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Central State University College of Education Department of Professional Education Mathematics Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Title: Survey Says Date: November 14, 2012 Subject: Mathematics Number of Days Covered: 1 Grade Level: K- 1st

Mathematics Standards Addressed: Kindergarten Domain:Measurement and Data Cluster:Describe and compare measurable attributes Standard:2. Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has more of/less of the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter. First Grade Domain: Measurement and Data Cluster:Represent and Interpret Data Standard:4. Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another. Specific Observable/Measurable Learning Objectives: Students will be able represent, and explain the data they collect with 75% accuracy. Evaluation of Student Learning: Students will tell me what they know about graphs and how they use graphs before I introduce them to the next activity.

Math Connections: Past: Students may have seen graphs but never been introduced to them. They have definitely compared different things based off of their attributes.

Present: Students will understand how to use graphs, and how to show as well as express the differences they see in the data they graph or see graphed. Future:Students will be able to recognize graphs and know how to compare and contrast the data. Required Materials Needed for Lesson: Crayons Worksheet ( Survey Says Graph) Students Background/Prior Knowledge/Experience: Students know how to compare different things based on their attributes. Students can express the differences of their charts using more or less. Main Ideas: For students to collect data with different colors so they can distinguish the difference Students will be able to express what they see on their charts. Such as which one is like more or less. Key Math Vocabulary: Bar Graph-Uses bars to show quantities or numbers so they can be easily compared Most, More- The largest or larger in a group Less,Less Than-Not as many as Motivational Strategy/Anticipatory Set for Lesson: To engage students I will introduce them to the bar graph on the smartboard What color is your hair? I will have each child put the dot over their hair color, then students will be asked to tell me which hair color has the most, least, and the same amount of people.

Mathematics Content: Each student will ask their classmates which one is their favorite subject. The students will have 4 different colored crayons to distinguish the difference between the different subjects. At the end of collecting the data students will answer the questions on which one has the most, and the less. They will also explain how they know that the subject has more or less.

Differentiated Instructional Support: Students use different colors to show the difference between subjects

Students can visually see differences such as more and less, and or the same. Integration of Technology: I plan to use the smartboard with my anticipatory set. Mathematics Homework or Home Connections: For homework students will complete a bar graph (How many people are in your family) and bring it back and we will go over it. Closure: Why do we use graphs? Student Learning Based on Data: The worksheets Survey Saysand How many people are in my family? will help me determine the students learning.

Reflection/ Self Evaluation: Overall I feel as though I did a good job executing my lesson being the type of day my students and I were having. A couple of my students did not take their meds, and due to that they were a bit overwhelmed with their daily activities in class. At the start of the day I was told that the copy machine was out of order, so I had to think quick

on another way to get my lesson to my students so I made my own version of the sheet What is your favorite subject?. Under pressure I feel as though I kept it all together even though this made me very nervous. However I did change one of my worksheets when I noticed that my motivational strategy worksheet could have easily confused my students with using tallys when I was trying to introduce them to bar graphs. So I u sed that as a warm up lesson before they went off to martial arts. When I began my lesson I knew that carpet time while using the smartboard was not the way to go because I tested it earlier before. So instead I had children sit at their seats, and focus on the smartboard because I felt like it would be a much easier to keep them on task given the day that they were having. Happy to say that I was right with the choice I made they were much easier to handle, and not only that but they still kept their focus on the task at hand. Then when it was time to use the hands on worksheet they began to get a little off task because they seen the chart on the board. SKEE is the common word used to discipline the children, and let them know silence is mandatory. This helped them realize that I needed them to be quiet as I gave them instructions on the next activity. They were still a little chatty that is only because they were not themselves, but I still was able to work with them. Students were not understanding why they were getting all 4 colors instead of one, until we finished our bar graph, and they noticed that every subject was a different color. Then just like the What color is your hair? we described it using most, equal/same, or least/smallest. They were able to understand it at the end, and I was happy that they understood what I was teaching them under those different circumstances in the classroom.

At the end of my lesson I was asked about different types of instruction to meet the dynamics of the classroom, basically how would I meet the different needs of my students. It was something that I know that I know, but unfortunately I was not able to grasp that question at that point in time. As a future special educator this is something that I have to work on when being a variety of questions. After my post conference this is something that bothered me being that this is the profession that I am studying, as well as pursuing. So because of that I have made it my duty to keep studying the different interventions so that I am not stuck in my tracks no matter the circumstances.

All in All it I feel as though I did a good job on executing my lesson, however I do need to work on my executing, and describing my differentiated instruction so that it is specific what is being done to help every student with their different needs.

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