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Shoulder Flexion

What Muscles am I working?

Deltoids, Biceps, Pectoralis Major, Coracobrachialis

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Brushing hair, putting on overhead shirt, reaching for objects in cabinets, pushing shopping cart

Theraband Exercise
Hold the theraband with both hands, in front of the center of your stomach. Pull one hand up over your head while keeping your arm straight. Lower your hand down to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Hold weights with your palm facing your backside. Bring your arm forward. Raising it as high as it is comfortable. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS


Shoulder Extension
What Muscles am I working?
Deltoids, Teres Major, Triceps

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Picking up objects from the ground or low surfaces, putting on pants, shoes, and socks

Theraband Exercise
Hold the theraband over your head with both hands. Press one hand down towards your thigh while keeping your arm straight. Raise your hand up to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Hold weights at shoulder level. Lower the weights down slowly keeping your elbows straight. Raise your hands up to the starting position. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS


Overhead Press
What Muscles am I working?
Deltoids, Triceps, Trapezius

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Putting heavy boxes on top shelves, putting on overhead shirts, brushing and blow drying hair

Theraband Exercise
Place middle of the theraband under your bottom. Hold the ends of theraband in your hand at shoulder level, palms facing out. Raise your arms above your head. Lower your hand down to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Hold the weights at shoulder level, palms facing out. Raise arms until elbows are straight. Lower the weights down to the starting position. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS


Upright Row
What Muscles am I working?
Deltoids, Biceps, Trapezius

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Starting Lawn Mower, putting on pants, socks, and shoes

Theraband Exercise
Place middle of the theraband under your feet. Hold the ends of theraband in hands with palms facing down at hip level. Raise arm up to your chin. Your elbows should go up to your ears. Lower your hand down to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Hold weights on your lap with palms facing down. Raise arm up to your chin. Your elbows should go up to your ears. Lower the weights down to the starting position. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS


Shoulder Abduction
What Muscles am I working?
Supraspinatus, Deltoids, Biceps

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Dressing, cooking, cleaning

Theraband Exercise
Step on one end of the theraband and hold the other end with your hand. Bring your arm out toward the side, raising it as high as comfortable. Lower your hand down to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Hold the weights on your lap with elbows slightly bent. Raise arms out toward side until they reach shoulder height. Keep your palms facing down. Lower the weights down to the starting position. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS


Shoulder Adduction
What Muscles am I working?
Biceps, Pectoralis Major, Teres Major, Coracobrachialis, Latissimus Dorsi, Triceps

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Bringing arm down to side during dressing, cooking, and bathing

Theraband Exercise
Tie one end of the theraband to an object, such as a door handle, and hold the other end with your hand. Bring your arm down towards your body. Raise your hand up to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS


Horizontal Shoulder Abduction

What Muscles am I working?
Latissimus dorsi, Teres Minor, Posterior deltoid

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Opening a book, opening shutters, upper body dressing, window washing

Theraband Exercise
Hold the theraband in front of your chest with both arms extended. Put the theraband out to the sides until you form a T your body. Move your hands back to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Hold the weights in hand at the center of the chest with both arms fully extended. Move your arms straight out to the side so that your elbows are straight. Bring the weights back to the starting position. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS


Horizontal Shoulder Adduction

What Muscles am I working?
Pectoralis Major, Coracobrachialis, Anterior Deltoid

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Reaching across midline during upper and lower body dressing. washing windows, counters, and floors, opening door, brushing teeth, cooking, and dancing and playing video games.

Theraband Exercise
Tie one end of the theraband to an object, such as a door handle, and hold the other end with your hand. Bring your arm across your body. Raise your hand up to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS


Shoulder Internal Rotation

What Muscles am I working?
Deltoid, Subscapularis, Teres Major, Latissimus Dorsi, Pectoralis Major

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Tucking shirt into pants, putting on belt, toileting, pulling up pants, and reaching back for seat to sit down

Theraband Exercise
Tie one end of the theraband to an object, such as a door handle. Hold the other end with your hand closest to the door. Keep your elbow bent to 90 and close to your body. Bring your forearm in towards your body. Bring your hand out away from your stomach. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Start with your elbows bent to 90 and close to your body. Bring your forearms in towards your body. Bring your hand out away from your stomach. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS


Shoulder External Rotation

What Muscles am I working?
Deltoid, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Combing and styling hair, shampooing hair, putting on shirt, and applying jewelry such as earrings and necklace.

Theraband Exercise
Tie one end of the theraband to an object, such as a door handle. Hold the other end with your hand furthest from the door. Keep your elbow bent to 90 and close to your body. Bring your forearm out away from your body. Bring your hand in toward your stomach. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Start with your elbows bent to 90 and close to your body. Bring your forearms out away from your body. Bring your hand in towards your stomach. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS

10 | P a g e

Bicep Curls
What Muscles am I working?
Biceps, Brachialis, Brachioradialis Longus and Brevis, Extensor Carpi Radialis, Pronator Teres, Flexor carpi Radialis

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Lifting bags and carrying groceries, laundry basket, dishes, and baby

Theraband Exercise
Hold the theraband towards the middle of your body. Hold the other end with your palm facing up and elbow slightly bent. Using the bent arm pull the theraband up to your shoulder by bending your elbow. Slowly return to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Hold weights in hand. Place the back of your hand on your thighs. Bring the weights up towards your shoulders. Lower the weights down to the starting position. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS

11 | P a g e

Triceps Press
What Muscles am I working?
Triceps, Anconeus

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Pushing up from chair or bed with arms to stand, using arms to support self with walker or at counter when standing

Theraband Exercise
Hold the theraband at chin level with both hands. Press one end of the theraband down to your thigh, straightening your arm. Raise your hand up to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Lean forward slightly in the chair with your elbow slightly bent and weights in hand. Slowly straighten your elbows toward the back of the chair. Lower the weights down to the starting position. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS

12 | P a g e

Forward Punches
What Muscles am I working?
Triceps, Biceps, Pectoralis Major, Deltoids, Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Completing activities in front of the body with arms partially or fully extended such as cooking, grooming, crafting, and playing games

Theraband Exercise
Hold the middle part of the theraband in front of your chest with both hands. Press one hand forwards (punching) while the other hand remains stable at your chest. Move your hands back to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Hold weights in hand in front of your chest with both hands. Press one hand forwards (punching) while the other hand remains stable at your chest. Move weights back to starting position. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS

13 | P a g e

Wrist Extension
What Muscles am I working?
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus and Brevis, extensor Digitorum, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris, Extensor Pollisis Longus

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Helps with fine motor activities such as grooming, crafting, games, cooking, and dressing

Theraband Exercise
Tie one end of the theraband to a chair and hold other end in hand with palm facing down. Be sure to keep the theraband is taut. Curl your wrist down towards the ground. Move your hands back to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Hold weights in hand with your palms down. Move your wrist back towards your forearm. Then curl your wrist down towards the ground. Move your hands back to the starting position. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS

14 | P a g e

Wrist Flexion
What Muscles am I working?
Flexor Carpi Radialis, Abductor Pollisis Longus, Palmairs Longus, Flexor Pollisis Longus, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Flexor Digitorium Superficialis, Flexor Digitorum Profundus

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Helps with fine motor activities such as grooming, crafting, games, cooking, and dressing

Theraband Exercise
Tie one end of the theraband to a chair and hold other end in hand with your palm facing up. Be sure to keep the theraband is taut. Curl your wrist up towards your body. Move your hands back to the starting position. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Hold weights in hand with your palms up. Curl your wrist up towards your body. Move your hands back to the starting position. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS

15 | P a g e

Forearm Supination and Pronation

What Muscles am I working?
Supination: Biceps, Brachioradialis, Supinator Pronation: Brachioradialis, Pronator Teres, Flexor Carpi Radialis, Pronator Quadratus

How will working on these exercises help me in day-to-day life?

Helps with fine motor activities such as grooming, crafting, games, cooking, and dressing

Theraband Exercise
Tie one end of the theraband to a chair and hold other end in hand so the theraband is taut. Turns your palm up towards the ceiling. Then move your palm back down toward the ground. Sets: ___________________________________ Reps: __________________________________ Band Color: _____________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Weights Exercise
Hold weights in hand with your palms facing the ground. Turns your palm up towards the ceiling. Then move your palm back down toward the ground. Sets: __________________________________ Reps: _________________________________ Weight: ________________________________ Notes: _________________________________

Created by: Alyssa Pardini OTS and Corinne Trenholm OTS

16 | P a g e

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