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1 Group: Level 3-4 Date: Nov 29, 2012 Time: 2hours No.

of Students: 20

Recent topic work: Vocabulary for everyday situations

Recent language work: Subjects and Pronouns, Contractions, Present and Future Tenses Aims: (stated in input terms, i.e. what the teacher intends to do) To teach students how to recognize and express the Future in Time Clauses and understand that the present tense can be used to designate a future event. Objectives: (stated in output terms, i.e. what the students are expected to do) To learn how to recognize and generate sentences using the Future in Time Clauses and incorporate this into their everyday conversation. To understand that the Present Tense can be used in a Future context. Assessment: Formal and informal assessment of how well students can complete and create sentences in the Future with Time Clauses. Informal assessment to see if the students can incorporate what they know of other parts of speech such as pronouns. Materials: Handouts, Quiz, Timeline chart, Card game, chart paper, Blackboard Anticipated Problems: Students struggle with the present tenses and are not able to complete the activity Timing Teacher Student Success Aims of the Activity Activity Indicators stage Presentation 10-15 Minutes Teacher Listen and ask Students will be To -Basic review of presents questions, able to Contextualize Simple Past, timeline on the clarify generate the verb tenses to Simple Present blackboard and understanding verb tense lead into the and Simple explains three and vocabulary. structure with lesson of future Future Tenses different time Repeat the their own in Time Clauses. as three distinct situations, all tense structures examples. times. unrelated to the teacher has each other used. Generate using past, personal present and examples future tenses. To develop an 10 Minutes Present picture Students seem awareness that -Present a charts showing Listen and ask interested and the present scenario using a verb tenses questions willing to learn tense can be simple time using simple about the topic used to express clause present, an action that structure. present will happen in progressive and the future present perfect dependent on + simple future another activity

2 + time clause words. Show how they are used together to express an activity in the future Teacher presents handout #1, reviews time clause words, tenses, order rule, works through examples with students Teacher presents practice activity #1 to reinforce the rules learned in handout #1 using different subjects, pronouns and verb accords. Gives students time to write answers, helps where needed and takes up the activity on blackboard, repeat same procedure for practice activity #2 Present the rules of the game, organize students into small groups, pass out cards

15-20 Minutes -Handout #1, review vocabulary tenses and rules,

Students take turns reading examples, repeating correct structures, clarify vocabulary and ask questions if necessary Complete practice activites #1 and #2, students rewrite sentences from handout #1, take up orally with the teacher, present answers, rework sentences following patterns learned

Students are able to correctly repeat the examples and understand the changes of the order rule.

Students become comfortable with the rules and use them in simple sentences.

Practice 45 Minutes -Handout #2, Present and explain practice activites #1 and #2 on worksheet and take up afterwards

Students successfully use the correct verb conjugations with different subjects, students use correct order of time clauses

Students start to gain independence in using time clauses with different subjects and are able to apply the order rule

Production 20 Minutes Explain and play the Future in Time Clauses Card Game

Get into groups and take turns choosing a card from each category to generate sentences, ask each other questions and

Students can successfully play the game and create short story situations, students are engaged in conversation throughout the activity

Students achieve 80% or better mastery

Students can demonstrate that a time clause shows what you are going to do in the future dependent on another activity, they can use these structures in conversations about real situations

3 10 Minutes Short quiz on what they have learned so far and chart paper record a short story situation of the concepts Students begin to incorporate the future in time clauses into their conversations

Pass out Quiz and monitor students

Work independently on the quiz

Additional possibilities: Students present their conversations from the Future in Time Clause Card Game with the rest of the class. I Homework/Further work: Focus homework on using the Present Perfect for emphasis in sentences. Reassign practice activities using the Present Perfect tense and Time Clause. Taken from: Harmer, J. (2007). How to teach English. Essex, England: Pearson Longman.

Handout #1: Rules, Time Clause Words and Examples

1) Time Clause Words: When, Before, After, Until, As soon as, While

2) To express the future with a time clause you use one of the time clause words with the. 1. Simple Present 2. Present Progressive 3. Present Perfect 3) Order Rule: These time clauses can either come at the beginning of a sentence or in the second part. If they come at the beginning of a sentence you use a comma to separate the second part of the sentence. 4) Sometimes the Present Perfect is used in a Time Clause. The Present Perfect in the Time Clause emphasizes the completion of one act before a second act occurs in the Future. Example: I will go to the movies after I have finished my chores. (This emphasizes the completion of the chores before going to the movies in the future). 5) Using a Time Clause to explain what you are going to do in the future dependent on another activity Examples using before + Simple Present: A) I walk the dog. Before I walk the dog, I will change my shoes. Or. I will change my shoes before I walk the dog. B) I make my lunch. Before I make my lunch, I will wash my hands. Or. I will wash my hands before I make my lunch.

5 C) I eat my breakfast. Before I eat my breakfast, I will get dressed. Or I will get dressed before I eat my breakfast. D) I walk to the bus stop. Before I walk to the bus stop, I will put on my coat. Or. I will put on my coat before I walk to the bus. What is the rule/pattern? Before + Subject + Verb = a time clause When the Time Clause comes at the beginning of the sentence use a comma before the next Clause.

Handout #2 Practice Activities

Practice Activity #1 Use the examples sentences in handout #1 but change the subject and pronouns to.. Susan, she Dave, he The kids, they You, your We, our Practice Activity #2 Rework the sentences below to express the ideas in the Future. Use a time clause word + a Simple Future + Simple Present or Present Progressive or Present Perfect tense. 1) I jog around the block. I listen to music. + While Example: While I jog around the block, I am going to listen to music. 2) I do my laundry. I visit a friend. + After _____________________________________________________________________________. 3) The bus comes down the street. Jane waits in the bus shelter. + Until. ______________________________________________________________________________. Example: Before Susan walks the dog, she will change her shoes.

6 4) Joe cashes his cheque. He goes to the bank. + As soon as ______________________________________________________________________________. 5) Marie visits her mother. They talk about a lot of things. + When ______________________________________________________________________________. 6) Moe goes to the movie. Moe gets some money from the ATM. + Before ______________________________________________________________________________. 7) The boys and girls are playing. Their parents sit on the park benches. + While ______________________________________________________________________________. 8) Matthew drives to the dentist. He stops for gas. + When _____________________________________________________________________________.

Future in Time Clauses Card Game

Materials: Three piles/categories of cards Time Clause Words When Before After As soon as Until While Subjects Tom and Pete Grandma I We You The girls The Kids Mom and Dad Jason Jennifer Sarah Situations Go to the movies Take a shower Visit the doctor Buy a shawarma Buy bus tickets Do the laundry Pick up groceries Shop at the market Visit a friend Phone to make an appointment Play hockey

How to play the game: Students divide into groups of three. The first person chooses one card from each pile. Students will use the new language [Time Clause Words and Appropriate Verb Tenses] to produce sentences and situations of their own. They are encouraged to make a sentence based on the cards they select and add on their own

7 ideas to finish the sentence. The other members of the group will each ask a question about the situation using one of the sentences practiced (Simple Present, Present Progressive, Present Perfect or Simple Future). The group will put the ideas together to make a short story situation and record it on chart paper. Example: Before + the kids + buy a shawarma Student #1: Before the kids buy a shawarma, they will ask their parents for some money. Student #2: Will their parents give them the money? Student #1: Yes, their parents will give them the money. Student #3: How will they get to the Shawarma Shop? Student #1: They will walk to the Shawarma Shop. Group story: Before the kids buy a shawarma, they will ask their parents for some money. Their parents will give them the money and they will go to the Shawarma Shop. Quiz for Students Handout with fill in the blanks use the present progressive or future to complete the sentences: After I make a pot of coffee I (pour) ____________________ myself a cup. When Marry goes grocery shopping, she (buy) ______________________milk for______ coffee. As soon as Joe gets home, he (make) ______________________ a sandwich for lunch. Make up two more future in time clause sentences using As soon as, while, or Before.


The Future in Time Clauses Lesson Summary By: Matthew Jackson

The aim of this lesson is to familiarize students with the concept of expressing the future using Time Clauses and understand that the present tense can be used to designate a future event. The students are expected to learn how to identify and generate sentences suing this concept and incorporate these structures into their everyday conversations. Presentation: The lesson will begin with a short presentation to review the simple past, present and future as three distinct times. The lesson will then focus on the correct grammar for using a time clause to express the future. The aim of this part of the lesson will be to develop an awareness that the Present Tense can be used to express an action that will in the future dependent on another activity. The teacher will present the time clause words, order rule and work through the examples on a handout with the students. The students will follow along, repeat correct structures and clarify any problems as they become comfortable with the concepts. The presentation component of this lesson will take approximately 45 minutes. Practice: The practice component of this lesson will consist of a handout with two activities. The first activity will involve reinforcement of the rules learned in the presentation. The students will rework the example sentences substituting different

9 subjects, pronouns and verb accords. They will record their answers. The teacher will take up the activity on the blackboard. For the second activity the students will generate future time clause sentences from two ideas expressed in the present + a time clause word. They will record their answers and the teacher will take them up on the blackboard and present them according to the order rule. The practice component of this lesson will take approximately 45 minutes. Production: For the production component of this lesson the students will be divided into groups of three to play a game called The Future in Time Clauses Card Game. Using cards pick from three categories the students will take turns generate sentences with time clauses. They well ask each other questions and record in writing a short story situation based on their questions and the game. The students will show through their group conversations that they have understood the concepts and are able to use them in everyday language situations. The final production activity will be a short quiz to test their independent knowledge. The production component of this lesson will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Verb Tenses for Time Clauses: Simple Present I walk the dog. Present Progressive I am walking the dog. Present Perfect I have walked the dog. Time Clause Words: When Before After Until As soon as
QuickTime and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.


While Order Rule: These time clauses can either come at the beginning of a sentence or in the second part. If they come at the beginning of a sentence you use a comma to separate the second part of the sentence. Examples using while: I walk the dog. I listen to music. In a Future Time Clause. While I walk the dog, I will listen to music. Or I will listen to music while I walk the dog. (Both actions are happening in the Future) QuickTime and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

References Azar, B.S., & Hagen, S.A. (2009). Understand and Using English Grammar: Fourth Edition. New York: Pearson Longman.

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