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'for XinoxProject 'Xinox Player source code 'under GNU/GPL v3.

0 'XinoxPlayer (c) 2013 'developer: Amar Tufo Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog ofd.InitialDirectory = "C:\Users\Amar\Desktop\mojaGalerija\Minox Music Box 2013" ofd.Multiselect = True ofd.ShowDialog() For I As Integer = 0 To ofd.FileNames.Count - 1 PlayList1.Items.Add(ofd.FileNames(I)) 'it shows the url adress of files PlayList2.Items.Add(ofd.SafeFileNames(I)) 'it shows the file names Next If PlayList1.Items.Count = 0 = True Then MsgBox("Now Files to play !!!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "FILE ERROR !!") else PlayList1.SelectedIndex = 0 PlayList2.SelectedIndex = 0 End If 'If PlayList2.Selected Index Changed , PlayList1.SelectedIndex Changed To PlayList1.SelectedIndex = PlayList2.SelectedIndex 'Deploying Timer1_ContiniousPlay sequence XinoxPlayer.stretchToFit = True If continiousPlay.Checked = True Then If XinoxPlayer.playState = WMPPlayState.wmppsPlay = True Then 'nothing If PlayList2.SelectedIndex > PlayList2.Items.Count - 1 = True Then 'reset the selectedIndex to 0 PlayList2.SelectedIndex = 0 ElseIf XinoxPlayer.playState = WMPPlayState.wmppsStop = True Then PlayList1.SelectedIndex = PlayList1.SelectedIndex + 1 PlayList2.SelectedIndex = PlayList2.SelectedIndex + 1 XinoxPlayer.URL = PlayList1.SelectedItem End If End If 'deploying playSequenc_Play selected file in playlist If PlayList1.Items.Count = 0 = True Then MsgBox("Nothing to play . . .", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Nothing to play") Else MediaPlayer.URL = PlayList1.SelecetedItem End If 'deploying FullViewMode for XinoxPlayer If btn_Full.Text = "Full" Then XinoxPlayer.uiMode = "Full" btn_Full.Text = "None" else XinoxPlayer.uiMode = "none" btn_Full.Text = "Full" 'deploying Form1_Load event for XinoxPlayer uiMode: setting to "none" XinoxPlayer.uiMode = "none"

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