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Research on food satisfaction of college canteen

This survey is for studies purpose only and information provided by you will be kept confidential. Please feel free and tick inside the box according to your opinion.

Q. No.1.Rate the following according to your importance while consuming food: 1* Presentation;
(Cleanliness, how it is being served)





Taste: Availability: Nutritious: Price: Quantity; No. 2. How many courses of meal do you take in DBIM canteen in a day? a. Breakfast. b. lunch c. dinner d. all

Q. No. 3. Rate the following according to your satisfaction. (Star out of 5) 1* Cleanliness and Hygiene Food Varieties Nutritious Quantity Price Q. No. 4. Yes Does the food provided at DBIM canteen served the purpose of your expectation? NO 2* 3* 4* 5*

Why or why not? Reason:

From the survey we conducted we found out that:The majority of the respondents, while having food derived satisfaction from the taste. However in DBIM canteen the respondent rate very low for the taste. The highest rating goes to food varieties which the respondent does not give much important to while having food. The food at DBIM canteen is not satisfactory

Taste of food is not satisfied at DBIM canteen

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