'arte.

Assessment Assessment description: class participation is encouraged through asking for examples in relating today's popular characters and that which are legendary in commedia dell'arte. Assessment Accommodations: My student with a processing order will also be called on to answer a question. However, I will ask the question then stall for time by writing the question on the board, by the time I get around to calling on my student will a processing difficulty, he will be ready to answer. Assessment description: The play will be recorded. When I review the video of the play I will be able to take notes and really see if the students understood the point of the lesson and have learned what I want to teach them. Assessment Accommodations: Special attention will be paid to my student with a processing difficulty. I will be looking to see if he struggled with my accomidation and if a different approach needs to be taken in the future.

Instructional Strategy/Activity Strategy/Activity: Lecture and showing of videos Activity Adaptations: N/A Media/technologies/resources: Three videos will be incorporated. The introduction to the class will be through the first of these videos which is to be contemporary, as to relate to the students. The to remaining videos will be traditional but not boring. They will allude to the lessons objectives. Strategy/Activity: Reinactment of Shakespearian play Activity Adaptations: Diligence in chosing a role for my student with a processing disorder. He will privately be able to choose his role before the rest of the class so that he is not left with a role that would force unnecissary lengthy processing. Media/technologies/resources: Media will be used to record the students' play.

Objective/target: Students will enforce knowledge given to them during the lecture by reinacting Shakespear's famous play tha was inpired by commedia dell'arte.

Procedures: Describe the sequence of strategies and activities you will use to engage students and accomplish your objectives. Within this sequence, describe how the differentiated strategies will meet individual student needs and diverse learners in your plan. (Use this section to outline the who, what, when, and where of the instructional strategies and activities.)

will ask the students if they have ever heard of the show Whose Line is it Anyway, using this as a jumping off point for improve and comedy. The second video talks about the specific stereo types used and some comparisons with characters today. After this video is when they are encouraged to start brainstorming about more comparisons. Teaching of lesson continues and flows into Shakespeare's play that was inspired by this technique. It has been reinacted for television about fourteen times already and it is now the students' turn to take a stab at it.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_t8FFEdig0 - only watch beginning http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=7m6DjAHCWcY&feature=endscreen - some common characters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsL8K9rtQoc - shakerspeare's taming of the shrew pantalone brigtella capitano

See Appendix C on page 55 for an example of a technology template available for technology planning.

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