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Hunchback In the Park symbolism of chains being unable to escape his disability but nobody chained him up Treated

as less than human animal like his kennel Seven stanzas six lines each constant and similar, like the hunchbacks daily routine Punctuation irregular and minimal 3 full stops Some Rhyme (park/dark) but no regular pattern Lots of enjambment
We never discover his name

Poem is a dramatic monolgue

Case History Alison (Head Injury)

Both protagonists are isolated

Both Have themes of disability central to the poem

Set out in 9, 3 line stanzas closes with a single line

Both deal with how one shouldnt be look down upon from appearances i.e Allison was a dancer

Middle line of each stanza noticeably longer than the others Beginning of the poem is as if she is talking to herself Later realise she is talking to herself

Readers feel sympathy for both protagonists

Both poems use both first and third person

Short sentences show Allison is taking her time due to her condition?

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