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Automating Outlook from Excel NOTE: Must include a reference to the installed Outlook library under TOOLS | REFERENCES in the VBE ***********************************************************************

' Proc15 creates several new items in Outlook folders. Sub ExcelRoutines_Proc15_AddOutlookItems() Dim OutlookApp As Object Const olMailItem = 0 Const olAppointmentItem = 1 Const olContactItem = 2 Const olTaskItem = 3 Const olJournalItem = 4 Const olNoteItem = 5 Const olPostItem = 6 Const olPink = 2 Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") With OutlookApp.CreateItem(olTaskItem) .Subject = "New Task from Excel" .DueDate = Now() .Save End With With OutlookApp.CreateItem(olContactItem) .Save .LastName = "Jones" .FirstName = "Robert" .BusinessTelephoneNumber = "(703) 555-1212" .Save End With With OutlookApp.CreateItem(olNoteItem) .Body = "Learn the Outlook object model!" .Color = olPink .Save End With With OutlookApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem) .Start = Date & " 2:00 pm" .End = Date & " 3:00 pm" .Subject = "Meet with staff re Outlook object model." .Save End With With OutlookApp.CreateItem(olJournalItem) .Subject = "Entry made by Excel." .Type = "Excel 97 Developer's Handbook" .Start = Now .Save End With With OutlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) .Subject = "Test message" .Body = "This is a test message." .To = "Steve" .Save 'Since the addressee will not be recognized, 'we just save the message into 'a folder instead of calling the send method '.Send End With With OutlookApp.CreateItem(olPostItem) .Subject = "Test posting" .Body = "This is a test posting."

.Save 'Since we don't want to actually post 'this message, we just save it into 'a folder instead of calling the post method '.Post End With End Sub

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