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Escolham a melhor opo fazendo o uso correto dos pronomes possessivos.

1. This cellphone is not Mark's, it's.................

a. My
b. Her
c. Mine
2. .............country is more beautiful than..............
a. Yours, her
b. Theirs, hers
c. Your, his
3. ..........teacher is much older than................
a. Hers, mine
b. Our, yours
c. His, my
4. Whose flash drive is this? It's.................
a. Her
b. Their
c. His
5. ...............train leaves in ten minutes. Which one is...............?
a. Theirs, their
b. His, her
c. Our, ours
6. Is this...........videogame? No, it's..................
a. Your, your
b. His, their
c. My, yours
7. Did they take Mike's car? No, ..........car is over there.
a. Mine
b. His
c. Hers
8. The green pen is...........and the red ones are............
a. Mine, their
b. Your, theirs
c. Yours, theirs
9. .............sister loves..........friends.
a. Mine, her
b. Our, theirs
c. My, her

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