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Behind the Scenes at the Harold Pratt House

Two unidentified members of the Council on Foreign Relations enter the Harold Pratt House.

Council on Foreign Relations members eat dinner and discuss foreign affairs at the Harold Pratt House.

Council on Foreign Relations members socialize at a party inside the Harold Pratt House.

Corporate Barons of the Council on Foreign Relations

Left to right: David Rockefeller, CFR Chairman Emeritus Peter G. Peterson, CFR Board Co-Chairman Carla A. Hills, CFR President Richard N. Haass, and CFR Board Co-Chairman Robert E. Rubin attend the dedication of CFRs Washington, D.C. building. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2010 Annual Report)

CFR Board members Charlene Barshefsky, Vin Weber, OAI Advisors president Odeh F. Aburdene, and Board members Kenneth M. Duberstein and Jami Miscik at a roundtable discussion with David Rockefeller and Peter G. Peterson. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2010 Annual Report)

Henry Kissinger (left), former U.S. Secretary of State, appears with Robert E. Rubin, Co-Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting. Henry Kissinger and Robert E. Rubin attended the 2013 Bilderberg Meetings held at The Grove in Watford, England from June 6-9, 2013. Henry Kissinger and Robert E. Rubin attended the Bilderberg Meetings together from 2010 until 2013. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2013 Annual Report)

This photo appears in the Council on Foreign Relations 2006 Annual Report.

This photo was published in the Council on Foreign Relations 2007 Annual Report.

Left to right: CFR Co-Chairman Robert E. Rubin, CFR Board member Frank J. Caufield, Co-Chairman Carla A. Hills, and CFR Board member Fareed Zakaria. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2009 Annual Report)

CFR Chairman Emeritus Peter G. Peterson speaks with CFR Honorary Vice Chairman Maurice R. Greenberg at a meeting on risk management. CFR member John C. Whitehead is standing in the background. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2009 Annual Report)

David Rubenstein (L), co-founder of The Carlyle Group and a director of the Council on Foreign Relations, appears with Peter G. Peterson, former Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers, after giving an interview at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. on October 1, 2009. (Reuters)

David Rubenstein, co-founder and managing director of the Carlyle Group, listens as U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. on March 10, 2009. Bernanke said nation's financial regulatory system must be overhauled to strengthen oversight of banks, mutual funds and large financial institutions. ( MATTHEW CAVANAUGH/EPA/Corbis)

Cyrus Vance (left) talks to Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller at the Harold Pratt House on January 19, 1999. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report)

Winston Lord (center) talks to George P. Shultz (left) and David Rockefeller at the Harold Pratt House. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report)

Peter McColough, David Rockefeller, John Temple Swing, Winston Lord, and Lewis T. Preston prepare for a meeting at the Harold Pratt House. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report)

Cyrus Vance (left) talks to Carroll L. Wilson (center) and Robert V. Roosa at the Harold Pratt House. All three men were members of the Council on Foreign Relations and members of the Trilateral Commission.

Left: Zbigniew Brzezinski (left) listens to Henry Kissinger at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting in 1965. Right: Former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski stands beside George Soros (left) at the Harold Pratt House.

Council on Foreign Relations members Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry A. Kissinger at the Harold Pratt House in 1965, the year the Council on Foreign Relations published Brzezinskis Alternative to Partition. Eight years earlier Kissinger made his mark with the publication of Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy. (Source: Continuing the Inquiry: The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996 by Peter Grose, page 42)

Left photo: Richard Holbrooke (left) talks to Hungarian-born financier George Soros at the Harold Pratt House on January 20, 1998. Right photo: Citibank Chairman Walter B. Wriston (left) and Alan Greenspan are seen laughing at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting.

Council on Foreign Relations Chairman Peter G. Peterson (right) talks to Council on Foreign Relations President Peter Tarnoff (left) and former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance at the Harold Pratt House on April 21, 1989. (Photo: CFR Annual Report)

David Rockefeller (left) and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) President Leslie Gelb listens as CFR Chairman Peter G. Peterson delivers a speech at a meeting at the Harold Pratt House. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report)

NBC journalist Tom Brokaw (right) talks to former Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank David Rockefeller (left) and Council on Foreign Relations Chairman Peter G. Peterson in front of the Harold Pratt House on October 19, 1994. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report)

Council on Foreign Relations Chairman David Rockefeller (right) talks to former Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank John McCloy as John A. Millington (left) and Chairman and CEO of Deere & Co. Robert A. Hanson (second from right) listen.

Former Secretary of State Edmund S. Muskie, former Treasury Secretary G. William Miller, former U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union Averell Harriman, and former Chairman and CEO of Xerox Sol Linowitz meet at the Harold Pratt House in c. 1981.

Jimmy Carter, David Rockefeller, and Richard N. Haass appear at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting. This photo appears in the 2006 Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report.

Carlyle Group Chairman Louis V. Gerstner Jr. (left) and former Secretary of Commerce Mickey Kantor (right) listen to former U.S. Trade Representative Carla A. Hills. This photo appears in the 2004 Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report.

Winston Lord and David Rockefeller listen to President of University of Notre Dame Theodore Hesburgh at a dinner.

Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker (left) and Peter G. Peterson are seen dining at the Harold Pratt House.

Left to right: David Gergen, Kurt M. Campbell, former U.S. Ambassador to Red China Winston Lord, former CIA Director John M. Deutch, David L. Aaron, and retired Navy Admiral Charles R. Larson appear at a meeting in June 2000 called Mock National Security Council Meeting on Taiwan.

U.S. Ambassador to India Thomas Pickering, Council on Foreign Relations Chairman Peter G. Peterson, former Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank David Rockefeller, and former Treasury Secretary C. Douglas Dillon discuss foreign policy on September 16, 1992.

NBC News anchor Brian Williams, Dov Zakheim, Thomas E. Donilon, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace President Jessica T. Mathews, and former Senator Warren Rudman discuss foreign policy at the Harold Pratt House.

Former U.S. Ambassador to the Organization of American States John C. Dreier, former Assistant Secretary of State Adolf Berle, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Adlai Stevenson, and former Assistant Secretary of State Ernest Gross appear together at the Harold Pratt House in 1961.

Former Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank John McCloy, former Army Gen. Lucius D. Clay, and Joseph Barber appear together at the Harold Pratt House on June 7, 1963.

Former President of Cornell University James A. Perkins (left) talks to Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) President Winston Lord (center) and Council on Foreign Relations Chairman David Rockefeller at the Harold Pratt House in c. 1979.

Former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, former Secretary of Commerce Peter G. Peterson, and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger smile for the camera at the Harold Pratt House.

Bill Keller, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Dean of the London Business School Laura DAndrea Tyson, and Editor of Newsweek International Fareed Zakaria discuss foreign policy in June 2003 at a meeting called Ten Years after the Cold War: Does the United States Know What Its Doing and Where Its Going?

Ronald D. Asmus, Morton H. Halperin, Richard C. Holbrooke, and Richard Perle appear at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting at the Harold Pratt House on May 22, 2001.

Left to right: David Rockefeller, David Kellogg, and former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin smile for the camera in May 2000.

David Rockefeller (left) and Winston Lord smile for the camera at the Harold Pratt House.

Robert S. Strauss (former Special Representative for Trade Negotiations), Council on Foreign Relations Chairman David Rockefeller, former Secretary of Transportation James T. Lynn meet privately in 1979.

Richard N. Haass (second from left), Council on Foreign Relations Chairman Peter G. Peterson (fourth from left), and David Rockefeller (third from right) listen to their subordinates during a meeting held at the Harold Pratt House.

Carroll L. Wilson (left) listens to Alton Frye at the Harold Pratt House.

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) President Peter Tarnoff (left) and former CFR Chairman David Rockefeller stand in front of the Harold Pratt House on October 1, 1990.

Maurice Greenberg (left) is seen looking at Council on Foreign Relations Chairman Peter G. Peterson during a meeting held at the Harold Pratt House on November 17, 1997.

Peter Tarnoff, George S. Franklin Jr., Peter G. Peterson, David Rockefeller, and C. Douglas Dillon appear together to celebrate the opening of the George S. Franklin Hall at the Harold Pratt House on May 4, 1989.

Leslie Gelb, Winston Lord, David Rockefeller, CFR Secretary Judith Gustafson (not a CFR member), Peter G. Peterson, Alton Frye, John Temple Swing, and Bayless Manning appear together on May 16, 2000.

Peter G. Peterson, Maurice R. Greenberg, James D. Robinson III, and C.J. Silas take notes during a meeting at the Harold Pratt House on February 25, 1992. Peterson is the former Chairman of Lehman Brothers. Greenberg is the former Chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG). Robinson is the former Chairman and CEO of American Express. Silas is the former Chairman and CEO of Phillips Petroleum. All four men are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Left to right: William E. Colby, Stansfield Turner, and Henry A. Grunwald appear together at the Harold Pratt House. Colby and Turner served as directors of Central Intelligence Agency. Grunwald served as U.S. Ambassador to Austria. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report)

Left to right: Louis V. Gerstner Jr., former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, and Council on Foreign Relations Chairman Peter G. Peterson attend a meeting on April 16, 1997. The title of the meeting was Americas Global Approach for the Third Millennium. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report)

Left to right: Leslie Gelb, Richard Helms, James R. Schlesinger, Kenneth A. Moskow, William Webster, R. James Woolsey, and John Deutch stand together. Everyone in this picture is or was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Everyone except for Gelb and Moskow were directors of the Central Intelligence Agency. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report)

Left to right: Walter Isaacson, Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright, and Peter G. Peterson stand together.

Council on Foreign Relations Meetings

Alan Greenspan, the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, speaks about the economy at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on October 15, 2009. (Reuters)

Henry Kissinger, Richard V. Allen, Richard Holbrooke, Robert C. McFarlane, and Brent Scowcroft discuss national security matters at the Harold Pratt House on February 15, 2001. Everyone but Holbrooke is a former National Security Advisor.

Former Senator Warren B. Rudman, former Senator Gary Hart, former Defense Secretary Frank C. Carlucci, and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich appear at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting in June 2001.

David Rockefeller appears with his daughter Peggy Dulany at the Harold Pratt House on December 9, 1996. David Rockefeller and Peggy Dulany are members of the Council on Foreign Relations and members of the Trilateral Commission.

Former Senator George J. Mitchell, Bill Green, and Theodore C. Sorensen laugh during a Council on Foreign Relations meeting on April 6, 1999. All three men in this photo were members of the Council on Foreign Relations at the time this photo was taken.

Condoleezza Rice listens to Warren Christopher during a meeting in Los Angeles on April 8, 1991. (Photo: CFR Annual Report)

Condoleezza Rice stands beside former National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy at the Harold Pratt House on September 11, 1989. Condoleezza Rice served as President George W. Bushs national security advisor from 2001 to 2005. McGeorge Bundy was a National Security Advisor under Lyndon B. Johnson. (Photo: CFR Annual Report)

Condoleezza Rice meets with Michael E. Mandelbaum, Coit Dennis Blacker, and Edwin M. Smith during a meeting on April 29, 1993. All four individuals in this photo are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Photo: CFR Annual Report)

Council on Foreign Relations members Arnold L. Horelick (left), Condoleezza Rice (center), and Coit Dennis Blacker participate in a meeting at the Harold Pratt House. (Photo: CFR Annual Report)

Former U.S. Ambassador to Red China Winston Lord, Former U.S. Ambassador to Red China J. Stapleton Roy, Irina A. Faskianos, and former Assistant Secretary of Defense Joseph S. Nye Jr. discuss foreign policy at the Harold Pratt House. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report)

Left to right: Former 9/11 Commissioner and former Deputy U.S. Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Vice Chairman and former U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills, former House Speaker Thomas Foley, and CFR Washington Program Director Nancy Roman talk privately at the Council on Foreign Relations Washington D.C. office on October 5, 2005. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations)

Ted Turner, Council on Foreign Relations Chairman Peter G. Peterson, Warren Buffett, and former Senator Sam Nunn appear at the Council on Foreign Relations screening of HBOs Last Best Chance. Ted Turner and Warren Buffet are not members of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations)

Former Secretary of the Navy Paul H. Nitze and former Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon attend a Council on Foreign Relations meeting.

Richard Perle (left) and Brent Scowcroft smile for the camera at the Harold Pratt House.

Leslie Gelb, an unidentified woman, and Peter G. Peterson smile for the camera at a party.

George F. Kennan (left) celebrates his 90th birthday with U.S. Representative to the United Nations Madeleine K. Albright and other Council on Foreign Relations friends at the Harold Pratt House. (Source: Continuing the Inquiry: The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996 by Peter Grose, page 36)

Left to right: Council on Foreign Relations Winston Lord, William D. Rogers, Alan Greenspan, and former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft socialize at the Harold Pratt House. This photo appears in the 1984 Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report.

Lane Kirkland (left) was the former President of AFL-CIO. W. Michael Blumenthal served as Treasury Secretary under President Jimmy Carter.

Former Secretary of the Army Stanley Resor (left) talks to former Secretary of the Navy Paul Nitze.

Former National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy and former Secretary of State Dean Rusk appear together at the Harold Pratt House. Bundy also served as President of Ford Foundation. Rusk also served as President of Rockefeller Foundation.

Zoe Baird, retired Army General Barry McCaffrey, and Mathea Falco appear at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting on February 6, 1997.

Kenneth W. Dam (foreground, right) and Thomas L. Hughes (standing), the President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, prepare for a meeting.

Caspar Weinberger (left) meets with Ambler Moss (center) and Gardner Cowles.

This photo appears in the 1984 Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report.

Xerox Chairman Paul A. Allaire, Robert Byrne, and Council on Foreign Relations Chairman Peter G. Peterson appear at a meeting on May 21, 1998. Robert Byrne is not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

James Shinn (left), and Jeffrey Garten, the Dean of Yale School of Management, listen to Robert Zoellick, the former Under Secretary of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs, at a meeting on March 6, 1997.

Winston Lord applauds as George C. Paine II shakes hands with Caspar Weinberger.

Felix Rohatyn is the former U.S. Ambassador to France. Gen. Wesley Clark is the former Commander of NATO.

Former U.S. Ambassador to West Germany Richard Burt and Former Secretary of State Al Haig appear at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting on April 23, 1991.

Former U.S. Ambassador to East Germany Herbert S. Okun, Leslie Gelb, and former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance discuss foreign policy on May 26, 1993.

Arthur Schlesinger Jr. (left) talks to former Senator Abraham Ribicoff at the Harold Pratt House.

Former Senator Charles McC. Mathias Jr. (left) talks to former Secretary of State James A. Baker III (center) and Frank W. Sesno at the Harold Pratt House on January 31, 2000.

Former Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig watches Arnaud de Borchgrave shake hands with former U.S. Ambassador to Iran William H. Sullivan.

Former Commerce Secretary Alexander B. Trowbridge (left) and former Mayor of New York City John V. Lindsay (center) listen to William E. Brock III at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting. William E. Brock III served as Secretary of Labor under President Ronald Reagan.

Winston Lord talks to former U.S. Senator Abraham Ribicoff (left) and Robert Strauss (right) at the Harold Pratt House.

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson, and Gidon Gottlieb discuss foreign policy at the Harold Pratt House on June 13, 1991.

President of the Asia Society Robert Oxnam, former U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam Ellsworth Bunker, and former U.S. Ambassador to Thailand Charles Whitehouse discuss foreign policy at the Harold Pratt House.

Former Congressman John B. Anderson talks to former Senator George McGovern (left) at the Harold Pratt House.

Robert McFarlane and Brent Scowcroft served as a National Security Advisor.

Donald A. Baer, former Under Secretary of State Arnold Kanter, Robert L. Galucci, former Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Bernard E. Trainor, and former U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Donald P. Gregg engage in a mock National Security Council meeting on North Korea at the Harold Pratt House on April 7, 1999.

Council on Foreign Relations President Leslie Gelb, Karen M. Sughrue, former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, and Arthur Schlesinger Jr. smile for the camera on April 20, 1995. April 20 is Adolf Hitlers birthday.

Winston Lord, Bette Bao Lord, and former Senator Abraham Ribicoff attend a Council on Foreign Relations meeting.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia Emory C. Swank (left), Martha Muse, and former U.S. Ambassador to Canada Thomas O. Enders (right) prepare for a meeting at the Harold Pratt House.

Former Senator George McGovern (left) talks to former Attorney General Dick Thornburgh at the Harold Pratt House on April 21, 1993.

Ted Koppel and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Colin Powell share a joke on October 31, 1997.

Former U.S. Ambassador to East Germany Herbert Okun, Michael Mandelbaum, and Walter Isaacson appear at a meeting called U.S. Policy in Central Europe at the Harold Pratt House on April 2, 1990.

Richard Holbrooke and Leslie Gelb appear at a meeting together.

John F. Lehman (left), John D. Steinbruner (center), and Richard Perle appear at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting.

Janne E. Nolan, Texaco Chairman Alfred C. DeCrane Jr., and Robert Hormats appear at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting on March 6, 1991.

Left: Former Senator Charles McC. Mathias Jr. (left) talks to William G. Hyland at the Harold Pratt House. Right: Former Congressman Stephen J. Solarz and former U.S. Ambassador to Red China Winston Lord smile for the camera on November 17, 1998.

Robin Wright, former U.S. Ambassador to Tunisia Robert H. Pelletreau, and Middle East scholar Judith Kipper discuss Middle Eastern affairs during a meeting at the Harold Pratt House on April 8, 1993.

Left photo: E. Gerald Corrigan (left) stands beside World Bank President Barber B. Conable Jr. at the Harold Pratt House. Right photo: Mortimer Zuckerman (left) stands beside Elie Wiesel at the Harold Pratt House.

Former Secretary of Commerce Juanita M. Kreps (left), Alton Frye (center), and former Secretary of Transportation James T. Lynn sign a secret agreement at the Harold Pratt House.

Left: Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Chairman David Rockefeller stands beside CFR President Bayless Manning. Right: Roger C. Altman stands beside James Wolfensohn at the Harold Pratt House on May 11, 1993.

Former Governor of Virginia Gerald L. Baliles, Alton Frye, and former U.S. Congressman Vin Weber discuss foreign policy in Washington D.C. on November 30, 1995.

David Rockefeller talks to Karen Elliott House (left) at the Harold Pratt House on May 11, 1988. Karen Elliott House is the former Publisher of Wall Street Journal. Karen Elliott House and David Rockefeller are members of the Council on Foreign Relations and members of the Trilateral Commission.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young, Council on Foreign Relations President Leslie Gelb, and Ernest J. Wilson III discuss foreign policy in Atlanta on October 25, 2000.

George Soros, Ruth Wedgwood, and former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Edward Djerejian appear at a meeting in Houston, Texas on May 22, 1996.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Zaire Brandon H. Grove Jr., Philip Merrill, Anne Wexler, and former U.S. Trade Representative Carla A. Hills appear at a reception on October 6, 1997 to celebrate the opening of Council on Foreign Relations new office in Washington D.C.

From left to right: Former Governor of New Jersey and Chairman of 9/11 Commission Thomas Kean, former Commerce Secretary Barbara Hackman Franklin, former U.S. Ambassador to Nepal Julia Chang Bloch, former U.S. Ambassador to Red China Winston Lord, President of U.S. Institute of Peace and former U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines Richard H. Solomon, and former Treasury Secretary W. Michael Blumenthal appear at a meeting.

Retired Army General John R. Galvin (left), former Supreme Allied Commander of Europe-NATO, listens to former Vice President Walter Mondale during a meeting in Minneapolis on October 21, 1992.

New York Times columnist A.M. Rosenthal (left) and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger appear at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting.

Margaret Osmer-McQuade and Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger discuss foreign affairs on a World in Focus show October 3, 1992.

Paul Volcker delivers a speech at a meeting at the Amourers Hall in London. Winston Lord is seated to the right of Volcker.

Judith Kipper stands beside retired Marine Corps General Joseph P. Hoar, former Commander of U.S. Central Command, on October 4, 1994.

Left: Former Army Lt. Gen. Edward L. Rowny (left) and former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Lew Allen Jr. appear at a meeting in Los Angeles. Right: Former Chairman and CEO of Xerox Sol Linowitz (left) stands beside Warren Christopher at a meeting in Los Angeles.

Former Secretary of the Navy John F. Lehman Jr., Rockefeller Foundation President Peter C. Goldmark Jr., and former Senator Gary Hart discuss military reforms at a meeting at the Harold Pratt House on June 27, 1989.

Thomas Pickering (left) talks to Peter G. Peterson at a dinner held at the Harold Pratt House.

Raghida Dergham (left) and former U.S. Ambassador to Syria Richard W. Murphy take notes as Judith Kipper gives a lecture on the Middle East peace talks at the Harold Pratt House on April 16, 1993.

David Rockefeller (left), Theodore C. Sorensen (center), and Gillian Martin Sorensen listen to a lecture about Iraq at the Harold Pratt House on February 24, 1998.

Carla A. Hills talks to incoming Council on Foreign Relations President Richard N. Haass at the Harold Pratt House in 2003.

Richard N. Haass and Maurice Greenberg appear at a meeting called The Future of U.S. Intelligence that was held on November 14, 1995.

This photo appears in the 2006 Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report. Michael H. Jordan is not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Alton Frye (left), former Defense Secretary James R. Schlesinger, and former directors of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Kenneth L. Adelman (second from right) and Ralph Earle II (right) prepare for a meeting at the Harold Pratt House.

Jim Hoge, Editor of Foreign Affairs William Hyland, and Ted Sorensen wait for a meeting to begin at the Harold Pratt House.

Former Defense Secretary Elliot L. Richardson, President of Federation of American Scientists Jeremy Stone, and former Assistant Secretary of State Harry McPherson meet behind close doors.

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell talks to Bette Bao Lord and her husband Winston Lord, the former U.S. Ambassador to Red China, at a meeting called national defense priorities for the next administration at the Harold Pratt House on March 9, 2000.

Michael S. Teitelbaum (left) and former National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy appear at a study group meeting called population and U.S. foreign policy on March 28, 1991.

Left to right: William J. Perry (future Secretary of Defense), Robert R. Bowie, retired Army General Andrew J. Goodpaster, and Larry K. Smith prepare for a meeting at the Harold Pratt House.

Citibank Chairman John S. Reed, Margaret Osmer-McQuade, and Felix G. Rohatyn smile for the camera at the Harold Pratt House. Felix G. Rohatyn served as U.S. Ambassador to France under Bill Clinton.

Former U.S. Ambassador to East Germany Rozanne L. Ridgway (left) and Edward L. Warner III (center) listen as Michael Mandelbaum delivers a speech. Warner served as an Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Bill Clinton. All three individuals in this photo are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Arnold Kanter served as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs under President George H.W. Bush. Dov Zakheim served as the Comptroller of the Defense Department under President George W. Bush.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Syria Richard W. Murphy (background), Council on Foreign Relations President Leslie Gelb, and John A. Millington talk to Rebecca P. Mark, Chairman and CEO of Enron Development Corp., at the Harold Pratt House on October 3, 1995.

E. John Rosenwald Jr. is the Vice Chairman of Bear Stearns. Mortimer Zuckerman is the Editor-in-Chief of U.S. News & World Report. Sorensen served as President John F. Kennedys speechwriter. All three men are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

James Baker Sitrick is the Secretary-General of the World Federation of United Nations Associations. Robert W. Johnson IV is the owner of the New York Jets football team. George Soros is the Chairman of Soros Fund Management. All three men are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Former Deputy Secretary of State Kenneth W. Dam (left), President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York William J. McDonough, and Dallas Morning News columnist Lee Cullum appear at a Council on Foreign Relations board of directors meeting on June 5, 1997.

Council on Foreign Relations members Howard F. Jeter, M. William Howard Jr., and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Donald McHenry appear at a meeting held at the Harold Pratt House on January 30, 1998. President Bill Clinton would appoint Howard F. Jeter as the U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria in 2000.

Left: This photo appears in the 2006 Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report. Right: Henry Kissinger (center) and University of Oklahoma President David L. Boren (right) meet with students during a Foreign Policy Conference reception.

Ed Djerejian and former Secretary of State James A. Baker III discuss foreign policy some time in the 1990s.

David Abshire, David Lampton, Leslie Gelb, Dimitri K. Simes, Maurice Greenberg, and Richard N. Haass appear together on November 10, 1997 at the Harold Pratt House.

Peter Hakim, Thomas F. McLarty III, Bruce Stokes, Andres Bianchi (Chilean Ambassador to the U.S.), John Cavanagh, and Tara Diane Sonenshine meet at the Harold Pratt House on April 17, 2001 to participate in a Summit of the Americas Press Briefing.

Former Vice President Al Gore delivers a speech at the Harold Pratt House.

Left to right: Richard N. Haass, William Kristol, former Congressman Vin Weber, and Paula Dobriansky smile for the camera. William Kristol is not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Steve Forbes talks to Council on Foreign Relations members Kiichi Mochizuki and Ronald K. Shelp at the Harold Pratt House on May 23, 1996. Steve Forbes is not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Left photo: Evan Thomas listens to former Secretary of State James A. Baker III (left) at the Harold Pratt House. Evan Thomas is the co-author of the book The Wise Men: Six Friends and The World They Made. Right photo: Council on Foreign Relations President Richard N. Haass (left) listens to former Secretary of State James A. Baker III at the Harold Pratt House.

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General John W. Vessey (Army, retired), Barnett R. Rubin, and Wall Street international banker George Soros attend a meeting at the Harold Pratt House on December 11, 1998.

Right photo: Former President Jimmy Carter (left) and his wife Rosalyn Carter visits Director of U.S. Information Agency Henry E. Catto Jr. in London in 1992. Jimmy Carter and Henry Catto are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Council on Foreign Relations President Leslie Gelb (left) and Maurice Greenberg appear together at the Harold Pratt House on September 27, 1995.

Winston Lord, columnist George Will, and Arnaud de Borchgrave appear at the Harold Pratt House.

Former U.S. Ambassdor to Ghana Franklin H. Williams, David Morse, and former U.S. Ambassador to Upper Volta [Burkina Faso] Elliott P. Skinner meet privately at the Harold Pratt House.

The Reverend Jesse Jackson, Margaret Osmer-McQuade, and former U.S. Ambassador to Ghana Franklin H. Williams appear at the entrance of the Harold Pratt House.

Averell Harriman (right) and his wife Pamela Harriman appears with Mario Cuomo (left). Mario Cuomo, Averell Harriman, and Pamela Harriman were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Averell Harriman and Mario Cuomo served as governors of New York.

McGeorge Bundy talks to Father J. Bryan Hehir. Bundy was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations; Hehir is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

This photo was published in the 1983 Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report. James F. Beere was not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics Lawrence J. Korb (left), former Secretary of the Navy John F. Lehman Jr. (middle), and retired Admiral William A. Owens, former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, discuss defense matters at a meeting on June 5, 1998.

Former Attorney General Dick Thornburgh, former Secretary of State Al Haig, former Congressman John Brademas, and former Defense Secretary Les Aspin celebrate at the Harold Pratt House on September 12, 1994.

Brent Scowcroft (left), National Security Advisor under President Gerald Ford, former Assistant Secretary of State Hodding Carter III, and Council on Foreign Relations President Peter Tarnoff meet privately on May 25, 1988 in Washington D.C.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Robert B. Oakley, former President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Thomas L. Hughes, and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Donald F. McHenry appear at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting on February 26, 1997.

Alton Frye (left) and George Soros attend a Council on Foreign Relations board of directors meeting on October 8, 1996.

Harold Brown served as Secretary of Defense under President Jimmy Carter. Retired Air Force General David C. Jones served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Carter and Reagan. William G. Hyland was the Editor of Foreign Affairs at the time this photo was taken. This photo appears in the 1987 Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report.

Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, Secretary-Treasurer of AFL-CIO Thomas R. Donahue, and Donald F. McHenry discuss foreign policy at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting on June 6, 1992. Kirkpatrick and McHenry served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

George Soros and former Commerce Secretary Barbara Hackman Franklin smile for the camera on October 2, 1993 at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting called The New World Disorder. This photo appears on page 81 in the 1994 Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report.

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, Council on Foreign Relations President Leslie H. Gelb, and Alton Frye appear at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting on November 2, 1993.

John Deutch (left), former Director of Central Intelligence Agency, and former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker smile for the camera at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting on March 13, 1997.

Cyrus Vance, Robert A. Scalapino, and Paul H. Kreisberg attend a meeting at the Harold Pratt House. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report)

Cyrus Vance (left) listens to Enzo Viscusi at the Harold Pratt House on May 26, 1993. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report)

John Gutfreund (left) stands beside Martin Feldstein. (Photo: CFR Annual Report)

John C. Whitehead (center) and Peter Tarnoff (right) listen to Peter G. Peterson. (Photo: CFR Annual Report)

Left: Retired Air Force General Richard Myers and Eliot A. Cohen talk about Iraq at the Harold Pratt House. Right: Council on Foreign Relations President Richard N. Haass (center) talks to Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers (left) and John Hopkins University Professor Eliot A. Cohen at the Harold Pratt House.

Former U.S. ambassadors to the United Nations Jeane J. Kirkpatrick (left), Thomas J. Pickering (wearing glasses), and Richard Holbrooke (talking) discuss the future of the United Nations at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting in Washington D.C. The man sitting next to Jeane J. Kirkpatrick is Fred Hiatt. All four identified individuals were members of the Council on Foreign Relations at the time this photo was taken. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2004 Annual Report)

Loral Space & Communications Chairman and CEO Bernard Schwartz (left), David Kellogg, and Henry R. Kravis meet at the Harold Pratt House. Henry R. Kravis is a regular Bilderberg Meetings participant. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2005 Annual Report)

Steven A. Cook, former Congressman Vin Weber, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and Washington Post journalist Jackson K. Diehl discuss foreign policy at the Harold Pratt House. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2005 Annual Report)

Arthur Levitt Jr. and William H. Donaldson are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2006 Annual Report)

Former Treasury Secretary and Council on Foreign Relations Vice Chairman Robert Rubin (left) talks to Council on Foreign Relations President Richard N. Haass (center) and Council on Foreign Relations Vice President James M. Lindsay at the Harold Pratt House. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2004 Annual Report)

Anthony Lake is a former National Security Advisor, Christine Todd Whitman is a former Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency, and Princeton Lyman is a former U.S. Ambassador to South Africa. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2006 Annual Report)

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright talks to George E. Rupp at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2006 Annual Report)

(Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2007 Annual Report)

Left to right: Maurice Greenberg, Peter G. Peterson, Joan Ganz Cooney, and Leslie H. Gelb stand together. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2007 Annual Report)

Robert W. Jordan is a former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. All three individuals in this photo are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2007 Annual Report)

Winston Lord is the former Ambassador to Red China, Robert D. Blackwill is the former Ambassador to India, and Stephen W. Bosworth is the former Ambassador to South Korea. All four individuals in this photo are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2007 Annual Report)

Neville Isdell, Chairman of Coca-Cola Co., speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on March 6, 2009. Neville Isdell is not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations yet. (AP Photo)

David J. O'Reilly, Chairman and CEO of Chevron Corp., speaks to members and guests at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on November 12, 2008. (AP Photo)

Samuel J. Palmisano, Chairman and CEO of IBM Corp., speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on November 6, 2008. (AP Photo)

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie addresses the Council on Foreign Relations during a symposium on International Law and Justice in New York City on October 17, 2008.

Luis Moreno-Ocampo, prosecutor for the International Criminal Court, watches Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie address the Council on Foreign Relations during a symposium on International Law and Justice in New York City on October 17, 2008. Angelina Jolie is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Reuters)

Retired U.S. Army General Wesley Clark speaks during a symposium on international law and justice at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on October 17, 2008. Wesley Clark is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a Rhodes Scholar. (AP Photo/Jason DeCrow)

Luis Moreno-Ocampo, a prosecutor for the International Criminal Court, addresses the Council on Foreign Relations during a symposium on International Law and Justice in New York City on October 17, 2008. (Reuters)

French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde talks about the turmoil in the world financial markets at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C. on October 10, 2008. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Richard Haass (left), President of the Council on Foreign Relations, listens as Mohamed ElBaradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), delivers his lecture to the organization's members in New York City on November 4, 2009. (AP Photo)

Carlos Ghosn (L), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Renault-Nissan Alliance, speaks to former U.S. Treasury Department Auto Task Force head, Steven Rattner, as he listens at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on November 19, 2009. Steven Rattner is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Reuters)

Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman Gary Gensler speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on January 6, 2010. (Reuters)

Verizon Chairman and CEO Ivan Seidenberg speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on April 6, 2010. (AP Photo)

European Central Bank (ECB) President Jean-Claude Trichet speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on April 26, 2010. (Reuters) http://www.daylife.com/photo/07VnbrIbclct7?q=council+on+foreign+relations

Andrew Witty, CEO of GlaxoSmithKline, speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on January 20, 2010. Drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline said it will open up its research cupboards and labs to outside scientists in an unusual effort to trigger more research on malaria and other neglected tropical diseases. The London-based company also said its researchers expect in 2012 to be able to seek approval for the first vaccine against malaria, a mosquito-borne parasitic disease that kills a million people a year, mostly young children in Africa. (AP Photo)

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf of New York City speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on September 13, 2010. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf was in favor of building a mosque near the site of the World Trade Center (now known as Ground Zero). (Reuters)

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C. on September 8, 2010. (AP Photo)

Left photo: Peter Schiff, President and Chief Global Strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, talks about the Communist Chinese economy and foreign trade at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on March 9, 2011. (AP Photo) Right photo: Thomas Hoenig, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, discusses the economy at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on March 2, 2011. (AP Photo)

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan (right) talks about his recent publication 'Activism' with businessman Roger C. Altman (left) in Washington, D.C. on March 15, 2011. (Getty Images)

Left photo: Peter R. Fisher, Senior Managing Director and Head of Fixed Income Portfolio Management at BlackRock, Inc., speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations World Economic Update in New York City on March 16, 2011. (Reuters) Right photo: J.W. Marriott Jr., Chairman and CEO of Marriott International, participates in an event at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C. on November 30, 2010. Mr. Marriott was speaking at an event titled U.S. Economic Growth and Global Leadership. (Getty Images)

Peter R. Orszag, Vice Chairman, Global Banking for Citigroup, Inc., speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations World Economic Update in New York City on March 16, 2011. (Reuters)

Nestle Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Peter Brabeck-Letmathe speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on March 22, 2011. (Reuters)

Randall L. Stephenson, CEO and President of AT&T, holds up a cell phone during a forum at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on March 30, 2011. Stephenson discussed various issues surrounding broadband internet and communications during the hour-long breakfast seminar. (Getty Images)

Ellen Kullman, Chairman and CEO of DuPont, speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on March 29, 2012. Kullman also serves on the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. (AP Photo)

Actor George Clooney (C) speaks as John Prendergast (R), co-founder of Enough Project, and Anglican Bishop Andudu Adam Elnail (L) listen regarding the situation in Southern Sudan, at the Council on Foreign Relations headquarters in New York City on March 13, 2012. Upon their return from South Sudan with the Enough Project, Clooney and John Prendergast discussed the situation after a year since Southern Sudans independence referendum. Clooney is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Getty Images)

Russias Finance Minister Anton Siluanov speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on April 23, 2012. (Reuters)

Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of Exxon Mobil, appears at the Council on Foreign Relations on Wednesday, June 27, 2012. (Photo: Don Pollard/Council on Foreign Relations)

Mike Duke, President and CEO of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., speaks at a Council on Foreign Relations event on December 11, 2012. (Photo: Don Pollard/Council on Foreign Relations)

IBM CEO Virginia Ginni Rometty was a featured speaker at the Council on Foreign Relations 2013 Corporate Conference in New York on Thursday night, March 7, 2013. Virginia Rometty is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Photo: Melanie Einzig/Council on Foreign Relations)

U.S. Army Chief of Staff Raymond T. Odierno (left) speaks as Gideon Rose, editor of Foreign Affairs magazine, looks on during a discussion at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C. on June 20, 2012. Odierno discussed military budget cuts, focusing on the Asia-Pacific region and creating a flexible force to respond to a range of situations. (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images North America)

The Global Board of Advisers, a select group of prominent individuals, includes business leaders, noted academics, and former government officials from developed and emerging-market countries. Prominent individuals in this photograph include: David Rubenstein (standing, 4th from left, founder of the Carlyle Group), Richard N. Haass (standing, 4 th from right, President of the Council on Foreign Relations), Kofi Annan (standing, 2 nd right, former Secretary-General of the United Nations), Robert E. Rubin (seated, 4th from left, Co-Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations), and Carla A. Hills (seated, 4 th from right, Co-Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations). (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2013 Annual Report)

Council on Foreign Relations Vice Chairman Richard E. Salomon (left) listens to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the International Affairs Fellowship Conference. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2008 Annual Report)

Melinda French Gates, Council Board member Tom Brokaw, Council Co-Chairman Carla A. Hills, and Council President Haass at the National Conference. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2008 Annual Report)

Richard Plepler, CEO of Home Box Office (HBO), addresses the audience during the HBO Documentary Films special screening of "Manhunt" at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City on April 16, 2013. Richard Plepler is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the Trilateral Commission. (Photo: Michael Loccisano/Getty Images North America) http://www.zimbio.com/photos/Richard+Plepler/Manhunt/VkobMEWlFGN

Outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (right) appears with Richard Haass (left), President of the Council on Foreign Relations, after delivering a speech on American leadership at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C. on January 31, 2013. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2013 Annual Report)

Timothy F. Geithner (2nd right), former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, speaks with military fellows after his session on the U.S. economy at the tenth annual Corporate Conference. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2013 Annual Report)

Fareed Zakaria (left) and Gideon Rose unveil the cover of the Foreign Affairs March/April issue. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2013 Annual Report)

Above: Christopher Padilla, vice president, governmental programs at IBM Corporation; Adam Segal, senior fellow for China studies; Samuel Palmisano, former chairman of the board and CEO of IBM Corporation; John Negroponte, former deputy secretary of state and director of national intelligence; and Anya Schmemann, director of the Task Force Program, at a meeting of the Independent Task Force on U.S. policy in the digital age. (Photo: Council on Foreign Relations 2013 Annual Report)

Note: All photographs in this section were originally published in previous Council on Foreign Relations annual reports unless otherwise indicated.

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