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Study Guide: Rome Exam--Answers

Name: ______________________________________

Be able to answer questions on the following material.

What is Rome? City

What country is Rome in? Italy

What continent is Rome in? Europe

How is Rome similar to other civilizations we have studied this year?

(Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India) Major River

How is Rome similar to Greece? Depend on the Sea

What are the two MAIN differences Rome has with all the other civilizations we studied
this year?
1. NOT a country

2. Have BOTH river and a sea

Be able to identify one Sea that is located by Rome: Mediterranean Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea

Be able to identify the major river of Rome: Tiber River

What does the country of Italy “look like”? (Helps us remember where it is) A BOOT

Why is Rome considered to have a “Perfect Location?”

1. Along a river
2. Near a sea
3. hilly to protect from attack

The legend of Rome beginning involves what two boys? Romulus and Remus

Roman Republic
Be able to list the two types of people in the roman republic AND tell me what those two
types of people are:
Patricians: Rich
Plebeians: Common people

What are the leaders of the Roman Republic called? Representatives

Who controlled the republic? Patricians

What did the Tribune do? Protect rights of Plebeians

How did the tribune stop the actions of the senate? Yelling “VETO!”
Wars with Carthage
What was the war called between Carthage and Rome? Punic War

Who won? Rome

What did Julius Caesar do? Improve Rome

Emperors of Rome
Be able to list one significant thing each of the five Emperors’ did that we talked about:
Caesar Augustus: Centralized government, order and stability, improve economy, began
fire/police dept. Pax Romana (Roman Peace)

Caligula: Cruel, mentally unstable

Claudius: Improved laws, granted citizenship, returned artwork

Nero: poisoned step brother, killed wife and mother

Marcus Aurilius: lowered taxes, helped poor, founded hospitals, schools, orphanages.

What would people do for fun in Ancient Rome?
--Watch plays, celebrate, and watch sporting events
What is the most famous athletic arena in Rome?

Who were professional fighters?


How did somebody become a gladiator?

--slave, criminal, poor

What type of Gladiator games were there? (3 types)

--man vs. man, man vs. animal, animal vs. animal


***Study your Christianity Guided Notes!!!!

Why was the pantheon built?
--To honor the gods
What was the focal point of Ancient Rome? (People went to wash themselves)
--Public Bath

Name the city covered with ash AND the name of the volcano
--Pompeii. Mt. Vesuvius
Why is Pompeii so Important? How was it preserved? Allows us to see what it was like
during the Roman Empire. The ash sealed the city like a time capsule, preserving it intact
for us to learn from

Study the Following Notes:

Rome Begins Video Notes
Roman Montage Video Notes
Daily Life Article (Housing, Education, Entertainment)

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