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ArMa5 Alliance - School of Wonders III (Final Version)

A large country mansion, converted from an old monastery on the time of the Visigoth kings, and formerly the residence of a Roman lord, this relatively small alliance is full of activity, because it makes the school work for Red Hood and apprentices. Directed by the mighty, and formerly welltraveled and fearless, Archmage Senectin of Mercere, School Wonderland is a place amid the squabbles of the Iberian Kingdoms, seeks to guarantee an education to future members of the Court and even dreams of becoming a convert their partnership in the center of a sort of "universities" tight. At his side has a calmer Antoleo of Bonisagus, Archmage too, and Sekumet Bjorner, African and knowledgeable magician strange secrets of their region and Bjornaer House. Both put up with being House and cumulative influence they may discover and teach important skills to their students and themselves. Together they lead to several teachers and Wizards both as specialists and some other characters. Issues flourishing academic life seem to attract new winds. The care Mercere the coffers and the library is full, proud of the project and also pleased to be allowed to educate their members and "apprentice". Casas also provide other media and data, given the quality of Library and prestige of its members. Although dwell too strange secrets beneath its foundations. The Roman residence guarded compound and strange design, very large stones that are part of so-called foundation. Sometimes you can cross a Regio, in which dwells a giant, Rodo, descendant of Helios, the sun god, and Hyperion, Titan and father of the former lord of the lights and the sky before the Titanomachy. In His "temple" formerly taught the arts of divination and control the fire and many other arts attributed to such a distinguished lineage. But she was born into a period of decline, and is the only current depository Regio. Know that the school is built on top for that reason, and no grudge against the magicians, his powers seem to have avoided the destruction of the regions, but would like a little more deference. He has a family closely linked to the heavens and light, although not known how to get them, but he suspects that together can give mortals a wisdom and amazing powers. Despite the academic interest, or rather because of them, the alliance has several opponents, a set of wizards Jerbiton believe that culture and education can not and should be restricted to those for which the command depends. It's not the house, but they are enough and decided to compete for resources required for its own projects, but always within the framework of the debate and the political game, always within the Hermetic Code. More problematic and less "civilized" are Strange Magic groups that seem to have gained interest in the Alliance. One is a group of witches fairy servants, called "Filhas do Raio" which have their dens in the region of Galicia, and follow the dictates of certain fairies, in that it includes finding Rodo and give it to her faerie overlord , a successor Galician Jupiter. Another is the group of sorcerers from lawyers the Al-Andalus , Which seem quite upset with the removal of certain documents that require to himself. H istory The history of the partnership can be separated into two points, as has just the book De Mirabile Schola, a book that contains the founding act and the sum of the editors of the acts and events of the alliance since its foundation, plus a host of useful information . There are several notes of the history of Alliance in other texts Alliance , With extensive Roman testimony today rescued from the foundation, but this is inaccurate to making clear who were the first inhabitants mysterious. The vetones were like in other regions near the largest tribe, and sometimes came to this place, which was a sanctuary, but the priests or the like humans are unknown, unless they were really giants Rodo ancestors, the current inhabitant of that regions that is what remains of such ancient place. With the Roman invasion, and after numerous campaigns, a noble Roman family became administrator of the region, with a strength close to the then territory of the Lusitanians. Next to the residence remained the sanctuary, apparently hidden by the Cult of Mercury which makes him one of their secret meeting places, and Fulgida Roman family, owner, and certainly part of your organization in Iberia.

The sanctuary had a lot of activity until the arrival of Attila; moment when during the siege of nearby Helmantia (Roman city near the site of present Salamanca) is destroyed, several of the supernatural inhabitants destroyed and members of the Cult of Mercury dispersed or destroyed during the clashes. Rodo born shortly before all this. Some time later a Benedictine monastery was founded on the site of the old mansion, but did not expect the presence of magic aura, which is diminished, but not disappeared, but is repeatedly besieged during raids blackberries, and finally abandoned due to land problems between the emerging kingdoms Leon and Castile. Rodo is witness to all this, using his powers and knowledge to survive the growing strength of the mundane and the Dominion. With Arab sorcerers and wizards battling robbers can not convince any to continue the worship or give you a hint because it lacks some of the skills that they could attract. Decides to withdraw most of the time the Regio. During expansion Flambeau Order Founder appeases the sorcerers of the area, recruiting, defeating or expelling them. Rodo looking combat with tight, only to be subject to spells. The Order "Conquest" its ruins and leaves a small alliance, dominated by Flambeau, but despite the aura there is hardly vis sources, and know the regions. The Alliance Fulguratis Libellus never out, and ends up being "charged" by Mercere House in one of the most flagrant cases Vis debt and men, that had been used for foreign magicians skirmishes, and excessive support the Christian kingdoms. Rodo agrees with the new wizards a better relationship, secret, but allow you to use their powers to Mercere living there, and because of his powers are only useful to the "Gifted" is continuing the custom of the available Praeco of his laboratory in the regions receiving Rodo knowledge. 40 years ago Antoleo magicians, and Sekumet Senection reach the alliance, as Senection obligation to his house to serve as Praeco, and given the resources and time they spend on growing the alliance, accepted reform Alliance , Arising Mirabile Schola, or The School Wonderland for the Redcap that come and go. Part of the resources that bring the founders magicians magicians attracts the wrath of strangers, whose treasure taken during his African background. To make matters worse, North faerie witches are attracted and want to marry his master Faerie with Rodo. Within Order , The new course taken by the school displeases Jerbiton Society dedicated to liberal arts education, accompanied by philosophy, not Culture Magic , For all and not just for the servants and companions the Order. A political danger, perhaps more annoying, but that complicates things. Maybe even a curse on the alliance to squabbles make the fall back again. D escription F HYSICAL and E nvironment The place around and have the alliance is a small plain surrounded by forests. Nearby is a lake with drinking water is the source of papyrus used for day to day the Alliance. About few streams coming from the mountains, and there is usually fish in spring, which is used to feed members the Alliance. The forest areas surrounding Alliance have small patched with Auras Aura Magic faerie independent (between 2 and 3), and can be possible to find Vis (remains of supernatural beings or even Vis sources, usually fixed and unusual, or Faerie origin). We try not to provoke the fairies, so that collection is not recommended. Interesting for hunting animals such as boars, foxes, hares and rabbits are common, like wolves. Squirrels, mice and birds are active seasonally, but do not attract human hunters. Berries and other berries are common (again, some animals and plants have prominence to stop or produce Objects and Animals of Virtue, serving as Family or Vis). Buildings The Alliance consists of a series of small houses surrounding a large complex. Many of these small buildings are outbuildings and stables adobe houses inhabited and served by grogs, yet strong and have a high stone wall. When dropped military disuse Alliance whole structure was reused as a base defense for the houses. The new alliance Mercere was not that bad, and the new direction required to do in a more orderly. All these wall segments are made radially, and join a magical object that allows you to rearrange it in case of siege. In addition, each house has assigned guards, and visitors should be announced in each. Although there has been no case of siege, but it is clear that the houses suffer damage. There are some small orchards and farmland. Centered behind these wall segments scattered towers starting to be common Magos and

warehouses. The stores, large plaster-covered tubular construction, food and tools saved from to almost mythical savings Vis the Alliance. The Vis possessing are guarded by wards and restricted step servants except the alliance extended Parma Magica having a Wizard or Magi themselves in need and obtain permission Vis. The Towers of the Magi are executed through a Release Tablet with Ritual Spell "Wizard's Tower" (requires a quality roll Intelligence + Finesse to personalize the structure of Tower ) Either by the Wizard who will reside or otherwise. They are placed as needed by the Magician, and if you leave reused by another or change their function depending on the need of Alliance (Hosting building, warehouse or construction material). In the center of this area are the buildings that are the heart of Alliance : The School , The Temple of the Sun and the Old Mansion. The School is reconstructed ancient monastery, with Library of Alliance study rooms in addition to Instruction. The Study rooms are varied, and allow attend classes or study on their own (the shape of rooms has explanation below). It has a functional scriptorium has both permanent workers and space for copy books for visitors and residents. There is no rule that prevents copying texts for personal use, but are usually asked to write or submit a copy of related stuff later. The Old Mansion is the place where you are the nerve centers of Alliance : From the praefactus Sancta, the Archive Mayor (where you save part of the most important resources for research, see below) and Enchanted Items and product texts Laboratory Research , And most importantly, access to Reggio rolled, and the laboratory Praeco. The Temple keeps materials studied or translated yet but known serve to achieve the development of magic to break the Lunar Limit, which is the aim of Alliance In addition to a center portion power and source of Vis the Alliance. The Temple was transported from a remote part of Egypt by the "founders" of the Alliance. Magic Resources The reputation of the "new starters" has brought prosperity to House , Always with much Vis from bonds and Order as a whole to achieve its goal. Most supernatural resources come from both the new orientation House , But there are still resources and time and even Mercere House Original Foundation. The Temple of the Sun and the remains of Roman House Bindings are Magical. The reconstruction was followed with rescued Mystics secrets of the Chaldeans and Egyptians (Hermetic Architecture). Some Enchanted Items Spells and developed with laboratory texts count as source points for the field forward and Incorporating Research Celestial Magic (See Below). A large number of objects and supernatural sources must be investigated and it is translated to school! The Reggio Rodo has more sources of Vis. Are collected at certain times certain types of Vis, but asks in return favors, but since the Praeco has his lab there, usually share what, although not used as it is collected. They produce 8 pawns and 2 Vis Vis Ignem Intellego year, 2 Aquamarine Vis at the start of Autumn, Winter Terram 2, and 2 in Spring Auram. Thanks to magical practices Alliance The Aura Alliance has reached 5, and Rodo Reggio Aura has a 6. Calculating that you live comfortably with Vis there is always work from the redcaps and research support, but without it, there would be too many sources of Vis. One such source was fortuitous and fortunate outcome of a previous project Senection. His attempt to create useful magical creatures led to a kind of plague that almost destroyed all written material the Alliance. Trying create silk worms delighted to increase resources Alliance , Caused the appearance of a species of moths. First are a kind of worm that consumes entire books within days (regardless of the material), and then transformed into a moth that causes hallucinations in those next. Cautiously he collects Vis of these creatures, getting rid of all outdated text that requires as food of these creatures. His shelter is a narrow tower outside, away from any written source and surrounded by a circle to keep these creatures inside. The larvae produce about 4 pawns Vis I, six laborers buds Muto, the wings of moths he collects 4 Mentem Vis and Vis Animal assembly 7. Population Alliance The population of Alliance consists of a hodgepodge of Leon, Castile and Mozarabic, now almost entirely all redcaps also have an ancestor and the most capable of them are chosen to continue the tradition. There are people in the mountainous area to the south that may be descendants of the relatives and ancestors of Rodo, possessing "Giant Blood" or "Blood Magic", they seem to retain features Celtic, but are not very common, there have been a lot of hodgepodge and much

migration. The first wizards Alliance of Fulguratis Libellus tried unsuccessfully to maintain a line with features of giant booster as warriors. The Alliance has acquired a mixed population, with visitors who occasionally leave traces of other populations of Iberian or Mediterranean kingdoms, including people from beyond the Pyrenees. The Alliance and population are the same. It is common among the natives have Arcane and Educated Culture, casual result of the interaction with the residents and visitors of Alliance As well as the potential and Redcap. For day to day of all good Christians as people prefer to attend the nearby Cathedral of Salamanca when daily chores allow. On the streets of the city they change Objects Loaded and tricks (enchanted objects with long durations) for money from those who can afford it. It has competition from other academic and popular witches, but that helps conceal and anus against incurring a penalty. Although selling a Enchanted Object problem is not excessive, it must be done with caution. It is not very common, and the sale should always be performed by a Redcap. The merit is after all participants Magos, both Redcap, and creators. The main source of wealth Alliance is the creation of custom objects and books in addition to training and Academic Magic, besides Research , But only in the Order. C and T ultura radiciones The Alliance has been on many things, is constantly changing. Before Order was temple gods both natives of those regions as the Greco-Roman gods, Roman residence, and at the same time as mystical place followed by the Cult of Mercury, was a monastery briefly, because of the negligence of the rulers, to end up being alliance war first and subtly, then a mere "cantina" in the less busy after the Camino de Santiago, to finish school and be a place dedicated to the research and discovery. Of the various changes the inhabitants of Alliance try to create as much as possible, the most in the least time possible, and thanks to the expertise of leaders Alliance due to his many travels, are achieving. But it is also due to the legacies of earlier forms of Alliance at different times. For example, the Vis is given in a way remotely like how to assess the behavior of the Magi of the Court of Thebes, where the current leaders went and learned a lot. The common good of the target Alliance is more important than other issues. From pre-Hermetic magic has resources and a supernatural ally. From his time as a monastery retained some structures and a comfortable solitude, a lonely road and a lack of foreign interest. From his time as Alliance battle and advance a well-established organizational structure that allows for accurate and opening 4 Magicians (praefactus) and 8 No Gifted (propugnatoris) to hold power, the second control day only, and the ultimate goals the first intermediate and other functions, besides possessing pactionis for visitors, even serving to accelerate resident status in court. All this was concocted by the original Flambeau Fulguratis Libellus, who wanted to establish a form of military organization similar to the incipient in nearby cities in structure, while maintaining certain modes of the Roman Legions. The modes Mercere softened but continued with this structure, tinged with his understanding of things to communication and logistics. Senection Antoleo and they do now, plus modes influenced the universities run by the teachers, but applied to studies of Magic , Hermetic and The Natural In addition to information and Dead Languages Ancient Cultures and Geography. To meet such lofty goals has been to ask the pactio, special employment contract that binds the contract with the Alliance. If previously the Court has so requested, admission rests it if a Mage in the court, and from the time of House Mercere this applies also to redcaps. The duration and characteristics of the various pactionis differ, but sets a half year service Vis reciprocated by the Magi, and enchanted items Longevity Rituals as well as education for redcaps, and for those who are neither one thing nor another , salary and the chance to reach the degree of Redcap after 15 years of service after being performing the duties assigned tasks normally Type or Professor. The Magi are space and salary, but not anything extraordinary without supporting the Alliance. East support are met: Deliver Vis a Alliance (Or about Vim Vis which could result in his lab for two stations or Vis that is valuable for the alliance, Intellego, I think, Corpus and Mentem are appreciated). Teaching for two seasons redcaps and other spectators on matters within its specialty. Assist in the Laboratory to praefactus or those conducting projects under continue with the objective of the Alliance.

To serve redcaps or Specialists Alliance in their work without having been required by a superior. Deliver Laboratory Texts or self-created books and original. But these examples are merely indicative. Overall obey praefactus and improve on the way magic can be enough to be a generally well accepted member. Part of them is an education, including part of the praefactus if you can. Being praefactus has immediate power load, but also great responsibility. To become one of them has to have helped significantly to Alliance , Or a simple power station Vis contribute more that another praefactus, besides winning some decisive test for all other praefactus (A theme to decide, but can range from a dialectical confrontation in a showdown Magic Debate on Competition between the claimant and the defender, or anything else). This confrontation takes place during the renovation of A egis, as the renewal of pactionis that serve as record for those who simply want to lecture Vis change without renouncing their alliance, and after all that receive the unanimous support of the other praefactus. The addition praefactus cooperate together and support Alliance keeping the research work and study in vogue. Also can not leave Alliance at any time, which other members can. The praefactus are currently Senection, Antoleo, Mark Lysander Urganda Mercere and Ex Miscellanea. Mark is an Assistant Senection and achieved the post recently held the post Sekumet but his enigmatic personality belies interest in the position. The propugnatoris are direct reports of praefactus, and three are supervisors transit and redcaps needs, and five residents. Before the proportion was reversed. The position is elected in assemblies, with a show of hands every five years. The propugnatoris just can veto candidates, but do not need to be renewed every five years, only tests the ability and desire of certain candidates. To give or receive classes students must have certain concerns, including the extension of the Parma Magica may not suffer a penalty to Experience. The Study rooms (see above) are common, so it is common to simply magicians Study books (or more rarely Vis) extend their Parmas them at the request of students or teachers. This is not considered a service, unless he engages the teacher or exclusively to assist in the class (copying and annotating). The bond Vis a book Redcap or external student (minor wizards, scholars and visiting scholars) that are delivered as standard are sufficient incentive for this favor. The Magic and Culture Studies using Egyptian require understanding (Language Life and really difficult to know well), Greek and Semitic languages, which are more accessible to students of Arab and Sephardic, or knowledge. They are wise in these matters with open arms, as well as to anyone who can provide elements to avoid these limits, such as magical items, relics and spells or translations of important texts. Also maps and traveler testimonies are taken into account. M agi Senection of Mercere Age: 138 (Apparent 67) Treatment of Personality: Determined to Find useful magic +3 (search), Friendly +1, Standing -1. Antoleo can be proud of its progress, but Senection is a black sheep in his house or was before coming to achieve the degree of Praeco, Archmage and degree of favor within Order into a whole. But that has not been free. At Redcap allowed to travel, and make the world your tool, helping to Order , The Magi Mercere are privileged to be sharing your gifts. He was not one nor the other. Adopted was an apprentice, and for a time he hid his Mentor, he and the House. When was discovered left until he could provide resources, looking for secrets in distant lands on pilgrimage Magicians helping other circumstances. His dream is to make travel easier, and it knows that the Stars may be helpful: coordinates either Ptolemaic or enable travel between Regios. Hence seek in eastern and travel ancient cities divine household doors and sky. Now is admired, but not live without pressure. Through education and incantations for redcaps can afford some comfort, but it is hard work. You do not want to worry her friend Antoleo. Antoleo of Bonisagus Age: 130 (Appears 98) Treatment of Personality: Curious +3, +3 Scholar, Fascinated Old Magic +3 (Selector). Ideologue of much of the philosophy and projects the Schola , Along with Antoleo, devouring whatever knowledge he could find, started decades ago and made trips, which took the first steps to your dream: Breaking the Limit Lunar. This sought wisdom of the oldest most famous astrologers and magicians. And amassed a plethora of possible sources of knowledge for that

break. Joining pieces is very close to it: Chaldean Magic, Solar Knowledge Egyptians Hyperion Lineage many worldwide expertise to help ... just want to know, but is aware of its limits, prefers to help the next generation. Not convinced that his dreams match those of its sponsors, but this does not seem to influence his friend Senection. Teach and help find new and powerful magic to others is great for him. Sekumet of Bjornaer Age: 58 (Apparent 37) Treatment of Personality: Intrepid traveler +3 (Seeker), Predatory +2, +2 Enigmatic Found as a young Endowed, this Ethiopian called the attention of two magicians Review (Senection and Antoleo) that began in Order But it rather than follow the path of one or scholarship support Order another, found its way into the magic of Bjornaer, which has a strange coincidence with its own tradition, as found in a pagan cult in Order their destination. The Forest Jackets chose it soon, but took longer to be aware and be happy with the knowledge of her sisters. But even feels a great debt, and that helps in the discovery of ancient magic, spectacular reaching knowledge, and at its discretion the treasures for Worship or Magi teaches to others. Is aware of the power of the Wizards called Exotic, making it the most suspicious of those who do not understand, they are too far away from your home, and know well to warn so. The Beast Within is a lioness, which corresponds to the gregarious form and still be wild, so sometimes prefers to show, before his dark complexion. Their customs are alien to Muslims and Christians, so the Magi and the Natural World are their natural environment. O ther H inhabitants' of A Lianza Rodo, la Giganta Magic Power: 30 (Ignem) Features: +6 Strength, Vitality +3, Speed -1, +2 Dexterity, +2 Presence, Intelligence +2, Perception +2, +3 Communication Size: +3 Age: 837 years Confidence rating: 1 (3) Virtues and Flaws: Human Magic (G), Large (m), Culture Arcana (m), Master Magic (M), Educated (m), Good Teacher (m), Warrior (m), Affinity Ignem (m), Blood Magic (Spirit / Sensitivity Magic) (m), Supernatural Being Plagued by (M, Hi), Snoopy (m), Determined / Lost Inheritance of his lineage (M), Spontaneous Weak Magic (M). Magical Qualities and inferiority: (Mandatory)-Appearance Monstrous, Susceptible to Deprivation (m), Spontaneous Hard Magic (m), Gifted (M), Giant (M), Focused Power (M) X2, Ritual Power (M) x3, Virtue Mayor / Immunity to Fire (M), Virtue Minor / access Regio on the Horizon at Dawn (m), Immune to dazzling (m), Enhanced Attributes (m) x7, Low Defect / Defect Essentials (Giganta) (m) Virtue Minor - Liberal Arts Affinity (m), Infamous (m). Personality Traits: Reconstructing the Celestial powers +6, Snoopy +3, +2 Warm, Giganta * +3. Reputation: evil Giganta (Local in the environment Alliance ) +4, Knew the magic of the Age (Hermetic) +1 Combat: Spears: Initiative -1, +8 Attack, +3 Defense, Damage +11. Throws: Initiative +1, +8 Attack, +3 Defense, Damage +11. Grab: -1 Initiative, Attack +6, Defense +3, Damage - Not applicable. Dodge: -1 Initiative, Attack - not applicable, Defense +3, Damage - Not applicable. Absorption: +3 (+7 against heat and cold, +4 against blows by humans and their own powers), +10 in armor hunting (sometimes +14 against certain powers or spells that fall in the form of Ignem or +11 if body fight against relatively human beings). Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious Wound penalties: -1 (1-8), -3 (9-17), -5 (18-26), Incapacitated (27-35), Dead (+36) Skills: Sensitivity Magic (Wizards) 5, Caution (scan) 3, Brawl (Holding) 3, Thrown (spear) 3, Single Weapon (Spear) 3 Magical Culture (Hyperion Lineage) 5, Culture of Iberia (Bridges Alba) 4 Culture Hellas (Traces of the Titans) 3, Culture Gaul (Hot Springs) 3 Magical Theory (Vis) 3 Penetration (Ignem) 2 Faerie Culture (Jovis) 2, Culture Order Hermes (Teaching) 3, Culture (the Cult of Mercury) Mercurial (annual rituals) 2, Culture (the Cult) Hyperion (Rituals) 4, Latin (Magi)

4, Celtic (veton) 5, Castilian (Pastors) 3 , Greek (Ancient) 4 Liberal Arts * (Astronomy) 5, Teaching (Magi) 4. Arts: I 5, Rego 4 Intellego 5, Corpus 4 Ignem * (154) 17 May Vim. Powers: Lady Points of Light Variables, Rapidity -1 Initiative - Power Points: Duplicate any spell ritual not belonging to the light no more (Focused Power X2) Names of Power Grant Initiative 5 points -13, Vim R: Touch, D: Momentary, O: Single, Ritual Grants a Gifted Virtue Names of Power, which can be either permanently or for a time, if permanent cost is subtracted from your total score Power. Summoning Magic Grant Initiative 20 points -23, Vim R: Touch, D: Momentary, O: Single, Ritual Gives a person who possesses the ability to use Don Magic Invocation. Rodo can grant it permanently, reversing permanent power points or just for a while. Team: wool and cotton clothing, ceremonial clothing, gold ritual elements, several head of cattle, copies of songs from his temple. When out hunting bears and leather armor bronze archaic style, with spears that used to defend and hunt. Load: 0 Vis: Vis 2 points Intellego in osjos, 2 Ignem in Corpus hair and 2 in the heart. Appearance: Being a giantess of considerable size, highlights much supernatural nature. However, his brown skin, and her golden hair makes it beautiful. If hunting out as an old warrior mythical times. If you are a priestess in the temple solemn. She is heir to a lineage that connects with Gods and Giants, but having been raised during the times of the Cult of Mercury, the original magic the perceived ancient Greco-Roman features. Actually, it has links to various and scattered solar gods, Celtic cutting, although it seems that she ignores it or not it poses. It is also easy to reach the conclusion that the wizarding world is not easily understood by mortals, even to the Magi. Features of the Alliance Level: Medium Points of Construction: 1230 Hooks: Upper (M), House Mercere (M), Tradition Exotic (M), School, Salary Vis (m), Rivals (m) Opportunity: Hidden Resource (m), Alliance Dedicated (M), Wealth (m) Mystic Ally (M-Rodo), Settlers Lawyers (m), Aura (m x2) Mystic Portal (Reggio Rodo) (M) Library: [609 Points of Creation] [Arts, Arcane and Supernatural] Principias of Antoleo (15 Summas used to start at the bases of the Arts to beginners Magi, written by Antoleo and an important part of Library ) (Level 5, Quality 15, Latin) [300 points of Creation] Metamorphosis (Summa Culture Level 3 Magic, Summa Level 3 of Culture Faerie; rating 8, in Latin written by Ovid) [40 Points of Creation] Eastern Mysteries (2 Tractatus Culture Quality Magic 9 written by Antoleo) [18 points of Creation] Betilii (Summa of Culture Magic level 4, grade 6; Summa in Terram Level 14, Quality 8 Vim tractatus quality 7) [41 Points of Creation] Astrology (Summa Divination and Augury Level 3, Quality 7 Intellego Level 12 quality 10 quality tractatus Penetration 7; author unknown, translated by Senection and Antoleo) [added 48 points] [General and Academic] The Bible (Summa Christian Theology Level 10, Quality 3; Summa Culture Church Level 3, Quality 3) [45 points of Creation] Elementa (Summa in Liberal Arts Level 4, Quality 8 Euclid In Senection) [20 points of Creation] The Source Life (Summa of Philosophy Level 4, Quality 10; Written by Avicebron, are relatively corrupt) [22 points of Creation] Librii Almagesti (Summa in Liberal Arts Level 5, Quality 6, 13 books written by Ptolemy, translated Latin version in Toledo) [21 points of Creation] Travel East (Summa Levante Court Culture Level 4, Summa Egyptian Culture 4 Culture of

Babylon Tractatus Quality 10, written by Senection) [54 points of Creation] Laboratory Text: [76] Toth and Sesati Blessing (CrHe Spell Level 25) [5 Points of Creation] Ear to the Distant Bells (Inim Spell Level 15) [3 Points of Creation] Blessing of the Sage (Level 55 Spell crme) [11 Points of Creation] Links Stone (Spell of Inter Level 20) [4 Points of Creation] Alchemist Eye (Spell of Inter Level 25) [5 Points of Creation] Well Paved The Way (Spell Challenge Level 10) [2 Points of Creation] Magical Weight Accounts (InVi Spell Level 5) (1 Point Creation) Feel Nature Vis (InVi Spell Level 5) (1 Point Creation) Comparison of Fixed Stars (InVim Spell Level 15) [3 Points of Creation] Witness the Old Ritual (InVi Spell Level 35) [7 Points of Creation] Sastre Magic (MuVi Spell Level 30) [6 Points of Creation] Hungry Wizard Potion (Effect of Object Loaded InVi 10) [2 Points added] Hungry Wizard Mask (InVi Minor Object Effect Level 15) [3 Points of Creation] Well Paved Road Boots (Minor Object Effect Level 13) [3 Points of Creation] Well Paved Road Cane (Rete Invested Object Effect Level 13) [3 Points of Creation] Vis notches (InVi Invested Object Effect Level 15) [3 Points of Creation] Vis colors (InVi Invested Object Effect Level 15) [3 Points of Creation] Hungry Eyes Magician (Invested Object Effect Level 15) [3 Points of Creation] Pawns and Queens (CRIM Invested Object Effect Level 18) [4 Points of Creation] Colors of the Rainbow (MuIm Invested Object Effect Level 18) [4 Points of Creation] Magic Items: [222] Red Hat Cane (Object Invested enchanted spell mentioned above) [60 Points of Creation X 3] Well Paved Road Boots (Rete Minor Object Effect Level 13) [6 Points of Creation x 4] Stronghold of Sages (Rete Mayor Object Effect Level 47) [18 Points of Creation] Specialists: [43] Student Joseph (Profession: Type 5) (5 Points) Mercere Thomas (Culture Levante 5) (5 Points) Jussuf Ibn Gabi (Paper 1 + 2 + Aramaic Teaching 7) (10 Points) Mercere Elijah (Communication 2 + 3 + Culture Teaching Magic 5) (10 Points) Abraham de Toledo (Communication 3 + 4 + Liberal Arts Teaching 6) (13 Points) Inhabitants: Members Alliance are mostly workers and employees of the Magi, the messengers and teachers. All have basic knowledge of Magic and are literate culture. Lake papyrus collect as first occupation when writing materials are required. Once every three years the ritual is performed to maintain the papyrus reeds. They write and understand some Latin, but require additional education to be competent scribes. Some have Fighting Skills, Hunting, Riding, Athletics and Care, and even leadership, but nothing that will become a defense or military force ready at all without the help of the Magi. Savings: 50 maravedis Cash Savings and Laboratory Equipment. Vis Sources: (250 Points Creation) 7 Labourers Animal Vis the Year (Enchanted moth eggs). Vis eight pawns Ignem the Year (3 points of Ashes summer Rituals & 5 Points in Formal Brightness of the Sun in the regions). 2 laborers Intellego Vis (Take the form of within the Sanctuary Candles Rodo) 2 laborers Auram Vis (Ashes resulting from a purification ritual spring Rodo Sanctuary) 2 Vis laborers Terram (ash resulting from a purification ritual Fall at the Shrine of Rodo) 2 laborers Aquamarine (Ashes resulting from a purification ritual Winter at the Shrine of Rodo) 4 laborers Vis I (moth eggs, careful to leave without removing the Vis or unused) 6 Vis laborers Muto (moth cocoons a wet silk viscossa) 4 Points of Vis Mentem (Wings of Moths, in high concentrations can cause hallucinations) 7 Labourers Animal Vis (Several pieces of moths and worms) Vis laborers Perdomo 2 (*) 2 Rego Vis laborers (*)

2 laborers Herbam Vis (*) 2 pawns Vim Vis (*) 2 laborers Imaginem Vis (*) (* All this is provided by Vis Order , Mercere House and the Court, varies, and generally are substitutes, can be exchanged and added, instead of 2 and 2 or 3 and 1, and so on). Vis Reservations: (35 Points of Creation) 12 Points of Vis Animal 10 Points of Vis Aquamarine 10 Points of Vis Auram 10 Points of Vis Corpus 12 Points of Vis I 10 Points of Vis Herbam 10 Points of Vis Imaginem Vis 18 points Ignem 12 Points of Vis Intellego 13 Points of Vis Mentem 12 Points of Vis Muto 10 Points of Vis Perdomo 10 Points of Vis Rego 10 Points of Vis Terram 12 Points of Vis Vim (The shape Vis stocks generally have a variable shape, since it is stored and recorded often, from Alliance can keep its shape and assume that is conveniently displayed on sources collected). Integration Project: Chaldean Magic The Progress in Magical Theory looking to get the Magi Alliance is to break the limit Sub-Lunar, and for this claim (rightly or wrongly) use Magic What possessed the ancient Chaldean astronomers Priests, also known as Babylon. They could foresee the future, draw power from the stars and create buildings magically enhanced. They saw the stars, planets and constellations as expressions of different Gods, and using seemingly strange forms of invocation and tie, get contact with them. According to the theories of Antoleo and Senection, this magic was not simple invocation or worship, if not requiring largely beyond the limit of the Mundane and extrapolate to Earth. By suspect this Sub-Limit breaking Lunar could be integrated faster transportation methods, partially transcend the use of arcane connections and better control certain supernatural forces (auras, the other world and the Twilight, etc.) in addition to attracting Daemones correspond to the stars, planets and other. It appears that the ancient Egyptians mastered these techniques in ancient times, either by influence or Chaldean Priests learning, but dominated better influence across the boundaries of the Realms (As shown in the Book of the Dead) and astrological knowledge and mystical. Part of all the skills of the Chaldeans are already integrated into Hermetic Magic In some lineages and in enough mystery cults. Virtues as Hermetic Alchemy , Planetary Magic , Philosophical Alchemy , The Periaptos, Astrology and Divination Method, Hermetic Architecture , Celestial Magic , the Synthemata and other Spiritual Mysteries theurgic and integrated basic and generic theories of Priests Chaldeans and other ancient sorcerers. So a magician who owns one of these Mysteries ovaries can add +1 (one at a three virtues minors) or +3 (several minor virtues and at least one more) in their run of Understanding to bring you to this magic. Both the Chaldeans and the Egyptians knew Magical diverse skills comparable to the Hermetic Arts, which are now largely lost. In themselves these skills are essential not just for the existence of the Hermetic Arts. They invoked various planetary figures (9 major gods comparable techniques) through the zodiacal Signs (The 12 Forms). However they were the ways in which mixed these capabilities through the thoroughness of the Celestial Cycles measures which allow performing magic with it. This was Chaldean Magic , That was the equivalent of Magica Theory , And yes you can "rediscover" through conventional methods which can be integrated in Ancient Magic Hermetic magic. Requires an Advance Hermetic 75, but instead is recreated this skill, also named as Hermetic Astrology or Authentic. This arcane ability to complete Innovation it will be available therefore to a rating of 5.

The skill has different uses: Independent, complementary Magical Theory and substitutes for Magical Theory him. In most all of them always requires two things: Using Matches Celestial Astronomy to search appropriate before taking advantage Arcane Ability and work in an appropriate place (ie a Magical Aura). More innovations are required to adapt this skill nonmagical Auras. In addition to its use, to learn this skill required to be versed in Liberal Arts to learn, like Magic Culture. This Arcane Skill can be learned by those who lack the Don, as as Parma Magica. Independent Applications: -Move between levels Regios Magic or the Magic Kingdom (As also Magical beings do, see Realm of Power Magic). -Perform Ceremonial Astrological Divination (such as is explained in The Mysteries Revised Edition) with a roll of Intelligence + Magic Chaldean / Hermetic Astrology, which has no penetration only. Uses sets with Magical Theory, in which case you make a successful Intelligence + Liberal Arts (Astronomy) against difficulty 6 + Magnitude total project for a Hermetic Astrology-Bonus to the activity of the station as with the Virtues and Planetary Magic Celestial Magic. -Create Astrological Spells with durations. -Create Periaptos. Uses unique, like sets requires a roll of Astronomy: -Create spells that serve for purposes of divination, this time allowing Penetration Effects can be either ceremonial or formulaic. -Create or Charms Spells like Arcane Architecture effects, affecting the Auras. In the case of an Enchantment, you split multiple anchors by Astrological principles. You can not create a mathematical purposes, these bases and effects belonging to other mysteries. -Create Objects loaded with Virtues Vis as Alchemy Hermetic Philosophy and Alchemy. -Create Ties (formulaic spells used to create connections Arcane objectives, requires a Birth Horoscope, see below). -Magic Astrological Daemones Theurgic with spirits of the Planets and others. Stability is a skill Arcana repeat. Specialties: Laboratory Uses concrete, divination, auras. * New Magic Guides: You can also use guides Realm of Power Magic and / or The Mysteries Revised Edition, use these new guidelines for your Magic. They are accessible both to acquire the skill as to discover or having points and Integration Innovation or by experiment. Base 30 Cre (Mu) Fri - You can align a Aura with a Planet, Star or Home. The objective must always be limits, and duration can never be permanent. If it is for this guide, you can imbue this effect in a magical object, but the object must be an object imbued that could fit in your lab and is part of the makers to create a magical aura a shackle, or you can set it to one in case you enchant one limit. Mechanical follow similar but Astrology hermetic architecture. Base 20 ReVi (Fo) - You can transport a target to the Magic Kingdom. The target can attempt to return completed duration. Is sent to an appropriate provinces. Objectives other than Magic Power can not be the target of this spell. General Re (In) Vi (Fo) - Create Atdaduras. Create a Connection You know a horoscope Arcana Nativity. Each version of this spell works only for a specific length and shape. Power Arcane Connection is equal to half level (Level + 2), and it always added the Duration Spell the Objective. Objectives other than Magic Power can not be the target of this spell. A ntagonistas: Problems Alliance with foreign sorcerers are for two different reasons, and two-way and also very different traditions. It is unlikely a union or covenant, but anything is possible if you have no city. The door to relationships with other wizards on better terms are possible using the appropriate weapons well. Filhas do Raio These witches call themselves "Filhas do Raio" and serve the pre Roman god NetOn. This appeared to a nun called Desideria that wandered and lost way of Santiago, and it was visited by NetOn, altering their faith and changing their devout worship of pagan sorceress. Founding faerie witch this tradition, seeking to please his master.

Why meddle against the Wizards? Because NetOn looking for something or rather someone from within its walls. A giantess, Rodo, which marry. This union would give the ability to leverage NetOn powers it as their own. The Filhas are mostly illiterate witches, but both its founder Desideria and some other pilgrim or nun literate conversation. They have the power to use spells and incantations to ward off fairies and lightning were moving with great speed through the air or the forests and to receive visions. Within Alliance Mages have an advantage, as has been seen, but plan to try to sabotage gradually Alliance from outside. We should attack their leaders to try to resolve the conflict, but his powers protect it really too much to ask without preparation, in addition to geographical distance (they are in Galicia, in Regio). Witches are all women, none has the gift, but there is a fifth of them being Mythical Companions, the leaders. Besides being NETON maintaining them close and active. Favored Skills: Evocation, Spell, Prestige, Transportation Sympathy Traits: (Positive) Lightning and Thunder, Dead, Robles, War, (Negative) Day, Birth, Cities Mythical Mate: Servant of the (Deity) (Special Supernatural Virtue) The character has been chosen by a powerful fey entity, a being of great power and made him his servant. This virtue makes you a special kind of character similar to the Hermetic magicians, a fellow Mythical, with each defect giving access to double Virtues possible. You can not choose the Don (and in this case nor any other United Supernatural Virtue) and must acquire the virtues and defects following compulsory. Requirements: Elected by ( Deity ) (Special free Virtue) Positive Trait Sympathy related Major Deity Acquire at least one faerie Power and Technique Spending 90 points chosen Supernatural abilities Experience in Faerie Culture and Leadership . Acquire Corruption least 3 points with under appropriate. Isis butler Wizards butler known as Isis are a class of elementary witches from Egypt, and whose origin dates back to some of the wizards court priest of the Pharaohs, heirs and apprentices of the secrets that allowed Isis to resurrect his brother-husband Osiris related to the most ancient and powerful lineages Egyptian Court. Since then they are in decline, but retain much of their powers. One of his initiation and learning resources, have powers on the facts and on supernatural beings related to these, and members with Don and without. Also reminiscent of Magic including the ability to enchant buildings, a variant of Mystical Architecture practicing even the Cult of Mercury, search Daemonica influence on your magic, conjure Vis Vim unlike his sorcery, Egyptian Underworld knowledge and influence and therefore it can provide clues to achieve the objectives of Alliance , But will not because the ancient temple that transported hermetic Alliance is but one of their sacred sites. Looking restore it but do not know how, its magic is not powerful enough to just do it again. A revenge poses are not bad either as an alternative, and are beginning to move it in that direction. Being the reason for this grudge that as tradition have lost the ability to learn to use the ability to revive and gather Magical beings Vis (The Elementary Art Technique of Refine) by subtracting the tempo, which contains precisely the Initiation Script (also be important for these initiations) for Fire Element (For Gifted not), Philosophical and Refinement Refinement theurgical (which is done below), so you have the ability to serve well for Chaldean Magic Incorporate the combination to Refining Fire (Philosophical and theurgic). Now try to use elementary and spirits with his magic, but only a quarter of all of them have this ability, but they are more than able to conjure Vis preserved. Arts and Skills Favoured: Invocation Philosophical Philosophical Control, Four Elementary Forms, Ceremony, and some have theurgic invocation and not only gifted Elemental Form. Only one or two have even Refinement Masters. Elemental Ceremony: These wizards can be used Ceremony to cooperate. With this they can combine their powers and use to achieve lasting effects. An effect made ceremonially allowed requires all the usual costs, but spending Fatigue Invocation and Control are shared but may recover without stop working in case of invocation. You can also extend the scope of powers, a number of times equal to the

number of participants (10 times more for each additional participant), and a spell of control may be extended by an amount of time equal to the number of participants (choose a duration of Magnitude equal to the number of participants if you want) or the type of target (similar). Remember that the target size usually increases the difficulty, but you can use freely the new duration or objective if you have a sufficient number of participants for any of them. [Here's a revised, refined and alliance terminadsima Hermetic my best so far. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. farewell for now your friend and neighbor Mario cyber] ArMa5 Alliance - School of Wonders II History The history of the partnership can be separated into two points, as has just the book De Mirabile Schola, a book that contains the founding act and the sum of the editors of the acts and events of the alliance since its foundation, plus a host of useful information . There are several notes of the history of the Alliance in other texts of the Alliance, with extensive testimony from the foundation Romans rescued today, but imprecise when clear who were the first inhabitants mysterious. The vetones were like in other regions near the largest tribe, and sometimes came to this place, which was a sanctuary, but the priests or the like humans are unknown, unless they were really giants Rodo ancestors, the current inhabitant of that regions that is what remains of such ancient place. With the Roman invasion, and after numerous campaigns, a noble Roman family became administrator of the region, with a strength close to the then territory of the Lusitanians. Next to the residence remained the sanctuary, apparently hidden by the Cult of Mercury which makes him one of their secret meeting places, and Fulgida Roman family, owner, and certainly part of your organization in Iberia. The sanctuary had a lot of activity until the arrival of Attila; moment when during the siege of nearby Helmantia (Roman city near the site of present Salamanca) is destroyed, several of the supernatural inhabitants destroyed and members of the Cult of Mercury dispersed or destroyed during the clashes. Rodo born shortly before all this. Some time later a Benedictine monastery was founded on the site of the old mansion, but did not expect the presence of magic aura, which is diminished, but not disappeared, but is repeatedly besieged during raids blackberries, and finally abandoned due to land problems between the emerging kingdoms Leon and Castile. Rodo is witness to all this, using his powers and knowledge to survive the growing strength of the mundane and the Dominion. With Arab sorcerers and wizards battling robbers can not convince any to continue the worship or give a hint because it lacks some of the skills that they could attract. Decides to withdraw most of the time the Regio. During the expansion of the Order Flambeau the Founder appeases the sorcerers of the area, recruiting, defeating or expelling them. Rodo looking combat with tight, only to be subject to spells. The Order "conquest" its ruins and leaves a small alliance, dominated by Flambeau, but despite the aura there is hardly vis sources, and know the regions. Libellus Fulguratis Alliance highlights never in short time and ends up being "charged" by the House Mercere one of the most flagrant cases Vis debt and men, that have been used for foreign magicians skirmishes, and excessive support the Christian kingdoms. Rodo agrees with the new wizards a better relationship, secret, but allow you to use their powers to Mercere living there, and because of his powers are only useful to the "Gifted" is continuing the custom of the available Praeco of his laboratory in the regions receiving Rodo knowledge. 40 years ago Antoleo magicians, and Sekumet Senection reach the alliance, as Senection obligation to exercise its Praeco House, and given the resources and time they spend on growing the Alliance, accepted a reform of the Alliance, arising Mirabile Schola, or School of Wonders for the Red Caps that come and go. Part of the resources that bring the founders magicians magicians attracts the wrath of strangers, whose treasure taken during his African background. To make matters worse, North faerie witches are attracted and want to marry his master Faerie with Rodo. In the Order, the new course taken by the school displeases Jerbiton Society dedicated to liberal arts education, accompanied by Philosophy, and Culture of Magic, for all and not just for the servants and companions of the Order. A political danger, perhaps more annoying, but that

complicates things. Maybe even a curse on the alliance to squabbles make the fall back again.

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