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AUXILIARES = So usados nas perguntas e respostas negativas.

PRESENTE SIMPLES = DO / DOES / DONT / DOESNT I / we / they / you = DO He / she / it = DOES Usamos o PRESENTE SIMPLES para falarmos sobre fatos e atividades dirias. Por isso comum usarmos os advrbios de freqncia junto ao PRESENTE SIMPLES. So eles: Always; usually; often; sometimes; occasionally; hardly ever; rarely; seldom; never. No PRESENTE SIMPLES os sujeitos HE / SHE / IT (3 pessoa do singular) recebem NA AFIRMAO o verbo acrescido de S; ES; IES Ex: Verbo Normal 3 Pessoa Singular Presente Simples I / WE / THEY / YOU HE / SHE / IT HAVE HAS GO GOES DO DOES PLAY PLAYS TRY TRIES FIX FIXES LOVE LOVES NEED NEEDS Ex: Afirmaes She does her homework every Day. He buys fresh bread at the bakery every morning. He has a beautiful car. She goes to work in the evening. It (the sun block) protects you against the sun. He plays football every Sunday. We need a new car. They have a beautiful house. You have a nice son. I walk for work every day.

Ex: Perguntas e Negaes Does she go to work in the evening? She doesnt go to work in the evening. I dont have a car.

PRESENTE SIMPLES CONTINUOUS = AM / IS / ARE (auxiliaries) um tempo que significa AO que est ocorrendo no momento que estamos falando. A palavra s interpretada como VERBO se estiver auxiliada pelo TO BE (am; is; are). AUXILIARES (VERBOS) AM; IS; ARE que acompanham todos os verbos que tem a terminao com ING. Ex: DOING, WORKING, DRINKING Ex: We are talking about English. They are working next to my house. He is watching TV. She is painting a beautiful picture.

Exemplos de quando tem ING, mas no so verbos de ao. Paris is a fascinating city. (adjective) It is so exciting to travel on vacation with my family! (manner adv) To work every day makes me feel good. Working every day makes me feel good. Practicing sports every week makes me a healthy person. Jogging is a nice sport. (noun) Quando temos a estrutura VERBO + PREPOSIO + VERBO, o segundo verbo vem SEMPRE com ING, mas no significa ao e sim infinitivo. Ex: They are insisting on traveling abroad.

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