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This is a chicken.

Chicken gives us meat and eggs.

This is a cat.

A cat helps us to catch mice.

This is a dog.

A dog guards our homes.

This is a cow.

Cows give us meat and milk.

This is a buffalo.

Buffaloes help us to plough the field.

Question 1

What animal helps to guard our homes?

A. Dog.
B. Buffalo.

Question 2

What animals give you eggs and meat?

A. Chicken.
B. Cat.

Question 3

What animals catch mice?

A. Buffalo.
B. Cat.

Question 4

What animal helps you to plough the field?

A. Dog.
B. Buffalo.

Question 5

What animal gives you meat and milk?

A. Cat.
B. Cow.

1. Animals are useful to us.

Lets check the answer.

1. Animals are useful to us. 2. Cows give us milk and meat.

3. Chickens give us eggs and meat.

4. Buffaloes help to plough the field. 5. A dog helps guards our homes. 6. A cat catches mice.

Now, lets do group activity!

Cows give us meat and milk.

Lets check the answer.

Cows give us meat and milk.

Chicken gives us eggs and meat.

Buffaloes help to plough the field.

A cat catches mice.

A dog guards our homes.

Lets sing together!


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