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Institutional Repository 2.

0 -- IR via Social Media Integration

Keita BANDO Mendeley Advisor info@myopenarchive.org Abstract In 2002, Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) had its credo articulated as the Manifesto of Budapest. It describes about the definition of Open Access (OA) and recommends two Strategies: (i) Green Road, for researchers to conduct Self-Archiving and (ii) Gold Road, meaning OA journal publishing. Up to date, Green Road has created at least 2,200 Institutional Repositories (IRs), whereas a number of contents had received their OA. However, in general, there is a number of IRs remained unknown. For Instance, in Japan, there are only 16% of institutions that maintain IR. Japan is the fourth largest IRs country that holds 6% share of global IRs. [1] With the BOAI statement mission that "Every institution should have an IR", this will place the focus in this thesiss discussion with the objective on social media for researchers in order to enhance IRs. Sites such as, Mendeley, ResearchGATE and several social media for researchers (below social media) featured SelfArchiving and individual Altmetrics (readership, RG Score) built into their site architecture in general. Furthermore, academic information on social media could well be developed as institutional repository when integrated and sort by institutions. This leads many of the institutional repository makes researchers to conduct Self-Archiving without the traditional basic work of a library or librarians aid in archiving. While at the 10th anniversary, BOAI announced new vision (BOAI recommendations, 2012), (i) that is to encourage the development of alternative metrics for impact and quality, and (ii) every institution of higher education should have an OA repository or arrange to outsource OA repository services. In terms of BOAI statement, the feasible to promote IR and Self-Archiving can be literally by researchers on this integration. When existing IRs enhance social media integration, including DURA project, increasingly and active archiving gives more popularity to IRs. Institutions without IR will be able to build instantly their IR without heavy budget or detailed human resources. Hence, the vision to further development of Green Road by new style of OA repository via social media (Institutional Repository 2.0: IR 2.0) could be a possible project. In this paper, we will discuss on Mendeley integration, as an example, overviewing the data, structure, and its possibility as future IR(s). Keywords Institutional Repository, Open Access, BOAI, Green Road, Scholarly Communication, Social Media, Mendeley, ResearchGATE, altmetrics

[1] Keita BANDO (2011) MyOpenArchive, an individual rather than an Institutional Open Access Repository, and initial responses. The 6th International Conference on Open Repositories(Open Repositories 2011). http://myopenarchive.org/docs/keitabando/96

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