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Usiminas Belo Horizonte Rua Prof. Jos Vieira de Mendona, 3011 31310-260 Belo Horizonte MG T 55 31 3499-8000 F 55 31 3499-8899 www.usiminas.


USINAS SIDERRGICAS DE MINAS GERAIS S.A. - USIMINAS CNPJ/MF 60.894.730/0001-05 NIRE 313.000.1360-0 Publicly Traded Company


Usinas Siderrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. USIMINAS, (Usiminas or Company), pursuant to CVMs Instruction n 358/02, and in attention to the Notice CVM/SEP/GEA4/N110/13, hereby informs that on the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting to be held on April 16th, 2013 the minority shareholders will be able to, subject to the applicable legislation and the effective attendance of shareholders in such Meeting, indicate candidate as member of the Board of Directors, in addition to the seven candidates indicated by the controlling group.

Belo Horizonte, April 15th, 2013.

Ronald Seckelmann Vice-President of Finance and Investors Relations

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