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toggle_fow = Setlement dan unit kelihatan di campaign map. add_money 50000 = Uang.

auto_win attacker/defender = Automatic Resolve battle process_cq "settlement name" = Menyelesaikan construksi dan recruit dalam 1 turn. add_population "settlement name" "amount" = Menambah populasi di kota/kastil. george = Mercenary Monster Ribault houston = Mercenary Rocket Launcher istanbul = Mercenary Monster Bombard madras = Elephants rogan = Elephant Artillery vindaloo = Elephant Rocketeer

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- give_trait this "trait" "level number" = Allows you to give any trait your faction can have to a specific general. Untuk Jenderal : cheat umum buat jenderal : 1. give_trait this BattleChivalry 5 2. give_trait this Brave 3 3. give_trait this GoodAttacker 5 4. give_trait this GoodDefender 5 5. give_trait this GoodFarmer 3 -> nambah pendapatan dari farm 6. give_trait this GoodTrader 3 -> nambah pendapatan dari trade 7. give_trait this GoodMiner 3 8. give_trait this GoodAdministrator 3 -> menaikkan public order 9. give_trait this Loyal 4 -> jenderal jadi loyal 10. give_trait this PublicFaith 3 -> biar gak kena inquistor sekalian menaikan public order 11. give_trait this Fertile 3 -> punya cepat banyak anak 12. give_trait this Just 3 -> menaikkan public order 13. give_trait this Handsome 3 -> menaikkan public order + biar cepat punya anak 14. give_trait this InspiringSpeaker 3 -> menaikkan public order + menaikkan moral army 15. give_trait this StrategicSkill 3 -> menaikkan moral army 16. give_trait this TacticalSkill 3 -> menaikkan moral army 17. give_trait this GoodCommander 3 -> menaikkan moral army khusus buat jenderal yang dah punya istri : 1. give trait this WifeIsCharming 3 -> menaikkan public order - + biar cepat punya anak 2. give_trait this WifeIsFertile 3 -> cepat punya anak 3. give_trait this WifeIsWise 3 -> menaikkan public order Cheat untuk Assassin : 1. give_trait this GoodAssassin 5 2. give_trait this NaturalAssassinSkill 3 3. give_trait this GoodSaboteur 3 Cheat untuk Diplomat : 1. give_trait this GoodDiplomat 5 2. give_trait this NaturalDiplomatSkill 3

3. give_trait this Multilingual 3 Cheat untuk Priest : 1. give_trait this StrongFaith 4 2. give_trait this PublicFaith 4 Cheat untuk Spy : 1. give_trait this GoodSpy 5 2. give_trait this NaturalSpySkill 3 Cheat untuk Merchant : 1. give_trait this GoodMerchant 4 2. give_trait this NaturalMerchantSkill 3 3. give_trait this Monopolist 3 4. give_trait this LegalDealer 2 5. give_trait this WorldlyMerchant 2 6. give_trait this SecureMerchant 2 Cheat untuk Princess : 1. give_trait this Charming 3

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- give_ancillary this ANCILLARYNAME 1. apothecary = Have more kids. 2. bard = Adds Morale, Popularity 3. drillmaster = +25% movement, unit recruitment discounted 4. brilliant_inventor = +30 build points, +1 farming, 20% bonus on mining income 5. doctor = Have more kids, improves casualty recovery chance. 6. scribe_ancillary = Adds Authority, Income Bonuses 7. mentor = Increases Command 8. foodtaster = Increases Personal Security 9. tutor = Increases Piety, Trade Income 10. bodyguard = Increases Peraonal Security, Decreases Popularity 11. swordbearer = Increases Hit Points, Personal Security 12. shieldbearer = Increases Hit Points, Lowers Morale

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