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Difference from the Control Data Analysis: ANOVA Computations: CF = TSS = BSS = [ JSS = [ ] ] = = = 744.19

= 1147 744.19 = 402.81 = = 149.227

ESS = TSS (BSS + JSS) = 402.81 (149.227 + 77.56) Source of Variation Brand Judge Error Total Degree of Freedom 3 11 33 47 Sum of Squares 149.24 77.56 176.02 402.81 Mean Square 49.74 7.05 5.33 f value calc MSB/MSE 9.33

f calc. 9.33 > f tab 2.896 at 0.05 level of significance, therefore there is a significant difference. Proceed to Dunetts Test. Single Range = D = 2.144 = 2.02 1.33 -1.33 = 0 < 2.02 3.42 1.33 = 2.09 > 2.02 4 1.33 = 2.67 > 2.02 5 1.33 = 3.67 > 2.02 NSD SD SD SD

mean A mean A mean B mean A mean C mean A mean D mean A

Aa Bb Cb Db Samples with the same superscript are significantly different in reference to A.

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